Before Your Eyes (2009) - full transcript

Ten-year old Gulistan and her younger brother Firat live happily with their parents in Diyarbakir, the heart of Turkish Kurdistan. Tragedy strikes when their mother and father are shot down by paramilitary gunmen before their eyes. Traumatised and orphaned, Gulistan, Firat and their infant sister are placed in the care of their young, politically-active aunt Yekbun who soon disappears without a trace. As days turn into weeks, the money that their aunt left them runs out. Eventually, the children have to fend for themselves on the streets, where one day, Gulistan is shocked to come across the murderer of her parents. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

Are you tired, sweetie?

- You walk too fast.
- Come on.

Put the bags down here
for a second.

Firat, your bags are really heavy.

You two wait for me here.
I'm going to that shop over there.

Gulistan, take care of your brother.

Stay right here.

- How much is a bunch of parsley?
- 500.

- I'll have one.
- Take a plastic bag and serve yourself.

- You haven't given me the money.
- Here you are.

- How much did you just give me?
-10 million.

How can I change
so much money? Zelal!


- Sorry, but I can't wait. I have to go.
- No problem, you're welcome here anytime.

Where are you?

- Whom are you looking for, sir?
- For my granddaughter Zelal.

She must be over there.
See her?

No, there's no one.

I don't know.
She said she'd come back soon.

Firat, stay here.
I'll be right back.

Okay, I'll wait here.

Go away!

She's still staring at me!

- Are you Zelal?
- Yes. So what?

Your grandpa needs you.

Didn't I tell you to stay here?

Come on, move along.

How you've grown!

Did you miss me?
I missed you, too.

Let your aunt breathe.
Firat, get us something to eat.

Gulistan, help him.

Sister, is something wrong?

I'm just tired.

Look what I have for Dilovan.

And you?

You're like the moon behind the clouds.
We hardly see you anymore.

Are you being careful?

This city is full of Turkish soldiers.
Shouldn't I feel safe?

- Don't be afraid. They won't get me.
- Yekbun, don't put your life in danger.

Somebody has to.

- How's school?
- Fine.

- Where are you going afterwards?
- I'm going to the town hall.

- Is Salih conning?
- Salih?

- Haven't you heard?
- What?

The police arrested him
yesterday at a demonstration.

- He'll be in jail at least three days.
- Poor guy.

- Incredible!
- What?

There aren't many police stations
that Salih hasn't been in.

I'll get my bag.

- Where's Gule?
- Over there!

- What's this?
- Photos of people killed in Xane.

Send them to Istanbul
for tomorrow's edition.

Hello, Asmin. How are you?


So the farmers gathered
and tried to find a solution.

They decided to trap
the big bad wolf.

All the village men took weapons
and began the wolf hunt.

They eventually spotted
the big bad wolf.

As some aimed to quickly shoot it,
an old man shouted "Lay down your weapons!"

The others were so surprised.

The wise old man climbed down
from his horse.

He took a piece of meat
out of his bag...

and slowly, slowly
approached the big bad wolf.

Everyone watched him intensely.

The feared wolf had become
as tame as a pussycat.

Did I wake you up?
I'm sorry.

Just as well...

otherwise I never get to see you.

How's Dilovan?
Still feverish?

Her fever's gone down.
She probably had a slight cold.

Your daughter's just like you.
Always at my breast.

I'm so tired.

Sehmus will lend us
his car for Saturday.

That's great.
The kids will be so happy.

- What time are we going?
- Midday.

I met my sister Yekbun today.

A boy from our village
is hiding from the police.

She asked if he could
spend a night here.

- Wait here, I'll get him.
- All right.

- I'm Memo.
- I'm Vedat.

And I'm Yekbun!
Get going!

Gulistan, what's the answer?

I don't know.

- And this one?
- Firat, solve it yourself.

- Having difficulties with the Turkish?
- Yes. - Read it.

If you can buy three suits
for 360 liras...

what is the price of one suit?

What must you divide 360 by?


So divide.

And the answer?

- 120.
- Good!

your dress for the wedding!

Like it?

- Isn't it pretty?
- It's beautiful!

Thanks so much!

Got a light?


Fire, fire.


Thank you.

Put that down.
It's dirty.

- What's that?
- Go on, read it!

- Have you called this girl?
- I'm going crazy

I call day and night
But nobody answers.

- I must know who she is.
- Maybe it's a joke.

That's what I thought

So I called again yesterday.

- Did someone answer?
- Yes. But guess who?

An old woman's voice...

They just drove by.
We'll block the road for you.

Message dear.

Just a traffic control.
Don't worry!

Good evening.

License and ID.

Do whatever they ask.

- The car belongs to a friend.
- Where are you going?

To Diyarbakir.
We attended a wedding.

This headlight is bad.

And your tires seem low!

You can't drive like that

They're low?

Place these.
I'll be right back.

Mrs. Songul,
Dilovan's refusing her milk.

Pretty little baby!
I'll help you. Come in.

- Don't want to eat, pretty girl?
- No, she doesn't.

I'll show you how it's done.

First put your pinkie
in her mouth.


Then, the bottle.

The more she drinks,
the better.

Will one bottle be enough?

She'll let you know
when she's had enough.

Are you here?

Which side?

I see you.
I'm coming.

This is the address
when you arrive in Istanbul.

This is the address in Sweden.

Here's your ticket.

Only one ticket!
And the children?

Only one? I don't know...
That's all they gave me.


I brought some dinner.

Go and set the table, please.

- Baby! Did she eat?
- Yes.

- Did she have a nap?
- No.

Then I'll rock her to sleep first.

- She won't sleep that way.
- Why not?

Because Dilovan only sleeps
when she hears Mom's voice.

"Once upon a time,
when God was great...

there was a little village
cursed by a terrible plague.

The wolves in the area
wouldn't leave the village in peace.

At night, they crept in
to devour livestock..."


Here's some money, dear. 10 million.
That should last three or four days.

If you need something urgently,
go to this address. Aziz will help you.


- Where are you going?
- To try and get tickets for you.

As soon as I have them,
we'll visit Grandfather in Stockholm.

To Grandfather's village?

- How much did you spend?
- Ten million.

I'll do that.
You watch Dilovan.

My heart...

my love...

Do you know what this is?

There are bigger ones, too.

We tie bells around the necks
of baby goats and calves.

Do you need one, too?

Why not?
It's so pretty...

- Mrs. Song Ql's family is moving away.
- Where to?

I don't know.
I just saw them loading up.

Leave the TV there.
Now put the dresser up.


Look, these clothes belonged
to my daughter Berfin.

In two months they'll fit
your baby sister.

Where are you moving to?

- To Istanbul.
- Why?

To work.

Take care, precious...

Is there nothing left for us?

Is Aziz at home?

Who are you?
What is it?

My aunt sent me.

Who is your aunt?


Aziz is my brother.
We haven't seen him for a long time.

- When will he come back?
- Don't know.

Listen... If you see Yekbun,
tell her to stay away.

The police raid us every day.
Run along!

Slowly, slowly.

Give me that paper.

- I'll pay you 35 million for the lot.
- Okay.

I'll give you another 15 million
for the TV and the tape recorder.

We're not selling them.

As you want.

Hold on!
Don't close the door!

Is your aunt back?

Are you making fun of me?

You haven't paid rent
in three months.

Cemai, please!
Don't complain to the kids.

Listen, Nazmiye... Their aunt
has been gone for two weeks.

- Tell it to her when she returns.
- How on earth will we pay all our debts?

Fine, you've gotten that off your chest.
Now let's leave the children in peace.

Who knows if she'll even return!

- You really think we'll ever see our money?
- Calm down.

That one.





Don't cry, Dilovan.

Dilovan, please stop crying!


My sister is ill. She won't sleep.
She has a fever and cries.

- How old is she?
- She's still a baby.

- Is she vomiting?
- No, but she's sweating.

All right.

This syrup, three times a day.

As soon as you get home.

15 million.

This is only 8 and a half?

That's all I have.

Tell your parents that
the medicine costs 15 million.

I'll pay the rest tomorrow.
I promise!

This isn't my shop.
I can't.

But we need the medicine now.

Go get the money.

- Good evening,
- I have a pain in my throat.

- Are you coughing?
- Yes.

There's no electricity.

How's Dilovan now?

She cried until
she finally fell asleep.

- What did the pharmacy give you?
- Nothing.


I didn't have enough money.


You know we love you!
And you love this rattle.

I'll leave it here for you.

Dilovan, my love...

You want cookies?

Firat, what are you waiting for?
Come in.

It's very dark in here...
And it stinks.

Tonight we'll sleep here.

Sleeping here is better
than sleeping outside.

Look, here are some cartons.

We can use them to sleep on.

Come on, Firat.

Please, Firat...

No, thanks.

Do you know the
big shopping mall?

Take these cards
and put them on the cars.

Do it and I'll pay you.

- When will you give us the money?
- After the work is done.

Now go.
I'll wait here for you.

Hurry up.

What's written on the papers?

"My name is Dilara.

Are you looking for a friend?

Call me: 0538-2347829."

How much will she give us?

At least two or three million.



I'm hungry.

Do you need a tissue?

This way.

Where's Mikail?

I've been waiting for an hour.
He still hasn't come.

- Where did he go?
- I don't know.

But I will spank him
with this stick.

What's that?

I bought it!

Hey, I can use a microphone, too.

Shock, shock, shock!
Everything costs only a million!

TV cables, cleaning products,
even a full set of knives!

Everything only a million!

How do I sound?

Okay, you made your point!
Now take Grandpa home!

Listen, no matter what they say,
don't let them go. Stick to them!

If they won't buy, put it in their pockets
or bags. They'll buy in the end.

Watch me with these tissues.

- Need some tissues, ma'am?
- No.

Please, ma'am,
please, ma'am...

I said no.

Please, ma'am.
A gift for your sister or brother!

For the love of God,
please, ma'am.

Ah, right.

See how I did it?
Now it's your turn.

Firat, a lighter costs 500.
Gulistan, tissues are 500. Go for it!

If somebody asks you if you're
in school, just say yes, okay?

You go that way
and I'll go there.

Tissues, sir?


You son of a bitch!

How dare you call me,
you shit!

I'm going to kick your ass.
Shut up!

Need a lighter, mister?
Please, mister...

Hey, boy!

You there!

Come here!

How much?

Are you deaf?
How much!

To hell with you
and your kind!

Go to hell!

What happened?

You wet yourself.

- Busy working?
- Welcome home.

Taste it...
Careful, it's hot.

How is Bora?

He still feels nauseous.
He was asking for you all day.

I can't hear it anymore.
Please turn up the sound.

What's my Lion King up to?

- How's your stomach?
- A little bit better

- You missed school?
- A stomach ache.

It's a pity you can't watch
the football match tonight

- Dad!
- What is it?

- Want me to scratch your face?
- It's prickly!

Of course it is!
Too much for the Lion King?

Show me what a lion is,
go on.

Hold on.
I think you still have a fever.

Please open the door.
My hands are oily.

- How are you, Mr Nuri?
- Fine thanks, Mrs. Hatice.

- The boy isn't feeling well, but..
- Sorry to hear that.

- My daughter is going to the market..
- No, thanks, I was just there.

- Have a nice day.
- You too, Mrs. Hatice.

- You too, Neriman.
- Thanks.

Still wet!

Wash your legs, too.

No need to feel ashamed.
My brother Mikail often wets himself.


Yes, really.

The night the soldiers
burned down our village...

My brother, my father and my mother
were asleep in the same room.

Mikail got very scared that night.

He still has nightmares
about what he saw.

Where were you that night?
How did you escape?

I was at my grandfather's.

They burned his house down, too.
But we managed to escape.

Here's the soap.
Wash up!

Come in.

This used to be
an Armenian church.

What happened to it?

I don't know.

- Morning, Nurii
- Morning.

You're up early!

I couldn't sleep.

- Buy some tissues?
- No thanks.

You promised to wait.
We distributed all your papers!

You owe us money.

- Not now.
- We did it. You owe us!

- Okay, but not now.
- Who is she?

- She cleans houses with me, Mother.
- Come along.


In the park in two hours.
Run along!

In two hours.

Fikret, what did you ask for?

- A gun.
- Come and see what I have for you.

Serpil, I have something
for you, too.

Always wash your feet.

You don't want to dirty
your new shoes.

Like this.

Now the other foot.

Anything you like:
TV cables, cleaning products...

even a full set of knives...
Everything costs only a million!

Buy some gum, sir?

Buy some gum?

- I'll make a round. Stay here with Grandpa.
- Okay.

Gum, ma'am?

That's too much.

Half for you
and half for the boy.

Is he your brother?

And your mother and father?

- What's your name?
- Gulistan.

That's a pretty name.

So is yours.

How do you know my name?

It was written on the papers
you gave us.

That's not my name.

My name is Dilan.

Dilan is a nice name too.

TV cables, cleaning products,
even a full set of knives...

Everything costs only a million!

Shock, shock, shock
Everything only a million!

- This costs a million?
- Yes, ma'am.

What about 750?

I paid 750 for it myself.

- Are they strong?
- I swear they are.

Really, no discount?

- So just take it for free!
- All right, all right...

But if there's a problem
I'll come and find you.

For shame, ma'am!

This building will collapse
before those knives break.

- Ah right, here.
- Thanks.

But if they aren't good,
I'll come after you!

Ma'am, this building
will collapse first..

Her shoes cost 100 million,
but she haggles with us!

- Qekdar and Bindest.
- Nice to meet you.

This stuff just arrived from Riha.
It won't be hard to sell.

- What's this?
- What do you mean?

- These are stolen goods.
- It's hard-earned, all of it.

You're totally nuts!

Everything is stolen
in this city!

This mobile...
Stolen 3 or 4 times already.

Forget it!
You'll get me into trouble!

Your loss!

- Zelal!
- What?

- Does Grandpa know any fairy tales?
- He never tells any.

What about you?

I don't.

Don't wake him.
He doesn't tell fairy tales anymore.

"So the farmers got together
and tried to find a solution.

They decided to trap
the big bad wolf.

All the village men got weapons
and started hunting for the wolf.

They eventually spotted
the big bad wolf!

As some aimed to quickly shoot it,
an old man shouted "Lay down your weapons!"

The others were so surprised.

The old man climbed down
from his horse.

He took a piece of meat
out of his bag...

and slowly, slowly approached
the big bad wolf.

The old man carefully put
the meat in front of the wolf.

While the wolf ate,
the man tied a bell around its neck.

Then he stepped back slowly.

The wise old man jumped
on his horse and said: 'Let's go!'

Everyone was puzzled.

'Did we come here to feed the wolf?
Why don't we kill it?'

But the old man said: 'No.

This wolf will never ever
harm anyone again.

Whoever hears the bell
can run away.'

From this day on,
the wolf desperately roamed around.

Whenever the wolf approached sheep,
the ringing woke the shepherd.

When the wolf approached a deer,
it would run off to safety.

Days passed and the wolf
grew hungry... Hungrier and hungrier.

Then, one day, the wolf fell
near a rock and died of starvation."

What are you doing?
Go away!

- Buy a tissue?
- Hold on.

Buy one, please.


Yes, this is Dilara.

Right now?


Did you want to order something?

Wait outside for me,
in front of the hotel.

See what I've earned!

Dilan, what's wrong?

Why don't you take it?

Why don't you take it?

Will you help me tomorrow?


Nine o'clock, in the park.

# My rose garden has wilted away.

# Scars are left in my heart.

# My rose garden has wilted away.

# Scars are left in my heart.

# I'm begging for a hand,
I'm crying for help.

# Where is Kurdistan,
my homeland?

# I'm begging for a hand,
I'm crying for help.

# Where is Kurdistan,
my homeland?

The police!

Hurry up.
Put out the fire!

- Bindest.
- What?

Shine the light...
More to the left.

Look at that!

How long must we wait?

He should have been here already.

- Is something wrong?
- I need to pee.

Over there.
I'll wait here.

In the caf? across the street

I'm waiting.

I said outside.

- You were late.
- So what? It's your job.

I waited a long time.

What are you staring at?

- That's my sister. She accompanies me.
- Fine. Don't waste time.

I already have the room key

- Zelal, have you seen Firat?
- No, I haven't.

- Wasn't he supposed to work with Grandpa?
- He didn't come. Mikail replaced him.

You can trust me.

In a week or two,
I'll be In Istanbul

Please, man,
don't do this to me.

I've always paid back.

Let me speak to Murat.

Put him on.

Murat, tell that son of a bitch
not to act that way.

Keep him busy.

Mural, wait...
What about the room?


Put some mattresses in it.

10 kids...
Yes, 10.

Maybe 15.


Remember to keep him busy.


Osman, this is Bindest.

He's exactly what you're looking for.
There's nothing he can't do.

- Ever been to Istanbul?
- No, sir.

- What are your skills?
- Phone-jacking, pickpocketing...

Listen, if I take you to Istanbul,
you can make more money than here.

- But you need discipline! Got that?
- Yes, sir.

You'll come, you'll come.
What about you?

Ask around.

We don't need kids who complain.
No one difficult!

If the parents resist,
I'll handle that.

Get in. No hotel,
we can go to my place.

That's not what you said
on the phone. - So what?

I never go to a client's home.

Are you coming or not?

Suit yourself!

We'll go, we'll go.

No, Gulistan,
you don't need to come.

- Don't be afraid. Nothing's going to happen.
- No, let her come.

So the neighbors won't get
suspicious. Get in!

To Sergeant-Major Nuri Kaya
For Outstanding Service 1991-1995.

Beat it,
you can't shoot at all!

Step aside!

Move or I'll shoot!

I found him.

I swear, I'll shoot!

I found the murderer.

Come outside.

I said, come outside.

- Get off your ass!
- Hold on...

What's this?
Think you're tough?

Nothing to see!

Now, you!

Where's the gun?

- What gun?
- Don't mess with me. Where is it?

I don't know anything.

- Where's the girl?
- I haven't seen her

Didn't you say
she was your sister?

Listen carefully.

Find that girl.
Otherwise I'll beat the crap out of you!

All right.


How are you?

Kemah! Your team took a beating
in yesterday's game. Awesome!

I still can't believe it

Take it easy...

Come here, my Lion King.

- What woke you up so early?
- The doorbell.

- But no one was there.
- Maybe you dreamt it.


I found this in front of the door;
it's your photo.

Nuri Kaya is a member
of the paramilitary force JITEM.

Nuri Kaya is a murderer!


Go inside.

Good morning, Mrs. Hatice.

Go inside, son.


Shock, shock, shock!
People of Diyarbakir!

Nuri Kaya is a member
of the paramilitary force JITEM.

Nuri Kaya lives on Emek Street,
Sumbui House, 2nd Floor, Apartment 6.

Nuri Kaya is a murderer responsible
for the disappearance of many people.

He is the killer of Vedat and Sevda Gun,
assassinated on May 15 in Batman.

Shock, shock, shock!
People of Diyarbakir!

Boy, wait!

Who gave that to you?

- Zelal.
- What?

You'll come and visit them often.

- If I can't come, Mikail will come.
- But I don't know how to pray.

You don't need to pray.
Just talk to them.

Let's go!
You, in the front.

Bindest, Bedran, in the back.
Rojbin, Aygen, you too.

Go on, Gulistan, get in.

There is water and bread
for everyone.

To the children of Diyarbakir