Before the Frost (2018) - full transcript

As winter approaches in rural 1850s Denmark, an old farmer (Jens) and his family face starvation. With the harsh circumstances and the prospect of yet another tough winter, Jens agrees to ... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food


We stayed with her,
for 20 Crowns.

Kr.35. Kr.20.

And we promise to be discreet
as to their conditions.

Her name is Marie.

Good luck with the harvest,
mate Jens.

For you too.

In the name of Jesus
we sat at the table,

to eat and drink
according to His word.

God in his glory
bless us

with this food,
in the name of Jesus.

Amen. Amen.

Can't be satisfied
with this.

It's just bark.

That's what I got
with the money.

The chickens
They are not putting.

And we have to save
to the milk.

Why we sell

We have no food
for three cows.

It was better to sell it,

for her not to die
of hunger.

We will buy a new cow
when we sell the harvest.

All right! Right.

Let's open.
Ask! Let's open!

Come on!

Then it should not rain!

Will not...

Mads, over there.

Come on

the peace of Christ.

The peace of Crist...

Need to stay in the
background any time.

These are our places.

Kristiansen sat in front,
should go to the bottom too.

We have more land
than them.

But they have more
heads that you.

You only have two now.

Come on, Jens.
We only have this place.

Come on, Jens.
We make room for you here.

Come on, Jens.
We are going backwards.

Please, over here...

It's Dorte Kristiansen,
Blacksmith's daughter.

She is engaged to Vesterg蚌d,
then improved in life.

Imagine how
the kids will appear.

Welcome, everyone.

I hope you have hay
in the barn.

We ask for roofs
Dried and good flour.

Let's pray

Our Father who art
in the sky,

hallowed be thy name,
your kingdom come to us

Your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.

Our daily bread
give us today,

forgive our

just as we forgive
who has offended us,

and do not let us
fall into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom,
the power and glory forever,


Now I would like to ask
to all families

that would help
the needy.


The peace of Crist.

The peace of Crist.

The peace of Crist.

The peace of Crist.

Get up,
All God's creatures,

And in his glory
Sing praises

Your smallest creation
It's grand

And bear witness
Of your power

Someone here
is Jens Moseg蚌d?

The beams are coming
out, Jens? Yes.

My cereal needs to hear
three rings of the bell.

Mine is on the roof
three weeks ago.

re you Jens Mosegård?

It's me.

We need to talk.

My name is Holger.
This is Gustav Wollter.

Gustav wants to buy
your lands.

All? Do not.

Just this little piece
between Nørremosen and Nyholm.

It is the pasture for the cows.

There is more mud
than pasture.

How much would it cost
this muddy?

It is not for sale.

You can buy new pants
to Sunday.

Or a good hat.

Think about it.

Will he buy you?

Damn Swedes. They only come
to church to do business.

He advised Nyholm,
to burn the market

and receive
great insurance.

I'll get this one!

Mads, get the little ones!

Here, uncle.


Ask, we have to go.

We have to go now!

We will!

We will have seeds
for next year?

It must have already dried.

Or will we have
to sell the pasture.

We will not sell anything.

It was so good
get poked in the neck,

that didn't pay attention
what happened in the church?

We ended up in line in front
to drinkers and servants.

If we sell more,
where do we go?

We are owners!

Remember this.

Good night.
Good night, Signe.

What's it?

I am cold.

Come on.

Go do the milking.

Go do the milking!

Good morning, neighbor.
Good Morning.

Ole brought a gift.

Here it is. And cheese.

It was not done
with leftover milk.

I milked a bucket
just for that.

And we also brought
one of our cows,

which they can do
enjoy it.

It will be!

Ole never got sick.
And it has all the teeth.

Signe asked you to come?

Ole came on her own.

He can speak for himself.

You get some part
from the farm?

Laurits is the oldest,

Signe only gets this cheese?
You guys stay with Karen.

Ah... But without dowry?

Ole has very skilled hands.

Yes, but anyway...

It is about money.
You know it.

Money is not the only way
for marital happiness.

He probably has a right
The part of the farm.

Won't you help your brother?

I can only keep
the hair on my nose.

Yes! So,
Signe won't have Ole.

They are happy together.

That will not be enough.

Let's split a little
the work.

Two families together, Jens.

Hence you can save
a little the boys.

My sister's children,
They are not going anywhere.

You have no food
I don't even work for them.

What do you have with that?


the harvest of all
It was soaked.

Winter will be hard
for all of us.

What about next year?

Next year my family
will be here.

My whole family.

Signe won't stay with Ole,
just because of the wet harvest.

And we gave space,
to you in the church.

That is the answer...


Stick with the cheese.

Greet Ingolf.


Do you want to get married?

What do I do with this?

Let's find someone better.
Don't be with Ole in the church.

Are you in love with him?

It is? Do not.

Sprouted? Yes.

How much?

At least half.

We will be without food
before the new year.

In the name of Jesus
we sat at the table,

to eat and drink
according to His word.

God in his glory
bless us

with this food,
in the name of Jesus.

Amen. Amen.

It needs to be before Christmas.

And if you don't have to ask,
someone should help thrash. Right.

Next year
I will be a pensioner.

Every month 30 eggs,
three beer mugs,

driving to the church,
hot place to shit...

Same terms as your father.
We can not give that.


It's the only way. Or else
Signe will be from another.

There are others interested.
We will not survive apart.

I can agree with half.

Do not.

I know why you changed
of idea.

Your crop has failed.

I'll make it,
A good deal, Jens.

No one will go hungry.

You get half
of the father's pension.

Three bedrooms.

Two thirds. Right.

For the good neighborhood.

Have you come to an agreement?

It's Ole's cow. You have
reached an agreement!

What is her name?
It's Karen.

Go inside with the others.
Got food for her?

Yes! With the help
from Laurits and Ole.

I am getting married.

You and Ask
will be my godmothers.

Is playing!
No, no!

Not! Yes,
You'll wear a dress, Mads!

I asked Kristine if I can
borrow your dress.

She already lent
to Esther Karlsen.

We will do soon after
of the slaughter,

so that everyone has
pork to give away.

And after the wedding?

Will it have room for all of us?

The two will have to leave
and work from the new year.

Are you sending us away?

I can not do anything else.

"In the name of Jesus
we sat at the table..."

We have to help them.

They will end
on welfare farms.

We can make good
recommendations And some money.

They can fix themselves.

I will find,
a good solution.

Focus on the marriage.

I have something for you.

Is it from mommy?

Can I try?

Step, step...

Step, step and now...

Step, step...
Now again.

Oh my!
That was very good. Yes.

And one, two and three.

It is a...
It's me who commands.

I'll fix the tape.

It's a little hard for me.

Did the mother really love you?

I was more in love
for her.

I had the farm,
after all.


Jens Need
of you at Nyholm.

The barn is here.

It's hot.

How long is she?
Nine months.

So the calf can survive,
if we act fast.

The heart is weak.

16 Crowns.
20, if both survive.

You will only get 12.

Signe, come on.
Let's go.

All right.

You can have 20.

Let's start?
Hold on people!

Hold it!

What's her name?
None. It is a cow.

I will stay here.
Keep her up.

Hold on, heck!
It's going the wrong way.

Signe, keep an eye out
in the heart.

Hold on, Karl-Oskar!

Let's go quickly...

It is turned.

We need him to leave now.
Keep her calm.

Do what he says.

Yes, this...
Hold on tight!

Keep Calm!

The heart is failing.
We have to take it now!

I took a paw.
Take it now, Jens!

Hold it!

I can barely feel my heart.
Hold on!

It's coming out.

Is alive?

Is alive?

Need help.
Take it, take it.

Put it up here.

That. Leave it here.

Why, don't
you say something?

Yes let's go.

There are 20 Crowns.

Did he survive?

What about the cow?
It's ok.

Take the money in there
with Gustav.

Come on.

Stay with the calf.
Lift it up.

Thank you so much, ma'am.
She is not a lady.

I thought that...
I am a widower.

Excuse me.
It's been a long time.

Now it's just me
And my old mother.

Thank you for your help.

The deal was 20 Crowns.

It is enough.

He thought of the
proposal, Jens?

Yes. Thanks, but the answer
It's still the same.

Not a businessman.

Said it's not,
A businessman.

Taste the coffee.



It has sugar in it.

It's delicious, isn't it?

Beet sugar.

The "white gold",
as the Germans call her.

You lived
in good times, Jens.

Grain prices
they were good,

but the Americans are
operating more around here now.

Prices will fall, many
Farmers will succumb.

This crap is the future.

Beet is the future.

So I just need to invest,
in beet and enrich.

Never get
so many men, Jens.

It would be wise to accept,
Gustav's proposal.

He can do it,
the lands.

Just need to take
over everything.

What you mean?

He just needs to take
care of everything.

The farm, all the land, cows,
the barn boy, servants,

I eat a pensioner
and my daughter.

Do you want me to marry
with your daughter?

She is the heiress and cared for,
from the farm in the last two years.

Will not find
a better housekeeper.

After all you are
A businessman.

But I do not buy
No land without seeing.

He must hurry,

if you want to plow first,
let the frost fall.

We will be there tomorrow.

Then I will leave
the documents ready.

Take this with you.

It is sugar.

On here. Mads.

What is happening?

Go wash and dress
your Sunday clothes.

Now? Yes now!

Signe, can I see your hands?

Rub them right.
And pay attention to the neck.

Do not tie too tight.
It will look very thin.

Uncle, they are coming.

Good Morning.
Let's start with the lands.

Yes, she is as she is.

Wet and clayey.

But one of the biggest
land around here.

At least it is,
one of the largest swamps.


What's up besides the swamp?

I have four barrels
of grain here.

I also have rye and oats,
five and a half barrels.

Beyond the swamp and pasture.

Yes. Not much.

That's enough,
to survive.

Very hard.

Holger Lets go in.

Be careful with the head.

Just have a fireplace?

But it is dry and warms
well all winter long.

All the documents
are in order.

No debt and the
insurance is paid.

We have seen enough.

You haven't seen it yet.

Signe, come fast!
Come on.

My Lord.

She can't much
with these thin arms.

The teeth, show it.

Thanks, enough.

Excuse me.

Thank you for the hospitality.
What did he say?

Thank you for the hospitality.

We will not accept your proposal.
God be with you.

Wait, wait...

Your farm is rotten.

The safe...

The insurance is 1,200 Crowns.

He can have the money,
if you accept Signe.

Everything must be gone.

We can solve this.

What deal was that?

You will have to get married.

What about Ole?
Forget the Ole.

Gustav can keep Mads
and ask. Ole doesn't.

You made a deal
with Laurits.

Yes, do not worry

Think about your cousins.

You said it yourself
that we should help them.

It will be better now.
For all of us.

Do you know what they
need to do? Prove it here.

Come on, Mads.
Just stick your finger in.

What is?
Stick your finger.

Prove it.

Oh oh oh....

Is it sugar?

Can I taste some more?

Jens, get rid of that cap.

Now it's a man in a hat.

Make them believe it.

Come on. Let's greet,
the great farmers.

Let me introduce
Jens Mosegård.


Jens! What
the hell are you doing?

We shook hands.
Then it made my brother a joke.

He did it himself.

A deal is a deal,
you pig! Hey, hey, hey...

Stop it! In the name of God,
what's going on here?

He is attacking me.
Tell them why.

Anyway, violence
in God's house is unacceptable.


welcome Sunday,
next. Not in this one.

Next Sunday!

See you.

Ole, stay with dad.

Go to hell, Jens!
Sorry, Jens!

He will not participate today.

Leave the doors open.

Inside is hot and cozy.

And the word of God echoes
sweetly in the ears. Come on!

There are more suitors,
Who should I care about?

No. Not really.
It was just a neighbors fight.

Welcome, Jens.

Welcome, Jens.


Welcome, everyone.

Let us now sing Psalm 19.

Get up,
All God's creatures,

And in his glory
Sing praises

Your smallest creation
It's grand

And bear witness
if your power

All kings
Advance in line

In its power and greatness

They fail to settle,
the smallest leaf

In a nettle

Hald! Keep the man
away from the body.

Take a look.

The important thing is to make
a fall triple over 180 meters.

Each mark is 0.6 meters.
Can you see?

Will they drain the whole swamp?

Let's go swimming in beets.

The soil is full
of nutrients.

They are plowing the road...

We plow from end to end.
And a little more.

Always existed,
a road there.

It has to go faster!

You understood?
It needs to be stronger!

Shit Swedes!
Give it to me here!

Come on!

Get out of there!
He stays the night shift.

When you see someone slowly,
Throw the shovel away.

I? You are not yet,

You are crazy?
They are plowing the road!

They are in my land!

We need the road.

Make one in your land.

You can not do that.

Sold the soul,
for that damn swede?

Go to the house, Lau.

The sexton will know that.

May the devil carry you!

Carry you, Laurits!

See your brown eye!
They will hear from us!

Do you know which one is
the best part of it all?

The water goes to Laurits.

Will have a wet surprise
and his land will be cheap.

They will have the whole
parish, in the neck.

Jens, do you understand
of cows and knots of land.

Need to leave 20 mウ
of dry straw here.

Yes. 20 up
and 20 in the barn.

None of that wet shit.

I have to go back,
to the party.

What about Mads?

He usually takes care of
animals, when we go to a party.

He needs to go too.

Can not lose,
Cousin's engagement.

Tie the cows lightly,
so they can let go.

Goes by!

Come on, get out!
Mads, take them there.

When you take all the
water from a swamp,

the land that is underwater
It is the best soil there is.

That's what Gustav wants.

So the four of us never
we will starve again.

Am I going to have a bed?
You will have your own room.

I don't know anyone who has.
It's at Nyholm.

But only if you eat right.
Must have fork and knife.


You take the fork.
Here is the knife...

Here we have
a delicious fat edge.

So you stick the fork
in the flesh, near the edge.

And cut the edge off.
Like this?

That! Is very good.
I will not adapt to that.

It's fine material, isn't it?
I wonder how much it cost...

Good morning, Miss.

A brandy, Jens.

No, I think...
Drink it, Jens.

It's not every day, that your
daughter gets engaged.

Can I try?

Want to come with me, Mads?

Come on.
You can sit in front.

Here we go.

First night together
We kiss and rub

The other night together
We pinched and dozed off...

We pinched and dozed off...

For I do not nail the eye,
in the old house


Hi Mads
Got more bread?

Take a sip. You can.

Oh no! Mads, out!

He can not...

Thanks for the presentation.

Thank you all for your presence.

I would like to address
in Danish.

And now my mother will mourn,
for not teaching your language properly.

When I decided to travel,
to my mother's homeland...

I never imagined that I would
find, a new wife around here.

So I am very grateful,
that is why.

Signe, it would be a pleasure
huge if you could...

get to know her better.


let's toast at once,
to my beautiful bride?


Get up!

Long live Signe...


Get in there.
This needs to be fixed.

Yes Yes. What is it?

Need to tidy up
and put a bed.

Need to sweep...

And your chest
should be there.


And then you will
have your room.

My? Yes!

Only mine? That.

Who will live,
in our house?

The Swedes...

Can I sleep here today?
Neither has a bed.

We'll solve it tomorrow.

All right...

It's ok. Come on.

Come on out.

Come on, Be!

Come on, Be!

Come on, Be!

This, Ole! That!

Come on, you little shit!

That's right! That's right...!

Let's Dance.
Do not.

Come on... Signe!

I do not want. For!

Fire! The Mosegård Farm,
is on fire!

Fire! Fire!

C'mon C'mon!

We will!

Let's go guys!

There you are!
My darling...


Daddy! On here!


Can you get a blanket?
Something for him to lie down.

Mads? Mads, Mads...

I'm right here.

Move yourself!

What the hell did he do here?

Where do I go...
The hall is ready.


Good God, bless this meal,
in the name of Jesus.

Amen. Thanks.

What does mommy want?
A little sausage.

Thank you my love.

With the. Eat up, girl.

Even in mourning, we must eat.

Signe, eat something.


Look at her.
See what a weakness.

It will not survive the winter.

Want something else?

Mr. Jens,
need to come fast!

Ask, drop it!

Admit it! Ask!

Don't get close!

This pig, You have
to admit what you did!

I did nothing. Admit it!

Hold him!

Ask, listen. Killer!

Catch the killer!

There are no killers,
Listen, hell!

It was not murder!
It was an accident!

Ole and Laurits were,
At the party all night.

You do not know that,
because I was drunk.

You slept!

But I thought...
Yes, he thought.


It was an accident.

Let's go home. We will.


Come on, stand up.

This... Come on.

Come on.

I sent Mads, to the farm.

He was drunk and
slept in the new room.

I said, for him to go

It was my fault.

It's no one's fault.

Find dry clothes, for him.

Put him in the room
and give some brandy.

Take care to stay there.

Let's get clothes for you.

Why are you here?
Can I sleep here?

No, it can't.
Must sleep with Gustav.


I don't want to go in there.

You cannot stay here.
He is looking for you.

Must sleep with your fiance.
I do not want.

You need. Signe?

Maybe Mom loved him.

But I will never love
no disgusting swedish!

If you don't get married,
we will have nothing!

Now go with Gustav!

Is everything in order?

You can sleep with the girls,
in the room today if you want.


I'll ask you to prepare
everything for you.

In my house
We don't hit women.


Oh Värmland, beautiful land
And glorious.

The crown among
The lands of Sweden.

And even coming me,
to the promised land.

I'm still coming back.

Yes, there I want to live.

Yes there I want to die.

In Värmland,
should i take a wife.

And I know never,
I will regret.

The sexton is here.

Good morning, Jens.
Good morning, sexton.

My condolences.


Why do you think your
farm caught fire?

No one knows anything.

Do you think it was criminal?

Do not.
Who would do that?

The rumor spread.

Laurits, attacked him,
in front of the church.

He thought his brother would marry,
with Signe. Maybe it's revenge.

Not that,
He is a good neighbor.

This is unimaginable.


the pain you are feeling
It must be unbearable.

After meeting Mads...
already dead.

1,200 Crowns
do not heal wounds,

but they can start,
to something new.

God's gates
will always be open.

God bless you.

God bless you, Jens.

Very good, Jens.

This one. And this one too...

Go get it.

We will!.

Søndergård gave something
to the wedding?

Said the harvest was bad.

I said just to escape.

I think you can put it there.

It is?

I think your brother,
looks kinda hoarse!

Don't want to buy?
What do you want with that?

I'm saving money,
to go to America.

Want to make an offer?

6 Crowns. 6?

It costs 14 in the market.

Then go to the market. We already
made the slaughter of the year.

I would like 12, at least 6.

I can give 6. You still
have to put on weight, Ole.

8... I can only give 6.


Can you get the pig?

Yes, Mr. Jens.

Come on.

I would like to ask
a favor to Mr. Jens.

Could he give this to Signe?
Yes, I can do that.

We will!

Good morning Ole.

I have something for you.

What is?

I carved it myself.

Ole is going to America.

Will you leave us?
It seems to be mutual.

You can stay...
I don't wear clothes anymore.

Have a good trip.


Here is an extra,
to America.

Who is it? Jens...

Yes, I will!

You are drunk?
See what I found.

What is this?

It was in Kirsten's space,
in the corral.

Have you been to the farm?

Never had an oil lamp.

This lamp is from this farm.
It was not an accident.

Talked about it
with someone?


I think we have,
to talk to the sexton.

But now
We need to sleep.

Good night, my boy.

They are very close together.
We have to get them out.

We will...

Yes, you are upset.
I get it.

And it's wet.

We always milk in the corral.

There are a lot of cows here.
Go get the lady.

How did you not see this?
Do not know.

They are living beings too!
But what's up there?

What happened?
I was practicing with Agnes.

Practicing what? Piano.

They are tight.
They are injured. Look.

The Swedes will take care of it.
No, they do not understand it.

I have to go back with Agnes.
No, this is more important!

Too many cows.
The others are not injured.

Maren is weak. Not!

What happened?
He took the cow outside.

We always milk
in the corral.

They can't work,
for your cause.

Should Maren die for this?

Bring it back. Now!

They laugh at you
and me too.

Hell! Killer!

What is happening?
He bit my ear.


He laughed when I said,
I found the lamp.

The lamp is his, Jens.

You bloody killer!
Let me go, heck!

Holger! Holger!

What is going on here?
He attacked me.

Calm down.
Show the light bulb.

What kind of lamp is it?
In oil, Signe!

I found it on the farm.

It is true?

I don't know
what he's talking about.

Asking has been out
of your mind.

Or maybe,
have imagined things.

He cannot stay here.
Get it out.

What is happening?
Get out of here!


You don't care now,
that has everything you want?

Be ashamed! Signe!


So lazy.
Back to the holes.

Let's do it, heck!

Come on!
One, two, one, two!

Great, my girl.

We have been practicing a lot.

Yes, you have time.

Yes Jens, I would like
to show you something.

Here is a coin.

Now pay attention.

See the coin here?
Do not.


And now? Do not.

And now?

You should see your face.
You were pale.

Don't laugh at my expense!
Calm down, Jens.

Don't mess, Swedish!
This is my house.

You can sit down!

I want to thank you for the night.
Let me help you, mom.

No. Jens will accompany
me to the bedroom.

Good night, my girl.
You're great.

Good night my son.

I would like your help,
with the boots.


I think we have,
One thing in common. Hmm.

We would do anything,
for our children.

But there is a mouse in the way,
of the happiness of our children.

A big mouse,
who drinks and talks a lot.

And that bit
poor Holger's ear.

What should I do?

He is sleeping drunk
in the sty.

Rats must be removed.
Or spread disease.

Imagine if someone gets sick
and the marriage crumbles.

Do we agree?

Pass, pass! Leaves...

Oh no...

This is for you.
Where do I take him?

To the same place,
of the beets.

Make sure you are,
on board when you wake up.

Girls? Where's Maren?

The cow?
Holger took her there.

We will!

Cheers! Congratulations!

Congratulations. Thanks.


Be careful with that.

Was you.

You set fire to the farm.

You are the killer.

Asking, it won't bring,
Mads back.

What about Signe?
It's her wedding.

You do not want to do this.

Okay, ask?

Give it to me here.

Let's take it easy.


No. Don't do it.

Stop him!

He is dead.

He needs to stay away.

He is alive.


Come on, Jens. Help me.

The hammer.

Give it to me, old man.

Go home dance,
with your daughter

See how happy they are?

Think about what we do,
for our children.


Make room to the
father of the bride.

