Beast at Bay (1959) - full transcript

A cop's widow is through with love and she spends her time collecting money for the orphans of the Police,abetted by a bunch of snobs and false friends.Unfortunately the person who was in ...


- Hello, Mr. de Sérisse.
- Hello, Maria.

I suppose that's your item
for the charity auction?

Let me put it with the others.
- Oh, no!

The others are old stuff.
Mine is an antique.

A 19th-century liqueur chest.
Eminently rare.

It belonged to my great-uncle
Gontran de Sérisse.

- What extravagance!
- Yes, but what a gesture!

I must present it
to Mme. Vermont herself.

Just wait --
she'll be right down.

The trouble you take
for those policemen's orphans!

I'm glad to do it.

Save the good deeds for when
you're too old to make a man happy!

Oh, I was just going to call you!

It's our solicitor.

No, I thought a live auction
would be best.

That will bring in more.

Of course we should announce it --
so people will bring cash.

I should hope so!
Bring a big briefcase.

No, I'd rather be the auctioneer.
Thank you -- see you soon!

Be a dear and get that.


Alain de Beauvoir here. Hello Gilberte!
Would you put Elisabeth on?

What a bore!

I'm giving a dinner for my cousin --
just been commissioned at Saint-Cyr.

I'm counting on Elisabeth
at the château tonight.

Just a moment ...
Dinner at the château tonight?

He's counting on you!
- Tell him to bring something for the sale!

Hello? Elisabeth would love to see you,
but she's very busy ...

Such magnificent donations ...
We're just arranging them now. Yes ...

Only a few still haven't contributed ...
Yes, see you soon!

- Did he catch your subtle hint?
- Did he not! He's coming over now.

All these gifts are really for you.
Each one is a proposal!

You sound jealous.
- No; just sad you're still a widow.

Eighteen months is a long time --
even in the provinces.

- But I don't want to remarry.
- Even with Guimard?

The Inspector? He's fun,
he tells me about gangsters.

- Hello, Aline.
- Hello, Mr. Guimard.

- Hello, Inspector!
- Mr. de Sérisse!

- Police business for the benefit?
- Just my own modest offering.

- Where is it?
- On its way.

- How so?
- I needed two men to carry it.

My dear Inspector ...

Come, Elisabeth ...

- As usual, you outclass everyone.

I only let this work of art
leave my house ...

... in the hope of replacing it with
a more brilliant gem ... more alive ...

Do I make myself clear?

- You want me to replace ...
- Are you laughing at me?

You shouldn't!
My family -- though exclusive --

-- would look favorably
upon our union.

Were I a poet, I could express --
- You express it very prettily!

He seems to be doing well ...

Not that well -- he's leaving.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

In virtue of the powers
vested in me ...

Wouldn't you like to pin a medal
on Elisabeth's proud yet humble bosom?

She's earned it, and it would give you
the chance to kiss her.

You're quite mad!

Perhaps you're not mad enough!

I'm afraid to joke here.
- Are you fond of joking?

It's easier to speak of serious things
when you joke.

Let's speak seriously, then --
where's your gift?

Here it comes.


My Christmas tree.
How kind to have thought of it.

Your smile will be
our Christmas present, Madame.

- What did they do to end up in prison?
- Nothing good!

But nothing very bad,
or they wouldn't be out on work release.

- A little outing picks you up!
- You think?

It gives me the blues.
- Better than a cell, isn't it?

- It makes going back even worse.
- Don't moan!

We saw a nice house, a nice broad ...
- Behind glass -- don't touch!

I'm sick of it!
Sick of hearing trains I can't take ...

Seeing women I can't have ...

- Here you go, bad seeds!
- Cheers, long-stemmed rose!

Come on, boys.

- Not bad, my wife, eh?
- You're a lucky old schnook.

- I don't know what I'd do without her.
- Save money!

- What's the next job at your house?
- Installing some new appliances.

Well, it's an outing for you!

- Remodeling on taxpayer money ...
- Listen, for what they pay me ..

Sold to Mr. de Beauvoir!

And now the final lot:
an abstract oil by Klaest!

- 150,000!
- 200!

200,000 is bid!


Extraordinary! Do abstracts sell?
- No, but they're bought. 350,000!


- What does it represent?
- A symphony of color -- no false note.

Don't you appreciate it?
- My ear isn't very good.

Any further bid?

Going once ... going twice ...
- 500,000!

500,000 -- any further bids?
Sold to Mr. Dumas!

I won't have it in the house
at any price!

Thank you, sir --
thank you very much.

Now our treasurer, Mr. Doucet,
will tell us the total sum raised.

Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen,
through your generosity,

this year's total raised is
12,950,000 francs!

In the name of the police orphans
whose fathers fell in the line of duty,

allow me to express
my heartfelt gratitude.

Thanks to you, these children will have
their Christmas presents and holidays.

You are their Providence --
and we don't thank Providence.

We just say --
see you next year!

On behalf of the Police Commissioner,
I thank a woman who has done wonders.

Mme. Vermont, who has tirelessly
carried on her husband's efforts,

deserves our most grateful admiration.

- Do you want a police escort?
- No, no need.

- I can take care of myself!
- As you wish, sir.

- See my watchdog?
- I think it wants to bite me.

No, she thinks you're charming!
But dangerous for a lone woman like me.

She's afraid to leave us alone together.
In five minutes she'll be back ...

... with the excuse she's busy inventing.

I'm flattered.

But I know she has nothing to fear, alas.

- You think?
- I'm sure.

Never be sure of anything
or anyone, Jacques.

What I wouldn't give
to know what's on your mind.

- When?
- Pardon?

It's not always the same thing --
it depends on the weather, the hour ...

But everyone's like that.

Sometimes I think you're sweet ...
- Elisabeth ...

And sometimes I can't bear you.

Just figure out if I'm
more sweet or more unbearable ...

I haven't drawn up
the figures ...

I could help you --
I was always first in math class.

I'm not surprised:
you're methodical, well-organized ...

Give me a little more scotch.

There, I've annoyed you again.

You see, it's when I'm mean to you
that I find you sweet.

Then always be mean to me.

Could you get that?


Yes, this is Inspector Guimard.

Mr. Doucet was found unconscious
in front of his house.

He has a head wound
and his briefcase was stolen.

Mr. Doucet was attacked.
The money is gone.

- Is it serious?
- I think not, but we'll do an x-ray.

My poor friend ...

What happened?

You were attacked --
I found you lying by your car.

Can you describe the attackers?

No ... I was closing the car door,
I was hit, that's all I remember.

And the money?
- Your briefcase was gone.

Well, we look like fools.

The opportunity was too good --
we should have known.

This is embarassing.

Now let's get our squad car stolen
from in front of the police station.

Some people must be laughing,
these past three days.

- Think they'll be laughing long?
- Ask them when you arrest them.

If you arrest them.

What happened?

Hear me?

- Come on!
- Stop that.

- We do that when they're drunk.
- Not when they're dead.

- Your husband?
- Yes.

I must ask you some questions.
I know this is painful, but please.

Where were you?
- In the garden. I heard shots ...

- How many men were on work release?
- Two.

- What was the other man's name?
- Morane.

Contact the prison for his description.
Usual roadblock procedure.

Search, quickly --
he can't have gone far.

Careful, he's armed --
and a good shot, apparently.

- Did you know the two prisoners?
- Yes, they worked at the house sometimes.

- Was your husband always there?
- No, we had no reason to mistrust them.

- They never tried to escape?
- No.

ID, please.

Madame Vermont.
I didn't recognize you.

Where are you coming from?
- Giving evidence on Mr. Doucet's attack.

What's going on?
- Two prisoners escaped.

One's dead, the other killed
the warden and hid in the woods.

He's armed. Would you like an escort?
- No, I'm almost home now.

Oh, there you are! I was so worried!
Where were you?

There were roadblocks everywhere.
I thought I'd never get home.

- It's those two men who escaped.
- I know, the police told me.

Lock up well tonight.
- Believe me, I already have!

Why haven't they made an arrest?
Easy to spot a convict in uniform.

I could sit by your bed, if you like.
- No, I wouldn't be able to sleep.

Don't scream.
Please don't scream.

Don't be scared.
I won't hurt you.

But please don't scream ...
don't scream ...

Is the warden dead?

And my buddy?

Then I'm done for.

Please do something for me.

Take my gun and shoot me.
That way it will all be over.

You can say it was self-defense.

I don't have the courage to do it.

- You had the courage to kill the warden.
- I didn't.

We were working at his house,
Laurent and I.

We were cheap labor for him.

And ... Agnès liked it.
The warden's wife.

She liked us to be there.
Well, Laurent, anyway.

They'd been having it off
for six months.

And, of course,
the husband didn't suspect a thing.

Laurent was fixing the wiring.

I was with Le Guen,
repairing the pipes.

Keep working.

I was a witness.
Le Guen wanted to get rid of me.

He could tell any story he liked, then.

I tried to take the gun from him
and it went off.

It all happened so fast ...
then I heard a car braking.

So I ran.

I ran in the woods
until I fainted.

Whe I came to,
I remembered your house.

That's what happened,
I swear.

- You must tell the police everything.
- Easy to see you don't know them.

Do you know what the police think?
We killed the warden, trying to escape.

I'm the only culprit left --
I know what's in store for me.

But they'll find out the truth.

Of course.
But their truth, not mine.

When I think I was getting out
in three months ...

Rotten luck.

- Still up? Do you need anything?
- No thanks, go to bed.

You must go. You're bleeding,
you've left a clear trail.

They'll come to arrest you
any minute now.

A trail ... you're right.

In five minutes -- no more trail.

See that rain?

For the first time,
God's doing me a favor.

I'm sorry ... I've been trying
not to pass out ...

9:00 -- the gentry let us protect them,
but not wake them up early.

- Another white night.
- And we're still in the dark.

This should do my career good.

Think we'll catch him?
- All I've caught is a cold!

Pointless! If there were a crook
in their cellar, they'd know it!

They know what they've got --
down to the last jam jar!

- Only Mme. Vermont's house left.
- We can't make exceptions.

Go to it, and give her my apologies.
- All right.

Wake up! Police!

Put this on --
it was my husband's.

The big chief's
little Christmas tree ...

You look around --
I'll take the upstairs.

- Make yourself at home, do!
- Okay, okay ...

What's going on?

- Police.
- Yes?

Pardon me ...
we're looking for an escaped prisoner.

Do you have an attic?

- You'll find the stairs at the end of the hall.
- Thank you, ma'am.

I'm very sorry.
- Don't be! You have your work to do.


You say that to me ...

Lord ...

This can't be happening.

Don't worry -- I'll explain.

What a barracks,
for a woman living alone!

I don't mind the trip --
very interesting ...

- The search?
- The lady!

But nothing doing.

- The lady?
- The search!

They're gone at last!

That's funny ... all the excitement
seems to have cured my rheumatism.

It'll come back -- when you go
to the pharmacy, get penicillin too.

- Why? - The bullet's out,
but his wound looks bad.

- So we're nurses now?
- Oh please, help me a little.

I just didn't want to be frightened --
for him to see I was.

But now I'm a wreck.

And all because of me.

It's over now.
I'll leave tonight, I promise.

I'll never forget
what you've done for me.

You can't leave --
you're not strong enough.

If you knew who I was,
you'd ask me to go.

I don't want to know.

But I must tell you.

I was broke.

To keep my car -- I loved that car --
some days I didn't eat.

It was all because of that car.

One day I ran into a guy I knew,
a little.

He offered 100,000 francs to drive him.
I needed the money, I said yes.

I waited for him at the meeting place.
He came running up with another guy.

They'd just robbed a jeweler.

He said "Floor it!"
I did -- and ran into a cop.

End of story: a three-year sentence.
That was almost up.

I told you all that
because I don't want to lie to you.

I'll leave tonight --
you won't even know.

No, stay.
They're still combing the countryside.

I'd feel responsible if they caught you.
Stay two or three days more.


I promise.

You should be used to it by now.

Anyway, it's the last one.

Why are you staring at me?
- Not staring, admiring.

You're amazing -- you can do anything.

Luckily -- we sent everyone else away
because of you.

I'm cook, maid, and nurse,
all by myself.

- I wish I'd had a mother like you.
- I'd have tanned your hide!

Why were you in prison?
- I didn't have anyone to tan my hide!

Maria -- my newspaper, please.

- How is he?
- It's not him I worry about ...

... it's you.

Do you know what you're risking,
hiding a criminal?

- But he's innocent!
- So he says! He's a smooth talker.

How much longer is this going on?
I'm sick of it!

No one's forcing you to stay.

How can you speak so to me?

Forgive me, Maria.
I don't know what I'm saying.

My poor child.
Are you in love with this scoundrel?

Are you his mistress?
- I swear I'm not.

Don't tell me!
You're as good as living together.

Why would I lie to you?

Now, do me a favor.

Tell him goodbye.
Sweetly as you please -- but goodbye!

Because if you don't show him the door,
I will!

- That Maria is impossible!
- No, she's a darling.

I love grumpy people.

- They're still writing about you.
- Apparently I'm still at large.

- Something about the Doucet attack.
- No kidding.

They've got an important lead.

If it were really important,
it wouldn't be in the paper.

But I've been sleuthing too.
- Shut up in here?

I don't need to go out, interrogate,
take fingerprints ...

The solution's right there.
In black and white. Between the lines.

Hello? Yes ... Hello!

The Inspector.

I have witnesses to question
all morning long.

I'll be dying for a talk
about anything else.

Will you have
lunch with me?

Yes. Pick me up
in front of the house.

I really don't feel like it.
- Have lunch with him. For me.

Talk with him about Doucet.
It'll take his mind off me.

All right.
I'll get dressed.

You might even help him out --
your Inspector doesn't seem very bright.

He should have done time,
he'd have learned a few things.

I knew a guy, once --
very nice guy --

A bank courier who was attacked
by gangsters --

-- and robbed of 10 million francs.

Know who did the job?

He did it himself.

Is that your solution?

You say Mr. Doucet --
- I say nothing!

I'm no policeman.
But if I were, that's where I'd look.

- But he's lived here for 30 years!
- So innocence goes by seniority?

Would you help me?
It'll save calling Maria.

- Think I can?
- Just try.

Much too nice a dress
for lunch with a cop.

Now I'm sorry you're going.
Say ...

What's he like,
your Inspector?

- Jealous.
- By what right?

- See you soon!
- I'm not going anywhere.

Astonishing -- nothing ever happens here,
and suddenly theft, murder, prison breaks --

-- all in three days!
- What can the police be doing?

They're hard at work,
as you see ...

A fine thing.
Instead of tracking the culprits ...

With the taxes we pay,
we should be better protected!

I'm sure they're judging me
for not having made any arrests.

Instead, I'm lunching with you.
- It doesn't look good.

People think a policeman
doesn't sleep, doesn't eat ...

- and smokes a pipe.
- True.

It's nice to forget work a while.
My days are very full, lately.

I used to think this town was dull!
- So did I.

But no more.
Work hard, my friend!

I do! I admit the results
haven't been outstanding.

Maybe you're out of practice.
But think of me!

All that trouble organizing the auction
and poof! the money's gone.

That case isn't my priority --
the other is.

Two men dead --
and the escape doesn't make sense to me.

Why kill the warden? Not robbery.
To escape? Easily done on work release.

- No clues?
- Just one: the gun was the warden's.

It seems like payback --
but for what?

I'm sorry to bother you with this.
It's so far from your concerns!

Where could he have gone?
Convict, wounded, no money, armed ...

We've searched everywhere --
even your own house.

Maybe he's left the area.

- Léon, you'll strain your neck.
- I was checking the time.

Do you think we'll ever
find that money?

The thief, perhaps --
but if money isn't found right away ...

Find the thief first, then.
But are you sure you've done all you can?

You're like those old ladies --
you think I don't know my job.

Have you considered
the man no one would suspect?

In detective stories,
he always turns out to be guilty.

That's literature!
Resolving police problems by absurdity.

- If intelligent methods fail ...
- Who should we consider?

I don't know ...
suppose Mr. Doucet did it himself.

What an idea!
Mr. Doucet.

I know it's absurd --
Mr. Doucet is above suspicion.

No one is above suspicion.

When you take that tone,
I don't know you.

You might arrest me
at a moment's notice.

You must be implacable.

You're rather frightening.
What ideas you have.

Still waters!

But if you think so much about my cases,
you think a little about me, too!

Flawless police reasoning ...

I protest these proceedings!

Public scandal!
- Discretion itself.

We haven't contacted the Bar
or brought in our finance division.

Is one centime missing
from my clients' accounts?

Why won't you believe me?
- If I were to believe everyone ...

Do you know who I am?

You damage my reputation
and question my honor!

You will pay for this.
- No threats.

I'm just doing my duty.

A fig for your duty.

Are you suggesting I faked the crime?
That I stole the money?


We found this.


The briefcase was stolen
with the money!

It's impossible.
- Don't leave town.

They found the briefcase
in the solicitor's cistern.

- Empty, of course.
- Yes.

Who would have thought it?
- Me!

Your friend the Inspector
must be happy.

He should be grateful to you.

He's bound to be promoted.

A cop arresting a solicitor --
it's sublime, it's taking the Bastille!

Eleven o'clock and no Maria --
she must have forgotten.

Why -- are you hungry?


Good, I haven't dined either.

And it's New Year's Eve.
Let's go out!

- Don't tease me.
- Just out of this room.

I've turned down all invitations.
No one will come to bother us.

Should I say thank you?

I don't think you'd like that.
- No.

But it's exactly what
I want to say to you.


- Magnificent.
- You've never seen this room before.

- I came in the back way.
- And uninvited.

- I hope you have everything?
- Thank you, Maria.

This is a change!
My last New Year's Eve was in prison.

We each received the munificent gift of
a glass of wine and three cigarettes.

After which feast, the warden told us:

"Be good,
and you'll get the same next year."

All things considered,
I'm glad I wasn't good.

- Do you like caviar?
- Unfortunately!

Most of my troubles are due to
liking caviar more than meatloaf.

But that's not a subject for your ears.
- Why treat me like a spoiled child?

Because I don't give you your due.

But I do to this blanc de blancs.

It's choice!
I mean, it's a wine of great character.

You're a saint, Elisabeth.

A secular saint --
even rarer.

No joke.

No other woman would have done for a man
what you have for me.

Unless ...
- Unless?

I'm being stupid.

May I ask you a question?

You don't have to answer.

Have you ever been in love?

That depends on what you mean by
"in love."

Tell Madame that
since she won't come to the party

the party is coming to her!

Please, Madame isn't feeling well --
she has a migraine.

We really shouldn't impose.

We'll go to my place instead!

I told the Caumartins to meet us here.
- Just phone them!

Maria, would you allow me?

Jenny, is that you, darling?
Change of plan ...

Elisabeth is ill, poor dear ...

No, nothing serious ...
Come to my place instead!

See you there!

Tell her to take care of herself --
I'll call tomorrow morning.

- Were you afraid?
- Yes.

You will be, as long as I stay.


You shouldn't have let him out!

- Hungry, Madame?
- Not any more.

Those idiots ruined our evening.
- Really?

- I shouldn't have ...
- What a party that would have been!

Surprise attraction!
But we're cozier up here.

A little champagne?

Don't tremble -- it's all over.

Happy New Year.
- Happy New Year.

Wish me good luck, rather.

Good luck.

On New Year's Eve,
they won't keep a strict watch.

I should go right now.

Could you?

So Inspector Guimard pounces on
that poor solicitor. Scandalous!

The real culprits are still at large.
- Tea or chocolate?

- Perhaps the thieves were here with us.
- Why?

To find the solicitor and his briefcase
and follow him out.

Heavens -- perhaps I spoke to them,
all unaware!

In that case, if it comes to trial,
you'll be asked to identify them.

You'll be a key witness.
- How dreadful!

I might be the target of reprisals ...
- Tea or chocolate?

I'd rather have a little cognac,

That reminds me, Elisabeth --
what happened to your maid?

I asked Madame to send her away --

-- she was impertinent to me.

What a mess!

I can't go home like this,
the whole town would see me.

Elisabeth, darling, lend me a skirt.
- Certainly ...

I'll go with you.
- Don't bother, I know the way.

It's locked!

Why would I lock it?

It's just a tricky lock --
you have to be used to it.

- This skirt should fit you.
- Thanks, you're sweet.

Just what I thought!

Why didn't you tell me?
I'm your best friend!

I understand your discretion --
but it's me, after all!

I knew it!
This is your New Year's Eve headache!

- What are you talking about?
- If you lie so badly, tell the truth!

I saw you had been
having supper with someone!

So I deduced that ...

... your so-called headache ...

... was Alain de Beauvoir!

Am I wrong?


Hello, Maria!

Mr. Alain de Beauvoir!

Mr. de Beauvoir,
what a surprise!

A pleasant one, I hope!

- Any problems getting here?
- Roadblocks, roadblocks! What a bore!

Well, if they must play soldiers ...

- Because they still haven't caught ...
- They will get their "crook"!

He's supposed to be very handsome.

Actually ...
you've met him, Elisabeth!

He carried in your Christmas tree.

He said, "Your smile is
our Christmas present."

Don't you remember?

Not really.

At last they're gone.

- Did she catch on?
- Oh, yes.

She won't be able to resist
such a juicy scandal.

It's time to go.

Wonderful --
I don't even need a bandage any more.

Bad seeds grow back fast!

- Put this on.
- Oh, great!

Perfect for roadblocks --
a little gold braid speaks for itself!

Come in.

- Am I disturbing you? You must be busy.
- Do sit down.

- What can I do for you?
- No breakthrough to report --

- I'm sorry.
- As am I.

I wanted to talk to you about Elisabeth.
She worries me, lately.

Doesn't she seem changed?
- Why, no!

Because you don't look at her enough.
- Think not?

Or you look at her wrongly --
it's the same thing.

She's been sad the past few days.
She refuses all invitations.

On New Year's Eve,
she shut herself away!

What can it mean?

You're her best friend;
if anyone should know, it's you.

I think she's too solitary.
We should go surprise her at home --

-- take her out tonight!
Give her a little fun ...

And my dossiers?

You'll see them fresh tomorrow --
perhaps with new ideas! Come on!

I adore Elisabeth; I want to bring
the two of you together.

I love meddling in others' love affairs;
it's my way of deceiving my husband!

We're leaving.


If anyone asks, I've gone to see
my father, who's ill.

I'll be back in 48 hours.

That's all?
Even for Guimard?

Especially for Guimard.

I understand.

So will Guimard.

But if you're not back in 48 hours,
I'll tell him everything.

No -- when you come back.

Goodbye, Maria.

What a machine!
You know how to live.

The car I went to jail to keep --
you'd think it was junk.

It was nice at your place, but too many
walls and locked doors for my taste.

- Stop over there.
- Why?

It's Le Guen's house.
The warden.

Before I go, I want his wife
to know the truth.

I want to tell her
I didn't kill her husband.

- You're mad, she'll call the police.
- Not she!

She didn't care about her husband.

If she misses anyone,
it's my pal Laurent.

You know, I told you about them.

Daniel ...
Where were you hiding?

What's this uniform?
- I'll explain.

- But I tell you Madame isn't home.
- Don't mind us, we'll wait for her ...

- Madame won't be back tonight.
- Oh? Where did she go?

- To see her father, who's ill.
- First I've heard of it!

- We got the call only half an hour ago.
- Her father doesn't have a phone.

- Friends of his called us.
- I hope it's nothing serious.

Maria, I left something in the bedroom --
may I?

Tell me what you're looking for --
I might be able to help.

I gave the room a thorough turning out
after Madame left.

- That skirt I spilled chocolate on.
- It's at the cleaner's.

You should have told me --
it would have saved you the climb.

Let's go.

Poor Agnès.
It's too bad.

She planned to go away with Laurent.

She packed a suitcase for him --
suit, raincoat ...

He doesn't need them now.
So she gave me everything.

- Did she love him?
- You have no idea.

- ID? ... Captain.
- What's going on?

Nothing special,
just a routine check.

Say, that's funny.

I knew a Captain Vermont in the army,
in 1953-54.

- My brother.
- You don't look a bit like him!

Give him my regards when you see him.
My name's Lesquinet.

Tell him --
- He's dead.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Drive on.

Damn it!
It's the fanbelt.

- Can we still drive?
- Not for long.

A hotel! That's a break.
Come on, get out.

When would you like
your wake-up call?

Never mind, we'll be leaving early.

Say -- I parked in the barn,
next to a Citroen 403.

I hope it won't need to be moved
until tomorrow.

No -- the boss only uses it Sundays,
and this is Tuesday. Goodnight!

- Could I make a phone call?
- Certainly.

- Get me 422, Irigaray, Basses-Pyrénées.
- I'll put it through from downstairs.

Who are you calling?

A travel agency,
so to speak.

It was recommended to me
at my previous ... luxury accommodation.

Why speak of it?

Try to forget.

May I speak to Mr. Fernand, please?
I'm a friend of the Abbé Guyot.

Ah, it's you. The Abbé Guyot told me
you could organize a fishing trip.

Yes, getting out ...
on the bounding main.

All right, the fisherman's a friend.
You know the price?

Meet me at my café,
near the beach.

It's the only one.
You'll see the light.

I'll expect you tomorrow, 4:00 am.
No earlier!

Fine, tomorrow at 4:00.

Who's the Abbé Guyot?

Not a priest!
My cellmate.

A Basque who specialized
in robbing church poorboxes.

Even in prison,
that wasn't well thought of.

But if I get out of France,
it'll be thanks to him.

He's a friend of Fernand's.

Why do you always say "I"?

Do you think I'd let you go alone?
Get you to the border and say goodbye?

Forget it!

What are you talking about?
You're coming with me!

- Snoozing.
- The sleep of innocence!

Who's there?


What is this?

Very nice! You're quick to open the door
to your husband's murderer!

- I don't understand.
- Don't strain yourself.

Not very discreet,
your Prince Charming.

He talked in his sleep,
loud and clear.

The inmates knew all about you two,
but we found out too late.

- I'm in a hurry. Where's Morane?
- How should I know?

Fine, you've gone from widow
to accused.

You'll soon see the difference.

Harboring a criminal,
accessory to murder --

-- you won't be seeing daylight
any time soon!

- All because you won't cooperate.
- I don't know where he is!

You know something else.
You've just admitted it.

Tell me and you go free.
You keep your house and pension.

And hurry, I could change my mind.

If I tell you ...
is there a reward?

See? She's no dummy.

He was here last night.

You hid him until last night.

- I never hid him!
- The hell you didn't!

I'm not taking the heat
for another woman.

So there was another woman?

Madame Vermont.

- You lie.
- No.

He was hiding out at her place.

He left in a car with her
last night.

He stopped by here.
He was in an officer's uniform.

She'd lent him
her husband's uniform.

- You'd better be telling the truth.
- I swear it.

And ... the reward?

Oh, right.
I forgot.

Let's review.

Last night, around 6:00, Morane left,
with Madame Vermont as hostage.

- Hostage?
- Yes, hostage, at gunpoint.

Isn't that right?

Oh, yes!
I was there, I saw it!

I'll need that in writing.

If reporters come by,
you know nothing.

They'll invent anything -- that
Mme. Vermont was in love with Morane --

-- and had him hidden here
the whole time!

That's right --
journalists will say anything!

A search is elementary police work!
Any flatfoot can do it!

And you, with 30 years' experience,
get rooked like a beginner!

Were you blind that day?

In Paris, you'd be fired for this.
- But I looked everywhere!

I've spent all morning trying
to figure out where he could have been.

He was in the bathroom.
That's it.

While she was naked.
- You should have gone in!

- You said it was just a formality!
- But your job is your job!

You incompetent.
- Should have gone yourself!

Yes, I should.

I wanted to be considerate.
That'll teach me.

I'd never have believed this
of her ...

Chief, I spent ten years
on the Paris vice squad.

They don't want considerate guys --
they go for thugs.

That's what turns them on.
- What has happened to her?

You haven't changed your mind?
We won't be parted?

I feel so alive.

But you don't know what it's like
to be an outlaw -- not yet.

No. But I know what it's like to be
a woman alone, in the provinces.

It's terrible.
Nothing ever happens.

Neither good nor bad.

Will you miss anyone?

Yes ... Maria.

And Guimard?



Time to get up,
if we're going to drive slowly.

- We've got time ...
- No!

I mean, we'll have time
once we're there.

Now you see my life
isn't all fun and games, right?

Well, you'll learn!

I don't care. I like to obey you --
and I've never liked obeying before.

Go pay our bill while I get the car out.
Wait for me by the exit road.

Why are you changing clothes?

A uniform's great for roadblocks.
For the border, I'm demobilizing.

- What car is this? Did you steal it?
- Let's say I traded it.

Yours must be identified by now.
Hop in!

With the back roads we have to take,
I might get lost. Hand me the map.

- What map?
- Damn, must have left it in your car.

I can't think of everything!

You're no help.

You're used to having things easy.
- I'm not used to trading cars this way.

Don't sulk.
Put the radio on.

... new developments
in the Melun prison break.

Convict Morane is out of hiding
and on the road.

Be on the lookout for a white Cadillac,
license 9135-FU77.

I repeat: 9135-FU77.

He has a young woman as hostage
and is wearing a French officer's uniform.

Your cop must have come up with that.

Good thing I changed car and clothes.

You were right about your girlfriend.

She went and told him.

If he weren't so hot for you,
he wouldn't be hot on my heels.

I know it was the sticks,
but still -- a cop?

You must have been desperate.

Well, as long as you're along,
they won't shoot.

What are you looking at?

I feel I'm seeing you
for the first time.

Here's a copy of the bill,
for all it'll tell you --

850 francs for the room,
no food.

Not even breakfast.
- One room for two.


Hostage to love!
- None of your business.

I know, but that's the business
that interests me.

What's this 280-franc charge?

- A phone call.
- Where to?

422 or 423, Irigaray, Basses-Pyrénées.

It's on my books.
- Shall we, chief?

No, I'll do it.
Take care of Mme. Vermont's car.

Phone Hendaye, Inspector François --
I'll be there tonight.

Sorry, we're lost.

We're looking for a café, Fernand's --
know it?

I know it, it's 30 kilometers off,
but you can't go at this time of night.

The shore road's underwater.

This always happens in winter --
you'll have to wait for low tide.

That'll be 4:00 a.m.
- But it's barely midnight!

Can we wait here?

It's against regulations ...

A drink to warm you up, fine.

But you can't stay here.



Hits the spot!

Say, this is great stuff!

Sell me a bottle?

It comes from over the Pyrenees,
I'd have to charge ... 2000 francs?

Too much?
- Not at all!

Keep the change.

It's too much!
- Not at all.

I can't leave you and your lady outside.


You won't be disturbed.

I'll go back to my work.

We've got to help each other out
in this world, no?

Filthy weather.

All we need is for the road
to wash out for good.

To get this far and be stuck ...

Damn it all.

Sorry to bother you again.

Can I use the phone?
- Go ahead.

422 Irigaray, please.

I'll go back to my roost.

Fernand, I'm here.

I'm out in the country.

Stuck at the lighthouse.

I know, that's why I said 4:00.

No, I'll come get you in my truck.

Twelve mill and change.
Ring a bell?

Might as well know --
that's the money from your auction.

I'm a thief.

What did you think?
Work release money wouldn't take me far.

Nice, huh?

I don't understand.

Neither did the cops.

Laurent and I teamed up.

The night of the auction,
the warden sneaked us out.

He needed money too.

- So it was you who attacked the solicitor.
- You're catching on.

Go on, I'm listening.

The warden hid the money at home,
as agreed.

He locked us up again.
Snug in our cells.

First-class alibi.

But just in case,
I supplied the police with a culprit.

That's where you came in.

- Me?
- Yes, you, my dear.

Remember, I got you to tell Guimard
to search the solicitor's house.

- They found the bag in the cistern.
- Of course -- I threw it there.

Truth emerging from the well!
Great stuff, no?

So, do you see now?

Better than you think.

Your first night,
you spoke of a crime passionnel.

I'll say what really happened:
you killed the warden for his share.


He shot at us
when the time came to divvy up.

He wanted it all. He tried to kill me
like he killed Laurent.

Then he'd say we attacked him.

I got the gun away and shot him.
It was self-defense.

Only ... when you found me
in your house ...

I couldn't tell you I was fighting
over your auction money, could I?

So I made up a crime passionnel:
Agnès and Laurent.

You didn't have the money
when we left my house.


We stopped at the warden's house.

His wife gave you the money.

You're making progress.

And, if you want to know,
she's meeting me in Spain.

So you've been lying from the start.

Prettying things up, say.

All you wanted was to use me.

Wasn't bad, was it?

What did you think?

Love is something I use.

I was in for life.

I forgot to tell you --
I was a three-time loser.

Irredeemable recidivist,
they call it. I had to get out!

Disgusted? I don't care.
To hell with your whole world.

And tomorrow
I'll be far away.

Go to sleep, if you like.

Dream, even.

Hey, dream you're in jail!

What if they arrest you
as an accessory?

What a scoop
for your hicktown newspaper!

Mme. Vermont on the lam
with the loot from her charity!

fellow crook!


- Who's there?
- Police!

Hello, François.

Need a police escort to see me?
- I'm with Inspector Guimard, on duty.

- So I should call you Inspector.
- Yes. - All right!

Pleased to meet you. What's up?
- A man called you last night, 11:30.

You mean he called here?
Could be.

But no one called me.
11:30 there's a crowd here --

-- lots of people call.
- Who answers?

Depends -- the waitress, me,
the customers themselves ...

I run a café, not a switchboard!

This man we're looking for
is trying to cross the border.

I don't watch the border --
I'm not a customs officer!

Come on, Fernand.
We know you and what you do.

You've gotten people into Spain before.

During the war. I got a citation for it.
- This is a wanted man.

They were wanted men back then.
Depends on who wants who, no?

And by what right?
The right right?

- So you admit it?
- Not at all!

It's been ten years
since I've done anything like that.

Statute of limitations!

No clowning, Fernand.

What are you doing up at 3:00 a.m.?
Planning to go out?

All right -- spill!

Say, Elisabeth ...

I was rough with you just now.
Sorry, I had the blues.

When I do, I'll say anything.

Look ... at the age when you
still believed in Santa Claus --

-- I was getting slapped around
in reform school.

I got in the habit of lying.

Agnès, now --

-- I never planned to take her to Spain,
that was a lie.

I don't trust anyone.

Irredeemable, like they say.
That's me.

When I came to your house, it's true,
I wanted you to help me escape.

But, living with you,
little by little I forgot who I was.

Don't love me.

It louses everything up.

There are girls like you, and there's me.
Might as well shoot myself.

Daniel, I ...

No, I've messed up your life enough.

In the morning, go to the police.
Tell them I took you hostage.

Tell them I tried to escape by boat
and drowned.

And that you're glad I'm dead.

Probably true, anyway.


The police are on their way.


I turned you in.

You were here all the time.

While you were sleeping,
I slipped a note to the old man.


Hands up!

Out of my way!

Rat me out, scum?

Step aside, Elisabeth.

He's nuts -- says I ratted him out.

I ratted on nobody ...
- Later.

"Tell police Morane here"?

Did you write this?

Morane, give yourself up.
You're surrounded.

Never! We'll all croak together!

I want to talk to him!
- Let her through.

Listen, they're not here because of me.

Who cares?
You're on the safe side, stay there!

Do I get my stripes, Inspector?
- Hang on ...

For him, case closed.

But she's an accessory.
Not at all what you told me.

Take her in?

... want to talk ...

Write this down.

She wasn't in on it.
It was me. All alone.

I said I'd kill her if she didn't hide me.

She was my hostage.

No need to be frightened any more.

Everyone back where they belong.

Best that way.