Before the Rains (2007) - full transcript

Malayalam-speaking T.K. Neelan, Rajat, Manas and his sister, Sajani, live in Kalpetta Township in Kerala, India, during the British Raj. As children they used to play in the woods where Manas and T.K. used to play Bhagwan Shri Ram and Shri Lakshman respectively, and rescue Sita (Sajani) from Lord Ravan's (Rajat) clutches. Now the year is 1937, all are grown up, while Manas is a laborer, Sajani is married to Rajat, and T.K. works for his British employer, Henry Moore, who lives there with his wife, Laura, and their son, Peter. Sajani is also employed as a maidservant in the Moore household. T.K.'s headmaster asks him to join the freedom movement and ask the British to quit India, but T.K. feels that India has made a lot of progress under the British rule and they should continue with this partnership. His headmaster cautions him that partnership is only between equals, but T.K. disregards this, and it is this attitude that will compel him to re-examine his way of thinking when he finds out that Henry is having a steamy affair with Sajani. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Sahib, we will have
to change course again.

This is going to be the damnedest...

crookedest road in the crown.

Oh, definitely. But it will
be here after the monsoon.

A straight road will slide away.

I think we'll have to name
this road after you, T.K.

Neelan Road. How does that sound?

Quite good.

Today tea, tomorrow cinnamon.

- Pepper.
- Cardamom.

That's for you, T.K.

A gift.

For me, sahib?

Thank you.

Thank you, sahib.

Good afternoon.

- What's this?
- I have bad news.

Oh, dear.

We're out of honey.

Well, we'll have to remedy this at once.

I love cows.

# I'm an old cowhand #

# From the Rio Grande #

- # But my legs ain't bowed #
- Don't like that song.

- # And my cheeks ain't tan #
- I don't like it.

# I'm a cowboy who never saw a cow #

# Never roped a steer
'cause I don't know how, come on #

# Sure ain't a-fixin' to start in now #

# Oh, yippy-yi-oh-kayay #

# Yippy-yi-oh-kayay #

No. Be careful.

More inside.


I think they like the pale skin.


When we are born, it's like this.

That's when the lines are formed.

This, this and this.

And all this.

For everyone it's different.

And then our lines cross
each other. Like this.

That is our destiny.


And when we live...

it tries to get everything...

all that it wants in the world...

to hold it and keep it tight.

And when we leave the world...

it's all gone.

It's finally open.

What was that?

Let's go.

How did we do today, T.K.?
Do we have enough men?

There are so many men eager to work.

They're calling it "The Road to the Sky."

Well, I hope you told them that
we're going to be naming it after you.


Sajani, you shouldn't be
walking home alone this late.

It'll be too dark.
T.K. will drive you back to the village.

If that's all right with you, T.K.

Why did Moores ask me
to drive you home?

How would I know?


It's none of your concern.

You can let me go now.

My English not very good.

Maybe you should practice more.

You bought it?

It was a gift.

From the sahib?

I visit everyone in family,

see what they have
and then decide where to have dinner.

Tonight, Rajat says
my sister is making avil.

I'll go home.

How are you?



Not good.

T.K., come.

Join me for a drink.

Thank you.

To our new road.

To the prosperity it will bring...

and to us...

men of the future.

Men of the future.

Thank you for taking Sajani back.

It was no trouble.

How are things in the village?

The village is the village.
Nothing ever changes.

All quiet, then?

Yes, sahib... Quiet.


The ferry gets in at three.
I'll be out well before then.


Good luck.

Shall we?

Good morning, Charles.

Henry, Henry!

- How goes the battle?
- We're in good shape.

Workers are all assembled...

- and we're ready to start.
- Good, good.

Now, you're absolutely
certain you want to do this?

Building a private road
is an enormous risk, you know.

The people at my bank
won't bat an eyelid...

about taking away your house
and your plantation.

What are they saying
about me at the bank?

They're saying you've been
too long in the jungle.

I know what I'm doing, Charles.

But it's the timing, Henry. India's changing.

Raj or no Raj, the demand for spice
will only continue to grow,

And you know that.

But how about the monsoon?

Are you sure your road will hold?

This road will hold.

- Hello.
- Hello.


Ah, headmaster...


You need not be so formal.

I was dismissed
from the school months ago.

Oh, I... I had not heard. I'm sorry, sir.

You see, many of your schoolmates
have joined in the cause.

An intelligent young man like you
can make a difference.

You seem to be managing
well without me, sir.

Your family has
a lot of influence in your village.

The villages of India... without their help...

we have absolutely no hope
of getting rid of the British.

And why should we be rid of them, sir?

Where was all this before they came?

With mutual cooperation
comes mutual prosperity.

Something your sahib taught you?

I wonder if he believes it himself.

Shall we go in and ask him?

Partnership requires equals, Mr. Neelan.

Remember that.

Why don't you come by tomorrow?

We're having a ceremony of sorts
to start the road.

You can see what we're doing.

- A ceremony?
- Yes, stay for supper. We can celebrate.

- Sounds good to me, Henry.
- I'll call you with the time.

- See you tomorrow, then.
- See you then.


- Peter!
- Papa!

My word, you've grown.

Look, Mummy brought a bath.

A tub.

- Well done, old girl.
- Better late than never.

- How was the trip?
- Lovely. Everyone says hello.

Grandfather was simply wretched.

- Peter.
- Well, he was.

He said Mummy and I should
come and live in London...

until you make some decent money.

- Did he? Well, pish posh.
- Indeed.

Still awaits my failure, does he?

With bated breath. Hell's bells, it's hot.

- Hello, T.K.!
- Hello, Peter.

- Hello, T.K.
- Hello, madam.

Did you take care of this one for me?

Yes, madam.

Then I am in your debt.

Ah, this one is for you.

- More books for you to devour.
- Thank you, madam.

T.K., has Sajani made her payasam?

Oh, he's been going on
about it since Southampton.

Well, perhaps you should ask her
when you get home, hmm?

Yes, we should go.

The road goes all the way up to here.

All that way? All by yourself?

Well, with T.K.'s help.



- Thank you, Sajani.
- Thank you, Sajani.

You're welcome.

But you simply must...

Madam's things have been
unpacked and put away.

I've also called for the workers
to put in the tub.


- They'll be here soon.
- Sajani.

Will there be anything else, sahib?

Stop it, please. You've made your point.

What do you want me to do?

I know this isn't easy.

I've risked everything. My honor, my life.

- I know.
- And what have you risked?

I love you.

You know that.

I want us to be together
more than anything.

Everything will be all right.

- What is it?
- Oh, I couldn't sleep, that's all.

You know Father renewed his offer.

I can pay for my own son's education.

- I know.
- And anyway...

I don't think he should be going
to Sherborne. It's a terrible school.

- I only mention it because you might...
- When we finish building this road,

we'll be making more money
than your father ever dreamed of.

I believe you.

Are you happy here?

Now that we have a tub.

I'm happy to be wherever you are.

Oh, dear.

I don't really understand
what they're doing.

Any venture this big must begin
with a blessing.

Why the coconuts?

When you break a coconut,
our mind is as pure as the white inside.

Oh! Bravo!

Sajani, you have truly taken such
good care of the house in my absence.

- Thank you.
- My pleasure, madam.

And your English is much improved.

T.K. and I, we only speak in English now.

That's how he wants it.

Good for you.

Mummy, look! A dragonfly!

Oh, isn't it lovely?

Sajani, aren't the dragonflies
considered sacred?

- Yes, madam.
- Why?

Because when we die...

our souls, our spirits...

they turn into dragonflies.

- Really?
- Yes.

Every person becomes a dragonfly.

Come on, Charles. Time for a drink.

I wish you could stay here with us.

But I have to go home.

Who will cook payasam
for my husband? Hmm?

Did you know they had
to impose martial law in Bengal?

- We heard.
- It's the Punjab all over again.

These attacks on the British,
mobs, random violence.

Yes, but Kerala...

Rex! Quiet!

Kerala is...

Well, Kerala is Kerala.

Kerala is calmer, thank God.

Are you absolutely certain...

that you'll be able to finish
before the monsoon?

Well, I'll have to, won't I?

You can bank on it.

I have.

Oh, I'll have to go and check on him.

He's usually very good. Excuse me.



Oh, my God.

What happened?

He... he found out.

Hold on to me.

Come on, come on.


Get some water.

- What happened?
- Get some water.

He did not think I would run.

Did he follow you?

No. I went to the river to hide.

There was no one there.

- Are you certain?
- Yes.

This is the first place he will come to look.

He does not know it was you.

I protected your name.

Her husband is not the only one
you have to worry about.

If the council learns
of what she has done...

Don't let them take me. They will kill me.

In one village, there was a woman...

They hanged her by her hair.

That won't happen.
I promise you, I won't let it.

Sahib... Sahib, if they find us here,
you will not be able to stop them.

They will come for her, they will come
for you. Even your family will not be safe.

Don't be ridiculous.

Don't worry.
We'll find somewhere to hide you.

And you will come with me, won't you?

Just rest now. Just rest.

Do... do you... do you see him?

No. Charles, you wouldn't mind
having a look, would you?

T.K., I need your help.

You have to get her away from here.

- I don't...
- T.K., please.

I cannot, sahib.
I cannot be involved in all this.

If the council finds out I've helped,
they will not spare...

Can this wait till morning?



T.K., you have
to get her away from here.

Please, for all our sakes.

Where would she go, sahib?

She has nothing.


Give her this.

And take whatever's in the cash box.



There you are.

We... we were beginning to think
a tiger had got you.

One of the horses got out.
Bloody latch came right off the gate.

- Oh. Everything fixed now?
- Yes, yes. T.K. is seeing to it.

- Let's go in.
- Oh, what... Are you all right?

I must've just cut myself.
I'm fine. Let's go in.

Peter's asleep.

Charles is snoring like a walrus...

and we are deliciously alone.

Damn, damn.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Oh, leave it.
Sajani can get it in the morning.

No, no. I should...

I should clean it up now. It's a mess.

He has not yet come?

Remember when we were small?

We used to play in these trees.

I used to pretend to be Sita...

captured by Ravana.

And you and Manas used to come
to save me with your valor.

We had swords made of palm leaves.

You both would take turns
to kill the bad Ravana.

And then we used to run into the jungle...

to eat the mangoes and jackfruits...

to celebrate our victory.

Where is he?

He's not coming.

What are you saying?

He wants you to go.

He would never send me away.

I know it. This is your idea.

This is what he gave me to give to you.

Not to stay, to go.

You're lying.

Why are you doing this, T.K.?

He... he really loves me.

- He loves his wife and child, Sajani.
- I'm not going.

You will raise the river
until all are drowned.

- You must go!
- No.

- You don't want to go?
- No.

I will take you to the village.
Let the council decide what to do with you.

No, please, T.K., no!

This was your choice.


What choice have I ever had?

Did I choose to marry that man?

Do you know what will happen if you stay?

Not just to you, but to Moores as well.

But if I go...

I will be alone.

And if you stay?

I will be an outcast.

You already are.

Rajat, what's this all about?

Just get us home.

You can go now, sir.

Thank you so much, officer.

T.K., you haven't seen Sajani, have you?

She hasn't come in today.


Perhaps she is ill, madam?

Well, yes, I suppose so.

Only you'd think...

Come. Never mind.

Is she all right? Where did you take her?

I put her on a boat... to the north.

Thank you, T.K.

Sahib, this is Manas, Sajani's brother.

Very good to meet you.

Is Sajani all right?
We've been awfully worried about her.

My... my sister is missing.

Missing? No.

You have not seen her?

Not since she left the night before last.

- Did she make it home all right?
- Yes.

And then what? She just vanished?

If you see her,
tell her... tell her to come to me.

Yes. Yes, of course. Anything we can do.

Well, where would she go?

I don't think we should interfere.

...temperatures in the east...

storm clouds over the mountains...

but still no sign of ra...

What are you doing here?

I was very careful. No one saw me.

I told you, Moores doesn't want you here.

- You are lying.
- You're going to get us all killed.

You only told all those things
to get rid of me.


I knew you didn't want me to leave...

Sajani, you shouldn't be here.

- It isn't safe for any of us.
- But you...

T.K. sent you away because I asked him to.

- What?
- I had to, to save your life.

- My life? Or your own?
- Sajani, please.

Please, please.

If you're found here,
it puts all our lives at risk.

Yours, mine, T.K.'s, my family's.

Now... you have to leave.

You don't mean it.


- I'm not leaving.
- Sajani.

Where are all your high words now?

All those big words of love?

We have no choice.

This is the only way.

Now, I'll make sure that you're cared for.

You'll have a new life.

You have to leave.

Do you love me?


Please... tell me.

Do you love me?


Sajani, stop. Please.



Sahib, please go.

S... sahib...

Please, make sure
no one has heard the noise.

Please go, sahib.

Please go.


Oh, you gave me a fright.

I'm sorry. Sorry.

What is it?

One of the horses has got out again,

So T.K. and I will have
to go and corral him.

Oh! I thought he fixed that latch.

No, no. Don't stay up. I could be a while.

Well, be careful.

We should not do this.

She has to be cremated.

You want to start a fire?

They'll be out looking for her.

You do not understand, sahib.

If we do not burn her,
her soul cannot go to the next I...

T.K., I do understand.

It's just not possible.

God rest...

T.K., what's... what's happening?
What's going on?

They are going to help
in the search for Sajani, sahib.

T.K., please, do something.
Use your influence.

We must let them go, sahib.



Finally, an inspector's
coming to call tomorrow.

What? What inspector?
When did he contact you?

I contacted him after
Sajani went missing.

- Laura...
- Typical of them to take this long.

You shouldn't have done that.

I really don't think it's our business to get
involved with something of this nature.

If you ask me, Henry,
when a girl goes missing...

it's everybody's business.

Papa? Will the inspector find Sajani?

Let's hope so, yeah.

So, she left as usual Tuesday night,
and you haven't seen her after that?

That's correct, yes.

We assumed her to be ill,
until her brother came

and told us that she was missing.

So you said. She walks to the village?


But I heard you asked your man
T.K. to drive her back.

- No.
- Well... well, yes, recently.

It was late.

Is she attractive?

Yes, very.

Well, I do wish we could be
of more help, inspector.

You've been very helpful, thank you.

I'll begin the search this afternoon.
Where is this village?

- Perhaps T.K. could show you.
- I'd prefer it if not.

- We're so busy...
- Please, darling.

There's so little we can do.

Yes, of course.

T.K. will assist you.

- Thank you, Mrs. Moores, Mr. Moores.
- Thank you.

...through the muslin.

Put the lid on...

and each of these
you should fill three-quarters.

Good morning, T.K.


A few of the men have come back.

It's not as bad as it looks.


Thank you. Thank you.

- Never, never let your gun...
- Never, never let your gun...

- pointed be at anyone.
- pointed be at anyone.

Nearly done.

Terrific job.

Can I help you?

This Rajat, Sajani's husband.

Peter, go back inside, please.

You... you have her things here, yes?

Her things?

T.K., what is this all about?

My... my sister...

They have found Sajani's body.

Oh, no.

- I'm sorry. I'm very, very sorry.
- I'm so sorry.

She was shot.

Oh, dear God.

They have come to gather
her things for her funeral.

Yes, of course.

We'll get them for you.

- No, no...
- Sahib...

You must let them in.

It is our custom.

It is their duty to collect her things.

This way.

If there's anything I can do...

I don't think you'll find
anything of Sajani's there.

- Daddy...
- Peter, please go back to your room.

- Henry, Henry...
- Laura...

That's enough!

Now, you may take Sajani's things...

but you may not examine my property.

Leave this house.

This is not your village. This is my home.

Now, you leave.

Papa, where is Sajani?

She's gone, Peter.

And she won't be coming back.

Is she... a dragonfly now?


Time for sleep, old man.

- He'll be all right.
- I can't believe this is happening.

Who would ever want to hurt Sajani?

I don't know. I don't know.

Did you see the way they looked at us?

Yes, well... a terrible thing has happened.

What was that, with her husband?
What was all that about?

You don't think that T.K. and Sajani...

No, no, no, no, of course not.

Look, it's in the hands
of the authorities now...

and there's nothing we can do.

Mr. Moores?

Come in, Henry.

What's he doing here, Charles?

- Do sit down.
- No, I'm fine, thank you.

I'm afraid I've got some rather bad news.

The bank has called in your loan.

What? That's absurd.
We're practically finished.

I know, I know. But the truth is...

that I can't advise the bank
to continue with this project...

the situation in the village being as it is.

I see.

Go on.


The girl worked for you, Henry.

She worked for you...

and she was killed with an English pistol.

What, and he thinks that I did it?

Or you do. You think that I did it, do you?

No. Frankly, I just wish
the whole bloody mess would go away,

Which it can if the culprit turns out
to be a member of the village.

Then... then it's purely
a tribal matter, isn't it?

The good inspector can step aside...

and I can recommit the bank's resources...

without fear of fanning a volatile situation.

Now, it's... it's been brought
to my attention...

that you gave your man a pistol.

An English pistol.

Was that the weapon
that killed the girl, Henry?


It's a tribal matter after all. So?

Of course it is a tribal matter.

I have suspected it all along.

Go back to bed, Laura.

Back to bed.

How can I sleep with all this going on?

I can't live like this, Henry.

- I really can't.
- Go back to bed.

This is all your doing, isn't it?

What? What are you talking about?

Everything's been so strange
since I got back.

Did you kill her?

And why would she do that, Henry?

Damn you!

Peter, go back to bed, please.

- Please?
- Do, darling.

Everything's all right.

What's going to happen to us?

What are they going to do to us?

We'll be safe.

They won't come after us.

How do you know that?

They think it was T.K.

Oh, Henry.

All ready, then?

Yes, but I don't want to go.

I know.

Be a good man and look after
Mummy for me, will you?

When are you coming home?

Not sure yet. But we'll see.

You'll send word when
you reach England, won't you?

- Have a safe journey.
- Bye.

- I'll write soon.
- Bye.

Good day, sahib.

Manas. What can I do for you?

I was wondering if you have
any work for me, sahib.

No, not right now. I'm sorry.

Your business has grown, sahib.

You need someone to help you.

Where's T.K.?



If you not kill him, our people will.

You will be outcast.

- T.K...
- No.

No, sahib.

See, sahib?

The road will hold, sahib.

The road will hold.

It will be here longer than you and I, sahib.

It is no longer ours.

It never was.

You must go,

You must go.

Subtitles by LeapinLar