Before the Rain (1994) - full transcript

The circularity of violence seen in a story that circles on itself. In Republic of Macedonia, during war in Bosnia, Christians hunt an ethnic Albanian girl who may have murdered one of their own. A young monk who's taken a vow of silence offers her protection. In London, a photographic editor who's pregnant needs to talk it out with her estranged husband and chooses a toney restaurant. She wants permanence with her lover, a prize-winning Macedonian photographer just back from Bosnia, changed by the violence. He leaves abruptly for his village; he's not visited it in 16 years. There he tries to ignore bitter divisions between his Orthodox brethren and local Albanians, then tries to transcend them. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
It’s going to rain.
The flies are biting.

Come on.

It’s time.

It’s already raining over there.

This conversation
is too one-sided, Kiril.

It smells of rain.

Thunder always gives me a jolt.

I fear they’ve begun
shooting here too.

Ninja Turtle! Kill him!

Hey, children.

Time never dies.
The circle is not round.

I nearly took a vow
of silence like you.

But this heavenly beauty
merits words.


God help us.

Good night, son.

God be with us.


Don’t hit me, please.

Don’t give me away.

Speak to me.
Are you mute?

You don’t speak Albanian.

I don’t speak Macedonian.


What are you doing here?

What is it?

A midnight stroll?
All right, I need a piss too.

Come on, Kiril.

What are you doing there?

I haven’t all night.

My name is Zamira.

You are good.


Thank you, Father.


– Well, Mitre?
– We’re looking for an Albanian girl.

She killed our brother.

God rest his soul.

God rest his soul.

The children say
she’s hiding here.

We’ve only had refugees
from Bosnia, Muslims.

We’re all equal in God’s eyes.

– Remember five centuries of Muslim rule?
– Father, you are one of us.

Give us the Albanian.
– There is no girl in my monastery.

– We’ll search it.
– No.

We must!

An eye for an eye.
Bad blood.

– Turn the other cheek.
– We have.

Wait outside.

Has anyone seen her?

No, Father.

I just want to know
if she’s here.

We would have told you
at once, Father.

Kitty, kitty.

Kitty, kitty.

No one?

Father Kiril.
Have you seen a girl here?

We would have told you.
It’s a sin.

So she’s not here,
is she, Father Kiril?

Have a look.

– God sees everything.
– Forgive us, Father.

Might is right.

We won’t do anything to you.

But when we find her,
she’ll be sorry.

We’ll cut her throat first, then –


– Tell me.

She’s not downstairs.

What’s upstairs?

Father Kiril’s cell.

Come on.

You shouldn’t do this, Mitre.

For your own good, Father.

Come on.

Stojan, make sure no one leaves.

There’s nothing here, children.

This is a sin.

An eye for an eye.
Albanian whore.

Stojan, under the bed.

We’ll find her,
even if she hides in America.


How dare you!

So you’re hiding a Muslim
in God’s house. Speak.

Kiril hasn’t spoken for two years.

He took a vow of silence.

Mute? Deaf, too?



I’ll wait for you outside.

“I am the dark pest!”

the woman was saying.

Oh, a bottle!

Give me the second one.
Give me the second one!

And you know what he says?

– Give me some brandy.
– I’ll slap you!

Look at that thing.

Trajce, the fool.

– Let’s get his gun.
– He’s crazy. He’ll shoot you.

Can I hold it?




Yea, though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death…

I will fear no evil…

for thou art with me.

Shame on you.

Deny thy father…

and refuse thy name.

Good luck to you both.

Thank you, Father.

Forgive me.

Kitty, kitty.

Kitty, kitty.

Shoot, cousin. Shoot.

We’ll go to my brother in Skopje.

He will help us.

Then to my uncle in London.

He’s a famous photographer.

I don’t understand you.

No one will find you.
No one.

You don’t understand me, do you?

No one.



Christian scum!


Where were you yesterday?

Answer me, you slut!

Did you go to the sheepfold again?

Did you kill the shepherd?

Answer me.

Did you kill him?

What the hell
were you doing there?

Blood calls for blood now.

You’ll start a war.

Did you forget
what I told you last time?

I never hit you. Never.

I locked you up in the house.

I cut your hair.

Should I shave it off?

Who is he?

He saved me, Grandpa. He hid me.

“He saved me, Grandpa.”

Whore! Slut!

– He loves me.

He loves you?

He loves me.

He loves you, eh?

Let’s see.

Let him go.

Let him go.


Clear off!

Clear off!



Come on. Go.


Sister, no!



I’m sorry.

Dirty weather!

Go fuck yourself!

I like you.

I’m looking for Aleksandar Kirkov.

I’m sorry, he’s just left.

Would you like to leave a message?

No message today.

Thank you.

Where are you calling from?

Look at our people.

The driver will see you smoking.

Don’t worry.
He’s my uncle. Have one.

– I gave up.
– Come on, relax.


– I’m off to a harvest. You?
– A baptism.



You’re joking.

My nephew.


How long since you were here?

Sixteen years.

I ran away 24 years ago.
I only came back once.

Can I?

Your wife?

She died…

in a taxi.


Why come back now?

Don’t you see
what’s going on here?

You’ll be sorry when
someone chops your head off.

I won’t. It’s about time.

Where are you going?

I’ll shoot.

You’ll hurt yourself.

Ah, you’re one of us.


Where to?
– To see Bojan.

Son of Trpe the publican.

Anyone at home?

Give it back.
They cost a lot.

Go home, you little shit.

My Uncle Mitre
will sort you out. I’ll tell him.

Tell him to suck my cock…


Good afternoon.

God be with you, mum.

Good afternoon.

Fucking hell.

It’s him.

– Look at his camera.
– It’s from Germany.


Hello, sir.

Quite a gun
you’ve got, big boy.

Can I touch it?


You can’t catch me.


Don’t do that, son.

Let the kid go.

Hit me, cousin.


You old bastard.

I didn’t recognize you.

A beard and a half.

Older too.

When did you get here?
– Last night.

– Where did you sleep?
– In my old bed.

I’ll wallop you.

You should have
slept at my house.

Alex, Pulitzer prize winner.

It’s been a hundred years.

Only 16.

Mitre? Is that you?


You took that from my nephew?

I should have smacked him.
Put it somewhere safe.

Here comes my wife, Neda.

Cheers and welcome.

Thank you.

– May we gather again next year.
– Can I say something?

Next year with a bride.

He’s got many brides in England.

Cousin, do you ever see Hana?

Forget about her.
She’s Albanian.

What does that matter?

Her father will cut your dick off.

She’s a widow now,
with a beautiful daughter.

Where have you seen her?

She hangs around the sheepfold.

Don’t be stingy.
Bring her over sometime.

Damn Albanians.
They breed like rabbits.

They’ll take us over.

No one’s taking over anything.

Cousin, have a cigarette.

No, thanks, Zdrave.
I’ve quit.

Come on. Take one!

No, Zdrave.

How long are you staying?

For good.

In that case, we’ll help you
to fix up your house.

Fix it?
Just look at their house.

Take a picture, Alex.


Hangover, yes.

Who are you?

I’ll come to you.

Are you Kate?

You never knew when to stop.

To stop or not to stop?
Full stop.




Still dreaming of Hana?


She’s a widow now.

I’m a divorcé.

And you?


I’m a schoolteacher.

Have you got anyone?

Sleep. You need it.

Good day.

Good day.

Where are you going?

To Hana’s.

Hana Halili.

Hana Halili? What for?

She’s my friend.

Friends, eh?

From school.

I haven’t seen her for 16 years.

I want to pay my respects.
I’ve brought presents for the children.

I mean no harm.

Tell her it’s Aleksandar
from London.

Ask her father, Zekir.


Sit down.

Aleksandar Kirkov.

You’ve gone grey too.


Have you come far?
– Very far.

How do people live in the world?

Good, if they know how,
same as here.


The times… they’re no good.

They used to be better.

Blood is in the air.

It’s stuffy.

It should rain.

It must, sooner or later.

For the children.

This was for the husband.

I didn’t know he’d passed away.

Last year, in a car accident.

– God rest his soul.
– Amen.

This is for you.

For me?

Like in American films.

Like in American films?

Sitting Bull.

Sitting Bull.

Come in, Hana.

Help yourself.

Thank you.

You, get lost!

– Welcome.
– Thank you.



My grandson, Ali.

Kiss his hand.

– Why is he here?
– Say thank you.

He doesn’t belong here.

Take the gifts to your sister.

He doesn’t belong here.

Get out.

I’ll slit his throat.

Forgive me…

Mother and Father.

We’re having a wedding without you.
Be joyful that I’m inviting you…

to share in our happiness.

Rest in peace.


How are you?

How is it, Uncle?

No English.

Could I –

I’m looking for Aleksandar Kirkov.

No such person here.

Do you understand?

– Who did they want?
– Nobody.

Come on.

Come on, dear.

– Push.

– Come on.
– Good one.

What is it going to be,
a boy or a girl?

It doesn’t matter,
as long as it’s a boy.

Come on, dear.

Where did you get to yesterday?

I got as drunk as a skunk.

– It’s good for your liver.
– What liver? Long gone.

You forgot how
to drink in England.

You’ve got the sexiest girls there.


Bojan, fetch brandy.

We have brandy here.

The good stuff.

He wasn’t this worried
about his wife.

What a bore
this cousin of yours is.

I videotaped a program about you.
Our man made it in the big world.

Vietnam, Beirut.

Vietnam was before my time, Doc.

Same shit.

Same shit.

– Are you tired?
– As if I’d left yesterday.

Everything is the same.
I feel good here. Comfortable.

America, England,
where they don’t shoot,

that’s where it’s comfortable.

They shoot more there.

You can’t imagine the killings I’ve seen.
– I know.

“Will these hands ne’er be clean?”

They won’t start shooting here.

People are peaceful.
– They used to say that about Bosnia.

Now the world’s watching a circus.

– I was in Bosnia, Doc.
– And?

An industrial injury?

Are you tired?

I’m tired.

There’s no reason to fight here.

They’ll find a reason.
War is a virus.

We split in two.
Our village, their village.

People give nasty looks.

I’ll go and see Hana.

– Where’s Bojan?
– You’ve just missed him.

See her, but behave yourself.

Keep it in your pants.


Bojan. Oh, God!

Oh, God!


Come, dear.




Let’s go.


Let the damned Albanians
rot on a pitchfork.


One of theirs.
Whore with a pitchfork.

The children saw the Albanian slut
with him this morning.

– I’ll strangle her myself.
– And then what?

Keep out of it.
You’re not from here.

We’ll be at the sheepfold.

Take it.

It’s time to collect.

Five centuries of our blood.

Take it. Poison yourself.

– Did you see guns?
– I did.

You haven’t seen anything yet.

This is only the infantry.

Politicians are all we need now.

Where is the UN now?

Back next week
to bury the dead.

Have a nice war.
Take pictures.

You know what?

You’re crazy too.

Correct. I’m still here

in this asylum.

It’s me.

How are you?


Tell me.

My daughter is missing.

Your cousin.

– Zdrave?
– Yes, Zdrave.

Do you see what’s happening
to our people?

– I see.
– You just watch.

Help me.

As if she were yours.


I almost killed you.

Shame on you.


She is a child. A child.

– That child killed my brother.
– How do you know?

There’s the police and the law.
Let them decide.

You left long ago.

You don’t know
how it is here now.

Live your own life.

That’s why I’m here.

I couldn’t live with myself
if I let you do this.

Cousin, wait a minute.

Come back.

Alex, I’ll shoot.
Do you hear?

Alex, I’ll shoot.


Alex, I’ll shoot!

Shoot, cousin. Shoot.






Shoot, cousin.


Don’t you worry.
You’ll be all right.


It’s going to rain.

You whore!

Blind fool.

It’s going to rain.
The flies are biting.

It’s already raining over there.

Come on.

It’s time.

And time doesn’t wait.