Before We Go (2014) - full transcript

A woman misses the 1:30 train from New York to Boston and a street musician spends the night trying to help her make it back home before her husband does. Throughout the night they learn a lot about one another and eventually find a romance. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Hey, man, where are you?

Still at Grand Central.

She there?

She's here.

But she's with some guy.

Sorry, man.

You still coming?

I don't know.

Okay, well...

I'm gonna text you the address.

I really hope you come.

Oh, shit!

Excuse me!

Excuse me!

No, no, no, no, no, no!

- Excuse me.
- Yeah?

Thought you might want that back.

- Thank you.
- I think it's broken.

- Thank you very much.
- Sure.

Due to Port Authority security regulations,

the station is now closing.

It will reopen at 5:30 a.m.

Um... excuse me...

um, what does that mean,
that "the station is closing"?

That means you gotta leave.

No trains till the morning.

But I can't wait that long, um...

There's a line for cabs out front.

Okay, but I don't need a cab
because I missed my train, um...

The station doors
will close in five minutes.

Can I use this ticket
at another station?

It won't help.

Penn Station's closing, too.

You sure you're okay?

I'm...I'm okay.

Can I ask why you're standing outside?

They closed the station.

You planning on standing
out here all night?

My purse was stolen.

Oh, damn.

Yeah, I was in some bar,

so, now, all I have is this
$13 train ticket and my broken phone.


- Sorry.
- It's okay.

I'll figure something out.

I don't need your pity.

Well, I wasn't gonna offer pity.

I was gonna offer to split a cab.

- You can't help me.
- No, come on, let me do a nice thing.

You got your purse stolen, I got like...

80 bucks, give or take.

- How far you going?
- Boston, give or take.

So, north of Harlem.

All right. Hang on.

Excuse me.

Hey. See this lady?

She's got to get
to Boston in a big hurry.

- No. New Haven.
- New Haven.

- New Haven and she got her purse stolen.
- It's an emergency.

When you get her home to New Haven,
she'll cut you a big check.

You know what you're saying?
Drive all night, half the morning.

I know. Come on, man.

You see how she's dressed?
What kind of purse was it?

- Prada.
- It's Prada?

Prada. It was a Prada purse.

She's good for it,
plus a big tip.

It's gonna be over a grand.

Get the... You serious?

200 miles, at $2.50 a mile, is $500.

Times two, because
I'm deadheading back.

Add in your Mass Pike tolls, twice...

All right, all right, all right.
I got it.

And you want me to trust her?

- No, no, no, you can't pay.
- It's okay.

You'll send me a check tomorrow.

How do you know
I'll send you a check?

When have you not paid me back?

Your card is declined.

All right. It's all right.
Sometimes happens.

I got another one.
I never use this one.

Probably because it's expired.

You can read and add,

how are you a cab driver?

Hey, look, asshole,
your girlfriend is stuck.

No New York cabbie is licensed
to operate in Massachusetts.

So no one is gonna take the risk.

All right. All right.

You know what?
I can call a friend.

It's embarrassing.

It's dead.

Oh, my God.

Do you have anything
at all that works?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't realize
I was taking up all the space

at the front of the line
of guys trying to help you.

You know, there are other things
I could be doing,

surprising as it may seem.


Well, I'm sorry
for holding you up.

Well, the feeling's mutual.

Hey, honey, sorry I'm late.

That happens,
just stare straight ahead,

keep walking strong.

- Thank you.
- Sure.

I'm sorry about back there,

'cause I was rude
and I shouldn't have been rude.

It's okay.

I get it.

Shitty nights all around.

Believe it or not, this morning,

I actually had
working credit cards.

So what do you want to do?

You want to get a hotel room
or something?

Excuse me?

No, not, not...


Not for us, for you.

In case you don't have friends
in the city.

I don't have friends in the city
and I don't have a cell phone.

And then my l.D.
and my credit cards

were in that purse,
so I am screwed.


Want to go try
and find your purse?

What, like the person
who took it

is just gonna put it back?

Well, no, but sometimes,
they just take the cash.

Dump the purse.

You check the trash barrels
at the bar?

No. No.

What bar?
You remember the name?


Yeah, it began with an


I-I can't remember.

It was down-- it was downtown.


Well, that's on my way.

It's on your way?

Want to come with me,
have a little adventure?

Find your purse?


Let's go.

Where are you going?

Downtown is south.



I'm Nick, by the way.

Oh, hey, I'm--I'm Carrie.


It's nice to meet you, Carrie.


All right.
I got an idea.

Hasn't turned up, sorry to say.

But you never know.

Yeah, that's what
the police said.

they're usually so helpful.

But then they told me
about these guys

that will lift purses
out of certain places

and that, sometimes,
the bartender

knows something.

I guess saying shit is easier
than doing actual police work.


Right, that's true.

But, uh...

I bet there'd be
a pretty handsome gratuity in it

if, uh, something popped
into your brain.

- Prada, you said?
- Uh-huh.

It does have sentimental value

and I would pay a lot
to get it back.

Give me a sec.

Sentimental value.
Nice touch.

It's true.

I appreciate you doing this.

I know that you weren't planning
on spending your night

rummaging through filthy
garbage bathroom trash cans.

Well, I didn't plan not to.

Well, what about all the other
things that you could be doing?

Well, you didn't say trash can
treasure hunts were on the menu.

I'm actually in town
for an audition,


I was in Grand Central Station,
just kinda...

trying to piece together
what I want to play.

So trumpet?


I don't think that I've seen
anyone play trumpet

since eighth grade band.

Well, we're still around.

We just don't, uh,
march as much as we used to.

- Jazz.
- Yeah.

- You listen?
- I like it. I like jazz.

I-I don't know it.
I know "My Funny Valentine."

A classic.

I actually did it one year
at summer camp.

I serenaded Jonathan Weinstein
from behind a tree.

Jonathan Weinstein behind a tree.

What was your encore?

A striptease to...

♪ I'm too sexy for my shirt... ♪

- Oh, wow. Brave.
- So embarrassing!


He ran away.

And that was the end
of my jazz career.


Well, that's a shame.

What was the next career?

- I'm an art consultant.
- Really?

I'm actually in the city
buying a painting.

Oh, yeah? What's the piece?

I don't know if you'd know it.

Well, that's probably true.


who's your favorite painter?

Or would I not know him, either?

No, no.

But if I did tell you that,
I'd lose all credibility.

Oh, come on!

You got to now.

You're stupid.

Well, we may be in luck.

Took a little persuasion.

Had to call in a favor or two.

So, I just have to go
to this address and...

That's a shitty neighborhood.

What, you think, uh, guys on
Wall Street were lifting purses?


thank you.

I hope I was helpful.


I think that he wants gratitude.

Group hug?

Big kiss?

I believe the words
were "handsome gratuity."


You take credit cards?

Okay, so it's-it's this way, right?

All right, you talked me into it,
I'm coming with you.

Thank you, but really,
you have your thing and...

It's all right. It's late.

You're going
to a shitty neighborhood.

I'm not gonna let you go alone.

Besides, it's this way.

- Are you sure you don't mind?
- Positive.

Come on.

I'm sure that my husband will

really appreciate
your helping me.

It's incredibly generous of you.

You didn't have to do that.

- What?
- The husband thing.

Well, I didn't mean
to distrust you.

It's just you're being so nice.


Well, don't mention it.

So, what was this thing
that you were headed to tonight?

Is it something
to do with the audition or...

No, not really.

Well, kind of.

You know... know when you can't
make up your mind

about whether or not
you should do something?

And you ask the universe
"if I'm supposed to do this,

give me a sign"?

And is the audition
the thing or the sign?

The sign.

There's this really
influential band,

Duke Terry?

- No...
- It's all right.

He's this amazing piano player.

Lost his trumpet player
about a month ago

and I love the guy's music
and I thought...

Why not?

And the thing?

"The thing"?

The thing
that you needed the sign--

Oh, the thing! Right, right.

That's, uh...

a wedding.

Are you gonna break up a wedding?


No, it's complicated.

There's just someone
I wanted to see.

The bride?


The groom?


But what about you?

I'm guessing the purse was
a gift from your husband?

Think you might be
missing some hardware.

I have a ring,
but I'm not wearing it

because it's being repaired
back in Boston.

Okay. Whatever you say.

You don't believe me?

It's none of my business.

All right, this is it.

Jesus. You know what?

Let me do this.

What'd you say it was, a black Prada bag?

I think we should call the police.

Yeah. They'll be right over.

How's next Thursday?

Anything specific about the bag?

Yeah, on the inside flap

are the initials B.D.
in kid's handwriting.

"B.D." Why B.D.?

My stepson wrote it.

My name is Brooke.
Brooke Dalton.

Oh, my God!

Why'd you tell me it was Carrie?

I don't know!
Carrie Bradshaw!

We're in New York, it's late,
you're a stranger, I froze.

Well, when I get back,

we really got to work
on our communication, Brooke.

Two blocks that way,
there's a bar called Gaffney's,

wait for me there, all right?

How much cash do you have?

I don't know.

That's a personal question.

Maybe 40 bucks?

You're gonna do something crazy.

Thank you for not saying "stupid."
That means a lot.

You're gonna grab it
and run, aren't you?

Uh, I don't know.

It's exciting, though, isn't it?


You the one lost the purse?

Yeah, and without it,
my whole outfit falls apart.

Hello, Four Seasons Atlanta.

Uh, Michael Dalton's
room, please.

One moment, please.


- Hey, baby.
- Hey.

What's going on?
You Okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.
I just couldn't sleep.

And I, I just wanted
to tell you that I love you.

Oh, honey, I love you, too.

How's New York?

Did you make the buy?

Yeah, I made the buy.

For 225.

It's been going on so long.

I'm just glad it finally closed,
you know?

Yeah, right. Of course.

Well, congratulations.

Did you get my message?


My phone actually broke.

Oh, shit.

I was wondering
why you called the hotel.

Well, there's
a little change of plans.

And I'm gonna be
on the first flight out.

So I'll be home by 8:00
and we can have a little,

uh, celebration breakfast?

That's so early. It's 2:00 a.m.

Don't you just want to relax?

Weren't you on a later flight?

No, it's all right.
I can sleep on the plane.

I don't want to stay here
any longer than I have to.

Baby, you work so hard.

Why don't you just stay
and relax?

And then we can have
a nice breakfast later

when you're rested?

Brooke, the flight's booked.

What's going on? You okay?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm just tired.

Aw, poor baby.

Well, let me
let you go to sleep.

And I'll see you tomorrow.


I love you.

All Prada. All tonight.

Tyler said you knew the bag.


Well, the lady's credit cards
would make it more helpful.

We don't do wallets, man.

Because that would be beneath you.

Let's go with this one.

Special today, 900.

What do you mean?

That's the number I gave Tyler.

Yeah, and I paid him.

What is this, a shakedown?

Call him.

Aw, this is great!
You call him.

He says I didn't pay you
and I get screwed!

I'm so sorry.

I feel like an idiot.

You have your thing
and now you look all...




No, let's stick with homeless.

I'm sorry
that I sent the cops in.

I-I just thought that...

Thought that I couldn't get
beat up all by myself.

No. I assumed you can do that.

I just thought that
you were in over your head.

What's it take to win a little
trust with you, Ms. Bradshaw?

Well, the purse is out.

What now?

No, it doesn't matter.
It was over when I missed that train.

What was over?

My marriage.

I had to be home before him.


He doesn't know
you're in New York?

No, it's, it's complicated.

Got it.

What is that supposed to mean?

Well, it's not rocket science.

You're not wearing
a wedding ring.

You got to get home
before your husband does.

He doesn't know
you're in New York.

Are you accusing me
of having an affair?

No, it's just...

You know, I'm calling it like I see it.

It's not a problem. It's okay.

People are human.
They make mistakes.

Okay, Einstein.
If I was having an affair,

why wouldn't I just call my boyfriend
and have him bail me out?

I don't know.

Maybe he doesn't know
you're married.

Oh, God! Wait!

Wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait! Wait.

What? What do you want?

Look, thank you for your help,
but it's over.

You can go back
to whatever you were doing

before I came along
and I ruined your night.

Wait, please, stop! Stop!

You didn't ruin my night, okay?

I was hiding out
in Grand Central

trying to avoid this...

Look, my night was shit
before you showed up.

It's gonna be shit
after you leave.

But your night?

If we can get you home
and save your marriage,

well, then...

you know,
that would make me a hero.

Not gonna pass that up, am I?

Look, I don't mean to pry.

But it seems to me,

the issue is you got
to get home tonight, right?


All right, let's work this out.

What time
do you have to be home by?

At the very latest, at 7:00.

Okay, well, that means
we got to leave by 3:30,


We have time.


Name of business.

Carmel Car Service.

Carmel Car Service.

Hey, how much to Boston
if we leave within the hour?

That's 447.

That's the best you can do?

Includes everything.

Okay, thank you.

- What'd they say?
- 447, all in.

Can we raise that?

Yeah, I think so.
I got a buddy at my thing.

Because that would be amazing.

Well, don't thank me yet.

Am I dressed okay for a wedding?

Well, it's probably
just a reception by now.

I'm pretty sure
my friend's still there.

Oh, thank you.

Wow. You're actually good.

No offense.
None taken.

Is that the song
you're gonna play tomorrow?

Uh, I don't know. Maybe.

I think you should.

I mean, if I know anything
about Duke What's His Face,

he's gonna like that song.

Duke Terry.

Yeah. We'll see.

I jammed with his bass player
a couple months ago in D.C.,

this guy Lucas Wells.

He liked my shit.

That's wonderful.

Yeah. Anyway enough about me.

Your story by contrast
is far more compelling.


My turn. Okay.

Uh, I'm pretty straightforward.

I'm a normal girl
with one brother.

A husband who works in finance.

Who I conveniently
cannot provide a photograph,

'cause my phone is broken.


How'd you guys meet?

I was in London,

um, working at Sotheby's.

Big shot.

Yeah, after a few years in London,

I started getting this...

I don't know.

Th-The French have this word, dépaysement,

um, disorientation,

like the feeling of not being
in your home country.

And I had

a hard time making friends
in London, and...

Aw, that's so sad.

And so my boss was like,

"Do you want to go
to Boston for this show?"

And Michael was there.


Have you ever had a feeling

and just known
somewhere in your bones

that somebody was gonna play
a major part in your life?


Anyway, he, his wife had,
uh, just left him

for this guy that we know, and, uh,

at that point,
she'd taken the kids.

And so the last thing
he wanted was

to get involved with someone.

Well, for the record,

I can't imagine
you being the last thing

any man would want.

Thank you.

Sol, uh...

I bought the painting
that my boss wanted,

and I sent it back without me,

and I've not been
to London since.

A lot of complications there.

Brave girl.

The funny thing is,
I remain proud of it to this day

that I was...

the girl who recognized love and jumped.

So if I know my friend,
he'll be at the open bar.

Hopefully, we can get you home.

Is the person that
you came to see gonna be there?

With our luck, probably.

ls it that bad?


Whatever's waiting
for you up there.


It's nothing.

It's an ex, ex-something.

And does the ex-something
have a name?


I haven't seen her in a while.

Was it a bad breakup?

Are there any other kinds?

What's your name?

Did they just have sex in here?

It's better not to know.

But yes.

Is this it?

Good question.

I really only know
Danny and the groom.

Do you know that person?


No, I do not.

Are you sure
that you're up for this?


Yes, yes, yes.

- Don't feel badly.
- No, I don't feel badly.

I feel bad.

Did you just do that?
Did you just correct my grammar?

Oh, stop it, I was teasing.

Have I done that already?

You've been dying to.

That's an interrupted
verb phrase.

I've been silently
correcting you all night.

Don't make that face.

Well, glad to know that we're
at the point in our relationship

where you feel comfortable
doing it out loud.

And it's all downhill from here.

That's funny,
I feel like I missed

all the good uphill stuff.

Oh, thank you.

And what is PWC?

Oh, shit.

Yeah, are we in the right place?

I don't even think
this is a wedding.

Jesus, it's about time.

Where's the rest of the band?

You're an hour late.


I'm sorry, but I'm here.

To hold down the fort,
so to speak.

What am I supposed to do
with one saxophone?

- It's a trumpet.
- Oh, my God.

And my singer,
she's amazing.

This is bullshit,
I'm not paying

five grand for that.

Well, of course not,
of course not.

But we will need $600 up front.

In case the rest of the boys
don't show.

Out of the question.

enjoy your deejay's playlist.

- Yeah.
- 350.

500. That's ten percent, that's fair.

Fine, now get up
and start playing

while I get the cash.

You can use 1107 as a green room
if you need to store your stuff.


- No, no. Nick.
- Come on.

I don't sing.

That's not what I heard.

No, there's no way I can do this.

Yes, you can.
Besides, we need vocals to sell it.

You want to get home, don't you?

Just pretend it's a roomful
of Jonathan what's-his-names.


Yeah, a roomful of Jonathan Weinsteins.
Just keep your clothes on.

Nick, I can't.

All right, but if you got
to take them off, save it for the finale.

I don't think I'll be able
to follow that up.

Showtime, people.

The one-of-a-kind
musical stylings of...

Nick Vaughan on trumpet,
Brooke Dalton on vocals.

Kicking off this set
with a smoky,

wistful "My Funny Valentine."

♪ My funny Valentine ♪

♪ Sweet comic Valentine ♪

♪ You make me smile ♪

♪ With my heart ♪

♪ Your looks are laughable ♪

♪ Unphotographable ♪

♪ Yet ♪

♪ You're my favorite work of art ♪

♪ ls your figure less than Greek? ♪

♪ ls your mouth a little weak? ♪

♪ When you open it to speak? ♪

♪ Are you smart? ♪

♪ But don't change a hair for me ♪

♪ Not if you care for me ♪

♪ Stay, little Valentine ♪

♪ Stay... ♪

♪ Each day is Valentine's Day ♪

♪ I'm too sexy for my shirt ♪

♪ Too sexy... ♪

No, no, stop that.
Come on, let's go.

Oi, you two!

Oh, my God, that was insane!

- You were amazing.
- That was crazy.

Wait, w-w-wait.
The green room. This way.

Hello? Go ahead.

I got to call Danny,
find out where the hell this guy is.

But your phone died.
Do you remember the number?

What, you don't memorize
all your emergency contacts?

I don't think I get in
as many emergencies as you do.

Danny, it's Nick,
where the hell are you, man?

Listen, you gave me
the wrong address.

Um, this is gonna sound strange.

I need 450 bucks.

Long story, life or death.
Give me a call.

But my phone died,
so just leave a message, okay?

All right.

Do you think
he'll get the message in time?

I don't know.

I got another idea.

Should I be worried?

Concierge, how may
I help you, Mr. Childers?

Yes, I need a car to take
my guest to Boston right away.

And would you like
your regular car service?


And how would you like to pay?

Can we charge it to the room?

That should not be a problem,
Mr. Childers.

- Great.
- Give me ten minutes, sir.

Thank you.

Are you crazy?
Do you think that's gonna work?

I don't know.
We'll find out in ten minutes.

I like your, uh, shiny trumpet.

Oh, why, thank you.

I hope it's worth enough.

For bail.

When we get arrested.

Well, should be.

I bought it
with a shiny engagement ring.

So talk to me
about these pieces.

Is this done by your
famous London artist guy?

Oh, well, how did you know?

Well, you can tell
you need to know

quite a bit about art
in order to appreciate it.

You're an asshole.

Do you know
the most interesting thing

about hotel art is not
the actual art itself,

obviously, but it's what's behind it.

- What, like a safe?
- No.

Have you heard
of hotel graffiti?


This comedian started it
when his TV didn't work

in his hotel room.

He just started doodling on,
like, the back of paintings.

And it caught on from there.

So, fingers crossed.

Oh, my...


- Oh...
- What?

How can you not appreciate that?

It's the best one
I've ever seen.

"Gotta go, the hookers are here."

We probably shouldn't touch
anything in this room.

Hi, we ordered a car
for Mr. Childers.

Oh, yes, he's just here.

We got your regular driver.

Except you're not Mr. Childers.

No, I'm Mr. Bradshaw.

I was sent down
with Mr. Childers' guest.

Oh, uh, certainly, sir.

Just give me a second
to ring the room.

That won't be necessary.

You know, it's not that late,
and I feel like a drink.

Is that place
on Halston still open?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

- Want to go?
- Yeah. Thank you.

Thank you. Sorry, guys.

All right, we're not dead yet,
we still have time.

Time, but neither money
nor a plan.

What we need is a time machine.

Well, we kind of have one.

A few years ago, they turned
all these public pay phones

into time machines.

You pick one up, dial 1993,

and a New Yorker will come on

and tell you
exactly what was happening

on that corner 20 years ago.

It was funny.

I don't even need
to call that far back.

I just need to call yesterday.

Well, let's try.

What would you tell yourself?

Brooke, it's you from the future.

She doesn't believe me.

Well, of course; you got to
tell her something secret,

something only you two would know.

So you know that tiny scar
that you have on your forehead?

The one that you tell everyone
you got hiking in Argentina,

but you actually got
at a Hanson concert in college.

This is my favorite story already.

Shh. It's collect.

So Pam made you crowd-surf,

and you ended up
hitting the guardrail

and spending the whole night
in the E.R.

Okay, oh, good,
you believe me now.

Okay, so whatever you do,

don't talk to any strangers
in Grand Central.



just skip New York altogether.

Stay home, get a movie,
order takeout,

have a bubble bath
and go to bed.

Because everything will be fine
in the morning.

All right.

Yeah, but then
you wouldn't have met me.

I still haven't decided
if that's a good thing

or a bad thing.

All right.

What else do we got?
Let's think.

You're not gonna
get off that easy.

No, no, no.

I don't mess with the physics
of space and time.


All right. All right.

Give it to me.

But I don't want
to do yesterday;

I want to do 2004.

Nick, hey, it's me.

You from the future.

He bought it. Idiot.

Listen, when the Red Sox
make the World Series,

take all your money
and put it on them to win.

Yes, I know it sounds crazy.

Do it.

Okay. Bye.

- That's it?
- That's it.

Everyone knows
when you got a time machine,

the first thing
you do is gamble.

I wasn't aware of that.


that didn't work.

Oh, shit, what about a bus?

But they don't even run at night.

No, like a Chinatown bus.

They run all night
and they're cheap.

They're, like, 80 bucks.

- Do we even have that much?
- No.

It's got to be easier
than $500, though.


Did our best,
but we are almost out of time.

What if we just call your husband
and tell him you're in New York?

We could make up a good reason.

He already knows about New York.

Well, he doesn't need to know
what you're doing here.

He knows that, too.

Well, then why do you
have to beat him home?


Is there something you got
to do before he gets there?

Look, whatever it is,

he's an idiot
if he can't put it past him.

And you're not the type of girl
to marry an idiot.

'Cause even if there were something

that I needed to do
when I get back,

I'm still not gonna make it
back in time.

All right, so let's figure out
a way to make it okay

that you didn't do
whatever it is you had to do.

Look, you may have
already thought of this,

but can someone else do it?

Whatever it is?

I'm out of coins.
Are you out of coins?

Pick up, pick up, pick up.


- Pam, it's Brooke.
- Brooke.

I'm so sorry to call this late.
Did I wake the baby?

No, no. Are you okay?
What's going on?

I don't know how to say this, but I need
a huge favor, and I need it now.

Of course, of course, anything.

Okay, so go to my house,

and in the backyard there's a key
in the magnet box by the pool filter.

Take the key
and go in the back door.

The alarm code is 4242.
Go up to the bedroom.

On the bed is a letter.

And it's addressed to Michael.

Take it home and save it
for me when I get back.

But listen, promise me
that you won't read it.

Of course I won't, Brooke.
You have my word.

Okay, it's 4:00 a.m. now.

How much time do I have?

You have three hours.

Is there any way I could use
the phone after she's done?

It's as good as done, Brooke.

I love you. Thank you.

I love you, too.

Call me in an hour.


Everything's gonna be
okay now, I promise.


- Bye.
- Bye.

You know, I think this is the first time

I've seen you look genuinely happy.

Well, and for the record,
this is relieved.

Happy is different.

Well, I'm glad it worked out.

And for the record,

you could never cheat on anybody.

Are you the kind of guy
who idealizes women, Nick?

That's a dangerous habit.

Well, I'm a dangerous guy.

Yeah, that's why you got
smashed in the nose.

Did Danny leave you a voice mail?


He left me the wrong address.

His dyslexia really kicks in
when he's been drinking.

Where is it?

I don't think it matters.
I'm probably not gonna go.

I think we should
just keep walking around.

I hear Central Park's
really safe this time of night.


It can't be that bad.

Has it got something to do
with the ex, Hannah?

'Cause I'm happy to offer my services.

I'm all dressed up, nowhere to go.

It's okay. It's late.

I think that you're underestimating me.

I would make a great bodyguard.

Or spiritual advisor.

I can be your Jiminy Cricket.

She's there with somebody.

I see.

Well, I mean, you helped me.

I mean, you saved my marriage.
And that makes you kind of...

- A hero.
- A hero.

And heroes are not afraid
to face their exes.

Don't worry, I'll come.

We can pretend to be
boyfriend and girlfriend.

That'll make her jealous.

She'll know you're not my type.

Oh, my God.

I was just brainstorming.

Maybe she'll think
that I changed you.

That will drive her crazy.

Will you...

Nick Vaughan, be my...

Carrie Bradshaw's...

...Brooke Dalton's
pretend boyfriend?


I hope this is the right place,
'cause I only know one song.


- Hey, man!
- Hey, man.

Hey, hey, I tried
to get your money, man,

but I could only get, like,
350 bucks; I hope it's enough.




I'm Brooke.

I am Danny.

Thank you for your help, Danny.

- My pleasure.
- But you can keep the money.

We're okay now.

I feel bad.
We got it all squared away.


I sold a kidney to get this.

I mean, it wasn't mine,

but what am I gonna tell
the hooker when she wakes up?


She's not gonna wake up.

Wow! We there already?

I'm embarrassing him.

Would you like a drink, Brooke?

Danny, you're hitting
on a woman who's taken.

Oh. I see.

- Oh, no, not like that.
- No, no.

It's not, it's not for us.

I'm staying
in Danny's room tonight.

- Do me a favor.
- Mm-hmm.

Promise me you won't piss
in the closet this time.

I could promise you
no such thing.

In fact, I may or may not
have had a lot to drink.

What I'm trying
to figure out right now

is if I've had too much
to drink tonight.

Then I realized that if one can
ask oneself that question,

then the answer
must definitely be no.

- Right?
- Danny studied philosophy.

And my latest theory is
that not all women at a wedding

who are taken
are actually taken.

You know what I mean?

Oh, it depends
on your definition of taken.

Hey, Brooke, are you sure

I can't get you a drink?

I'm fine, thank you, Danny.

- I'm sure.
- All right.

Dave! Dave!

You shifty bastard.
How you doing, man?

Your wife lost a lot of weight.


Do you want me to step outside?

Don't move.



Hannah Dempsey, Brooke Dalton.

Hey, nice to meet you.

Hi, so nice to meet you.

Um, traffic was so bad
all the way from Philly,

I-I thought I had missed you.

You did?

I mean, you did. You did.

You did miss me.

But you're here now, so...

Yes, yes.

I actually thought
I was gonna miss you, too, um,

which I did...

till now.

We could keep this banter up
for minutes.


We're only this quick when
we're together, though, so--

Otherwise, I'm almost boring.

Um, so are you,
are you working or...

Oh, no, this...


He's auditioning
for Duke Terry tomorrow.

- Nick!
- Well...

That's, that's amazing.

He played with
Lucas Wells in D.C.,

and Lucas loved his shit.

I bet he did.

Okay, spill it.
Tell me all about it.

Here you go, babe.

Oh, um...

Cole, this is Brooke.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Brooke.
- Good to meet you.

- And this is Nick.
- Nick.


Nick is auditioning
for Duke Terry tomorrow.

Oh, yeah? Oh!

- The jazz guy. Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.

We saw him live in Philly
a bunch of times.

That's amazing, great.

Thank you.


Hey, I know
it's getting kind of late,

but would you guys want to go

get a cup of coffee somewhere or...

Um, you know, I wish we could.

We're late for something,
though, I'm sorry.

- We were just stopping in.
- Right, right.

Well, I--
we don't want to keep you.

But, um, if something frees up,

I'm at the, the Soho Grand.


Um, it was really nice
to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

- Pleasure.
- Okay.

- Bye.
- Bye, Cole.

I don't know why
we had to run out of there.

Who's running?

That was running.

Trust me, I know.
I'm the poster girl for running.

Running is easier.


I haven't seen her in six years.

You were fine.

No, I wasn't.
That was awful.

It was embarrassing.

I'm sorry you had to see that.

You'd think after six years
of rehearsing that moment,

I'd have something
more interesting to say.

I don't think she noticed.

And she probably
rehearsed it, too.

Six years?

How'd you guys meet?

Sophomore year.


I was pre-med,
if you can believe that.

I don't.

But I have a good imagination.

Oh, my heart
was never really in it.

Spent all my free time
playing music

and going to shows.

Hannah was the first one
to recognize that.

Made me stay true to it.

Good girl.

And she got into graphic design.

Which was the first thing
that she really loved.

Well, she loved you, too, right?

Sometimes I wonder about that part.

But rarely more than 50 times a day.

So, what happened?

She got a job offer. In Philly.

And being the pre-med
genius that I was,

I thought it was
the perfect time to, you know.

Oh, no.

So I bought a ring.

Cost me a fortune.

I was clutching this thing all day.

My hand was cramping.

We got home
to our apartment in D.C.

and my heart was pounding.

It was beating out of my chest.
I was sweating.

It wasn't nerves, you know. It was...


I was really excited.

I was really...

I was really happy-

And I walked in and I saw her

and I just knew something was...


I think it's like
that French word of yours.

- Dépaysement.
- Yeah.

She said...

she thought it was
a good time for a break.

That's terrible.

What did you do?

What could I do?

Beg? Cry?


Didn't do any of it.
Just sat there.


God, I was so completely...



That was it.

Till tonight.

It's funny.

I got to the city at noon

and I just couldn't
leave the station.

I just couldn't do it.

Stuck in the middle
till you got stuck with me?

Am I stuck with you?

Sorry to tell you.

Sounds bad
when you put it like that.

- I'm sorry.
- For what?

For letting you sit out here
and talk about it for so long

and not making you go back.

Oh, no.

No, that's not happening.

You didn't come
all the way to New York

for a sign to do nothing.

Yeah, well, I thought
she'd be alone.

Not like in a depressing way.
In like a romantic way.

A girl like that is never alone.

So you can't use that
for an excuse.

And there was something between you.

You saw it and I saw it.

That doesn't mean anything.

It means something.

It means you have a chance.

For what, to get slammed?

Haven't you felt slammed
every day since the ring thing?

And you don't know the odds.

Could be one in a trillion.
It could be one in two.

Anyway, this is about regret.
And those odds are always 100%.

There was a spark, Nick.

And that guy she was with?


I've seen that guy all my life.

You're worth a thousand Coles.

What happened to a trillion?

He was tall.

She might not even be with him!

She said, " I am staying
at the Soho Grand."

You're not gonna ask her
to marry you.

What if I ask her
to get married by mistake?


Why is it that any one decision

always seems too small

to be the biggest decision
of your life?

I don't know.

But sometimes you have to
just make the choice and jump.

You're right.

You're right.

I'll do it.

Oh, God.

Are you planning on
holding my hand the whole time?


Give me your trumpet.


She's happy I came back.

We're going to lunch tomorrow.

- See?
- The three of us.

She invited that guy?

Of course not.

She invited me?


Nick, will you stop
and talk to me?

She's pregnant.

But it's good, though,
you know why?

You know what she said?

She said she's happy
I'm auditioning for Duke

'cause she always
believed in me.

I'm so sorry.

Sorry you're an idiot?

Well, me, too.

Are you okay?

Well, because if you're not,

I really don't know
what I'll do with the guilt.

Well, then I'm miserable.

It's probably the most okay
I've been since she's left.

Because at least I know
something concrete, you know?

Instead of having years
of fantasies and...


I know it's over.

So thank you for that.


I'm still waiting
for the other shoe to drop.

She said she's never been so happy.

But I guess I got to be grown-up.

Got to be okay
with not being okay.

Which completely sucks.

So thank you for that, too.


what do you want to do now?

We've covered every
crucial topic in our lives.

What's left?

Small talk.

Come on.

It's past my bedtime.

I think we're both running
on fumes at this point.

I know and I feel bad!

You have your audition tomorrow.

I feel like you should be sleeping

or practicing or...


I don't think
it matters anymore.

What does that mean?

I don't think I'm gonna go.

But that's why
you came to New York.

To ask the stars
for a sign or whatever,

and the audition was your sign.

I know.

But the girl was the thing.

No, I'm not gonna let you
get away with that.

I heard you play,
and you loved it.


Kind of feel
like it doesn't love me back.

Let's do it.

Come on, we've talked about our past.

Let's talk about our future.

We can get a sign for your sign.

Come on, you don't take
this seriously, do you?

It's a scam.

They tell you something vague.

Your brain fills in the rest.

Well, I don't expect the psychic
to solve both our problems.

I think you're taking it
too seriously.

Well, then what's the point?

The point is, so what?

I don't need to know my future.

I'm gonna live it anyway.

You don't have to believe it
for it to make an impact.

All right.


Are they even open?



You're good.

Did you know we were coming?

What? Oh! Oh, no.

No, it's trash day.

Do you want a reading?

We don't have any money.

I know.

I had trouble sleeping.

So I can use some company.

Come on in.

All right.

He knows?

Should I be impressed or offended?


Who wants to go first?

Don't you use tarot cards
or a crystal ball or something?

Oh, I used to.

My wife thought it made
the customers more comfortable

if they saw me
actually doing something.

But the truth is,

all I really do is look at you.

Tell you what I see.

Where's your wife now?

She passed.


I'm sorry to hear that.

It's all right.

Okay, who's first?

- Oh, him fir...
- Start with her.

Okay, I'm seeing...

a trumpet!

You're a musician of some kind!

Your gift is truly staggering.

Works every time.

Even the skeptics.

All right, young lady.

What are we going
to do with you?

You're at a crossroads, my dear.

You think you know exactly

what your problem is,

and you're exactly wrong.

Why is that?

You think you're trapped

by what's happening to you.

Actually, you've got choices.

You're just afraid
to look at them.

Okay. What are they?

You could walk away.

From what?

I don't know.

But you do.

We can always walk away.

And sometimes you should.

You could have a future
with our boy, here.

And no, I don't say that
to every couple who walks in.

Nick is a terrific guy,

but I'm actually married
to somebody else.

You asked me about your choices.

I stand by what I see.

But what if the things that...

really matter,

what if those choices
aren't up to me?

You know the most
important thing I learned,

after all my years of marriage?

After an entire life
with one person?

What's that?

That you can't allow
the people you love

to determine how you love.

Easier said than done.


No refunds.

Would you mind
if I used your phone?

Oh, well, there's,

there's a phone in the room
down the hall.

Might give you
a little more privacy.

Okay, thank you.

Give Nick and I
a moment to chat.

Picking up any
Powerball numbers?

I don't do races, roulette,

or Powerballs.

- This your wife?
- Yes.

She's beautiful.
Where was this taken?

We danced our way
through something else.


Hey. It's me.

Oh, my God, Brooke.
I've been trying to call you.

I couldn't get the letter.
There was no key.


It's in the magnetized box,
by the pool filter.

No, it wasn't.

I went over there,
and I found the box,

but there was no key inside.

Someone must've taken it
and not put it back.


Uh, you can break it, break in.

I know! That's what I tried to do.

I went to the back door,

where I thought
no one could see,

and I found a rock,
and I broke the back window,

but the alarm went off.

I panicked.

I'm so sorry, Brooke,
but I panicked and ran.

Okay, okay.

It's okay, honey. You tried.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's already 5:00 a.m...

so why don't you
just get some sleep?

All right.



Believe me, I'd sure try,
if she was around.

I was at this party,
just after college,

and the music came on.

It was "Moon River."

And then,

here comes this girl

the most beautiful girl
I had ever seen!

She comes up to me

and just drags me
right out onto the dance floor.

I tried to,

I had no idea how to dance.

But it didn't matter.

I would've made
an absolute fool out of myself

just to spend one minute with her.

And I did.

And it all started with a song.


You guys seemed perfect.

Well, Nick,

there is no perfect.

There will always be struggle.

You just have to pick
who you want to struggle with.

You Okay?

He's only clairvoyant.

What does he know?

I feel so marginalized.

He didn't even talk about my future.

I don't suppose you want
to take a crack at it, do you?

I know that you're trying to cheer me up,
and I appreciate it.

But this is a huge, tangled mess,
and I'm sorry I dragged you into it.

So would that be a no?

You really want to know your future?

Maybe not.

You're a working musician
until your lips fall off.

You're revered.

You have a...

- Maserati?
- A dog.

Functioning credit cards...

Fall in love with a woman
who deserves you.

And she trusts you.

Well, if I ever got that lucky,

I probably wouldn't plan
on letting her down.

My anniversary
with Michael is August 17.

And this year, I decided
impulsively to surprise him.

He was in Atlanta.

So I open his computer
to check when his last meeting will be,

and this e-mail pops up...

flagged urgent,
and the subject is "tonight."

It was about a meeting, all right.

It was the Ritz-Carlton, room 1216,

at midnight, signed

And over the months that followed,

he would address her as Lynn
and she would sign back...


- What'd you do?
- Nothing.

I just read the e-mails
over and over, like a novel.

He would tell her things
from the heart.



Funny things.

Things that you tell someone
that you love.

And your marriage?

It was seemingly unchanged.

Except that, every look,

every joke...

every time we made love...

became lies.

And I was paralyzed.

I couldn't confront him, you know?

This is my life.

It's my marriage.

This is my world,
and this is my one chance at love.

But then it stopped.

He said he felt guilty.

So maybe he chose me.

And then, two days ago,
he goes to Atlanta.

And I open the computer
and there it wa...

there was an e-mail
from her saying...

"I hear you're gonna be in town.

Are you free tomorrow night?"

And I went crazy,

and I wanted
to tear out his eyes.

So I wrote him a letter.

I told him everything I knew
and all the lovey things he wrote to her

and all the mean things
I wanted to say to him.

I mean, I dreamed
of writing that letter for months.

And then, the grand finale,
I took my engagement ring,

my wedding ring
and I put them in the envelope,

and I left it on the bed,
on the pillow.

Only, now, he's coming home
instead of going to see her.

When I was sitting in that bar...

I suddenly realize that I love Michael,

and all these moments
came flooding back to me.

You know,
all the moments we shared.

And the lifetime of moments
that lay ahead


I realized that I'd thrown it all away.

I don't think
you've thrown anything away.

I did.

You haven't seen the letter.

There's no coming back from it.

I could've talked to him
or forgiven him

or worked it out.

But I can't come back from that venom
and that hatred and that ugliness.

And so...

I knew I had to get back home,

so I could destroy the evidence.

And I jump up...

to grab my bag, and I turn around...

Only it wasn't there.

Sometimes I think about her skin.

I think about if it's softer than mine.

Brooke, don't do that.

I hate him for that.

But you love him.

What if he loves her more?

I'd say that's a long shot.

It's possible, isn't it?

It's possible that
you could meet somebody

who's perfect for you,

even though you're committed
to somebody else.

No. No.

See, I think if you're committed
to somebody,

you don't allow yourself to find
perfection in someone else.

You're just telling me
what I want to hear.

Well, if it's
what you want to hear,

I think you already
made up your mind.

I think he's gonna
find that letter

and call you immediately.

Well, what if you're wrong?

Well, then you face the music.

But at least you were brave.

You didn't run.

You held up
your end of the bargain.

I think he's gonna be
begging you to forgive him.

I think he made a mistake.

And I think he knows it.

We love who we love.


Uh, I'll be right back.

Uh, is-is there a bathroom back here?



What, I don't get a letter?

- I have to go.
- Where?

Are you people getting in,
or what?

This woman doesn't have any money,

she's gonna stiff you.

Give me one second.
I will handle this.

I'm gonna go to JFK, and then
wake up my mom in Indianapolis,

and I'm gonna stay there for a while.

I don't know, I'll figure
something out from there.

- Maybe London.
- London?

What are you talking about, Brooke?

How are you gonna fly?

You don't have an l.D.,
you don't have money.

- I don't know.
- I'm out of here.

Oh, great, thank you.

I'm not gonna let you run.

Why you?

Because I think
I know who you are.

And who's that?

You're the girl who recognized
true love and jumped for it.

I can still be that girl.

But maybe I picked the wrong guy.

Nobody said I was smart.

Yeah, well, five minutes ago,
you said you loved him.

Five minutes ago,
you said I loved him.

I haven't said it for a half hour.

There's got to be
a better way to do this.

What is it?
You got any bright ideas?

You got another one
of your fucking bright ideas?

No, I don't, I don't.

But right now,
I'm the best advice you have.

Well, if that doesn't tell you
everything you need to know.


Meaning if all I've got is life advice

from a stranger that
I met four hours ago,

then I'm in big trouble.

You quit med school
to be a musician, right?

And now you're willing

to blow off the biggest
audition of your life

because the girl
you loved didn't choose you?

See, it hurts, doesn't it, Nick?

Who needs to face the music now?

The only thing that is stopping you

from being the biggest
loser in New York

is the fact that
I haven't left town yet.


Look, I hate when people
use this expression,

so I'm sorry I'm about to,

but can we just breathe?

Can we just breathe?

It's been a long night.

We got a couple hours

before we got to
get you on your train.

I think I know somewhere warm
we can go unwind.


Where do you think he is?

He's probably
passed out somewhere.

You can go first.

Thank you.

I'm gonna order room service.
You hungry?

I'm starving.
What can we afford?

Well, I was gonna charge it
to the room.

I think we have a $300 budget.

Okay. Surprise me?



I'm sorry about all those things
that I said earlier.

I guess
I got a little defensive.

Define "defensive."







What are you doing?

I can't.

I'm sorry...

I'm sorry.

At least we waited a few hours.

That way, I don't feel
like a rebound.

Did I mention
that you were charming?

You phrased it differently.

What was that?

"Biggest loser in New York"?


I got an idea.


"Thank you for your stay.
Please help us improve."



Not the fair. Blonde.

Light-skinned, fair.

"Cleanliness. "

Much improved.


Well, the art needed some work,
but we fixed that shit.

"Would you be likely to return?"

Let's leave that one blank.

Good idea.

"How would you rate your overall stay?"

Exceeds expectations.

How can one of the
worst nights of my life

also be one of the best?

I don't know.

I feel that we met
in Grand Central for a reason.

I think that we were
meant to find each other.

Want to know the real reason
I stuck with music all those years?

'Cause Hannah wanted you to?

Not really.

I dream that one day,

I'd be playing with someone like Duke,

and Hannah would walk in...

And she'd see what she lost.


She'd want to try again.

I think we both had some things

we've been putting off
for way too long.

Say what's in your head.

I want to see
if I'm good enough.

But not for her, for me.

Say what's in your head.

I want to smash him.


Deserves it.

But you love him.

But I love him.

I do feel like
I have to go back

and see what we're willing
to do about that.

Because I would never
forgive myself

if I didn't fight for it.

It's time to stop running,

but for now,

let's enjoy this
for a little while longer.

♪ Oh, honey ♪

♪ I really miss you, oh ♪

♪ Oh, honey ♪

♪ Though it was only yesterday you kissed me ♪

♪ And that kiss ♪

♪ That kiss was, oh, so true ♪

♪ I guess I should know better ♪

♪ When it comes to falling ♪

♪ Yes, I should know better ♪

♪ When it comes to falling ♪

♪ Oh, honey ♪

♪ I really miss you, oh ♪

♪ Oh, honey ♪

♪ If only you could hold me now ♪

♪ 'Cause you hold ♪

♪ You hold me, oh, so well ♪

♪ I guess I should know better ♪

♪ When it comes to falling ♪

♪ Yes, I should know better ♪

♪ When it comes to falling in love again ♪


It's you again.

Listen, I want to give you
one more piece of advice.

You're gonna be
playing one night...

Grand Central... thinking
of every reason in the world

to not go see the girl
that broke your heart.

Then you're gonna meet somebody.

And now at first,

she's gonna seem... icy.

You're gonna know
right away she's trouble.

She's gonna take all your money.

You're probably gonna
get punched in the face.

But, uh...

stick with her.

You're gonna need her
a lot more than she needs you.

And at the end of the night,

you're gonna want to
say some things, but don't.

Don't ruin it.

It's nothing
she doesn't already know.

Just give her a kiss.

Wish her good luck.

And, uh...

thank her.

Thank her for showing you
that you can love

more than
one person in this life.

Oh, wait!

Um, Nick?

It's Brooke.

Don't pay your credit card bill
that month.


He said
he wasn't planning on it.

Good luck.

Thank you, Nick.