Among Giants (1998) - full transcript

A manager hires Ray, off the books, to paint all the power towers in a 15-mile stretch of high-tension wires outside Sheffield. Ray's crew of men are friends, especially Ray with Steve, a young Romeo. Into the mix comes Gerry, an Australian with a spirit of adventure and mountain climbing skills. She wants a job, and against the others' advice, who don't want a woman on the job, Ray hires her. Then she and Ray fall in love. He asks her to marry him, gives her a ring. Steve's jealous; Ray's ex-wife complains that he spends on Gerry, not his own kids, and she predicts that Gerry won't stay around. Plus, there's pressure to finish the job fast. Economics, romance, and wanderlust spark the end.

Come on.


To your right.

There's a finger pocket
to your right.

Just do it, Steve!

I'm losing it!

go for it!

go, go, go, go!

come on.

oh, you bastard!




how are you gonna get
the lads to do it?

I can't see Franko
being right happy, or Bob.

well, it's simple,
isn't it?

we don't tell them.


I tell you,

this job had better be good,

or I'll hang your knackers
from that driving mirror.

what's it all about,
little shite?

that, Blob,

is for me to know
and for you to find out.

oi, get off me, will you?
get off!

it's a bit of painting,
all right?

you shoot the chuffing
messenger, why don't you?

since when does
a tight git like Ray

pay 75 a day
for painting?

you're not wrong.

old van what's-his-name
didn't get that much

for doing that
sunflower job.


fuck off yourself, Weasal.

you tosser.

bloody hellfire.
you lost or what?

eh, up. shag happy's
taken a wrong-un.

I thought
someone said painting.

spot on, Weasal.
spot up.

so what color do you
want chuffing grass?

you lot took
your bloody time!

what's he doing
up there, eh?

you, Raymond,
must be bloody joking.

best paid job you'll
ever have, Weasal.

would have
to be, wouldn't it?

what's up?

what's going on?

right, that's it.



you all right?

it's talking, Ray.

it's the wind,
Shovel, the wind.


75 a day for
going up them?

just think of it
like meccano,

only a bit bigger.

our kid swallowed
some meccano once.

nigh on killed him.

100 quid, Ray,
or you can fuck off!

hey, come on, lads.

sounds fair enough
to me, guv.

all right, 80, tops.
all right?

80 quid, 80 quid!

80 quid!

80 fucking quid!
I'm big bollocks rich!

I take it they're
switched off.

of course they are.

shame. could have
barbecued the bastard.

we've got the gang together.
so when do we start?

bit of a problem,

cash flow, you know.

put it this way.

you're not so much

it's more
like freelance.


how freelance?

no contracts, no stamps,

no union bollocks.

cash in hand
it's no problem.

that's why we're standing
out here, is it?

who's helping who
on this one, Derek?

if you don't want it,
there's plenty that do.

probably buy a few pots
of paint, not wages.

gonna have to come in bits.
you know how it goes, Ray.

how long have we got?

till September. they switch
lines back on then.

gotta be finished by then,
or you're frying.


that's 15 miles
in 3 months.

taking the piss,
aren't you?

what if it chucks
it down all summer?

you'll get wet,
won't you?

hey, I'm not paying
for half a job.

don't you expect

that's all I can say.


tape round
your wellies.

stops the paint
running down your legs.

we're gonna go
for 2 towers a day,

and that's
going some.

call that
a paintbrush?

we need to get

as far as we can while
the weather's good.

got 15 miles between
here and Sheffield.

so we've got to get
a move on, ladies.

scratchy buggers,
aren't they?

who'd be in the s.a.s.?

hey, Bob, Bob.

none of them
cans up top.

don't you
fucking start.

and don't you go
thinning down the paint.

why look at me,

because I know you,
that's why.

we'll give them
a yellow undercoat,

gray topcoat.

right, strikers.

move it. let's go.

I've got a right funny feeling
in me bollocks up here.

just take it steady, Frank.
you'll be all right.

you sure these
buggers are off?

yeah, till September.

and it's 240,000 volts
up your arse.

that's why we've got
to crack on.



yeah, they're off.

fuckin' bastard.

what's going on, Frank?

why don't you come up
and find out, Blobski?

it's a corking view.

gonna smack you, lad!

hey, Ray, you can have great
midair nookie up here.

you won't have
the energy, lad.

don't paint me bloody
knuckles, Weasal.

fuck off, Frank,
for a minute, will ya?

bloody slippery enough
up here as it is

without you
bloody arsing about.

India, mate. see, that's
where it's all at.

top rave scene,
200 miles of beach,

spliffs aplenty.
it's the dog's bollocks.

pay me some bloody rent
before you go.

yeah, granddad.

you're always
moaning on, you.

shall I tell you
what you've got?

you've got depression.

it's not
enough shagging.

it's a known fact, that.

oi, oi.



what did you
do that for?

I don't fancy her, did I?

she had
a bottle of wine.

sorry. my mate's a moron.
where you going?

near Sheffield?



Australian, eh?

might have bloody known it.

give us your wine
then, Kylie.

climber, eh?


that's bloody water.

give it here.

cheeky sod.


yeah, yeah, Kylie,
that were the easy bit.

now let's see you on this.


make way for the pro, darling.

look and learn, Kylie.

look and learn.

why Sheffield, then?

just traveling about.
thought I'd see

if the climbing's
as good as they say.

doesn't come any better
than the gritstone crag.

I'll tell you that.


yeah, come on.


you missed a hole,
didn't you, Kylie?

ah, ha ha!


come on!

come on!

brains, Kylie, brains.

you cheated.

I need that.

shouldn't gamble it away,
then, should you?

if that's the way you
want to live your life.

what you want
to drink?

piña colada
or something?

no, I'm fine, thanks.

well, I've had
enough for today.

see you guys around.

was it something I said?


I think it was
something you did.

I never even knew
they were painted.

maybe it's the windup,

some great big
practical joke.


nah, bollocks, Weasal.

all right, then.

what color
are they painted?

gray, what do you think?

and what color would
they be not painted?



watch this.

what the fuck?



oh, fucking hell!


fucking hell!

Bob, are you
all right?


you fucking bastard!

you fucking will be!

hey, hey, hey!

come on, Bobby!


keep away from me!

this'll be good for you!

when it's done to you
one of these days!

get off!

ah, it's you again, is it?

where's the boss?

up there
if it's owt to you.

thought I might see
if he needs a hand.

you just do that, Kylie.

go on, then. up you go.


where the bollocks
did she come from?


she'll be going back
there soon enough

when Raymond
sees her.

hello, Ray.

what the bloody hell
are you doing up here?

get back down off here now!

thought there might
be a job going.

you're breaking every single
safety rule in the book.

- come on, Ray,
I'm a climber.
- good!

then you can sodding climb
back down, then! now!

cheeky bastard.

Ray! scrub up, Ray!

hey, Weasal, do you reckon
she's on for it?

you never think about owt
except your bloody dick.


got more chance

of going to the moon
in a wheelbarrow, kid.

not sure that men
are her cup of tea,

if you get me drift.

no, Weasal.

no. what a waste.


so you should be,

no one comes on site

unless the foreman
says so.

all right.

don't suppose you've got
a work permit either.

I'll let you
into a little secret.

neither have any of us.

I know you can climb...

but it's hard graft,
10 hours a day.

if you can't hack it,
you're off.

is that an offer?

yeah. anybody asks,
you don't know me,

I don't know you.
all right?

never seen
you before.




dig her out
a pair of overalls.

what chest size, darling?

count your brain cells
and double it.

should be about right.

coming for a drink
after, Kylie?

no, not tonight, Josephine.

never had a woman
on the job before.

Ray's gone soft
in the head.

it's not right.

not right at all.

oh, no.

most of me mates
on the dole,

and he goes and signs up
tits and ass.

what do you reckon
to that, eh, Shovel?

you ain't
got no mates.

she's never--

sleeping out here in that?

not safe in that.
bloody gypo.

you could invite me
back to your place, Bob.

party at Roberto's.

you little shite.

hey, darling, if you
need a place to kick,

my van, as your man
Shakespeare says,

is your van. I put
a new air freshener in.

aw, you feminists.
you don't know hot sex

when it's wiggling
in your face.

see you later, ladies.

see you, Ray-rocks.


good night, Ray.

good night,

so, you one of these
"find your inner self

out on the open road,"
traveler, hippie,

student types, are you?

yeah, something like that.

and have you?

have I what?

found it?

found what?

your inner self.

camping out on the moors with
a bunch of grumpy Yorkshiremen.

that's not exactly
a Buddhist nirvana, is it?


how long have you been
out on the road?

how long's
a piece of string?

not get lonely?

yeah, it does.

well, sleep tight.

thanks for the job, Ray.

you'll work for it, lass.
you'll work for it.

oh, shit.

this'll slow us down.

what did you take her
on for, then?

better breasts than Bob.

faster than Frank.

thought you'd fancy her.

a bit of totty, Steve.
you know, climber,

student type, all that
hippie bollocks.

thought she'd be
right up your street.

no. it's different
when you're working.

how's that, then?

I don't know, Einstein.
it just is, isn't it?

anyway, I think
she's probably a lesbian.

not that you're
interested in any case.

do you want another?

no. I'm off
to see Lyn.

rather you than me, boy.

watch your bollocks.

see you later.

oh, see you.

see ya.

can I have a pint
of lager, please?



what are you doing
with that, then?

bounty hunter, aren't I?

course you are, luv.

no, seriously.

see, what you
don't know, right,

is there's world war ii veterans
wandering around in the moor

thinking the war's still on.


yeah, but it's all
hush-hush, like.

I'll tell you this
for nowt, right.

be careful when you take
your dog out for a walk.

do you, um...

fancy a drink?


all right, then.

Ray, what are you
doing here, luv?

just passing by,
you know. thought--

come in,
you daft sod.

just, um...

don't you wake 'em
or breathe on 'em.

cup of tea?

they behaving themselves?

when did they ever?

little buggers.

how's your little
bugger behaving?


same as ever.

trying to pull birds
down chequers,

behind on my rent,

and signing on the dole,
if I know owt about owt.

he don't grow up,
does he?

don't you get at him.

I know he's a stupid bastard,
all right, correct,

but he's a mate.

about the rent, Raymond.

that's why I come,
isn't it?

what? you found
something, then?

yeah. just a little job...

with the boys.

oh, boy's games
again, is it?

if you don't want it...

it was work, Lyn,
and it's a job.

it's steady.

with Arthur's lad.



oh, Ray, I bloody
give up with you.

yeah, I've noticed.


where's, um...

you all right, darling?


Steve, will you
take me home?

I can't, luv.
I'm working.

you fucking bastard.




♪ doo-doo doo doo ♪

♪ doo-doo doo doo ♪

♪ when the night ♪

♪ is dark ♪

♪ doo-doo doo doo ♪

♪ and the land is young ♪

♪ and the moon ♪

♪ is the only light we see ♪

♪ doo-doo doo doo ♪

♪ no, I won't ♪

♪ be afraid ♪

♪ no, I won't ♪

♪ shed a tear ♪

♪ just as long ♪

♪ as you stand ♪

♪ stand by me ♪

♪ darling, darling,
stand ♪

♪ by me ♪

♪ oh, stand ♪

♪ by me ♪

♪ oh, stand ♪

♪ stand by me ♪

you love it up here,
don't you?

oh, I'm king
up here, lass.

♪ I won't cry ♪

♪ no, I won't ♪

♪ shed a tear ♪

♪ just as long ♪

♪ as you stand ♪

♪ stand by me ♪

Bob. what can I
do you for?

I'm not stopping,

I need a favor.

it's Sunday
morning, Bob.

yeah. I need a sub.

you still don't get it,
do you, Bob?

I've got behind in my--

I'm getting
exactly the same as you.

no more, no less.
I told you that.

the loan sharks
are on me back.

I wouldn't come,



I'm owed it,
you know?

yeah, I know that.

all right, Bob.
one week, and that's it.

cleaning me out, you.

ta, Ray.

gonna be a laugh tomorrow
if it's like this, eh?


come on, Shovel,
get a move on.

I've got ice cubes
for bollocks in here.

I'm trying,
aren't I?


give back.

it's getting pissed
wet through!

I've bagsied.
ask Shovel.

I'm going to bang
your bloody heads together!

Blob. Blob, no.

no, you're not.

well, there goes
miss July.

tell me about it.

we've got to get here
by September.

I'm doing
me best, Frank.

what's happening,

I'm trying, Ray.

I'm trying, but they're wet,
and they won't go!

right, that's it--

no tea,
no painting, no...

everybody, let's go.

Weasal, take Frank
in the big van.

he's not looking
right clever to me.

ok, all aboard
Weasal's love bus.

get in
the big van.

oh, big van for me,
is it, eh?

as soon as my van's
off the road,

you're telling me
to go in the big van.

guess what?

Bob wants to know if
we're getting paid for today.

you're a tight-assed
bastard, Bob,

but, yeah,
you're getting paid.

yeah, call me
old-fashioned, Ray.

oh, get on
with it, Bob.

you want me
to get out and push?

best pack up
and piss off home, eh?

hey, about that shower,
it's a bit funny.

Steve and I put it in
some while back.

it's--you have to play
with the taps--

adjust them to get
the right temperature,


as soon as you're ready,

let me know,

and I'll come in
and play taps for you.

I've heard
some in my time, Ray...

no, seriously.
straight up.

I won't look.







oops. hot?


ow, you're burning
my tits off!

sorry. sorry.

look, you want
more hot or more cold?




a little more.

a little less.



thank you.

you do this to
all your girls?

no, you're
the first, actually.

oh, really?

oh, really.


sorry. sorry.

oh, god, I haven't washed
like this in years.



I forgot--

no, tap-dancing.

look, about the van--
I'm sorry.

for the last 2 years,
I've ferried you every place.

bollocks. bollocks.


would you do my tie?

where the hell
did you find that?

come here.


no. I'm not used
to doing this...

this way round.

don't know how you find
anything in here.

well, I never really
sorted things out

since I moved in,
you know?

I always thought it was
kind of temporary.

and it wasn't?


there you are.

well, how do I look?

I wished it looked
that good on me.

get some shoes on.

I just got dry.

my secret garden.

well, me and the birds.

stuff will grow
anywhere, you know?

even on this bum site.


people just leave it
alone, is all.

I put some frogs in there

about 12 months back.

you can't see any,
can you?


you can see everything
from here--

me old school,

the church
where I was christened,

our old house...

even part of the factory
where me dad used to work.


I think it's beautiful.

you know, to have your whole
life all laid out like that

in front of your eyes.

I think they're going to
knock it all down soon.

always be roots,

all I got's a whole
bunch of people

I'm never going
to see again

and a whole bunch
of places

I'm never going
to go back to.

so stop moving.

wouldn't know how.


it's cold.

you call this

come on, tuck in behind.



I got some bad news
for you, Ray.


I think your frogs
committed hara-kiri.


ah, it's a cruel world,
isn't it?

not always.


underneath here...

is a woman.

take 'em off.

what are you doing?

they're moving.

what am I supposed
to say to that?

that's what they do.

no respect,
you young'uns.

go on. go down and
make a cup of tea.

make a cup of tea.

I'm shit scared, Ray.

I know.

I do want you.

you've got me.


what are you doing
turning up here?

well, it's Friday,
Derek, isn't it?

what happens
on Fridays, Derek?

folk get paid
on Fridays, Derek.

you know the score.

you'll get it
when I get it.

I'm doing me best.

and I'm supposed to go
tell the gang that?

maybe I should just have
a word with accounts.

now hold on.
just slow down, will you?

for fuck's sake.


make it last.

and listen, don't
come round here no more,

or they'll be no fucking
jobs for anybody.

♪ old bill jones ♪

♪ had 2 daughters
and a son ♪

♪ son went to Denver ♪

♪ and the daughters
went wrong ♪

♪ his wife,
she got killed ♪

♪ in a poolroom fight ♪

♪ but still
he keeps a-singin' ♪

♪ from morning till night ♪

♪ good-bye, old paint ♪

♪ I'm leaving Cheyenne ♪

♪ ride around,
old paint ♪

♪ I'm leaving Cheyenne ♪

♪ leaving Cheyenne ♪

♪ goin' to Montana ♪

♪ good-bye, old paint ♪

♪ I'm leaving Cheyenne ♪

oh, shit.

bloody shit.

what's that, Shovel?

that was shit
off a Shovel.

whoo hoo hoo!


what's the matter with you?

we can see
your knob, Bob!

fucking idiot!

what the fucking hell
are you doing?



hey, Billy!



Billy boy.

go, Billy, lad.

hey, Ray,
Billy's here.

you ok, Billy?

Billy, you
big black bastard!


get some meat on
those boys, white boy.

shove off.

how's shit, bill?

the same as always.
can't you see?

you all right,



get it up!



whoo-hoo! whoo!

here we go.

by chuff,
it's a strong 'un.

keep some for us.

single malt,
very peaty.

William, friend...

you have
surpassed yourself.

gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme.


gimme, gimme, gimme.

go on, Blobski.

come on, Bob.

oh, Blob.

Bob! Bob! Bob!
Bob! Bob! Bob!

come on!



♪ I once was lost ♪

♪ but now ♪

♪ I'm found ♪

♪ was blind ♪

♪ but now ♪

♪ I see ♪

♪ 'twas grace ♪

♪ that taught ♪

♪ my heart ♪

♪ to see ♪

♪ and grace ♪

♪ my soul ♪

♪ relieved ♪

♪ yeah, yeah ♪

♪ my patient heart ♪



I never thought you
for a little home builder.

why not?

well, I thought
it was all, you know,

pack on your back,
ho for the open road, really.

yeah, it is.

ha ha!

it's a nice change,

I can't tell you
how boring it gets

meeting one stranger
after another,

all their stories,

and all the stories end
up being the same story

about me and them
having a shag.

well, nobody's
forcing you.


here's to
100 towers painted.

100 towers painted.

100 towers.


how many to go?

um, about 151.

actually, I figured
that out today, Ray.

that is not
2 towers a day.

that is 3 towers a day.


that's all right.

we'll start at, um...

6:00 on Monday morning
instead of 7:00.

that's a bright idea.

that'll do it.

we all know the deal.

what are you laughing at?




that's where
I'm going.

I take a lorry
full of whiskey

to Japan,

and guess what
I bring back?

another lorry
full of whiskey.

that's all I do.

it's mad.

tell me about it.

as soon as this shithole
of a job is finished,

I am out of here.

oh, here we go,
here we go.

ladies and gentlemen,

Stevo on travel.

I'm going.

there's no shitty moors
in goa, I can tell you.

just sun, sea, sex,

and the finest fucking
birds in the world.

what are
these fittest birds...

what in the world
are they going to say to you

when they see you?


they're going to say...

"come and get it,
Stevie, lad."


all right, this is what
they're really saying.

"who," right?

"is that spotty,

ugly fucking twat?"


"who is he,
what's he gawping at,

"and why don't
he fuck off

"back to his shithole

in Sheffield?"

shut it, shut it,
shut it.

I don't reckon
they will, actually, Bob.

because you're going

aren't you, Stevie?


I am going, Blob.

whatever happened to
Bachman-Turner overdrive?

right. I'm off.

good night,


good night, then.

good night, Gerry.

Blob, where's the paper?

whose paper?

our paper, Blob.

how do you think Shovel
started the fire?

you're joking.

Shovel, it had
me lottery numbers,

I've had a very funny
feeling in me chakras.

he's a funny bugger.

no, Ray,
he's not my type.

or maybe too much
my type.

I've had loads
of Stevies.

it never works out.

yeah, I bet you have.

a nice thing to say.


ha ha ha! come on.


nobody around here
mentioned our back pay,

have they?

you've not had yours,
have you?

have I heck as like.

he said when we hit city,
didn't he?

muggins here has seen
how far we got to go.

take it from me, Bob, mate,
you wouldn't want to walk it.

all right, Ray.

that's for you.

are you going
to get married?

to Ray?


Shovel, I don't think
I'm that sort.

I love him, though.


you dropped it.

aah! I...

oh, shit.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

sorry, sorry, sorry.

you all right?


oh, shit. um...

well, I'd like to go home,
but I can't walk.



Raymond's paying.

he's got all the money
in a little box.

hey, you, go to goa.

we're going home.

come on.


luv, he's all right.

he's me mate.

he's me best mate,
aren't you?

you all right, Stevie?

he's all right.

see you later.

see you.

yeah, I'm all right.

I'm always bloody
all right, aren't I?

you want sober?


no hangover.

follow me.




I love you!

I love you!

me, too!

I love you!


I love you!




ow. right.

ohh! bed.

oh, god,
I love it.

can I ask you a question?

yes, I love you.

no, not that.
I know that.


it's not that.


will you marry me?



what you doing?

don't worry, Ray.
I'm going.

well, you don't have
to do that, Steve.

I'm not really happy

hearing the sound of
shagging through the wall.

oh, come on, Ray, you're
too old to be that stupid.

can't you see
what's happening?

get some eyes, will you?

get some frigging eyes.


if you ain't got laid

and you ain't got paid,

who you gonna call?

pylon busters.

new kit.

all right. ahem.

an important piece
of equipment.

we're behind this
morning, gentlemen,

so if you wouldn't mind
moving your fat arses...

told you I was there,
wasn't I?

cost him a bloody fortune.

for a bastard ring?

where's my fucking
money, then,

if he's
so flush, eh?

it's called love, Bob.

even you must have
a distant memory of it.


Gerry, grab the end
of that rope.

what's up?

just pull it taut.

cop for this.

well, go on, dozy.
try it on.

ha ha! hey hey!

best wishes, Gerry.


bloody hell, Weasal,

can't you keep
your fat trap shut?

didn't say a word,

oh, yes.

drinks on you,
then, eh?

here comes
the best man.

hi, ladies.

late as ever.

couldn't get
her started.

well, what do you think?

it's a beaut, Ray.

what's the crack
around here, then?

bloody lovebirds
over there.

gonna get hitched.


ask anyone. she's got
ring on right now.

a great big diamond cluster
set in gold.

£400 plus V.A.T.,
all right?

bollocks, Weasal.
total windup bollocks.

hey, Stevie, coming
to our party?!

yeah, nice one, Ray.

♪ I'm gonna drive it
out of town ♪

♪ with a six-pack
by my side ♪

♪ yeah, I'll be like
john holliday ♪

♪ when I blow
them blues away ♪

♪ yeah, tonight I'm gonna
kiss this heartache ♪

♪ good-bye ♪

♪ well, it's a fact
for a while ♪

♪ you had me in the palm
of your hand ♪

♪ and when you
flirted around ♪

♪ I'd bury my head
in the sand ♪

♪ gonna dig me a 6 by 2 ♪

piss off with it.

it's like Annie
get your gun.

♪ Oklahoma ♪

shut up and get
the dominoes out.

♪ you've haunted
this old place ♪

♪ for long enough ♪

four tequilas.

it's Steve, isn't it?


well, Steve, it's gonna
be 6.50 for the drinks,

4 quid for the tights,
30 quid for the shoes,

and 9 for the cab home.

well, I'll keep
the change, shall I?

oh, god.

fuck it.

here you go, lads.


you, too.

thanks, Stevo.

hurry up,
before she looks.

don't look.
don't look.

♪ you've haunted
this old place ♪

♪ for long enough ♪

♪ one heart
can only take so much ♪

♪ I'm gonna head
for pastures green ♪

♪ and you'll just be
an old has-been ♪

♪ yeah, tonight I'm gonna
kiss this heartache ♪

♪ good-bye ♪

♪ yeah, tonight I'm gonna
kiss this heartache ♪

♪ good-bye ♪

we love you, Weasal!

hoo hoo hoo, Weasal!



Lyn, Gerry.
Gerry, Lyn.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

oh. diamonds.

very nice.

meanwhile, I'm buying
the kids' clothes

from the charity shop.

I hope you're
very happy. I do.

you'll sort out our
divorce sometime, Ray?


2 shots of redeye, love.

you ever watch musicals,

I used to love them
as a kid, you know.


don't go
enjoying yourself.

you'll only brood about it
in years to come.

♪ your eyes ♪

listen, Lyn, I'm really
sorry about the ring.

Ray's a bit
over the top, isn't he?

listen, love, what do you
think you can tell me

about me own husband, eh?

don't get pally with me.

you're not gonna
be around long enough.

one year, two year, tops.

standing right here, I can
see the whole bloody thing,

and it won't be you left
picking up the pieces, will it?

♪ you've been playing round
with some other guy ♪

good night, Ray.

good night, Sam.

♪ that look
in your eye ♪

hey, come on,
let's dance.


come on.

hey. no, no.

come on. come on.

what's with you?

I can't take any more
of this.

see ya.
see you.

♪ tryin' to create
the right mood ♪

♪ it's just your timing
is wrong ♪

♪ you're playing the love songs
that irritate my soul ♪

♪ oh, you'll get a better feel
if you try some rock and roll ♪

♪ never seen that look before
in your eye ♪

♪ you've been playing round
with some other guy ♪

♪ never seen that look before
in your eye ♪

♪ that look in your eye ♪

♪ never seen that look
before in your eyes ♪

♪ you've been playing round
with some other guy ♪

♪ I've never seen
that look before in your eyes ♪

♪ that look in your eyes ♪

♪ sometimes ♪

♪ all I need is the air
that I breathe ♪

♪ and to love you ♪

♪ all I need is the air
that I breathe ♪

♪ and to love you ♪

♪ all I need is the air
that I breathe ♪

hey--hey, hold on.
I think I missed a bit.

not this way,
you blind bastard.

he's comin', Stevo.

ha ha ha ha ho!

what's he
playing at?

Steve, what the bloody
hell's going on?

what are you
playing at? what?

don't believe it.

it's beautiful.

wedding present.

right. cheaper than
a fucking toaster.

it's going to be
another hot 'un.

hey, up.

yeah! whoo hoo!

you love it!

all right, ladies, get
your looking tackle on this.


how much they
rob you for?

never you mind,
nosy bastard.

hey, check out me
shagging mirror, Weasal.

like a chuffin'
Indian restaurant.

that's 'cause I'm goin'
to India, aren't I?

it goes underwater
and all, does it?

with me at the wheel, Blob,
anything's possible.

it's all right,
though, eh?

looks like a coffin.

you what?

when me dad were buried,

it were in a coffin
like this.

ha ha.

oh, come on, Shovel,
get out of there.

you'll knock out,
you lot.

it's a palace, all right.

I like it.
I like it a lot.


yeah, you can go
anywhere in this.

ah, you see that's
the point, darling.

you see, there are goers,
and there are stayers.

and me, I am
bastard well going.

yeah? when?

when I'm ready.

thought you were
a goer and all.

though you had summat,
but it looks like

you're just settling
on down, eh?

yeah. looks like.

it's a pisser, really.


hey, Blobby!


come on, then!

Weasal! Weasal,
do you want some?

little piece of advice--
don't let Ray catch you.


that's what happens

when you get a bloody
woman on job.

tell it a mile off.

stupid buggers are
gonna kill themselves.

Ray's comin'.

well, enjoy your shift.
come on.

what? you scared of
the big bad wolf?

what's going on?

stupid bastards.

you two, get down
from there now!

I mean it!

Gerry, come on.

here, hold this.

you're sacked.
get out of my sight!

and you, you're sacked.

I want you off this site
in 10 minutes,

or I'll break
your bleedin' neck!

Ray, hang on.

what, do you want
firing and all?

what's up with you lot?

electricity gone
to your bastard brains?

go on, sod off
the lot of you!

fuck off all!





what's going on?

come on.

I'm sorry, Ray.


can't you see?
I can't do it.

what, do what?
you haven't tried.

look at me.
I can't do it.

the house, the kids, Lyn--
I can't do it.

you haven't tried.

I haven't tried.

I'm going crazy trying, Ray.
I can't breathe.

so is that your way
of saying, "I want out"?


yes, maybe.
I don't know.

that it was you.
no other bugger

comes to
the front door.

I just came
to say good-bye.

messed it up, eh?

there are easier ways
of getting out of this.

can I stay?

just chuck your stuff
down there.

this is me dad.

all right.

do you want brew?


do you want a biscuit?

no, thanks.

it's funny.

I've never had
a woman here before.

the shag monster himself.

give it a rest,
will you?

you can stay in my room.
I'll sleep on floor.

you didn't
have to do that.


we got a real job on
now, ladies,

but we'll crack it,
no sweat, no sweat.

great tea, Shovel.

look at him, Ray.

he can't do many
more days like this.

we're all doing them, Weasal.

I know,
but he's an old 'un.

yeah, all right,
all right.

come on, Frankie,
get yourself together.

you don't do the job,
you don't get the money.


come on.

get off!
fuck off!

get off me.

I'm--I'm just tired.

I'm sorry, Ray, lad.

Ray! Ray!

what's going on?!

what's going on?!


she's gone and hurt
herself, Ray.

she fell off
three pebble slab.


Gerry's in
the hospital, Ray.

stupid bastard.

she fucking
loved you.

she fucking loved ya.

it's all right.
it's all right.

it's all right, Steven.
it's all right.

I don't believe it.

come away.
come away.

what is it?

what is it, Ray?

hey, don't move!

stay right where you are!





she's angry, Ray.

Ray, she's angry!

throw all
the metal stuff down!

Ray, I don't like it!

do it, Shovel!

I don't like it, Ray!

come on!


now clip on to the rope.

come on, hurry up!

just do it, Shovel!


steady, Shovel.

steady, Shovel.

hey! hey!

don't move!

that's it.
come on, come on.

that's it, lad.

hang on there.

come on. come on.

all right.

she's angry, Ray.

come on.

hey, lads.
they switched them on early.

I didn't know.
honest. ha.

where's our fucking money?!

all right, I'll pay you.


no, Derek.

don't you say
another bleeding word.

I'm gonna go home.

best thing, I'd say.


don't think England
can handle you much more.

say good-bye
to Steve for me?

nearly broke his heart.

soft lad.

Ray, I'm sorry.

me, too, love.

good times, though, eh?

well, it's ho for
the open road for me.

see you around, lassie.
see you around.


no, I don't think
I can hear this.

just keep it here, eh?




how'd you find me up here?

it's obvious, isn't it?


long gone, lad.
long gone.

and are you, then?

am I what?

going to goa.

maybe, Raymondo,

it's time to go
for Stevo, Ray.

I am gone.

vamooso completo.

I'll send you
a postcard.

see you about, eh, youth?

and you thinned the paint.

course I did, Ray.
course I did.

♪ when I was young,
I dreamed of highways ♪

♪ I never knew ♪

♪ I'd find you there ♪

♪ you've got yours ♪

♪ and I've got my ways ♪

♪ it's all gone ♪

♪ and I don't care ♪

♪ then come lay down here
upon my pillow ♪

♪ I've got to see you
one more time ♪

♪ don't tell lies ♪

♪ they're hard to handle ♪

♪ and it's too late ♪

♪ to change my mind ♪

♪ some words
don't come easy ♪

♪ some don't come at all ♪

♪ I don't think
I'll be talkin' ♪

♪ when you leave ♪

♪ late last night ♪

♪ I thought
I heard you cryin' ♪

♪ I guess you had some trouble
in your sleep ♪

♪ and the only sound
I can rely on ♪

♪ is the song you're singin'
when you leave ♪

♪ some words
don't come easy ♪

♪ some don't come at all ♪

♪ I don't think
I'll be talkin' ♪

♪ when you leave ♪

♪ when I was young,
I dreamed of highways ♪

♪ never knew ♪

♪ I'd lose you there ♪

♪ you've got yours ♪

♪ and I've got my ways ♪

♪ it's all gone ♪

♪ and I don't care ♪

♪ it's all gone ♪

♪ and I don't care ♪