Before We Fall in Love Again (2006) - full transcript

One day Chang's wife Ling Yue went to work and never returns. She left no message of whatever kind or clues. A man named Tong shows up and claims to be Ling Yue's lover and is looking for ... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Come in.


Have a seat.

Any news of your wife?


It's been about a month now, hasn't it?


I can only imagine how you must feel.

Perhaps you should take some time off.

I'd rather not.

You should take a break. It will give you time to think things through.

Don't worry, someone can cover your work.

It's all settled then. Your vacation starts tomorrow.

I'm sure there must be someplace you'd like to go.

Considering a holiday?


Have a seat.

We have several promotions for Korean package tours this season.

Due to the current popularity of Korean TV series, many couples have begun to fall in love with that romantic place.

Here's a list of Korean travel plans.

Do you fly to Prague?

That's not a good place to go.


There is quite a bit of political turmoil.

Rebel forces are trying to take over the country.

Civil war might break there at any time.

That's where I want to go.

Are you are sure you want to do this?


Excuse me.

Are you Mr. Chang?


How can I help you?

I am Tong. There's something I'd like to talk to you about.


It's about Ling Yue.

What about her?

I know she's missing.

I'm looking for her too.

Who are you?

How long were you together?

A long time.

How long?

Since before she met you.

I used to be her superior at work.

You haven't left yet?

I'm leaving soon. You?

I'm getting ready to leave now.


It's late, how are you getting home?


Wait a little while, I'll send you home myself.


The coffee is good.

There's something I've been wanting to tell you.

What is it?

I like you a lot.

I'm sorry.

No, it's not...

Do you like me?

We're colleagues, of course I like you.

The truth is, love you.

So do you love me or like me?


Would you like to go to a hotel?

We have a twin room, with a pool view.

Nice scenery.

We'll take it.

Cash or credit?

Cash, thanks.

Please fill in the form.

Sir, do you need any help with your luggage?

Did she leave behind any sort of message?

No, she didn't even pack her clothes.

When did you last see her?

After she came back from Bangkok.


In Bangkok.

Excuse me, if you don't mind, I'd like to take a look around.

May I use the toilet?

Can you get out?

I'm peeing.

I want to watch.

What's there to watch?

I like to watch.

Please, I can't pee when you're here.

I'm watching quietly.

I really have to go. Please leave!

You look so adorable when you pee.

Have you seen enough?

What are you doing?

I'm making the bed.

The hotel will do that.

I'm doing it so it'll feel like our home.

Do you think we'll be able to go on a trip overseas?

I'm sure we can.

Just the two of us.

Just the two of us.

Where would you like to go?


That's quite far.

Do you still remember the company trip to Penang?

Is it then that you started to like me?

Even before that.

I still remember the group photo from that. We looked good together.

You don't know how hard it was for me to get to stand next to you.


One step down

Get ready.

1, 2, 3...

Everyone closer.

1, 2, 3...

Everyone smile...

Ready, 1, 2, 3...

That was too much.

You didn't notice?

It was just an ordinary group photo, how could I have noticed?

You really didn't notice? Are all men as dumb as you?

I really wanted to sleep with you then.

Just sleep?

Yes, just to sleep by your side.

You really didn't notice?

I noticed.

Noticed what?

I noticed that many of our colleagues were courting you.

You have been staying here for long?

Almost half a year

Buy or rent?

We bought it when we got married.

How big?

3 rooms, 2 baths

Not bad.

Was it her idea?

Excuse me.

May I use your toilet?

Sure, come in.


Would you like a cup of coffee?

Do you enjoy living alone?

Yes, it's quite comfortable.

Don't you feel lonely?

I like being alone.


It feels good.

And you?

I live alone too.

You don't own a TV?

I don't like to watch TV programs.


There's never anything good on TV. It's just a waste of time.

Don't you watch the news?

I read the papers.

How about movies?

I like to watch movies in the cinema.

Why must be in the cinema? It's convenient to watch at home.

Movies are meant for cinemas. It isn't really a movie if you watch it on TV.

You must watch many movies alone.

Maybe we could go to the movies together some time.

What kinds of movies do you like?

That's not the right way to brush your teeth.

Should be up...down...up...down...

You try.

How long can we be together?

How long do you want?


Forever it is.


What are you doing?

Undressing you.

Don't. I'm going out.

Where are you rushing off to?

I've got a date.

With a man?



Someone I met at a party.

Anyone I know?


Are you joking?

How long have you known him?

A while.

What about me?

I still love you.

Did you buy that puppy?

No, it was a stray.

Where did you find it?

Near the house. Maybe it couldn't find its owner.

I felt sorry for it and brought it home.

Why do you love me?


Why do you love me?

Is that important?

I love you because I like you.

Why do you like me?

I like you because you're silly.

Your eyes are enchanting.

Your smiles are adorable.

And you look good when you're naked.

And you have a great potential.

It's obvious you're lying to me.

I'm just joking.

Come on, tell me honestly.

I won't tell.


Well, why don't you tell me why you love me?

Good evening, Sir.

Please accept this bottle of red wine with compliments of the hotel.

Since you and your friend are our regular customers...

...we'd like to show our appreciation with this bottle of red wine imported from France.

We hope you'll enjoy it.

Please let us know if there is anything you need.

Have a nice afternoon.

Even the manager here recognizes us now.

Maybe it's time to try a new hotel.

Never mind.

We're used to this place. I feel comfortable here.


Why do you love me?

Because you love me.

If I didn't love you, would you still love me?

How can I love you if you don't love me?

Then why do you love me?

You smell nice.

If I stop loving you, will you still love me?

Why wouldn't you love me?

I don't know.

Then why do you love me?

I've got to go.

See you at the office tomorrow.

That's not the way to brush your teeth.

You'll hurt your teeth if you do it the wrong way.

Let me show you how.

Like this.

Like this -- one...two...three...four...

Like this?

Make it slower and smoother.

Something like this.

Are you ok?


Let's go to Prague.

When are we going?

We'll go late next month..


You've been staying on your own for so long, have you ever thought of...

Yes, I have.

So, what do you think?


You've really given it some thought?



So, there's a possibility?

Possibility for?

You've been live alone for a while now.

Do you think you can get used to it?

Get used to what?

Have you really given it some thought?


I mean, get used to living with a silly person.

With you?


With the giraffe.

Give me some time to think through.

Don't go.

Do you like this one?

Just looking.

Ok, please take your positions.

Step forward.


Okay, please stand with your back to your husband.

Put your hands on your wife's waist.

Ok, hold your husband's hands.


You can only fix it tomorrow?


Do you know where we are?


Should we cancel the hotel reservations?


I promise I'll bring you someplace else next time.

Ok, I'd like to go to Prague.

Prague...that's a bit far.

But that's fine, we'll fly.

How many kids do you think we'll have?

I thought you didn't want any.

People change their minds.

How many would you like?


That's a lot, how about nine?

Eight's better.

Seven, or six.






Do you see me?

I see myself.

I see myself too.

This type is very suitable for newlyweds.

Not too big, not too small.

Fits perfectly into a small apartment.

But if you're starting a family, this one is better.

What's the difference?

They have similar functions, but different load sizes for different sizes of families.

This one can fit more clothes, and will last longer.

What do you think?

I think you should get the big one.

When you have kids, it'll be more useful, and will last longer.

We stopped seeing each other for some time when you got married.

How did you get back together?


I'll be home late. I have some stuff to do.

Talk to you later.

Are the children asleep?

Good, don't wait up.

Would you like more coffee?

How have you been?

Good. You?

Not bad.

Where are you working now?

In a small company.

Settling in ok?



Work wise?

Yes, how's the company?

Getting busy.

We're opening a branch in Singapore.

That's good.

They're sending half of us there.

I'll be going down often.

Next year, they're looking to branch out to Bangkok.

They've already done the market research.

Remember Anne?

The PR person?

She's getting married next month.

That's good.

Guess who she's marrying?

Is it Paul?

Yes, he's been courting her for quite a while.

Do you know why it took her so long to go out with him?

Don't know.

Because she likes you.

I thought about you the other day.

That's all in the past, what's to think about?

Occasional thoughts aren't bad.

Do you think of me?

I'm going to Bangkok next week.



Going alone?

With a few colleagues.

For how long?

5 days.


Hi, how are you doing?

Good, what is it?

Just wanted to chat. Have you had dinner?

You called to asked me that?

I called you this afternoon too, but you didn't pick up.

I was in a meeting.

How did the meeting go?

It was alright.

My friends are waiting for me to go out for dinner.

Will you be going back to the hotel after dinner?

We're going to see the town.

It's their first trip to Bangkok, so we're going to do some sightseeing after.

That's great, have fun.

Ok, bye.



Good, what is it

You called to asked me that?

I was in a meeting.

It was alright.

My friends are waiting for me to go out for dinner

We're going to see the town.we're going to do some sightseeing after.

Ok, bye.

Are you ready?


Are you hungry?

Not really, but I can still eat.

I'll cook some noodles for you.

The hot water machine is broken. Someone's coming to fix it tomorrow.

You can take your shower tomorrow.

I'll go cook now.

He doesn't look so well.

Of course not, he's been missing you.

You'd better get dressed, breakfast is ready.


Come, let's go out.

What is it?


I've got to go.

You haven't finished your breakfast.

I've got a meeting this morning.

Will you be coming home for dinner?

We'll see. I'll give you a call.

Ok, make sure you take some food.

Good bye.

She didn't go to work that day.

Her colleagues called up looking for her.

Did she drive to work?

Chang Siew Fai.

Who's he?

Her first love.

How do you know?

She never told you?

What are you doing?

Opening it.

I don't think that's right.

Then what?.

We should pass the letter to him.

If we can't find him?

Then we open it.

I was working during school break then.

I was working in a bookshop.

I was waiting for a bus one day.

He was riding his bike to and fro in front of me.

Then he stopped and said...

..." Hi, I'm Chuan Siew Fai, can I be your friend?"

At that time...

...I really hated the way he looked.

We started chatting.

He was outgoing and funny.

He was an ease to be with.

We got together after a while.

He asked me out a few times. I agreed.

At that time, I thought I'd never fall for him.

I don't know why that we got together after.

I gave him my virginity.

He was constantly surrounded by women.

It was because of his dashing good looks.

Rumor had it that he could sweet talk women out of their money and love.

He always got into fights.

He'd always look for me after the fights.

I remember once he was beaten up badly, and he came looking for me.

My heart wept for him when I saw him.

I cleaned his wounds, put on bandages.

Then we made love.

I don't know why I fell for this man.

Am I crazy?

I'm tired. You better drive.

I don't know how to drive.

I really don't know how to drive.

There's only one room left, with a double bed.

Is that a problem?

There aren't any other rooms?

Please look again.


I'm tired and sleepy. You?

Same here. Which side do you normally sleep on?

Can't sleep?


Want some coffee?

Have you thought of what you would say to her if we found her?

No, you?


She had been working late so often, and she was frequently outstationed.

You never suspected her?

What is it?

Someone's after me. Can I hide inside for a while?

Come in.

Who is she?

She's looking for a place to hide.

I fought with my boyfriend.


If the two of you want to do me together, I don't mind.

Would you like some coffee?

It wasn't me.

I've worked for you for so long. You should know me by know.

Yuen and Seng were with me when I collected the money. They should know what happened.

You can't blame me because they ran off. They work for you too.

I didn't mean that.

I'm sorry, I'll take back my words.

You've got to believe me.

I can't be responsible for something I didn't do.

The amount of money involved is too big for me to handle.

Could you please help me explain...

Keong? Keong?

Fai, two guys are here looking for you.


Don't know, you better see for yourself.

You're looking for me?

Are you Chang Siew Fai?


Do you remember Ling Yue?

Ling Yue? That was so long ago!

Ok, let's get this clear first, you're her husband?

No, I am.

Then who are you?

You're her lover?


You've got nothing better to do than be someone's lover?

So you are the lover and you are the betrayed husband?

Are you guys on honeymoon?

What does her going missing have to do with me?

You're her first lover.

I had so many girls then, even more now.

If every time a girl went missing her man came looking for me,

I'd be busy all the time.

Do you know where she is?

I don't know, lover boy!

How did you guys find me?

We found a letter she wrote to you...

...but never sent.

We're here to pass the letter on to you. We were hoping you could help us find her.

Excuse me, is Chang Siew Fai here?

He just left.


Do you think he knows where she is?

Let's wait and see.

Sorry, I can't help you guys.

What did she write?

It's got nothing to do with you.

Are there any clues?

It's got nothing to do with me!

Tell me what's in the letter.

The letter was for me, not you. Nothing to do with you!

Even if it has something to do with me, I really don't know where she is!

I beg you, tell us what's in the letter.

When you people lose something, you come looking for me.

Who I should I go looking for when I lose something?


Or you, Mister Lover?

What is this?

For no reason you come and give me this letter. Is this some trick from that bitch?

Where is she?

Get her to talk to me directly!

Don't write a fucking letter like this!

You want to know what's in the letter?

You really want to fucking know?


Take it! Come on and take it!

Go home. I really don't know where she is.

Chang Siew Fai, long time no see.

Mr. Wong, how have you been?

Not good. I'm getting old and you still want me to run around looking for you.

Just call me.

Call you? You are a joker.

Where are my goods?

To tell you the truth, if I had your goods, I wouldn't be avoiding you for so long.

So you called me out for fucks?

I'm sure your old dick can take it!

Old dick.

Hey, don't kill him.

Sorry to bother you gentlemen.

For your information the man who just got beaten up badly has betrayed our boss.

And our boss decides not to kill him off easily.

So you can imagine a lot more pain will be inflicted to him later tonight.

Then we'll have supper by midnight and continue to inflict more pain and damage on him.

My boss is a very kind & compassionate man. He doesn't like to hurt people.

Unless you've offended him in some way, or you're his enemy.

And I believe you haven't offended him, nor are you his enemies.

So he hopes that the two of you can do him a small favor.

All he wants is for you guys to forget about what you've seen here tonight.

Just treat us as if we've never even existed on this planet. Could you guys do that?

It's very kind of you both to cooperate with us. My boss is very grateful.

After this, we'll never see each other again.

Thank you and good night.

Did you give her the puppy?

I'm leaving for Prague, can you take care of it?

Not a good idea. My wife doesn't like dogs.


Nevermind then.

I want a drink!

Ok, ok -- here we are.

What are you doing here?

What a coincidence.

The groom is my cousin.

The bride's an acquaintance of mine.

How've you been?


But I've changed my job.

Here's my new name card.


How about you? Doing ok?

Bout the same.

I'm so surprised to see you here.

Me too.

So, when are you heading back to Kuala Lumpur?

I'll stay a couple of days more. Got some business appointments. You?

I'm going back early in the morning.

I better go and help. See you.
