Before Valentine's (2022) - full transcript - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
It is Valentine's Day tomorrow.

I don't know about you
but I'm looking forward to it.

Some people say
it's not worth celebrating,

I say,
"What's not to celebrate about love?"

This is your girl, Temi, in the studio.

I believe it's going to be
an awesome weekend of

love messages, fine wine,
chocolates and gifts.

- Sugar, Sugar!
- Obi, you can't get her.

Please, be my val.

- Ha! Fine girl.
- In your dreams, baby.

So, this weekend, we say no to tears.

We say no to spending
this weekend alone and lonely.

Dear Lord,

I know that…

Heavenly father,

I know that I have not
come to you in a while.

But I...

Father Lord,

I know that I have not
come to you in a while.

Lord, I'm sorry. I...


All in all, remember to
show someone some love today.

Young or old, tomorrow and always.

This is the Morning Show where we
serve you your daily dose of good music.

Now, sit back and relax as I
leave you with some cool love jamz.

- Grandma.
- Yes.

I want to quickly go to Favor's
house and give her, her books.

Alright, go quick.

You know we are already
late and err… we can't afford to…



Children of nowadays, ah!

It's no use talking to you,

none whatsoever.

You just don't get it.

Honestly, I don't know what
else you want from me, Tamara.

I want you to...

Kingsley is here, I need to go.

I need to go.

- Good morning.
- Morning.

- Is everything okay?
- Yeah.

- Well, I'll just say...
- Let's go.

Let's go!

This is your book and…

- this is from me.
- Favor who is that?

Don't open it till tomorrow morning.

- Promise?
- I promise.

Bye bye.

Oh, my God!

- Philo.
- Darling, this is absolutely beautiful.


Wait, you did this all by yourself?

Yes. You were supposed
to come help me, remember?

Chika, I… I'm so
sorry, I had things to do.

- Things?
- Yeah.

Okay, I hear you.

But I actually like
this touch of red though.

It's valentine season.

- I know and it is such a beautiful time.
- Wait…

until you see inside, it is absolutely...

Alright, get in.

- Let's go, let's go, I want to see it.
- Okay listen!


- Come on.
- Let's go, let's go.

Wearing pink.

- Oh my God.
- Oh, my God.

Aww darling, this is absolutely nice.

After you left me to do all the work.

- Hey, you did this all by yourself?
- Of course.

Oh darling, you've outdone yourself, boo.

- Thank you.
- Huh!

Oh, my God! And I actually like it.


Okay, so…

What, Philo?

Aww, you remembered.

You thought I'd forget.


Philo, these are absolutely beautiful.

Of course they are, darling,
I have an absolutely stunning taste.

- Yes, you do.
- What do you take me for?

- So lovely.
- Come here.

Awww. Thank you.

- Happy birthday, boo.
- Thank you.

Thirty looks good on you.

- Don't say my age.
- Oh please, darling.

- Accept it as a compliment.
- Aww,

- this is so lovely.
- And it's your size

Yes, Jesus is lord, after all.

Jesus is Lord.

Philo, God will bless you.

- Please, spare me the serenade.
- So nice.

Jesus Christ.


This is beautiful.

You see.

Love is in the air.

And it is as beautiful
as you are my darling.

- You flatter me.
- You look amazing darling.

And who is this nice
looking woman with you?

Nice looking with this hair?

Shhh, you don't say
that in front of her face.

We just have to gossip
her behind her back.

Got it.

Welcome to Magic Scissors.

Ah yes. Where our magical hands
transform you into a more beautiful


…handsome version of yourself.

He's got jokes.

But I can see why you like the place.

- It's nice.
- Hmm?

If you'll excuse me, I just want to
wash my hands. I'll be with you shortly.

Okay. Run along, run along.

Please take your seat
and make yourself comfortable.

- Alright, thank you.
- Hmm.

- Hmm?
- Hmm.

Now, if you don't mind,

I will go grab my apron,
I don't want to mess up this…

- Gorgeousness.
- Gorgeousness.

Did he just do the hand?

Be nice.

He called me handsome.

Darling, what hairstyle
do you have in mind?

Err… I will go with crochet
but I have to wait for Sugar.

Sugar? Are you sure about that?

Sugar is always late.

I know. I'm not in a hurry.

Okay. And what about you dear?

- Okay what I have...
- We're aiming for…

knock-you-off-your-feet kind.

- Uhm. Mm-hmm.
- You know it's Valentine's.

- I got you darling.
- Oh.

I got you. Now get up.

It is time to make a woman out of you.

You are in safe hands.

Okay, Damola, what hair
would you like to make?

Uhm, crochet but I'm waiting for Sugar.

Oh okay.

Alright. Would you like anything to drink?

Oh no, I'm fine.

You should relax.



Hello. Excuse me…

This network.


Is that Sugar?


No darling. When you see Sugar…

you will know it is Sugar, darling.

- True.
- She's crazy.

Now, that is Tamara and her…

very handsome and very rich husband.

- Mmm.
- And man, you forgot to add that,

he's also caring and

- handsome,
- Ah.

And romantic. I mean who drops his woman
every single day before going to work.

That's goals.

- That is not only goals,
- Goals!

I want to be that man.

I'm just thinking… See, I'm just wondering
what he has planned for tomorrow.

- Hmm.
- Valentine's.

Let's see. Maybe fly her out to
Paris or Italy to get some gelato.

- You know.
- Gelato.

- Sorry about that.
- Hold on. But,

if her husband is really that rich,

why is she working here?

Darling, she is only an intern, okay?

And she will get her own
space when she's done here.

How do you know that?

I'm a regular here.

Plus, I know everybody's gist.


You know everybody's gist.

- Good morning.
- Hey, Tamara hi.

- Darling, good morning.
- Good morning.

- Come here, come here.
- Good to see you.

Good to see you. Okay, one question.

Does your husband have a younger brother?
I'm asking for a friend.

- Ola.
- Ola.

You have a man.

Like I said, I'm asking for a friend.


I'm just saying. If tomorrow's date
does not work out, we have backup.

Well… sorry, he doesn't.

- He is an only child.
- Aww, too bad.

Good morning everyone.

Hi aunty Shaffy, good morning.

Hi, is Sugar here?

Oh Sugar, she is err,
she's not here yet but err...

Yes but um, I'm happy to attend to you.

No, no.

No one touches my hair but Sugar.


She is not even here yet
but there is a customer waiting for her.

Like I said, I'm… I'm happy to...

That's okay.

I'll come back. Tell Sugar
she owes me a house call.

Bye aunty Shaffy.


Tamara darling, what's
with all the bags, boo?

Um, yeah, I just got
some food and drinks for

Chika's birthday.

Happy birthday Chika.

- It's your birthday?
- Me?

- Yes, our darling Chika is thirty today.
- Aww.

- Thank you.
- Are you serious?!

And you didn't even say
anything when we walked in.

I'm sorry, I didn't want to.

- Happy birthday.
- Thank you.

Happy birthday. I owe you a gift.

- You don't have to but thank you.
- Speaking of gifts.

Here, it's for you.

- For me?
- Mmm-hmm.

Tamara darling, that
is so beautiful of you.

Aww, that is so lovely of you.

- Tamara, you didn't have to.
- It's fine. Come on, you deserve it.

Chika, you have been so kind to me.

You've taught me so much
in my very short time here.

- Thank you.
- No, thank you.

- Thank you
- No, thank you.

May God reward you.

- Amen.
- Amen!

- Amen!
- Darling open, let's see what it is.

- Okay, I will.
- Open.

It is Gucci.

Aww, its beautiful.

- For me? Gucci.
- Mmm-hmm.

- Tamara darling, that is so beautiful.
- Oh no!

Tamara, you keep raising the bar.

We can't even get close, let alone cross.

- Tamara, may God bless you.
- Amen!

Everything you lay your hands on

- will prosper.
- Amen!

God will replenish
your pocket in plenty folds.

- Amen!
- Amen!

- Amen!
- May your pocket never run dry.

May your boo's pocket never run dry!

- In the matchless name of Jesus.
- Amen!

- Halleluiah! Amen!
- Mummy G.O.

Dropping prayer bars.

Before? Do you have
anybody buying you Gucci?

- Nobody.
- Please, let me see.

- My darling, nobody. Not even Gusi or Ucci
- Please help clean your hands.

I'm taking it to Sunday service.



We're in the Valentine spirit.

Sugar in the building.

Sugar, Sugar.

Hey. You know it's all
about the moolah, baby.

Always looking hot.

Oh girl, you know a girl has
got to do what a girl's got to do.

What's up, guys?

- Sugar.
- Hi Philo.

Okay, so guys.

I have been itching to share this news.

I made a new hit last night
and trust me, this one is off the charts.

Here you go. One for you.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Here you go.

I don't listen to worldly songs.

Here you go.

- Thank you.
- Mmm-hmm.

This one is a hit. I'm about to blow away.

Wait, guys.

This is not Gusi, this is
Gucci. Like the real Gucci.

- Mmm-hmm
- Hmm darling.

- Ah-ah…
- Who flies?!

Ola, Ola. Your man is not playing.

He has started declaring Valentine gifts.

I wish. It is not mine, it is for Chika.

- Huh?
- Thank you.

Jesus baby?

Can I have my bag?

How? Tah! Come on.

Can I have my bag?

- Or has the weather changed?
- Sugar baby,

- relax.
- Please, give me my bag.

Tamara here got it
for her as a birthday present.

- Oh, Tamara.
- Mmm-hmm.

I see.

Well, next time Tamara, maybe you
should get her something more spiritual.

- You know, that will be better.
- Oh Sugar,

come on, leave the girl alone.

What? I'm just saying
I don't think she likes

stuff like that, she does not value it.

- Really?
- Yes.

And how come I don't see
you with any birthday gift?

- Oh oh.
- And who told you I didn't get her a gift?

Well, I didn't see you
walk in here with any.

Well, that is because…

it's coming from the U.K.

- Okay now.
- Yes, my couz, my nephew and my mama.

Oh, I get to meet your cute nephew today.

Oh yes darling, you do. What is this?

Food and drinks. All from Tamara.

Oh, I'm on a diet.

I forgot.


Sugar, I have been waiting for you.

- Mmm-hmm.
- Please, I need to do crochet.

Okay. So you get done
with your routine and let's start.

Of course.

What routine?

Touch up.



And there's one more thing.


Hi Sugar.


- Hello Max.
- Hi.

How was your night?

My night. Um Max…

I don't know, Max, I was asleep.

Oh yeah, that's true.

So, how are you?

How am I? I'm great.
As you can see, I'm fabulous.

Um… you can see I have a lot of work to do

and I'm sure you have
work to do too, right?

So you should hurry and do it.

Yeah, yeah, I do. Em…

Em, I just came to give you this.


Thank you, alright?


There is a note.

Oh, there is?

Alright, cool.

Aren't you going to open it?

Right now?


"Will you be my…


Err, Max,

can we talk about this later? I'm

so swamped up in this work

and I'm sure you have work to do, right?

So, you should get to work.


Maybe, maybe you can give
me an answer over lunch?

I'm sorry the thing is… you see…

I will be on my period that time,
I mean I will be having,

serious menstrual pain.

So, I'm so sorry. Unfortunately,
I won't be able to make it, alright?

Okay, no problem. I will just…

- I will bring yours as usual.
- Okay, so you said you want to do braids?

- Yes, yes. Crochet, yes.
- Right?

Okay. Crochet, I've got you.

Don't you think we
should wash this a little?

Yeah, yeah.

I mean it's been a while,
we should wash this.

Get to it.

- Girl.
- Don't.

This guy is still on your case.

I'm tired.

Who was that?

Is he her ex-boyfriend or…?

- Mmm-mmm.
- In his dreams.

- He wants to be her boyfriend.
- Mmm-hmm.

Well, she does not want him

- and he would not take no for an answer.
- Exactly.

- So…
- And he keeps coming here every single day

- Every single day?
- Yep.

Is he jobless too?

My sister, I'm tired, just fed up.

- That is not fair, Sugar.
- What?

You know he's not jobless.

Are you sure?

His office is in the next building.

He comes here often
because he likes Sugar.

Well, Sugar don't like him.

Is that too hard to grasp?

Chika darling.

- Chika!
- Hmm?

You have not been yourself
all day today. Are you okay?

- Yes, I'm okay, I'm fine.
- Are you sure?

You know you can tell me anything, right?

I'm fine.

So tell me, does it have
anything to do with… Noah?


Mister, you must be joking.

I already told you that
there is no parking space here.

But this is a spot right here.

Is this your parking space?

Is this your spot?

Why are you acting like you don't know me?

You know I work next door.

Once it's twelve noon,
I'll send someone to come get my car.

Forget all you are saying, it cannot work.

You come here every time to park.

You have never given me a tip.

Okay, that's the problem, right?

Alright, I will sort you out, okay?

Calm down, why are you stressing over it?

Story, story.

- No. no.
- But we just had an agreement.

Mister! When my customers come,
where will they park?

- Okay, that is…
- When my madam comes, where will she park?

That is enough, Usman.

Is there a problem here?


This man wants
to park here and I have said no.

Where will my customers
park when they come?

- Usman, come here.
- Hmm?


- Leave him, let him park.
- Huh?

- What?
- I said you should leave him.

Shut up.

I said you should leave him to park.

Tell madam I told him to park.

I don't want all of these. You…

You… I'm watching you.

I'm seeing you.

Such a crazy guy.

I know.

Oh, I like your jacket.

Thank you.

It's fine. Hi, I'm Brienne.

Farouq, I work next door and I...

Oh, I know.

Of course I know. I mean,
I have seen you a couple of times.



I, um,

I guess I'll be seeing you around. then.

Err, how is tomorrow?

Not a bad idea.

Okay, I get it. It's weird,
I mean guys do the asking

and talking but let's just
say I'm an ambitious person.

And I don't like
to leave things to chance.

Besides, it's Valentine's tomorrow and…

why don't we start to build
something? I got you these by the way.


Am I being pranked, though? Cause,

you know this is a little surprising.

Thank you very much.

You are welcome. So?

Um… So, give me
enough time to think about it.

Well, you shouldn't
take too long, alright?

And you have a beautiful day.

I'll do my best.


His accent is everything.
The way he walks,

he's smooth, he's sexy.

Oh my goodness, Farouq.

Farouq is a dream.


My God.

Who is this Farouq guy, really?


Let's just say he's Sugar's crush.

- No darling, he is my husband to be.
- Yeah.


As soon as I give him
some of my sugar, baby,

he will be addicted.

Sodom and Gomorrah
spirit, leave this person.

Sugar, you shouldn't have
given him the gift Max gave you.

Exactly, Max gave who? Me.

I can do whatever I want.

Let me ask you one question real quick.
What were you guys talking about?

Oh, I asked him out.

- Hey! I love this place.
- What?

I want it to be delivered. Hmm?


look, let me get back to you
on when exactly, cause you know

I still need to handle a few logistics.

Okay. Bye.

The way you are blushing like
a little girl and smiling stupidly,

I have a very good
feeling this is about Sugar.

Of course it's about Sugar.

You know now.

Look, I'm planning for tomorrow.

Oh, why didn't you tell me the good news.

So she finally agreed to go out with you?

Not yet, but she will. She will.


I asked her to be my val.

Hmm? Okay.

First of all,

that sounds like
something a teenager would say.

Secondly, mister, what's your problem?

Why can't you read
the handwriting on the wall?

The girl doesn't want you, man.
She doesn't.

Should I give you microphone so
that the whole office will hear you?

Look, I'm only saying this
because you're my guy.

You're doing too much
for this girl, man. You are.


And so what is wrong with that?

Look, ladies love to be chased?


There is the chase and then
there is what you are doing.

And what am I doing?

You're embarrassing the
entire male community, man.

You have got to stop, bro.
You are losing some guy points.

I'm only trying to help, bro.

Please, don't forget
the woman said she wants it really… yes.

Organize for your guy,
purchase for your guy.

You understand?

Poof for your guy.

I have arrived, who can stop me?

Good day, ladies.

And that one too.

Good day everybody. I'm here here for you.

Buy from your guy. It's valentine season.

I swear, I have nice,
beautiful collections.

You know, wristwatch, you can check time.

- You know, nice belts… Yes, hello, hello.
- Mister.

We're not buying.

No, speak for yourself.
It's not for everybody.

They will buy,
let them hear what I have to say.

Mister, we're not buying.

If anything, their men are
supposed to buy for them.

As it should be.

Look, I know your type.

- Excuse me?
- You're excused.

I know your real type.
You want to ruin my plans here.

I know you must have bought

handkerchief, roll on
and boxers for your guy for tomorrow.

Then you'll expect him to gift you
designer bags or an iphone or whatever.


Don't you dare
insult our customers, alright?

She is not… we're not interested in this
rubbish that you're selling. Now leave.

Can you Imagine? Wonders shall never end.

Did someone say something?
Did I hear anything?

I have been ridiculed.

When important people are expected to
speak, a nonentity has something to say.

Guy, who are you in the scheme of things?

Am I calling you a guy? Whether
you are a guy or babe, I do not even know.

- Who are you in all these?
- Okay!

- That is enough.
- No!

- All my goods are original.
- No.

We're not interested in your

fake watches and belts
and perfumes. Alright?

- Are you calling my goods fake?
- Everything is fake.

Between us, judge who is fake?

Yes, answer the question.

Your hair, fake. Your eyelashes, fake.

Because when you blink, it blows us air.

Your nose, fake.

Your lips, limpopo, you fixed it. Fake!

Yes, even your voice is
originally baritone but because

you are wearing a waist trainer,
it has reduced. It is still fake. Yes.

Even your breast is fake

because it will deflate
once I insert a needle.

- You will need a vulcanizer.
- We don't want to fight.

- You're fake.
- Get out.

Take your nonsense
and get out of here right now.

- Mister, leave here now!
- That's enough! That's it! You're out!

- That's enough, get out!
- Get out!

- Take your rubbish and leave!
- Mister, please leave.

You are all too stingy, get out!

- Get out, you are too stingy.
- Mister, go meet your wife at home.

- Don't ruin Valentine's for us.
- You are all too stingy. Thieves.

- Nonsense. Excuse me!
- Go, go!

- Rubbish!
- Bye.

- How did he even get in?
- I just don't even get it at all.

- Nuisance, red demon.
- You want to sell something,

so why are you being so aggressive?

Who let that guy in?

But he does have a point, though.

Like, we women always put so much
pressure on the guys for this one day.

And it's ridiculous.

Okay wait, are you for us or against us?

- Help me ask her.
- I'm just saying, it's ridiculous.

- But seriously, she has a point though.
- Its one day.

I mean but still,

you know, we still need
to put a bit of pressure on them.

You know, just so
they rise to the occasion.

Otherwise, they just really
relax, get comfortable, you know,

knowing that they have pinned the girl.

Please… Tamara… Please…

When people like us are talking,
please don't involve yourself.

What does that mean?

Don't act like you don't know
that there are so many women

out there that will kill to
have a man like your husband.

Ah no, I will not kill.
I will not kill in the name of Jesus.

- Relax, it's not that deep.
- Just so you know, my hubby is not

all that perfect.

Which is why Sugar here needs to know how
blessed she is to have a devotee like Max.

- I dodge that.
- Who are you dodging?

Who are you dodging?

- Dodge and pass.
- I dodge and pass.

But girls, girls. Wait, hold on.

Let's review it.
You know these chicks that

seem to have Tamara's boo's type of money,

are usually our daddy's,
daddy's, daddy's age mates.

- It doesn't come easy, honey.
- Please, do we care?

We don't care and that is
why Sugar always says…

"It's all about the moolah, baby!"

That's right.

I pity you.

I don't get…
I don't get it. I'm lost for words.

I don't understand all
the hype of getting done up.

Okay, it's an excuse to buy presents
in exchange for good sex.

Oh hey. Do you need… do you want water?

I mean, don't choke on the word sex.

- No, it's you that needs water.
- Let me get you water.

I'm, I'm so sorry,
I did not mean to offend you

- but you know what I'm saying right?
- My darling, don't mind her. Please!

- Don't let her SU deceive you. Don't.
- That's true.

But you know what
I mean, right? Thank you.

Yes, and Chika girl is all booed up.

- Booed up.
- That's right.

- Noah darling.
- She has a man?

Yeah. She has a boyfriend.

- Ooh, Miss Jesus?
- She does. Ooo!

I hope your birthday
has not entered voicemail

because of Valentine because honey,

those are two different occasions.

No, it has not.

Mind your business.

- What!
- Just this… just this once.

I'm an activist against men who
don't like to spend money for their women.

- Preach!
- Chika!

You! If he doesn't go all out
for you today and tomorrow…

- don't give him the flower.
- Flower.

Wait. Chika is a virgin. Come on.

Like you are the one
that gave birth to me.

Virgin, the Lord be with you.

- Sugar, leave Chika alone.
- I can't say the same for you.

First of all, Noah is a Jesus baby.

- So that flower or cookie is safe.
- Mmm-hmm.

He's a Jesus boy, she is a Jesus girl.

- They're perfect together.
- Yeah. Okay, I get, I get it now.


Do you have plans for tomorrow
or do you want me to hook you up?

That's true. What is happening tomorrow?

Thank you darling but I have a girlfriend.


- I'm sorry.
- You have a girlfriend?

- As in a girl?
- A real girl.

No. As in an actual real goat.

Of course, I have a
girlfriend, a real girlfriend.

What's your problem?

Why're you rude?

- I just wanted to be sure.
- We only want to be sure.

Her name by the way is Vero love.

How come you've never said
anything about her before now?

Because it's a lie!

Are you really falling for this?

- Sugar, one moment.
- Oh, please.

First of all, it does not matter
if you know it is true or not.

The fact is that I'm in a
relationship that you cannot quantify.


Ouch. Okay boo.

So tell us, when last did you
release the tension in this relationship?

Or don't you want to know?

- I what to know.
- Okay. Please tell us.

- Uh, haha.
- Wow.

Sugar, Sugar, Sugar.

Sugar, you see that's the problem
with you and your blonde wig, alright?

You try to reduce and you can't do that.

You can't reduce the intimacy
and intensity of a relationship

- to just sex.
- English!

- Wow.
- English baby.

Okay. Can you now, like, explain?


I will explain it to
make it simpler for you.

I said, you cannot decide
how intimate or intense

a relationship is only by how
much sex a couple has. Get it?

Excuse me, does sex
and relationship not mean the same thing?

- Oh, my God! Sugar, I'm done with you.
- No! Come on.

I'm through with you.

- Oh my God.
- I just want to know. Knowledge is key.

Your wig wins.

I still cannot believe
you have a girlfriend.

He has a girlfriend
and they've been dating for two years.

But they have not seen
each other in two years, so…

So much for having
‎a girlfriend, "I have a girlfriend."

They're in a long distance relationship.

- How does that work?
- They use WhatsApp and Facebook.

Okay, um, Chika,

thank you for the update. Zip it.

No but I was just telling
them that you people use 2go.

- Thank you.
- Sorry.

But wait, is she, like, not
in the country or is she...

At least he has a
girlfriend, what do you have?

- Hologram girlfriend.
- Ooh!


Give it to me, please!


Mama, I'm going to lose the game.

Sorry, if I don't make this call, you
will not only lose, you will be lost.

- Is she abroad or something?
- No. Jos, Plateau state.

Why can't you go and see her
or why can't she come here?

Because they are deceiving
each other. That's why.

Oh sorry guys, my mom.

I thought you said she was on a flight.


Yes, and what if they've landed?

Already? Has it been
six hours since they left?

Well, it's been a few...

Or maybe she used the
in-flight Wi-Fi to make the call.


Oh so you know and you what?
You just decided to waste my time?

You know you should
learn to mind your business.

Mommy, hi. How is the flight?


I just want to ask you erm…

What is the bus stop where we will drop?

But I have sent it to you.

Yes, but I forgot it.

I forgot it at home.
I think I left it on the bed.

I think I left it

on top of the bed.

I'm surprised at you.

Okay fine. I will send it as a
text to you. I will send it to you.


- How is Jason?
- He is fine.


Nkechi before you go.

What of, err,

- our discussion?
- But I've already told you.

I'm no longer single.
You'll meet him when you come.

Alright, trust me. He is a fine,
handsome, hausa speaking juicy man.


Okay, I will send you a text now.

I get my hair done once in a while.


Mommy please wait, I'll call you back.

What is it?

Nkechinyere! Nkechi! Wow!

Welcome, my darlings. You look amazing.

I've been expecting
you darlings, please come.

- Sit down while I...
- Oh my God!

Dr. Sid, DJ Sose?

Wait, am I dreaming?

Wait. Please pinch me so
I know I'm not dreaming.

- Sugar…
- Oh, it's them.

- Oh my God…
- Yes it's, yes it's them.

Hi. Let's take a selfie.

Um, Sugar why don't you let
our customers sit down first, please?

Of course. Yeah, come on.
You can sit down right here

and then you can sit over here.

Go on.

Sugar, just…

Welcome, welcome


Oh, my God.

You know, I can't believe it.
My dream is about to come true.


I'm the one thing your
record label is missing out on.

Yes, your star.

- Oh really?
- Yes really.

I have a mixtape, hold on.

Excuse me.

- Did she say mixtape?
- Yeah.

Now look at this.

Once you listen to this, trust me,
you will sign me immediately.

And when you sign me,
I'll be successful and you too will be.

You see these guys and the world,
they are not ready for my talent.

For my gift.

So you can sing?

Of course. Should I play it for you?

No, there's no need
to play it, you can just sing.

Oh, okay. Well, um,

I can perform an original.

Hmm, no. Why not just sing
something that everyone knows, right?

Oh yeah, that is a nice idea.

How about "Over the Moon"?

That is my favorite.

How did you know?

Now, get ready to have
your minds blown away.

I, I, I, I, I,

I, I, I, I, I feel
like I'm flying over the moon

I feel like I'm flying over the moon

Baby, I feelLike I'm flying over the moon

Baby baby let's roll

Girl, I like the way you go

I know you enjoy my parole

Ooh, oh oh

That was marvelous darling,
absolutely marvelous.

- We're not ready for your talent, darling.
- No, you're not.

- Oh, you go Sugar.
- Thank you boo.

See, I told you,
I'll blow your minds away.

So, when do I come to the studio?


Hello, yeah hello.

- Your phone did not even ring.
- No. I'm so sorry, I really have to go.

Let's keep in touch.
Send me, send me a DM.

No. Why a DM? We can
just sign the contract right now.

This is my mixtape come on.
We… you don't have…

- You're not going to open your DM.
- Contract… contract my ass!


Sugar, what is this rubbish?
What is this rubbish?!

See, you just made me lose
a customer right now. I'm so upset.

- Excuse me. Excuse me.
- I'm so upset with you.

You don't do that!

How was that my fault? Or are you deaf?

He had an appointment,
he went for his appointment.

- Appointment?
- Mmm-hmm.

The only thing he went for was
an appointment with his ear doctor

after that rubbish you
sang and embarrassed

- all of us here.
- Your father, your real dad.

- Oh really?
- Yes.

You know you're just a hater.

And guess what, honey? Haters are going
to hate, potatoes are going to potate.

Good morning sir.

Robert said you wanted to see me.

I did.

Hand me the share certificates
in the drawer.

This one?


Is that what I asked you to do?

Nice wrapping…

Nice err… Nice wrapper sir.

Is there a problem?


It's just a very familiar wrapping paper.


Did you wrap it yourself?

Would you also like to know who it is for

- or what is in it?
- Yeah.

Um, no… I mean no.

Sorry, sir.


Hand this to the assistants.

Have them make five copies.

That will be all.

You may go.

It can't be. It can't be.

Guy, what is going on man? What happened?

Calm down.


I'm going to the salon.

To do what? Max!

What is wrong with you? Has
a spell been cast on you at that salon?

What are you doing here?

I thought we agreed
that we will talk later.

Um… I just…


I came to ask about um…

About what?

The chocolates.

Have you… have you eaten it?

Are you sure
they don't need you in your office?


Are you sure you don't
have work to do in your office?

You know, I don't know
why he will not just take a hint.

But he is cute, though.

Why are you treating that man like that?

You don't know what tomorrow holds.

Mmm? Well darling,
let today finish first, eh?

And please, mind your business.

By the way, you know
that Sugar is too much woman for him.

I need to aim higher, alright?

- Higher than a man that loves you?
- Come,

Mommy G.O.
Will you leave Jesus and go marry him?

I'm just telling you.

They will need deliverance
for you at forty years old.

Anytime, yes.

Ah, please.


Wait guy, guy.

Oh hi Maxy, how are you doing?

I'm fine.

- Are you okay?
- Um…

I need to ask you
a very important question.

Sure, what's up?

And I need you to be very honest with me.

Uh, Maxi, what is it? Talk to me.

Um… The gift I gave Sugar, Chocolates,

what did she do with it?

Well… You lover boy, why are you asking?

Of course you know Sugar, she's so um…

She is so loving and caring and she
shared all the chocolates away and we ate.

Of course we did.

You guys ate it?

Of course. What do you think? We did.

Or you thought we used it like for face
mask or something? Of course we had it.

- It was so delicious.
- Thank you.

- Oh, you're welcome Max. It's okay Maxy.
- Thank you very much.

Now you run along. Have a great day.

- Hello.
- Hi, welcome.

Hi Tomi, what's up?

Hey Tamara, how are you?

Hey, I'm good. What's up, what's going on?

I heard what happened
at the house this morning.

What's going on?

Ask your father.

Oh, he is my father now, right?

Ah-ah, am I lying?

Is he not your father? Then ask him.

Ask him.

Err… listen Tomi, I have to go. I'm
at work, I really can't talk right now.

Um… but talk to your father.

Ask him, okay?

Talk to you soon.

Alright, bye.



Any text message?


Okay, give me the phone.

Give me the phone
and bring out your book and read. Ah-ah!

What is wrong with you?

You keep pressing phone.
You will spoil the phone for me. Ah.

I don't understand.


the rate at which you go to this salon,

you will start working there soon.

I had to go sort something out.

I believe you.

Robert, what are you doing?

Um, I'm profiling the credentials of the

potential clients for
the meeting tomorrow.

Ah, leave it.


Go to the flower store down the street, I
need you to buy a rose when you get there.


Next door is a salon.

Go in there,
hand the rose to one of the girls.

I think her name is…


- Ah-ah Boss, you too?
- Um…

- What's that?
- Nothing, sorry sir.

Anyway, tell her
the answer is yes, alright?

- She'll understand.
- Okay sir.

Err… Sola.

- Yes sir.
- Get Tunji and Ebuka

to the conference room now.

Tell them the meeting
can go on immediately.

- Alright, I will do that right away.
- Alright.

Wow, guy,
it is the boss who is saying yes.

That means it's the
girl that asked him out.

- That is for real.
- Bad ass man, wow.

Eh, which one is Brienne?

- You should know.
- I don't know.

I'm serious.

Maybe it is one of the customers.

Oh, okay.

But you can see your mate.

Girls are asking him out.

You will be killing yourself over Sugar.

Are you okay? How is he my mate?

Someone that earns ten times my salary.

Okay but you get what I mean.

I don't get what you mean.

And you.

Don't you have
a lot of companies to profile?


Let me go for you.

So you can see Sugar again, right?

You know it is almost
time to buy her lunch.

Guy, you should let this rest.

Are you sure you're not under a spell?

- My guy?
- Mind your business.

This must be a spell.

You're seriously under a spell.


People are not joking this year.

You need to see
destination valentine surprise.

God when? When?

You know, I know Farouq or, I probably
know Farouq is going to be so romantic.

Yeah. He will get us dinner for two.

Or not.

Good music, good food, good wine…

- Good ambience, good everything.
- Mm-hmm.

Alice in wonderland.

You know and at the end of the night,

I know what's going to happen.

We'll make good love while
he whispers sweet nothings to my ears.

Hope you know that fornication is a sin?

Please be calm.

Because you and Noah
are so boring and miserable.

Because you too don't get any,

doesn't mean we all have to be celibate.

Celibacy is an opportunity for
you two to get to know each other.

Wrong darling. Mm-mm, I disagree.

Having good sex
is getting to know your partner.

Oh oh.


Well, I don't know if good sex means
that he feels the same way you do, though.

Thank you.

What is that supposed to mean?

Well, I agree with Ama here darling.

You see, love is a two way street.

Plus you have Maxamillion.


A bird in hand is better
than two in the bush, trust me.

Everything they're saying is true, Sugar.

It's really unfair the
way you're treating Max,

especially because he has
shown you so much that he cares.

But you just keep treating him anyhow.

Okay. Can we just stop talking about this?

Is it possible?

No Sugar, we won't.

See we care about you
and we love you so much.

And we don't want you to spend
Valentine's all alone, my darling.

Anyway, didn't you promise your mom
prince charming when she gets home?


So what, that leaves you err… immigration,

baggage claim, traffic,
four hours darling.

Four hours to find
prince charming. Tick tock.

You know what it is. Time ticking away
and in Lagos, it moves really fast. Yeah.

Add traffic to it.

Well, you'll see
my prince charming, alright.

Alright, this. Look at this one.

Ah, and he is buff.

Like, can you imagine, that small boy.

Because I'm managing him.

The disrespect to Sugar.

He is a fine boy.

- Whose side are you on?
- He…

Listen, he has lots of women around him.

- The queue is long.
- Have you seen me?

Well, you know what?

I'm done.

I'm done, yes I dump him. I'm done!

He hasn't even asked you out.

But that is not the point. He is proud
and I'm done trying to buy you...




- Hi.
- Err… lunch.

Aww, Maxy boy, so sweet.

- Ola.
- Oh, thank you

Um, Max, Max, Max…

Come on Max.

You're just going to run off?

You should you know,


So, yeah. Um,

about what you, you asked me earlier,

you know, I um…


I have given it a little thought and uh…

Yes, I'll be your valentine.


You… you will?

Yeah, I will.

- You will?
- Yes.

You will?
‎-Okay, Max.

What made you change your mind?


Something about birds and songs, yeah.

- Max, slow down now.
- I will make you sing.

- Max.
- Thank you.

- Oh, yeah. You are welcome.
- I will be right back.

Hey come. Come.

This is the part where
you hand me the flowers.

Max, do I have to tell you everything?


Who's Brienne?


- Who is Brienne?
- That's me.

You're Brienne?

Yeah, I'm Brienne.

How are you Brienne?

I don't know. Let me guess.

That's my name.

Can I?

Uhm, in that case,

my boss, Farouq, says yes.

I guess he's your val, not me.

Your bill is $5300 sir.

Okay. Send a bill of $6000 to my office.

Keep the change.

- Thank you, sir.
- Alright.

Okay, so you go to her office
and surprise her like we planned, right?

Yes, that's what I'm going to do now.

Okay, good.

I have to talk to you later, dad.

What? Aren't you going with me?

No. This is between you two.

Besides, I have lots of errands to run
and tomorrow is valentine's day.

Alright, okay you can go.

- Have a great day, darling.
- Okay dad.

- See you soon.
- Have a great day.



I mean how was I supposed
to know Farouq was Max's boss?


I didn't know.


Sugar, now you know.

Now you know.

So, what is it going to be? Hmm?

Farouq or Max?

Well Farouq sent me flowers.

It means he's interested.

Or rather he sent Max to give you flowers.


He sent me flowers, period.


You know I've always suspected you.

Philo, just shut up.

It's not fair what you're doing to Max.

I mean this guy has been trying to
show you that he cares for months.

- Tell me something I don't know.
- I know right?

But she might be
chasing away the bone of her bone

and the rib of her ribs.

- She likes pork chops.
- Oh, please just shut up.

I mean, what if I'm a…

you know, chicken lap girl? You know.

- Sugar, this is serious.
- You all should rest, please.

Leave me alone. Ah-ah, what is it?

- I'm only sexy, I didn't kill anyone.
- Oh, Sugar.

I mean, yes two guys like me obviously.

For now I would do what I want to do.

I would go for who I like.

- Sugar...
- For who makes me happy.

And that is my own decision.

He sent me flowers, alright.


Now that's what you
call a real flower, darling.

A real flower.

Hmm. And there is a note too.

Aww. It says,
"Just a token of my love, baby.

Tomorrow is going to be awesome.


I miss you right now."

- Happy Valentine to me.
- C'mon.

- And it's not even valentine's day yet.
- My darling.

Um, God…

- That's how you do it, baby.
- …pick my call

- Jesus!
- That's how you do it.

Somebody find this girl.

What kind of flower is this?


What's wrong?


Are you sure, 'cause you have been acting
funny since you got back from the salon.

I said nothing.

Guy, you've not even started the
work that you are supposed to…

Guy, I said nothing.

I said nothing, let me be! Please!



What do you think?

- Ooh, that's lovely.
- Wow!

- This is so beautiful.
- I know, I know.

I know. It's, it's me after all.

In your face, Sugar.

Don't get too proud.

Alright? You tried.

Thank you.

Take the compliment.

Thank you very much.

Now, lets see.

So, when I'm done I'm just gonna…

Good afternoon.

- Uhh… Good afternoon sir.
- Good afternoon sir.

- Good afternoon.
- Please, I'm here to see Tamara.

Oh Tamara, she's right at the back.

But you can, you know, wait.
Sit down and she'll be with you shortly.

- Thank you very much.
- Thank you.

- Yes?
- Who is he?

Look at you two nosy little pigeons.

- Just tell us.
- Why do you want to know, please?

I just want to know.

Eh, maybe that's her father.

- Hmm.
- Sugar daddy.

No, they have the same nose.

That's her sugar daddy.

You would like that, wouldn't you?

Of course she wouldn't want

- a sugar daddy.
- That's her Sugar daddy. Trust me.

She is married to a young blooded,
deep pocket guy that is hot for those.

What does she need a sugar daddy for?

- Money.
- He sent her flowers,

- incase you've forgotten.
- A bouquet of flowers.

And doesn't need a holiday
as an excuse to whisk her around.

So, oh yes darling

That's my…


What are you, what are you…
What are you doing here?

Finding out my wife is dating her
personal driver and body guard.

Take this from me.

Um… no, no uh…

Wo… Wole, Wole, Wole.

Blood of Jesus…


My wif... what?

What a wonderment!

Wole, Wole… Wole please.

I have nothing to say to you, Tamara.

Wo… Wole, Wole.

You complain I don't do the
mandatory things I need to do.

I need to take care of you,
stay with you, I'm too archaic.

An old school.

Wo… Wo… Wole, Yes.

Oh, yes?

And it is from Kingsley
you chose to get that from?

No, no, no Wole… that's… that's… not
what it looks like, Wole I promise you.

I'm utterly appalled and disgusted.

You're not the woman I married!

Wole, Wole, Wole…


I knew it.
I knew it was too good to be true.

Her life, everything, this her,

- too good to be true.
- Shut up, Sugar.

You didn't "knew" anything.
You just found out right now.

I knew it. I mean, look at all of you.

All of you were so goshing
over her happily married life.

Well, there you have it.

- Her happily married life.
- Please just… stop!

Don't talk like that.

It might affect em…
her marriage or her union.

Why did she have to lie?

- Ask me.
- Or is she committing adultery?

Or is it cheat?

Maybe she was just ashamed?


I'm not ashamed.

- Tamara darling.
- Tamara, don't cry.

We understand your predicament.

Ta…Tamara listen, listen, listen.

You didn't have to lie
to us that you married

an old man because of his
money, darling. He could...

I did not marry him because of his money.

I… see… see, darling listen to me.

- Take it easy.
- You don't owe anyone an explanation.

None, never.

Okay, listen. It's what babes
do on a regular, so please.

Philo, it's okay.

Maybe she was betrothed.

- Please stop it, we have to support her.
- Stop it!

Why are you laughing like this?

Look at how she was walking

Ola, why are you doing that? That is…
this is like really tacky, honestly.

This is why I come here.

While somebody is down?

- They'll be fine, they'll be fine.
- Ah, Tamara.

God have mercy on you.

- I'm done with these two.
- This is not fair.

Well, I guess the perfect life
isn't so perfect anymore. Hmm.

To think that I wanted
to be her for a minute.

Girl. Tell me about that!

La la la la la la la la la

La la la la, la la la, la la

‎La la la la la la la la la

I found a good thing

So I'm not looking anymore

I found a good thing

So I'm not looking anymore.

I found a good thing

So I'm not looking anymore.

It may sound cheesy but it's not easy

- To come up with the song
- Ooh!


So I'll just summarize

- You're my summer sky
- Chika, look.

On a cloudy day

And you are the sun
my world revolves around

- You're my everything
- Go, go!


I'll just summarize

You're my summer sky

On a cloudy day

And you are the sun
My world revolves around

- You're my everything
- I've loved you

from the moment I laid eyes on you.

I knew you were the one.

I've never been more sure
about anything in my entire life.

My virtuous woman.

And I want nothing
more than for you to be my wife.

Chika Gladys Oke…

will you marry me?

No, I can't, I can't.

I can't.

I can't.

Chika, what's going on?

Is this because I tried
to kiss you yesterday?

I'm… I'm sorry.

It's not about that, okay?
It's not… It's not that.

Then what is it, please?

Chika, I love you.

Did the Holy Spirit say
I'm not the one or something?

It's not about you, it's
not. It's… it's… it's me.

Wha… whatever it is,
we can fix it together.

No, Noah. No.

- Chika.
- You know what? Just leave.

Noah, leave.

Please leave

Leave okay, go!


Just go.

Why did she say no?

Just give me one reason why she said no.

My sister, see major embarrassment.

I've never seen this type of thing before.

Oh wow! She just threw away
what others are looking for.

- Just like that.
- My sister, see me.

If my man just mistakenly
say to me, will you…

I don't have to wait to hear the rest
of the statement, I'll be screaming.

"I will, I will, I will"

I hope you'll keep that energy if he says,
"Will you make me something to eat?"

Or, "Will you suck my toes?" Ah, ya, ya.


- There's that.
- Mmm-hmm.

No man, she hasn't said anything.

- At all?
- At all.

Actually, well,

I did notice
she's been acting rather strange.

And quiet all day.

Is that you, Noah?

Did you do that, Noah?

Tell me the truth.

I did not, at least
to the best of my knowledge.


Look, I have to get to the office.

Uh… yeah, yeah go ahead.

You can go. That's fine.
If I find out anything, I'll let you know.

Help me give it to the customer outside.

- Okay?
- Alright ma.

- Um, hello. Welcome.
- Oh, please hush. Where's Chika?

Aww, so sorry madam. Is there a problem?

I said where is Chika?
Do you not have a Chika working here?

Yes, we do but not your...

Please where is Chika?
I don't have time for all these non…

You come here, come here.
Just come here. Thief.

- Thief, cheap prostitute.
- What is it?

You're the one sleeping
with my husband, right?

- You're the one sleeping with my husband?
- Me? I'm not sleeping with you...

‎-Oh, you don't know Damola?

- Madam, you are making a mistake.
- I don't underst...

This is Chika but no, she can't…

Is this not her?

- Oh-oh.
- Is this not her?

I cloned my husband's phone
and I have seen all your chats.

Did he not send you money today?

Prostitute, thief.

You. By the time I finish
dealing with you in this Lagos,

I will show you that I'm a Lagos girl.

Ma, please, um, I don't understand but
um, please, can we talk about it outside?

- You want to go outside now.
- Let's go talk outside.

So, now you have shame.

When you were sleeping
with my husband, you didn't have shame.

- I'm coming for you.
- No madam. Madam please!

No no no!

Wait wait wait!

Leave me alone. Are you crazy?

What is wrong with you? Are you insane?

What is it? What happened?

I was trying to have a conversation
and you kept reacting like an animal.

- What?
- Are you mad?

- Do you want to fight me?
- What is wrong with you? I will slap you.

I will hit you.

- Are you mad?
- Do you want to fight me?

What is wrong with you?

- You are shameless.
- What's wrong with you?

You are a shameless woman for
coming to fight your husband's side chick.

- Don't worry, I'm coming back.
- Please leave me alone.

I will tear down this place.
I will burn down this place.

By the time I'm done with you, you'll see.

- This ugly woman.
- I will come back for you.

He told me you don't have…
you don't have oil in your body.

He can… leave me alone, leave me!

Eh. He cannot even enter,
he cannot enter anywh...

Noah… Noah…

Baby… Noah.



Just when I thought I had seen it all.


Noah… Noah.

- Noah please.
- Get your hands off me.

- Noah, please I'm sorry.
- And here I was thinking…

What did I do? What did I do?

You didn't do anything wrong.
It was all me.

It was all me.

- Noah, I'm sorry.
- I thought we were perfect.

How could you do this to us?

I'm sorry.

At least you were honest enough
to admit that I wasn't the problem.

You were not the problem, it was me.

And for the first time
in the history of heartbreaks…

that statement is true.

Noah, please I beg you.

- I beg you, I beg you. I did not…
- Leave me alone… You don't deserve me.

I didn't mean to hurt you. Don't say that.

Please, I'm sorry. Noah.


Noah, please I'm sorry.


- Like…
- Hey…


- Nothing is new under the sun.
- She actually said it with her own mouth...

Um, go to the compound next door,

Err, get my car.
I have a meeting to attend.

I'm busy, maybe Robert can go.

Busy doing what?

I'm working on the Macmill project

I don't understand.

Whatever it is, leave it.

I don't want Robert to go,
I want you to go.


Get my car… Besides,
it's just in the next compound.

It can't be that hard.


By the way, did she get the flowers?

Yeah. Of course she did.


And what are you still standing there for?

Go get my car.

What's his problem?

I hope this food she
brought hasn't spoilt.


We completely forgot about it.

How can we not forget?

I mean, look at all the drama
that's happened in this mad house.

I don't think I can deal
with anymore surprises. Hmm?

No more drama, please.

Tell me something worst
that could happen again.

Let's see.

My mom.

Hi Mommy.

Oh, I'm sorry.
Just tell the driver to just…

Old woman, stop there.
Won't you give us money?

Mommy, what's happening?

Old woman, do not waste our time.

What's in your bag?
Don't let us deal with you.

Mommy, who are those?


Hello mummy.


Sugar, is everything alright?

The number you have dialed

- is not available.
- Damn it!

Sugar, are you going to
tell us what's going on?

Oh my God, my mommy is in trouble.

Shit! They don't have my address,
they don't have anything.

They don't have money.

I'm sorry I just…

That's… that's some serious trouble.

Wait, they landed already?

I have to go.

I think I should…
I should just go after her.

My husband knows some officials
at the airport, I should be able to help.

Oh okay darling. Just go ahead.
I will take care of things, alright?

- Hmm.
- That's a lot.

Your hair looks amazing.

Finally. After all the drama.

What's going on with, with Sugar?

I saw her and Tamara on a bike now.

Tamara on a bike?

Yes, is everything okay?

What's going on?


Her mother and her nephew may be missing.

And they maybe in some serious trouble.

Like, real trouble.

Um… where are they headed?

The airport, they just
landed from Heathrow.

Are they the ones?

Yes, yes they are.

What are you doing here?

I thought I could help.

My husband knows some
of the officials at the airport.

Well, they're not at the airport.

- But I thought...
- I lied.

Alright? Happy?

They didn't take a…

They didn't take a plane, they took a bus.

From London?

From Ohafia.

It's okay.

Don't worry, we'll find them.


I like it.

Sugar, Sugar, calm down.

- We'll find her.
- Where?

Tell me please, where?

Anyway, uh, maybe we can ask around.

Just ask. Hopefully, we can see someone
who can tell us what direction they went.

You know, this is his first time in Lagos.

Don't worry, your nephew will be fine.

He is not my nephew.

He's my son.

He's my son
and I've been a terrible mother.

I mean…

My son is missing.

I thought that loving him
from a distance was the best thing.

I thought I was a great mom,
I thought I was doing great.

I can't believe this is happening.

I love that boy with my heart,
my soul, my body, my being, everything.

I work my ass off for both of them.

But I guess that doesn't count.

- If anything happens to them...
- Nothing will happen.

You don't know that.

Okay? You don't.

You know, this is all my fault. I…

I've been busy doing this.

Pretending, forming.

Pretending to be who I'm not.
Pretending to… So you will think I'm rich.

- What are you on about, Sugar?
- Look at you.

Look at your life.

Perfect life.

Or at least I thought you did.

You have a husband
that loves you or loved you. Whatever I…

I just thought your life was
perfect and I wanted to be you.

- I wanted to be you.
- What?

- Oh, please.
- You're bold,


One of the most annoyingly confident
women I have ever met in my life.

So, you've not been the best mother,

and you lied about a number of things.

But have you seen us
today? I mean all of us.

Do you recall anything
that happened today?

We all have been through things today.

All sorts.

We've all been very low today.

That does not make us bad people.

It all makes us people who will do

whatever it takes
for the people that we love.

So, quit with the pity party,

let's go find your mother and your son.

So you will get the opportunity to be

the best kick ass mother
that I know you will be.


Okay Tamara.

Chika told me what happened today.

About her refusal to accept your proposal.

And did she also tell you why?

That she slept with another man for money.

It was not like that. I was pressured.

She did.

How… How… How could she?


You're angry, you're upset

that someone you love so much
could betray you this much.

I don't understand! If she needed money,
why didn't she come to me?

I did.

- When?
- Noah, I asked

for… for my rent money and I

told you that my landlord was
threatening to throw me out.

But did he throw you out?

Apparently, she found a way.
She found a solution.

I… I was short on cash.

I told her we should trust in God.

But did you do anything apart from that?

Did you like carry out any
faith inspired actions?

Because faith without works is dead.

Sorry sir, are you trying
to say this is my fault?

Of course not.

Chika understands clearly
that this is against everything…

So, it's not just her
fault, it's both your faults.

You know, I just want to encourage you.

She has realized what she has done.

Chika realizes that
this is not the right path.

That's why she is here today
to ask for your forgiveness.

You know Noah,

I don't see lack of love in her.

I see total love in her eyes.

And devotion to you.

And I'm not going to
compel you to accept her proposal,

this is your decision.

I think both of you should talk.

And I will leave both of you to speak.

Noah, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

You did.

You hurt me really, really, really bad.

I know.

Look, Noah,

I love you.

I do.

Look, he just called me out of the blue.

It wasn't even about the money at first.


You were busy with work and
church activities so he listened to me.

He… he was interested
in all I had to say and…

Noah, look, I would never hurt you.

I'm sorry.

I can't.

Noah please. Noah, listen to me.

Listen to me please.

Noah, I'm sorry.

Noah, I love you.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.

I'm sorry Noah. Please, don't go.

Noah please. Noah… No, no…

Good evening sir. Please
I'm looking for my son.

This… this is his picture. You
are a bike man, I'm sure you've…

Please, help us. Have you
seen this child anywhere?

Have you seen him? He's…

What kind of problem is this?

Tamara, I can't find my son.

I can't find my son, I can't find my son.

What kind of problem is this?

You know what I think?

You know what I think
we should do? Sorry, sorry.

I think we should go report
to the nearest Police station.

Police station?

Ah! Jason!

- Jason!
- Okay.

You know what? I see a taxi over there.

Let's just grab a taxi
and get to the nearest Police station.

Darling, are you okay?

Philo, what I did was wrong.

Noah, he… he didn't deserve that.

And that's why I couldn't say yes because,

because the guilt was killing me.

You know I thought
I had cried all the tears in my eyes but

Oh poor thing. It's okay, Darling.

It's okay, It's okay.


It's okay.

I um…

You know, do you want some food?

I… I…

You know I should get you
something to eat to lighten the mood.

Where is Tamara?

Oh uh, she went out
with Sugar to look for her family.

- Apparently, they are lost.
- What?

Why didn't I change that phone?

I mean, I could have changed her phone.

Why didn't I?

It's okay.

It's not okay.

- It's fine.
- It's not.

You'll find them, trust me.

We'll find them.


Max says he found them.


Max says he has them.
Sugar's mum and nephew.

He is her son.

Max found them.

He what?


Wha… Wait… wait, how, where?

He has a picture of them and he is
on his way back to the salon with them.

Right now

Wai… wait. Is he sure they are the ones?

Okay, okay, yes. Okay, fine.
No, no, no, we're on our way now.

Driver, please we're going to the Island.

- We're on our way.
- Okay.



Come inside, come in.

Hey madam. Hello, hello.

- Hey little man, how are you?
- Fine.

Well, it's so good to
see you madam, finally.

- Please.
- Welcome ma.

- Please madam, sit down, sit down.
- How are you? Thank you.

Uh, we are so sorry for all the mix up.

It's been such a crazy day, madam.

- Uh, would you like something to drink?
- Yes, anything. Anything at all.


Okay, I'll go get it.


What's up? Have you called Sugar?

Oh, she… she said she's on her way.

Err, sorry oh.

Which one is Sugar, please.

That's your daughter.

Nkechinyere my daughter is now Sugar?

Hello. What's up? I'm around.

What's up?

Maxy, is everything alright?
Is Sugar okay?

Yeah, um but, I have to
go back to the office now.

I'll just leave
their luggage downstairs. Alright?



I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.

- There she is.
- I'm so sorry.

- Good evening ma.
- Good evening, my dear.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

- Are you sure? You are not hurt, nothing?
- Yes, thank you.

‎-Oh my God, look at my boy.



Hey… wow.

- Mama.
- Hmm?

- I've missed you.
- I've missed you.

- Nkechi, your salon is very beautiful.
- Mama.

- It's very beautiful.
- Thank you, Mama.

Err… Nkechi.

- It has been a long time.
- I know.

Please eh, thank your friend for me.

Ahh. If he hadn't shown up when he did,
we would have been robbed and attacked.

Max, where is Max?

Where the hell is this guy?


You're not alright.
No, you're not alright.

- What were you thinking?
- I… It was an emergency.

"It was an emergency."

What kind of stupid emergency was that?

I used the car to help um Sugar.

See how he is stuttering.

Who the hell is Sugar?

Sugar, Sugar the… Oh sorry, um…

Brienne, Brienne.
The lady you sent flowers to earlier.

And so?

Look at the time.

You left me…

I mean I had to go get my
wife and kids over an hour ago.

And you use my car to go
get some potential booty call.

With my car!

Potential booty call?

Sir… sir.

Let me have my key!

You'll definitely get a query
for this, trust me.


Max, listen.

- I'm, I'm so sorry about this. I just...
- Please excuse me!

Honey, it's okay.

- He's just still upset.
- It's fine.




What are you… what are you doing here?

I came to see you.

You know, I can't believe we're
actually going to the Mainland

tonight and coming back to
the Island same place tomorrow.


Hey T.

Thank you for today.

You're welcome. I'm glad I could help.

What is going on with Philo?

Yeah Philo, um yeah.

I don't know.

Probably another love story gone wrong?

Today has just been one hell of a day.

For real!

You know, I will never forget today.
Being a day before Valentine.

You can say that again.

Okay erm, my driver is here. I have to go.

- Oh great, okay. Be safe.
- See you tomorrow.

- Alright. Alright, good night.
- Alright.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- You look amazing.
- Thank you.

I've been trying to call you. You're not
picking up your calls, what's going on?

I'm sorry. I was confused,
I've been in a bad place.

- And… no.
- I thought you broke up with me.

I mean, my friends were
saying stuff to me but…

So, that's why you haven't
been picking up your calls, really?

I'm sorry.

Now, I know
that a man is not the size of his body.

Or the way he walks…

or the way he talks.

Or the sound of his voice.

It's how big his heart is.

I'm sorry it took me this long to realize.

Hello. Tomi, can you hear me?

- But I know you love me.
- I'm on my way to you now.

And I love you too.

Alright, I'll see you now.


Hi Tamara. Vero.

- That's my girlfriend
- Hi.

- Darling, I…
- She works with you?

- Yeah. She's one of the rich women in my...
- Oh, right.



So even at old age,
you men still ooze of jealousy.


Dad, you need to hear your wife out.

About how foolishness led her to cheating?

Don't get me more upset, Oluwatomi.

Tamara isn't cheating on you.

She's the one that sent
herself the gifts and flowers.



What?! But why?

Because you wouldn't.

Throwing money at her does not
absolve you of your husband duties.

You married a younger woman. These are
the things that come with the territory.

What do you mean?
Haven't I done everything as a husband?

No dad, you have to
show her that you love her.

Tamara has sort after
your affection way too long.

Like, how much desperate
do you want her to be?

You didn't even notice her one
month internship turn into four.

Dad, you have to do better.

You two need to talk.

"Dear Favor, by the time you're
reading this, I will already be in Lagos."


- Good morning.
- Good morning, my love.

How are you? Come here.

- How was your night?
- It was beautiful.

I'm going to be with my mom
because grandma says,

- "Family is all that matters."
- You know I love you very much?

I will never hide you
from this world again.

Never, I promise.


I'm so glad you are here. I'm happy.

You know everything I do,

it's solely you.

I do for you…

and I do for grandma.

To have it better than I do.

- I love you so much.
- I love you too.

Come here.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Thank you.

- I love you.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Okay, mommy is not going to cry anymore.

You want to go back to bed now?

Okay. Shh because you
don't want to wake grandma up.

Okay, you go to bed now.

- Bye.
- Bye my love.

I'll be starting at a new school soon.

And I'll miss you very much.

This is my grandma's number.

Please call me and never forget me.

Because I will never forget you.

Happy Valentine's day.

Love, Jason.

Hi darling.

Are you alright?

Any word from Noah?

I guess he still needs more time.

Listen to me darling.

Don't worry darling,
he is going to come around.

And you know it.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, I'm sure.

He loves you darling. He does.

But I messed up.

I know you did but…

I'm a man and well, we do talk
and I know he is definitely coming back.

Trust me.

Meanwhile, another news.


- What?
- She moved to Lagos.

- Vero?
- Yes.

And I'm so excited.

- Congratulations.
- I have planned like a whole new world

for the both of us.

- Aww.
- Apparently,

some of her friends got into her head

and they said I was gay
because I was effeminate.

That's such a small way
of thinking about men.

Like, we are so broad. We don't have
to be like robots and anything like that.

- Small minded of them, don't you think?
- Right.

But now, we've moved on to greater things.

- I can see.
- Mmm-hmm.

Well, at least,
one of us got a happy ending.

I don't know about ending yet.

We are not ending anything yet.

We are so working on so many things.

But at least, she is not
embarrassed about…

Wole doesn't embarrass me.

We weren't talking about you.

I know but you were thinking it.

Hi Tammy.



I don't mean to cut you up but err...

So, I have one question. Why did you, um,

Why did you lie about your
husband's nephew being your…


I didn't lie.

You all just assumed it.

Well darling, you sort of
affirmed it by not saying anything.

I mean, how were we supposed to know?

We always described him as the
dream man. Big, tall, handsome.

And you said nothing.

We're not like God or anything.
We can't read your thoughts.

I know.

I love Wole.

I really, really do love him.

The general notion is that I'm
with him because of his money.

So, it's easier to just sit
back and let people think

or believe whatever they want to believe.



Well, Sugar is here. Hey Sugar.

- Hey Sugar.
- Hi guys.

How did it go?

Not so well.

Okay, alright. You know what,
ladies? Time out, time out, time out.

You know what?

I think all of you should hangout today.

Leave work early. Do something different.

You know, get a breath of fresh air.

You know, relax.

Now, that's the spirit.

Alright, let me fix the product up there.

- Okay.
- Okay.

By the way, Sugar you look nice.

Oh, thank you.

This jacket is from…
I'll save you the details.

Hi. What is this?

I would like to take my
wife on a romantic date.


And if you don't mind…

Aww, thank you.

I will love to but I have to work.

Don't worry, that is settled.

I've paid for a place.

No! You did?

- Thank you, thank you so much.
- Come on, come on.

Okay, guys…

I have an idea.

- Go on.
- Okay?

What surprise is this?

You that I know.

On Valentine's day? Guy, be serious.

I'm coming. Let me check
because I don't understand it.


How did you get in here?

Oh the door was… it
was open. I let myself in.

Oh, Robert gave me
your address, I'm sorry.

Why didn't you tell me.

I'm just looking out for a brother, man.

So, you are just going to let her go?


Uh, listen I…

I want to say thank you.

Thank you for yesterday. You,

you saved me a whole lot.

And also, I want to apologize.

No one deserves to be treated
the way you were treated.

And I'm sorry.

I was silly.

Plus, uh…

I… I was thinking

you know, maybe you would
like to have lunch with me.


Please, let yourself out

the way you let yourself in.

You are telling her to leave?

Guy she came back.
That's true love, gee, true love.

Don't be foolish man, think about it.



If you try this next time, I'll kill you.

Max, listen, I'm sorry.

Alright? I was stupid, I was silly, I was…

Call me anything,

I'm sorry.

I'm so, so sorry.

You know, you were
actually about to let me out?

Of course.

After all you put me through.

I'm sorry.

I'm glad you came.



So, are we doing this?


Today is Valentine's,
you are not… staying home.

Tamara and her husband
are having a dinner party.

She invited me and…

would you be my date?

- I don't want to go anywhere.
- Oh no, we're going.

We should go. It will be nice.
It will be fun. Everyone will be there.

- Okay.
- Mmm-hmm.

- I can't go like this.
- Oh no.

Of course not. I mean,
I need to go get ready as well.

And of course, you'll change
but speaking of change,

I need to change back
to what I left my home with.

Yeah, it's confusing.
Never mind, don't ask.

But my mom is home,
she doesn't like me in this.

So, I will like to change

Yeah, I have a full outfit
in my bag. Don't judge.

- Your house is beautiful.
- Thank you.

Wait, tell me. You did this yourself?

- Uh...
- Nope, don't lie.

I should pour you some drinks.

Are you sure? Chika?

I'm the king of port!

Yeah hello, who is this?

Favor. Favor from?

Thank you. Hello

Is he okay?

Obviously. He just heard Favor
and then just whisks the phone away.



Yes, I'll be your Valentine.

- Puppy love.
- What do you mean puppy love?

Oh no please, he is too
young to have a girlfriend.

- A girlfriend, now?
- Well…

girlfriend, best friend,
whatever you want to call it.

Anyone can find love at anytime.

Old or young, right babe?

Young or old.

He needs to… He needs to
learn the ways of the Lord.

Oh my God.

You know for the first time,
I agree with my sister in the Lord.

But the way of the Lord is love.

- God is love.
- Oh yes.

But he is too young.
He is fourteen, come on.

and it's not going to stop anything.

Like you said, God is love.

And on that note…

We cheers.

Yes, it's about time.

- Okay. To love.
- To love.

Subtitle translation by: Regina Njoku