Apariencias (2000) - full transcript

Carmello, who is 30-years old and extremely shy, finds it difficult to reveal his innermost feelings to VerĂ³nica, his coworker. Carmelo's world collapses when he finds out that she intends to get married soon. Accidentally, she spots him demonstrating in a gay rally where he becomes a leader of that cause. Of course, VerĂ³nica assumes that Carmelo is gay, and he takes advantage of this misunderstanding to overcome his shyness and play a game of lies that will lead them to a most unpredictable ending.

Hi. Good morning.
How are you?

Drop by if you want to, ok?


So... I'll give you a call.

He's been kinda...
withdrawn Lately More than ever.

And to see your own flesh and
blood like that is rough.

I don't really feel Like doing
anything anymore.

You know, his Living upstairs,
more than

bringing us closer
has pushed him away.

I feel Like going
upstairs and beating

the Living shit
out of the bastard.

Ok, sorry!

My gut tells me the kid has
relationship problems.

Of course I have trouble
relating, what else is new?

But that's not the main issue...

what's important here is
that e-mail.

Go ahead, read it.

That address you passed on

was more useful
than you can imagine.

The furniture is just great.
Tell you all about it

when I get to Buenos Aires.

Is this it?
Who's this Veronica?

The Love of my Life,
only she doesn't know it.

Hence, she's not my girlfriend.

She's the Love of my Life.

And that's why you just
took off Like that?

Yeah. That's why.

To understand that a normal girl
with no boyfriend,

could one day be my girlfriend...

and to Learn that maybe,
sometime in the future,

I could just maybe be
her boyfriend.

And how does one go
about Learning that?

Taking some classes.
Taking classes?

Learning to cope with open spaces
a problem I've had since youth.

What's wrong?
Why are you Laughing?

Serious, don't Laugh.
There're courses people take,

people with problems in the...
the passion department.


Mental maps

Nah, give me a break!

Why not? They're courses.
4 wheel drive, SUV.

I need to face up to my phobias,
Learn to Live with them.

And, these things are done...
through isolation, Like I did.

Watch me breathe. Check me out.

ALL thanks to mind control.

I got my lungs full of Love.

I know, you think this is
all crap, don't you?

When did this girl show up?

Sorry, mind if I take this chair?

Yeah, yeah.

I'LL give you a hand.


Make 50 copies and
get them to Financial Management.

What was that address?
I'LL be back in 30 minutes.

I'm ordering out.
Anybody want anything?

Who wants to chip in
for the present...?


I'd have Loved to talk to her
but couldn't get up the nerve.

But Luckily, Beto...
a warm rain saved me.

And that's when it happened...

Daddy! Daddy!

Cause she was starting
to be important to me.

Very important.

I Love walking in the rain.

A woman who's not embarrassed
to walk in the rain...

fits right in with me, Beto.
That's it.

No doubt about it.

A person not ashamed of
being called

a snob or an idlot...
is someone smart.

You know how it felt Like?

To be walking there,
the two of us?

Water running down my face...
I'd never felt Like that before.

And at some point I started
hearing this music...

I'd never heard before.
It was Veronica's music.

Did I tell you
her name's Veronica?

C'mon, Loosen up, relax,
breathe Like you did before.

There you go.

Don't be ashamed of
loving a woman.

You walked with her in the rain..
you walked in the open air,

you almost had her, almost...

did'ya tell her anything?

I said something very important..

Do you want to have some coffee?

Sure. As soon as I get back
from my trip. Bye.

She was supposed stay working for
an agency in Miami for 15 days...

and stayed on for three months.

Now she's coming back.

She thanks me for the tip
I passed on over the net.

And since then, zip?
No phone calls?

No, barely. Nothing.
Actually, nothing at all.

I kinda found out by chance
date and time of her arrival...

so as soon as she steps
on Argentine soil...

I'LL be there.

Aw, c'mon, hold it.

What does "as soon as she steps
on Argentine soil" mean?

What don't you understand?

Pistarini... Ezeiza Airport.

As soon as she steps
into the main hall,

And when does she get here?

Do you reallze it's the most
moronic thing to do?

Besides, it's corny, childish.

A man can't stand there,
waiting at the airport...

to tell a woman he Loves her.
Only a screwed up mind

can think up
something Like that.

A normal guy doesn't do this
sort of thing.

Well I do.

Then you're abnormal, man.
What can I say?

Want me to go with you, you dope?

No. I gotta do this all on my own

Besides, I don't need a sidekick
telling me what to do.

I'm going on my own.

Thanks for coming. Really.

Everything's cool. Relax.

There she is. Don't Look.

That chick? Which one?

No, a mistake. What a dummy.

Cool it. Why don't you breathe
Like they taught you in those...

fucking courses you went to?

I am breathing.

Well, deeper.
One, two, come on, easy.

Come on,
nothing can come as a surprise.

Nothing can catch me by surprise.


Oh, hi. How are you?

Fine. I've been watching you

from behind
for a while and wasn't sure.

Yeah, happens sometimes. Right?


so I said that's Carmelo Ponce
and I've got to say hello.



No, it's not Ponce but Posse
with double "s". Carmelo Posse.

Of course, Carmelo Posse.

Thanks for that tip
on the furniture.

It's great.

What are you doing here?

What am I doing?


my friend Beto's going to London
and I came to see him off.

Oh, you're going away.
Of course.

Have a good trip then.

I'LL have to Leave now,
I've somebody waiting for me, ok?


Excuse me?

I mean. Come here.

I'd Like to say something.

It's just a minute. That's all.

Yeah, sure. Just give me a sec.

I'd Like to introduce you guys.

This is Carmelo, a friend.

Federico, my boyfriend.

How's it going?

How are you?

Beto, on my way to London.

Honey, sorry to interrupt but
there's a group at the door...

protesting against a rock band.

We should get going.

Sure, but Carmelo wanted
to tell me something.

No, no. I was... just...

No, no... it can wait.

So then we'll be on our way.
See you Later. Bye.

Have a good trip.

You gotta Look ahead.

Gotta value the fact you came
all the way out here.

I know it got all screwed up,
but, to tell you the truth...

as your friend,
I'm real proud of you.

Honestly, Carmelo.

You can't Let your world come
tumbling down...

just because the girl you Like
has a boyfriend.

Hold it. Watch it. Careful.

Don't touch me, man.

What a bummer,
why did we have to end up here?

We were beat by our anxlety.

You're right. Anxlety beat us.

Swear to God we arranged for it
to be peaceful...

but with these people
it's impossible.

They always treat us Like animals.

I'd have to be deaf not
to hear you.

How do you want us to keep calm

when this rock group...
is set on offending

all the gay community?

Don't you agree? I mean...

cool. You can disagree.

It's not necessary
for us all to agree.

No, no. Yeah.
I mean, I do agree.

What's more... when you're
up to your neck with something...

you should react right
then and there, right? Carmelo?

Are you okay, Carmelo?
No, I'm not okay.

And not because we're stuck
here or because we came.

I'm not okay because
it upsets me to think...

some decisions are Like
a drowning man's final Lifeline.

Just because...
one is different from the rest...

Because our time is
the same as anybody else's.

I shouldn't have waited so Long.

Things have to be said
from the start.

At the right time.

Only then... can someone really
Listen to a declaration of Love.

What you said was very nice.
What's your name?

Could you Load them all
onto the bus?

Let's go.

Who is that?
It's a guy from work.

Veronica, don't tell me
you didn't know he was gay.

No. But it's obvious that when

it comes to defending
his rights...

he participates actively.
I hope nothing happens to him.

I think I'm old enough not to
have to account...

for every step I take.

Yes, sure, of course.

But your journey to the USA was
supposed to Last 15 days.

It turned out to be three months.

I went to work, not on a picnic.

Yes, sure. Work.

But you come back
from your trip...

with a young man we hardly know
and you knowvery Well...

that it's in reiteration
that people might get intimate.

Please, Let's not mix that
charming young man in all this.

The only one who should pay her
dues is our daughter.

No one else.
What are those dues, dad?

If the cultural upbringing
you received

is of any good,
you might remember...

that in old opaque crystals,
the great

Bernard Soler already spoke...
of the emancipation

of immature young ones.
You can't deny that.

I don't remember nor care to.

Don't contradict your father.

I am getting married.

Not even in dreams.

It's my Life and I shall do
as I Please. I'm set on it.

Are you really?

Well, then... we should organize
the party right away.

No. There'll be no party.

It'll be a simple ceremony.
That's it.

Honey, Let's do the party
as your mother wishes.

I see you're your
old selfish selves.

I'm getting married.
Don't meddle with me nor Federico

Butt out.


Don't worry about me 'cause
I'm doing great.

I'm keeping my head clear and
keeping busy...

Listening in on my

Veronica is a thing of the past.


Hi. Welcome back.

Do they really know
so much about marketing?

We didn't think
we'd see you again.

Things got complicated.

Will you be working here again?

No, although I haven't finished
what I started yet.

I wanted to see Carmelo.
Is he in?

He's probably in his kennel.

What are you doing?


What are you doing down there?

No, nothing... Looking for
this pen I can't find.

Look, the pen. Nuts.


Hi.Everything okay?

Yes. Everything's fine.

I wanted to see you...

and bring over this knickknack

because of the e-mall and all.

For me?

Do you Like it?
I Love it.

What is it?

It's an hourglass.

Yeah. I didn't reallze.
An hourglass. Of course.

It's for the time you saved us
and also...

so that you keep in mind you

don't need to waste your time...

appearing to be
something you're not.

Excuse me. What is it?
Has he kidnapped you?

Finish your hellos so we can
wrap up your pending issues.

Hey, I can't believe it.

If this chick came by to see you
and gave you this shit...

it means she cares for you.

She's dating.
I've got no chance.

What do you mean? Of course
you've got a shot at it...

otherwise she wouldn't have gone
to see you and given you this.

Call her up.

Are you nuts? How can I call?
With what pretext?

Call her.

Think I should?
You bet.

I'm so happy you called.
You've cheered me up.

I'm glad. I wanted to tell you

the hourglass you gave me
is a hit.

It's a piece of shit,
don't Lie to her.

No, I mean to say
I really Liked it.

You touched a soft spot.

Would you Like to get together?
There's something I want to

talk to you about.
It's important.

Sure. ALL right with me.

If it's okay with you, how could
I have a problem with that?

Tomorrow, before dinner...
we could meet and have a drink.

There's this place
I think you might Like.

Sure, tell me.

No, I don't know it.

Yeah, I... no, I don't know it.

Okay... Perfect, see you then.

See you tomorrow.

Way to go my man! Home run!

ALL set! Change the subject!

Close the record store!
That chick is all yours my man!

No, no, no.
I'm gonna take it real easy.

I'm not gonna get excited.

Last time
I did it didn't go very Well.

So this time,
Carmelo takes it easy.

I'm gonna breathe, relax, cool it.

And you know what,
essentially, Betito? What?

I Will not get all worked up.

Take it easy, relax, you got her.

I'm gonna hang out and have
a drink while you go Look for her

And if you need anything,
come and get me.

Tell me the time... oh, my God.

Hi, how are you doing?

Nice place, huh?

Lots of people. Good place.

Get rid of this prick.

Maybe you can help me...
I'm Looking for, uh...

this girl, Veronica Ortiz...

kinda redhead...
don't know if you've seen her.

Mimes don't speak, you dope.
That's their main quallty.

Thank you, buddy.
You are the best.

And you... don't get distracted.
Go Look for her. Come on.

I'LL wait for you here.

Have faith. Go get her.

Hello there.


It is not a place for weirdos, dad

Besides, we have a Lot of
pending issues to discuss.

We can't do it at home, there's
always somebody dropping by.

This is a modern place.

The food's great,
that's why I chose it.

Don't be bigoted or old fashioned

No, don't come right away.

I gotta meet up
with a friend first.


Carmelo. How are you?
What a surprise.

You doing okay?

Several of the guys
told me you were here

but I wanted to see for myself.

You are...?
You don't remember. No.

Ezeiza. "KiLier Chickens".
Oh, yeah, the airport.

Got kinda rough, hu?

But at Least it was good for
reinforcing what you said...

I Loved that phrase: "Our time
is the same as anybody else's".

Loved it. Great.

You didn't mind
our publishing it, did you?


Want to come over to our table?
I'm with that group over there.

It's cool, you wanna come?

No, no... I'm over here...

Well, if you do... see you...
Loved it.

And Let's keep
fighting discrimination...

we almost got them.

Yeah, sure. We got them.

Fuck. It's me.


Hi.How's it going?

Fine. Could I get an autograph,
Mr. Gay Leader?

Yeah. I could explain all this.

I don't need an explanation.
I saw you the day I arrived.

Yeah, we saw each other.

No, I saw you Later,
with the police and your friends.

Yeah, but I'm not gay.

Could you Please turn that down?

Anything for you... Carme.

Hey, Carmelo.

I'm not gay.

You make me Laugh. Seriously.

I hope to keep these good vibes
going if we end up together.

I don't get it.

I asked you to get together...

in part because of your
professional quallties.

But essentially
for what I feel for you.

I think that's the main issue.

To me it's the biggest issue.

To me it's the final issue.

I need to finish up the report
in order to get paid for it...

as soon as possible.

And I'd Like you to help me
wrap it up quickly...

something I can't do on my own.
You're the best in the agency.

You're saying we should
work together.

Sure, I want to hire you.

You'd obviously be getting
part of the earnings.

Thing is I wanted to talk to you
about something else.

No, at Least answer me that.

The only person
I can do this with, is you.

Why with me?

being with you feels good.

Because, I Like you.Because...

I feel we can have
a relationship where...

there'II be no hysterics
nor double entendres.

Carmelo I don't have
much time Left.

Why not? What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong.

I'm getting married
and moving to Los Angeles.

Fede and I got everything set up.

We even have furniture,
thanks to you.

It's kinda embarrassing to admit,


Federico wrote that thank you
e-mall on my behalf.

Oh, Federico wrote that?

Do you understand why I need you?

I'm very glad I ran into you.

I hope nobody runs into me now
'cause I need to go to the john.

Excuse me.

We're Leaving.
What happened?

Everything went wrong.
She feels sorry for me.

Sit down.
Why does she feel sorry for you?

For being a homosexual.

She's a homo?

Tell you the truth,
I'd have never guessed.

No, no.

I'm gay.


No, the two of us.

She saw us at the airport.
With the police.

She thinks we're gay.

And you denied it, of course.

I couldn't, she just came out
and I froze up.

Besides, she's really supportive
of my coming out.

Coming out of what?

The closet.

She thinks I'm the sensitive gay
in the office.

Look at me.

Sensitive gay, I wanna die.

Besides, she's getting married.

She wants me to work with her
because she thinks I'm good.

Because... because I'm gay.

Besides, everyone says hi,
"Hey, Carmelo" "Hi, Carmelo"

I'm desperate, Beto.

To say that sort of bullshit,
better keep your mouth shut.

Say something.

I can't believe it.

I don't know why I ever Let you

talk me into going
to the airport...


Right. It was my idea.

It's that I'm not gay.
I'm definitely not gay.

Thank you very much.

Excuse me, the restrooms?

Wait for me at the table,
I'LL be right there.

It is possible.

That's why she brought me
to this place,

full of... faggots.
So that I'd feel right.

There's another thing.
She really does need me.

Problem is she doesn't need me
the way I need her.

And if I really were gay?

I still wouldn't catch
anybody's attention, buddy.

Do you mind if I call you buddy?

Nah. - So, buddy,
I'm getting the fuck out.

No, you stay right on.

Stick with this chick...

and wait for the right time
to tell her you're not gay.

A pleasure, ma'am.

I'LL exchange the "ma'am" for
Elsita. I Like it much better.

And I thought nothing
could surprise me...

and I have read some
very wacky memoirs.

Esteban Mariano Ortiz,

with a degree in Literature,
a pleasure.

Carmelo Posse.
How do you do?

I agree with you, Posse.

But, dad, he hasn't said anything!

Not here, out of politeness.

To say the truth, and forgive me
God if I sin of bigoted...

but... Well, modernism yes,

but not this airy fairy nonsense,

Dad, what's wrong?

Why don't you finish
explaining your idea?

Right, Esteban, explain.

Mr. Posse and I agree this place

is full of faggots, pansies.

I won't stand for your talking

Like that in front of my friend,
whom you don't even know.

It's alright with me.

No, he's going to apologize!

I said this place
was full of faggots.

And I'LL say it
as often as need be.

Well, Well.
We've come for dinner...

and to clear up
some family matters.

Apologize to Carmelo.

Why should I?

He told a friend
the place was full of faggots...

I heard him.

Did you or didn't you say that?
What? Am I deaf?

You misunderstood.

Although to say the truth,
I believe your daughter is right.

You are one hell of
a bigoted person...

and very authoritarian, Mr. Ortiz.

To refer to us as "faggots"

is very ugly.

Sorry if I'm being rude, Sir.
I don't mean to be.

But being your daughter's friend
gives me the right...

to say certain things.

You were disrespectful
to your wife

in front of your daughter.

That's being a "faggot",
Mr. Ortiz.

To expect us to all think
the way you do...

or for us all to have
the same Life parameters,

that's being a faggot, Mr. Ortiz.

To Listen in on conversations,
even in passing,

is being a super faggot,
Mr. Ortiz.

Who are you to question
somebody's sexual orientation?

Your daughter is a queen...
and thus...

she chooses who to be with.

Good evening. So Long.
See you Later.

I Love him. I Love him.

Son of a gun.

Hon, the boy's home.

Seems he's not doing too great,
he's staggering around!

Stop busting my balls,
I wanna get some fucking sleep!


Okay, sorry!


I'm gay, Beto.


Speaking as I did in front
of Veronica's parents,

in front of the whole joint,

I felt better than I ever did
in my whole Life.

I reallzed that
by changing my posture,

raising my shoulders, my chin...
my back straighter...

people paid me more attention,
and you know me, people have

never noticed me
in my whole Life... and today...

today I felt the center
of the universe, Beto.

Look, for a guy to even consider
himself gay,

he has to at Least have gone
through an experience

with someone of the same sex.

You think walking straight,

shoulders and chin up
makes you gay?

What are the symptoms?

How do you reallze?

Easy, did you ever
Like another man?


Then you're not gay.

Beto, something's happening.
Help me out... kiss me.

ALL set.

No, I mean another kinda kiss.

I mean something else.

Don't take this the wrong way,
kiss me on the mouth.

Nah, then you are a homo, pal.

Don't discriminate me, help me.

I'm going through
a very delicate stage.

If it weren't so,

I wouldn't ask this of you.

Beto, you're my brother,
you gotta help me.

If I don't ask this of you,
then who?

I don't know, your old man,
your dog,

how should I know?

No, Betito, it's you.

You gotta save me,
help me, I'm not doing okay.

Kiss me. Don't be afraid.

Okay, but, make it quick. Go.

So? How do you feel?


I'm not gay, I'm an idlot.

Hold it, hold it.
Gotta do it right.

That's no use,
that didn't help shit,

can't compare Like that.
Let's do something.

Let's hold each other,
perceive each other...

Let go... it's Beto.
Your Beto.

That's how it is,
rebellious and angelical

That's how it is,
sugar, pepper and salt

sugar, pepper and salt

Are you doing
some sort of pansy act?

Don Orlando is right,

we Look Like a couple of faggots,

Keep it down,
otherwise the neighbors...

And I thought you were sloshed,
brought you an antacid.

Nah, I'm okay, just hanging out
with Beto doing the usual thing.

God help me!

No more kisses, no more bullshit,

What kisses? It's you who
wanted to neck just now, Beto.

Let's do something,
if you gotta Love the girl,

Love her. Period.

Take the job, and spend
as much time as you can with her.

Watch her, pay attention, and,

this guy's gotta have some flaw.

Stop fooling around.

Cutie pie!

Vero, I should see those results
as Well as the groups' opinions.

Hadn't you better read the
results for Tampa and Orlando?

They might be very useful.

Thing is if I meddle with Tampa,
I'm stumped.

Joke... no, serious.
I get all mixed up, Lost.

Same thing happened to
my great grandfather, Federico,

when he founded the first
sisal factory in the country.

He got Lost.

Lost the goals of the company
from sight, so my grandpa...

stepped in when he was of age
to save his father, see?

Yeah, but... how is that
reLated to my report, honey?

It is reLated, Love.
The deal is to find

the goals of the job,
to reach a final goal.

Besides, you worked a Lot
in Miami

and there's
a Lot of material there...

that you're not taking
into account...

because of the short time
you have.

Well, make time.
Enjoy working together, okay?

Honey, if we have to postpone
the wedding for a few days, done.

Work comes
before everything else.

That principle was imposed
by my father,

to all the Federico companies.

Thanks for the tip, honey.

Well, there is
just one other thing.

You can't go around working
Like this.

Look at Carmelo, Look at him
standing there, ill at ease.

You have to be comfortable.

I think Federico's right.

This isn't
the most approprlate place.

There's no room at my place,

and at your place
I'm terrified of your father...

I can arrange in a jiffy...

at the hotel I'm staying in,

He's real smart,
organized our work in a minute,

he's a businessman,
knows all,

his great grandfather opened

the first sisal hemp rope factory
in the country.

He understands marketing,
he's worldly-wise, he's cute...

Cute? He's an asshole.

An asshole?

I tried finding a flaw
and it was impossible.

He speaks English, smells good
and he's Lived in LA. - So?

So, then there's me.
We're day and night.

I shouldn't have gone
to that meeting.

Look, when there's no Love,
that's all worthless.

No Love?

You don't know howthey Look
at each other...

I was there...
if this is the place I'll

occupy in her Life I'll put up
with it.

You know what, Carmelito?

When one is
as in Love as you are,

one doesn't reallze
all the stupidities one does.

Only, I'm not in Love.

Yes, you are.

No, I'm not.

Are too.

I am. I can't take it anymore.

Watch me sweat. I'm a mess.

See what happens when
I'm the usual Carmelo,

when I'm scared
and don't know what to do?

But when I Let go,
cause that's what it is,

when I...
appear to be someone else,

people reLate to me
in a different way,

I feel much more sure of myself.

Carmelito, Please, the clients.

I can even take care of them
by letting my presumption...

of queer masculinity take charge.

Look, we already tried out
the smooching

and that didn't work...

so stop prancing around,
Will you?

Beto, this is different,

the brief adventure of
thinking myself...

in Love with Veronica is over,

but what's not over,

is this adventure of
being different.

If she wants me to be
her gay friend,

that's just what I'LL be,

that's the affection
I'LL get from her.

If you could see
for one second just

how gay you Look...


Can I help you?

I found this CD
but was told there's

a Live version
that's much better.

Let me see. Excuse me.

Tell me, how can I help you?

I'm already taken care of.

There you have it,
allve and quiming.

Sorry, allve and kicking.
Here you go,

although I wouldn't
discard the studio version.

On the one hand you have
a version taped at a theater,

all the people screaming,

On the other, there's the peace

and qulet of music taped
in a studio,

in your Left hand.

Oops, sorry.
Well, if that's the way it is,

I'LL take them both.
Thank you.

Not at all, Carmelo Posse,
double "s" at your service.

This gentleman Will be
taking two CDs,

Please bill him, I gotta go.
Sure, bye.

My regards to your shrink.

Wait, you're nuts, you know?

Yeah, but much better off.


Life was very hard being
the old Carmelo

but I'LL be able to at Least...
Live with this new one.

Looking for a girlfriend I found

a friend who Loves me
as a friend...

because she's already got
a boyfriend.


So Long!

Great guy, your partner.


Nice hotel, huh?

Like it?

Lots of beige, Like your suit.

The room is good.

Bye, mom.


how are you?

Okay, and you?


Got you something.

For me?

You shouldn't have.
It's so nice.

Like it?

Just a little detall missing.
Can't use it on its own.


Let him do what he Will just
don't Let him touch up those eyes

Your Carmelo's a real hunk.
A real waste, huh?

Sure that guy's gay?

Very much so,
he doesn't Like women.

There he comes.

ALL set. The missing touch.

How do I Look?

Signed, Dr. Veronica Ortiz.

We're all done, Love.

Thank you, Carmelo,
thanks so much.

I am finally going to be able to

take care of all
the stuff I've got pending.

Me too.

My wedding.

Right, your wedding.

Going to the country to pick up
my grandma's dress.

Well, sure, you're not going to
marry naked, hon.

No, it's much more than that.

If my grandma were allve,

she'd be very happy
I kept my promise to her.

Thank you.

Thank you for helping me, really.

And tonight...
don't make any plans.

What are you going to do to me?

Make you feel good.
Completely, exclusively for you.

Another of Federico's surprises.

And Federico?

Should be here any second.

Anything wrong?


I don't want you to be so lonely.

Being with you
I don't feel lonely.

I meant another
kind of Loneliness.

You deserve all the best.

You do too.

Federico and I thought of

setting you up with this guy.


Introducing you to a guy,
he's just charming, Like you are.

A guy for me?

No, I think you're
making a mistake,

setting people up is outdated.

Because maybe you introduce me to

someone and it doesn't work
and I say,

ooh, what's that?

Because one thing is
for me to app...

to be gay,

and another is for you
to introduce me to someone.

I don't want you to, thanks.

This dinner was arranged
just to that purpose.

I won't sit with anybody.

You're going to like Inaqui.


Inaqui. That's his name.

He's very sensitive. He's going

through a rough stage but...

I think you'll feel
very comfortable with him.

Have you gone crazy?


Inaqui has never told
Federico and me

of his situation,
but he's charming.

Take it easy, he's here.

Inaqui, Carmelo.

You don't know
how bad traffic was.

The waitress is waiting for us.
Shall we?



This place is really amazing.

With Roxana we are going

through a stage of... Lovesex

Like when you start to
rediscover your mate?

For example... Last night we were
having dinner, super cool,

and suddenly
I ask her to pass the bread.

When she does, she brushes against
my hand Like this, barely,

I stood up super aroused,
Like a panther, and grabbed her...

she Loves me to grab her
by the hair Like this,

I took her straight to bed and we

Loved each other
for 3 hours nonstop.

The moans and cries "My Love,
I Love you so much",

"I'm sorry"
so many times...

something that...
I believe in Life

there's a meaning
to everything...

don't you?
It's Like cause and effect.

Right now I'm sorta fixated
on girls.

Any girl crosses my path
and it's...

Won't Let even one get away.

Incredible, huh?

I think the important thing is
how you feel with this.


I'm not doing well,
I'm doing real bad.

I feel Like crying all the time

and then get
this euphoria attack...

go out into the street
and yell out how happy I am.

And I feel observed all the time

Look at what Roxana did today.

We were coming over and
in the elevator she goes...

"I'm not going,
I've set something else up".

See? Okay, I came on my own.Alone.

Women always set something
else up. Excuse me.

Carmelo's a real sweetheart.

He's been a great support
these days.

Yeah, he's got something...

He's ultragay, isn't he?

Enough! Now you go... confront her,

and tell her the truth
about not being gay

Come on. Go, go Carmelo!

And you get used to eat it
in a certain way.

When it's served this way...

Do you mind if I say something?


I've somebody waiting for me.

Well, what a huge
success you are!

Who is it?
Let him join us... I mean,

No, I can't, I'd arranged
to be picked

up at this time so,
thank you very much,

dinner was delicious.
Good evening.

Come on, honey,
don't get so upset...

you're not his mom.

I just found the way
he Left kind of weird.

Come on, Vero, what's "weird"
nowadays, hon?

I found it very straightforward,
he stood up and Left.

Besides, everyone does as
they please with their body.

Open your eyes, Veronica,

if you want to make me
feel good...

don't fix me up
with a kook Like that.

I won't Let you talk Like that
about a friend.

Aren't I also supposed to be
your friend?

Yes, of course,
and I'm on your side.

But you're also weird,
that was very rude,

nobody just up and goes.

Besides I've enough weirdos
in my family,

I don't need any more of them
around me.

I also have mixed feelings.

With... my family, my parents.

They don't know I'm gay.


And that's very hard
to come to terms with.

You're not the center
of the world,

Love, I also have my own problems.

Besides, our formal
relationship ended

when we finished
that damned report.

And I apologize, I don't mean

to generate any craziness
in your Life,

you have enough as it is
with your family.

I'm Late for lunch.

Have a nice day.

There's someone to see you.


I'll be very brief, okay,
please, don't have a cow.

What are you doing here?

Our meeting the other day
was very strange, you know that.

I was having a total
fashion attack

and maybe you made
a mistake with me.

I mean,
I generally talk and behave

in a certain way but with you,

Cross my heart, nothing.

But I still want you to know
that I find you

a real interesting guy,
super cute, on the inside.

And... nothing, I just
don't want to Lose you Carmelo.

ALL's very well,

but, you know what?

Inaqui, I'm working here
and you have to Leave.

I don't mean to make you feel bad,
quite the contrary.

Please go, we'll talk Later.

I need to say it now.

I want you to know that...
I admired you.

When you stood up to say
somebody was waiting for you...

you stood up Like a diva.
Please, don't shout.

I swear, I was Looking at the sun,
I couldn't believe

what was happening,
it was way too strong.

I just wanted to
Let you know that...

Fine, is it out already?

What did I do?

I'll see you at 4:15
in the elevator.

No, but I can explain, this was...


Mr. Nicosi, regarding
what you saw,

I'd Like to clear some things up.

Mr. Nicosi, please Listen?

Despite the fact
that you are my boss,

with my private Life I do
what I can...

Besides, I'd Like to talk to you
about something.

I'm going through a pretty
delicate moment in my Life.

Get in.

Very delicate.

Get in.

Nicosi, if you're trying
to intimidate me...

you're not on the right track.

Maybe it was a misunderstanding.

I hardly knowthe person
who came Looking for me.

Besides, regarding the magazine,

I can explain in 10 seconds
if you Let me.




Welcome, I'm from Finance.

I'm Blanco, from Accounting.

What a pleasure to have
you here with us, Carmelo!

I'm De Simone, from Treasury,

we do this Little trip
every day...

it's our Little refuge.

You are a goddess, a goddess!
What he said in that magazine!

Great! "Our time is the
same as anybody else's."

Look here, baby, I don't know if

we'll be able to forgive
the fact...

Never mind, we're all together

and we want to tell you
that deep down...

we knew it all along! You fox!

I understand him because

I also have
some problems at home.

I think it'd be nice for you

if you discovered
Carmelo's deviation.

I'll try to be a bit clearer.

Honey, Let's see if you get us
out of this mess...

'cause we don't understand shit!

Carmelo has
a different sensitivity,

maybe he can't Let it show...

sometimes it's hard
for us children...

to show ourselves to
our parents the way we are.

But we built him
this Little apartment

upstairs, we understand him.

And he Loves you both.

But, he also Loves other things.

feels you discriminate him.

Carmelo suffers untold grief.

Don't you ever feel bad, because

you have the best son
in the world.

And having a gay son is
no dishonor,

especially if that gay son is

Carmelo Posse,
the best in the world.

Don't make him feel different,
because he is different.

And what he needs is all the
family support you can give him.

Maybe it's also what I need, and..

Since I don't have that...
I help my friend out.

It does me a Lot of good.

I... have to go.

No, it's okay, I knowthe way,
thank you.

You're hurting me, you asshole!

A faggot!
Carmelito's a faggot.

All together,
I don't understand...

That was a birthday party...

a vegetarian...

That's why my skin's Like this,
I only eat vegetables.

I've been so nervous Lately.

Gosh! They've Left pins
all over my dress!

Watch it, watch the tuxedo.

Let's see a picture.

A nice smile for the camera.


Too high...

Do you catch my drift?


Come on

I have to take care of everything.

God, I'm so nervous!

Dimitri Cherenigov wore
this same design

while receiving the Red Prize...
for Literature in 1926 in Moscow.

Superb design.

So, hon, what do you think?

So what do we do about
the Baladinis table?

Let the young Lady decide.

So then I do have a say in things.

No, do not offend me
in front of strangers...

for your insult smacks of a Lie,

as Galli used to say...

Please dad, enough!

Now darling, if you don't care

whether the wedding is
fitting or not,

it is not fit for me to
analyze things?

Now, if there is a wedding
it is only

fitting to have
the garments fit right.

You're more concerned about
the wedding than I am, mom.

Don't start with your rudeness.

Sure, right, it must be Carmelo
the Simulator...

that puts these crazy ideas
into her head.

You've changed so much, baby.

Just Like Luxoir when
he abandoned surrealism.

I can't stand you anymore!




Wait, Veronica, you're
completely out of control,

that's your family.

Don't you ever yell at me again.

ALL right, sorry.

Howthings stand, right?

And you won't be seeing them.

I'm sure you'll be sorry
about all this then.

I wish I had my parents with me
to tell them how much I Love them

That's your story, Love, not mine.


Maybe you're right,
and I'm the one

who's upset and
don't even know why.

A fairy, a pansy...
Fuck the calorie count.

We have to give him
an exemplary punishment.

Crack his head open
and then punch him

with the backpack
that bitch gave him!

Right, right.

I stayed on Late at work,
a kiLier day.

Very hot, I wanted to die!

We're the ones
who feel Like dying!

That friend of yours came by,

what's her name? Don't know.

Veronica Ortiz.

What did she say?

That you're a gobbler,
you bastard!

She said you have this deviation,
or some such bullshit,

and that we have to back you up.

Tell me, is that why you
never have dinner?

Is that why we can't talk to you?

Stop! Hold it!

I'm mixed up in this huge mess.
I am not gay.

I am not gay! And what if I were?

You've got to believe me,

you're my parents, my own blood.

Well, but she came here
and said what she said.

Well, I'm not a homosexual.
I Love that woman.

That makes me so fucking glad.
But I have the usual problem,

a style that separates me
from those I Love.

That makes me so fucking mad!

That's not new.
You knew that already.

So before you were abstemious
and now you're gay?



Thing is I'm a coward
who can't screw up

her wedding because I Love her,

She's the one who thinks I'm gay,
and by appearing to be so...

I hold a privlieged place
in her Life

I'm not willing to risk.

No, I can't believe it.

No, I can't believe it.

I'm not a homosexual, mom.
I Like women.

He Likes women.

I'd never Lie to you.

He says he wouldn't Lie.

I swear, mom. Never.

Carmelo. Hey Carmelo!

Just a second.

Come out for just a touch,
I gotta tell you something.

Carmelo. Hey Carmelo!

No! Don't close the window,
you stink!

Whenever you wanna kid us around

you exude a kind of
adrenallne odor.

No, I don't want to
kid you around.

There's this problem downstairs
that I'm gonna be taking care of.

I'm going downstairs,
because it's apparent I continue

to be the same dope
I've always been.

Come on down!
I know you're there.

I've seen you!

Whatever you hear or see,
don't pay any attention.

Stay on here, qulet, relax.

I'll be right back.
Don't make me go up Like Romeo!

Don't be passive, okay?
Come on out!

Hi, tell your sweetheart
to come out,

I gotta give him
this amazing news,

you'll both fall flat
on your bums.

What are you doing here?

Nowthat things were getting
cleared up.

Guess what?

Why me?

Share what news?

Just guess.

Guess what?

What I came here to tell you?

I haven't the foggiest idea.


Are you nuts?

Okay, I'll give you two choices.

One: I'm gonna be a daddy.

Two: I realized I'm gay.

Get out of my house, now.

Okay, I'll give you one shot.
Just one and no more, okay?

Let's see if you dare,
Let's just see

I wanna be your donkey,
make me hee haw.

Let's see if you dare,
Let's just see

Hello there!

This is a friend.

He's come by to say
he's gonna be a daddy.

No! You Lose,
it was the other one.

Let me tell you,
Carmelo is amazing!

Made me realize I'm gay,
just Like he is.

Made me see that all my Life
what I feared was the tooshie!


You're, you're...

Yes, I am.
Read my lips, I'm gay. Okay?

You shouldn't have spoken
to my folks,


It's way out of Line.

Why is it out of Line?

No, not at all.

I went Looking for you
and you weren't there.

I wasn't planning on speaking
to your parents.

Then you shouldn't have.

When you start improvising you
screw up.

It wasn't Like that.

I went to see you because
that thing of

our "formal relationship
having ended",

Left me feeling very bad.

Carmelo, I really care for you.

That's why I thought we could
take a break and you could...

come with me out to the country.

No, I can't. I'm stressed out.

Just for two days. Come on,
forgive me.

You forgive me and we go together

I'm going to pick up the dress
my grandma wore for her wedding.

It's really important to me.

The person I want to share
that moment with is you.

Two days, please.

Betito, I'm going to
a country house with Veronica.

I tried to deny it but couldn't,
you were right. I was too wild.

I'll tell you all about it.
This trip will be my goodbye,

I won't try to clear things up

I'll go with her and then Let her
get married and go to LA.

Let us have
some nice memories Left.

You know what, Carmelo?

To get married now, properly,

is something transcendental
to me. Get it?

Sure. It's to make a commitment
to the woman you Love, isn't it?

Yeah, but besides that,
it's to finally

earn my family's respect.

That, to me, is something very
convenient and important too.

Hello, how's it going?

Hon, may your grandma's dress be
the most beautiful in the world.

Well, enjoy. Be on your guard,

I might drop in any minute
with a surprise.


Your ticket?

Right here.
How are you doing?


Ohhhh, she's here...
Here, my baby...

Delfina, so happy to see you,
it's been such a Long time!

Delfina, I'd Like to introduce you

to Carmelo,
he's a good friend of mine.

Delfina took care of grandma.
For how Long, Delfina?

A Long time, Miss.

I put her into the box,
when she died.

She wouldn't have Let
anybody else touch her.

That would've been her will.
Same as today, huh?

Grandma is Laughing
with joy up there,

the dress will fit you
Like a glove.

A Little homemade pie?

What's in it?

Hand chopped meat and
a Little thyme

and a Little onion...

No. Thank you.

Shall we go in, Delfina?

Of course, there's a whole house
waiting for you.

I knowthe stage of adapting
is adapting

and open spaces are open spaces,

but I'd Like a room
facing the road,

Let me explain why...
I need noise or I asphyxlate,

I Love the view of the country
but it's much too... countryish.

I feel that tree's gonna

fall on my head and
knock me out cold.

I don't mind being next door
to a bathroom,

I Love the sound of the chain
being flushed... makes me happy.

Can you get me out of here,

I believe Miss Veronica
is waiting for you. Welcome.

Yes, thank you.

The room...

What's there to say?

You've been a Little melancholic
ever since we arrived.

Coming here has got you down,
hasn't it?

No, quite the contrary.

Thing is I hadn't been back
and it's getting in touch...

with memories of my grandma.

The house, the smells,

everything I've once Lived.

It hits me hard as well.

For a different reason.

Will you be able to sleep
without the sound of cars?

I'll give it a try.

You'd do anything for me.

Like it?

Love it.

You're magical.

I'm sure your grandma made this

dress more for you than
for herself.

Think she imagined me as well?

What is it?

I could say so many things.

But I don't think
this is the right time.

The only thing I can say
is that...

I care for you very much,
and wish you the very best.

I hope you're very happy.

Sounds Like a goodbye.
Are you thinking of going?

Into town...
I want to take you out to dinner.

Please get rid of that pout.

We're leaving tomorrow
and I'm really

enjoying this moment very much.

Sorry, I sometimes ruin things,
I don't know why.

Maybe because I'm occupying
a place that's not mine.

I mean, your wedding,
your memories,

they belong to Federico, not me.

Didn't you know the groom
isn't supposed

to Look at the wedding gown...
until the day of the wedding?

Give me a break,
that's just so old fashioned.

If you Love each other,
you should be together.

Are you in Love with Federico?


Are you in Love with Federico?


Of course.

Then I'm the one who's right.
You should be together.

Not at all,
You may know a Lot about friends,

but you know nothing
about girlfriends.

I don't know a whole Lot.

What do you mean,
"a whole Lot"?

Ever had a girlfriend?



And, how did it go?

So, how is it that...

I mean, how did you then...

Because I make bad choices.

Because I confuse things and
always take the wrong road.

That's why.

Let's go.

I'm sorry.

Why don't you watch it?

What did you say?



Okay, sorry. We apologize,
come on.

We just had dinner.

What's in them?

Sweet corn and savory.

It's okay, Delfina.
Thank you, you may retire.

Very well. Good evening then.

Want some tea?
I can make some in a second.

No thanks.

What I need is a phone,
can I call from there?

Sure, the Line's in my room,
Let me pass it downstairs.

You're going to make a call
at this hour?


Who to?

To a friend.

I'll go pass the Line.

It's too Late to be making calls

without telling me
who it is you're calling.

A while back you almost got
into a fistfight with a guy...

The thing is that...

It's always inevitable
that you Leave

topics hanging,
awaiting an explanation.

You're pretty confusing, Carmelo.
Is starting to get on my nerves.

Then Let's go get some sleep.

I don't want to polemicize
with you

What I want...

It hasn't been a good night
for me.

You're an idlot, an idlot!

I can't take it anymore, can't!
Why? Why?!

Carmelo, are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine.

Do you need anything?

Just some peace and qulet.
That's all.

Sorry if I just seemed too hard

No, it's okay.
We'll talk tomorrow, good night.

Open the door please.

I can't, I'm in the bathroom.

I know you're sitting
on the toilet

with the lid down.

So open the door, please.




Open right now or
I'll tear the door down.

What's wrong?


You can't get into this state
just because of the phone.

You're a smart person...

you know I didn't get
into this state

just because of the phone.

Then, what is it?

Trust me, please.

It's not a matter of trust.

What is it about then?

I'm not gay. I Lied.

I tried to tell you many times,
but couldn't.

I even came here to find a way

to say goodbye, but I can't.

It's okay,
I'm just a Little dizzy...

I don't understand anything.

I think you'll have to get
used to saying goodbye...

I don't think I want to
see you again.

Delfina, I can't find
the wedding dress,

I don't know where I Left it.

Last night I sent it
to Buenos Aires

As I was asked to do.

To my place? I don't understand.

Yes, Miss.
I did as I was asked to.

Okay, thank you.

Thank you very much, take care.

Tell me all about it Later, okay?
Yes, I'll call you.

Well, thank you for everything.
No tree fell on me, so...


Made them this morning.

What's in them?

Homecured ham, a Little chevre and

a pinch of marjoram,
nothing strange.

No, thank you.
No luck this time, maybe the next

Good bye.
Good bye, young man.

What do you Like your pies
filied with?

I hate meat pies.

I just couldn't
find the right way to tell her.

Right, you never
find the right way, I forgot.


I don't know what's worse,
seeing you sad or angry.

I wanted to be different,
I didn't want to Lie, I swear.

You Lied to me.

I did what I could.

I tried to show you
I could also be a man for you.

I already have a man...
waiting for me.

A man that when I ask whether you

Love him you take
20 minutes to answer.

That's the man you're
thinking of marrying?

You ruined my Life, Carmelo.

I hate you with all my heart.

It's amazing!

Veronica seems so strong,
so headon, so loose...

and she has a duck's blood.

She's incapable of modifying
her events.

She's getting married!

That is pusillanimous.

Was! But the facts
indicate otherwise.

I broke down, told her everything
Talked about her boyfriend.

You should've seen her face.
She freaked out.

We kissed.

You made out?!

In the bathroom.

You showered together?

Yeah. No!

It was the nicest kiss of my Life
You can't imagine.

And even then she's incapable
of postponing her wedding,

cause I saw her face
when I kissed her.

It was illuminated.

She... is much sneakier
and cowardly than I am.

Hold it for a second.

If you dared tell her
the truth it means

that you're not the wimp
you used to be.

And if she smooched you,

it means she does
have some doubts.

You think so?

At what time is it?


The wedding, when is it?

In 15 minutes.

Fifteen minutes?
That's nothing! It's an eternity!

Let's get going!

No! I'm not going.

That's my Last word
and you know me.

Excuse me. Where is she?

How should I know?

Look, Carmelo's here.

Carmelo, honey, how are you?

Good thing you came.

Sorry about the other night,
that whole mess, sorry.

No problem, you're forgiven.


I don't mind


This is Beto, excuse me.

I'm outta here.

What is that buffoon doing here?
How out of place.

Excuse me.

Exactly, he's nothing to do
with our inner circle.

Federico invited him, mom.

Excuse me,

a slight mishap
with the wedding register...

will make us a few minutes Late.
Thank you for your understanding.

Let them postpone it eternally.

Want us to get rid of Federico?

I have to go to the restroom,
don't come with me!

Relax, this is gonna
take a while.

Did you talk to her?

No, I've pinched
the wedding register.

What's more, it might be called
off until tomorrow.

Have you gone nuts,
Give it back.

ALL I need is to talk to Veronica
that's it.

She's in the restroom.

Go Look for her.

Wait for her at the door, go.

What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

This is the ladies room.

And this is crazy,
you know that very well.

You can't get married.
We can't end Like this.

You Like confusing people
so they end up

doing what you want them to.

And don't you Love me?

Sorry to contradict you,

but our time is not the same
as everybody else's.

Good afternoon,

you may be seated

Well, we Shall begin...

Your honor!

I know that physically
I could sit down...

but spiritually and morally
I find it impossible.

Shut up, you farce!

Slience please.

I say I don't take a seat,

because the bride here was
a victim of my deceit.

I Lied to her.

And I feel...
ashamed of what I did.

I was wrong.

I am not gay.

But what is true...

is that I Love her
with all my heart.


Oh, boy, we got the majority
against us.

Do you know karate? No.
Tae kwon do? No.

Then Let's run for it.

What happened to me?

You fainted, didn't get married,
and the police had to intervene..

So the guests would stop
beating each other up.

It was fun, you know.

Is Carmelo all right?
Was he hurt?

He managed to make it
in one piece.

Veronica, the man
who's supposed to be

your boyfriend is
waiting out there.

Federico. Remember?

Stop appearing to have
everything under

control and take some resolutions

I can't get married.

I can't.

How should I know where he is?

You came by to tell us he was gay
turns out he's not.

Besides, you were supposed
to get married,

turns out it's a no go.

I really don't have
the faintest clue

of what's going on with him.

You know what?
We don't really ask him

much because he answers whatever

and we get the feeling
he's fibbing big time.

This time you're being square
with me?

I swear. Carmelo and I need
to clear up

some things, but it has to be
in person.

Susana, with the trust
we've acquired...

Go ahead, hon.

Who the fuck knows where Carmelo is?


I seem to be a cold guy,
but deep down

I'm an incurable romantic,

You know I've had the illusion
you two would end up together.

That's why I need to see him and
that's up to you.

Please, take me to him.

No, don't ask me that.

No. That's final.

Remember why I gave it to you?

You didn't have to appear to be
something you're not with me.

I'm trying to learn just
how to do that.