Amish Abduction (2019) - full transcript

Amish wife and mother Annie's life turns upside down after her husband leaves to live among "normal Americans", however things turn more dire when he returns, seeking custody of their son by any means necessary.


Get up, my boy.

Help your mother in the kitchen.





-But I already
gave you 20 dollars.

-It's not enough.

I don't need the best kind,
Mr. Wilson.

Any whiskey will do.

Well, then
give me another 20.


Because, it's
a helluva job

gettin' booze for you
all the damn time.

Hell, I do this
for you, kid.

But earlier you said it
was just gonna be ten more.

Yeah? It's called

You know, you're not
the only person we can use.

Oh... so, it's
gonna be like that?

Mr. Wilson...

Don't you Mr. Wilson me,
you little weasel.

When you come back to me,
and I know you will,

I want you to know
my fee just doubled.

Farm boy playing hardball...

Ain't that something?

Damn fool.


Hello, Caleb.

Welcome home, Jacob.


It's been a long day...
I'm starving.

Well, dinner's ready.

Honey, could you please...


Your hands...

My apologies.


Caleb, would you
please say grace?

Let's make it short
and sweet tonight, son.

I'm hungry.

Dear Blessed Father...

Thank you for this delicious
meal tonight, amen.


That's it?

We said amen.

Give me your plate.

So how was work today, Poppa?

Long, tiring.

But meaningful and important,


Excuse me?

What? It is boring.

Same thing, every blessed day.

Caleb, don't listen
to your father...

What he's saying
is not proper.

Not proper?

Did you get a chance to fix
the support beam in the barn?

I'm afraid it's going
to fall any minute now.

No, I didn't.

Poppa asked you to.

I'll get to it, Annie.

Poppa asked you two weeks ago...

For God's sake woman, enough!

You're worse than your father.

Your father's just tired, honey.

Yes, I am tired.

I'm tired of the same routine.

Every day: fix this,
plow that...

There's a big world
out there, Annie.

Jacob Baker!

Don't you...

Don't you ever look out
on the highway?

Don't you ever wonder?

No, I don't.

I don't believe you.

There's more to life
than just this village.

Annie, out there
with the English...

I believe if we had
an English doctor,

our baby would still be alive.

Your son is right here.

So what?

It's good for him to
hear me speak honestly.

Isn't that right, son?

It's okay, Momma.

No, it's not okay.

What your father is saying
is devil talk.


Plowing the fields and
fixing the barn is God's work.

We count on one another in
this village, do you hear me?

It's a righteous thing.

Right, Jacob?

Your mother's right, Caleb.

She's always right.

Where are you going?

I forgot to tie up Sally,
she's loose in the barn.

But we're still eating.

I've got more of God's work
to finish.

Caleb, eat your dinner.


I'll be right back.


Everything all right?

Momma, Poppa, would you mind
watching Caleb

for a few minutes?

Yes, of course.

What is it?

I just need to
check on something.

I'll be right back.


Grandma and Grandpa
want to see you.

Caleb, dear, come inside.

Your Momma will be back
in a minute.

Come on!


Oh, look who's come
crawling back.

Samuel, is that you?

I see you brought
Farmer Ted with you as well.

My name is Jacob.

Well, Farmer Ted, as I told
your little friend here,

my prices are double now.

Which is why I'm here.

It isn't fair.

I've got the money.

Let me do the talking, Samuel.

Do you have the bottle?

Not so fast.

This stuff is top shelf.

You got the money?

What is the meaning of this?

Half of it is gone.

I had a little taste.

What? Why?

Because I felt like it.

Samuel, give the bottle back.
The deal is off.



The deal is off, we're not
paying for half a bottle.

Mr. Baker, it's...

it's still better
than nothing.

Give me back the money.

I said give me
the money back.

No sir...

Don't stand between your
friend and his whiskey.

See that?
The boy likes it.

Let's go, Mr. Baker.

It's fine...

I'm not gonna tell you again.
Give me the money back.

Or what?

You gonna hit me?

You fight and drink now?

Mr. Baker?

Go on back to the village.

Perhaps I haven't
made myself clear.

You aren't leaving until
I get that money back.

I will not stand for anyone
taking advantage of my friends.

You Amish don't realize how hard
it is to get whiskey out here.

And you are trying
to cheat honest men.

Honest men?

You sure don't seem
like an honest man.

I think you're a bad Amish.

You ain't even
supposed to drink,

you're supposed to do
chores and make babies.

You're Farmer Ted,
the deadbeat daddy.

My name is Jacob.

Your name is Farmer Ted!

You do not know the
first thing about me,

but I will tell you this:
my name is Jacob Baker

and you will not call me
Farmer Ted again!

Farmer... friggin'... Ted!


Get up!

I said, get up!

Where have you been?

I told you...

I was tying up Sally
in the barn.

Jacob, I checked the barn...


It's been a long day...

Caleb is asleep.

Can you please be quiet?

I'm going to bed.

Do you still love him?

I don't know
anything anymore, Momma.

We all know that
Jacob is not perfect,

but dear, who
are we to judge?

Only the Lord
reserves that right.

But, I'm his wife.

And an Amish wife has a
duty to serve her husband.

Haven't I taught
you anything?

So just ignore
his transgressions?

Is that what I do?

No, not ignore them.
Help him.

Help him see the error
of his ways.

I've tried, Momma...

Well, you need to try harder.

I try every day,

but whatever I do,
it's just not enough.

Jacob is becoming more
and more disconnected...

I'm at wit's end, Momma.

I don't know what
to do anymore...

What does that mean?


We are not like
the English.

We are not heathens.

If you find yourself
on rocky shores,

you have a duty to
serve your husband.

But he's not the man
that I married.

Where does this
leave Caleb?

Where does it leave me?

You are a family.

Annie, your husband is obviously
going through some difficulties.

But with God's grace,

he will steer him back
towards the righteous path.

Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, please
give Annie the strength

to help Jacob back
to the fold. Amen.

Everything will be fine.

Everything will be fine.

Excuse me.

Afternoon, Miss Annie.

Good afternoon, Thomas.
How are you?

I'm good.

Just getting ready for winter,
as we all are.

Thomas, did you see
your brother this morning?

No, I haven't seen
Jacob today...

He must be out doing field duty.

Yes... must be.

Very well...
enjoy your afternoon.

You as well, Annie.

Timmy, Hannah, where's Caleb?

He left.


He left this morning
with Mr. Baker.





Annie, what's wrong?

Jacob took Caleb out
of school this morning.

What do you mean?

I mean I don't know
where they are.

Don't worry Annie,
I'm sure they're close by.




Has anyone seen Caleb?



Do you know where they went?


Yes, you.

Mrs. Baker, I don't...



Where have you been?
You scared me.

Poppa and I had the
most amazing day ever!

We went to the country fair,
and we went on the rides,

and we had popcorn,
and cotton candy!


And guess what? Poppa
won me this amazing hat.

He had to throw a ball and he
knocked down all the pins and...

Caleb, I want you to go back
and clean up for dinner, okay?

I need to talk to your father.

Go on, son.

Would you like to
explain yourself?

You're not even going
to apologize?

Apologize for what?

For what?

You pulled Caleb
out of school

and took him to an amusement
park without telling me?

He learned more today with me

than he ever would
have in school.

It was like an early Rumspringa.

Caleb is eight years old!

Do you know how
confusing this is for him?

Just because you never
decided to visit the English,

doesn't mean it is a bad place.

What is the crime, Annie?

I spent a wonderful day
with my son.

He's our son!

That's awfully big of you
to admit that.

Good afternoon, folks.

I'm Officer Peterson.

How are you?

Good afternoon.

How might we help you?

Well, we found a dead body
a mile up the road.

Oh, dear.

Yeah, his name was
Wilson Miller.

55 year old Caucasian male.

Just wondering if
anyone here knew him,

or saw anything suspicious,

being so close to
the village and all.

I don't believe so.

He certainly does
not look familiar to me.

Officer, I don't believe
that we can help you.

We tend to stick to
ourselves around here.

Yeah, I'm aware of that.


No one's seen him? No one?


Ma'am? What's your name?


Hi, Annie.

Have you seen this man before?


Okay, well...

Here's my card.

If you happen to think
of anything

or remember anything
that might be helpful,

please give me a call, okay?

Thank you, officer.

Probably got into a fight
with a driver.

Well, have a nice afternoon.


What are you still doing up?

Waiting for you.

You've been drinking.

So what?

Nothing wrong with a drink
now and again.

Jacob, what's happened to you?

Was Samuel with you, too?

Enough with the questions.

Jacob, please...

Just forget all that.

I want to show you something...

What is it?

They call it a smartphone.

This thing, can you believe it?

But it's more than a phone.

Where did you get this?

Look, it can even show you
where there's a store,

or even the weather forecast!


We have one clunky phone
for the entire village

and it can't do
any of these things.


I have one
for you as well.

These will make our lives
so much better.

We don't need this.

Can't it just sometimes
be about something we want?

Well, then I don't want this...

We're getting by just fine.

But there's more to life
than just getting by.

And this is only the beginning.

There are so many things
out there waiting for us.

Waiting for us?


There is an exciting world
amongst the English.

I'm telling you,
you have no idea.

We have been doing God's work,

and what have we
gotten in return?

We can't even have
a second child.

I want to live
with the English.

And I want you and Caleb
to be a part of it with me.

I don't even know
what to say to you.

Say yes, Annie...

Let's explore the
English world together.

It's a world of pain
and impurity.


I'm not going to subject myself,
let alone my son,

to that world.

Don't defy me, woman!

I want Caleb to see
the real world.

No, you leave him
out of this

and don't pretend for one second
that any of this is about him.

He is my son as much
as he is yours!

He is a sweet boy and I
won't let you corrupt him

with your foolish fantasies.

You are the one that lives
in a fantasy, Annie.

Do you have any idea
what the English

say about us
behind our backs?

We are laughing stocks!

I don't care!

And if you were a good man,
you wouldn't care either.

But you are not the man
that I married!

You are a disgrace!

Oh, Annie...

How could you?

I'm so sorry...

I've just been...

I've been so confused lately...



I would never hurt you.

You're scaring me.

I'm sorry.

That's so sad about that
English man out by the road.

The one who died.


The police officer said
he had no family.

That's so sad,
don't you think?

Everyone needs a family.


Do you have anything else
you need to tell me?

Annie, all you need to know is
that everything will be fine.



Has anyone seen my son?

Has anyone seen Caleb?

Poppa, Momma, is Caleb with you?

No, dear.


Morning, Mrs. Baker.

I know you know where they are!
Don't you lie to me!

Where is my boy?
Answer me!




Mr. Baker has your son.

What do you mean?

Where are they now?

They left for the city...
real early this morning.

Didn't say when
they'd be coming back.


Mr. Baker wrote it and
asked me to give it to you.

Dear Annie,

there's much more to life than
what you are willing to see.

I love you, but Caleb
deserves a normal life,

and that's what I plan
to give him.

It's what I deserve, too.

I met a generous man
named Richard Johnson.

He's an English lawyer
and agrees with me

that the Amish way of life is...

abusive to a child.

He is helping me
get custody of Caleb.

If you fight me on this,
Annie, you will regret it.

A good Amish wife would've
followed her husband

when given the chance.

The court papers will be
delivered to you tomorrow.


Let's get her inside.

Annie, you really must try
to eat something.

I'm not hungry.

I think what is best for now
is that we continue to wait.

We wait for them to come home.

I've been waiting
for three whole days.

So I should just wait,
and do nothing?


Not do nothing - you will pray.

We are a family - we will pray.

I have been praying,

but it's just...

It's not enough.

I'm sorry, but I can't
sit here any longer

knowing that my son is
out there with that man.

That man with your son
is still your husband.


I agree with Annie.

She has to take action,
she needs to find her boy.

But what does our Annie know
about English life?

She can't just go
out there alone.

She can try.

Our child wouldn't even know
where to begin.

Poppa, I'm sitting right here.

I can speak for myself.


then speak.

I will to go to the city
and I will bring my boy home.

He needs me.

She's right, John.

The letter from the Pennsylvania
court in Philadelphia...

It says that I have
to appear in two days

for the custody hearing.

I have to be there.


She has no choice.

We wait for God's choice.


You don't know Jacob
the way that I do.

He has a terrible temper.

He's not like you.

I choose Thomas
to accompany you.


Makes sense.

He's a good man,
he's Jacob's brother

and he will know how
to look out for you.

And you will need some money.

Yes, we...

We have some money, and...

Just in case.

Thank you, Poppa.

First thing tomorrow, I
will take you to Lancaster

and then you will
find a taxi cab

to take you the
rest of the way.


I have faith in you.

You are a wonderful mother.


What are you
doing out here?

This is my favorite place.

For thinking, praying,
looking up at the stars.

It's a good place.

Yes, it is.

My father told you
about tomorrow?

Yes, he did.

Are you feeling ready?

As ready as I'll ever be,
I guess...

I don't know what I'm doing.

I'm so proud of you, Annie...

You're very brave.

Thank you.

We should get some sleep.


May I walk you home?

It's okay, I know my way
around these parts.

Sleep well, Annie.

You too.

You two be careful out there.

The English world is
very different than ours.

Don't worry, Momma.

I'll watch out for Annie.

-Off we go.
-Off you go!

- Whoo!

Coming through!

Should we go
inside the hotel?

Let's not do
that quite yet.

Okay, what do you
suggest we do instead?

Oh no... no, no, no!


No Annie, we
talked about this.

Jacob's house
is off limits.

It's not Jacob's house,
it's his lawyer's, remember?

Nevertheless Annie,
you're asking for trouble.

I just want to see it.

Excuse me?

I don't really know
how to use this,

but I'm trying to search
for the name Richard Johnson.

-And that's close by?
-Oh yes!

Thank you.

He searched Richard's name
and found his address!

And it's close by!


I'm not going
to do anything,

I just...

I need to see where my son
has been living, Thomas.

Do you understand?

Okay, I guess I do.

And we can leave
our suitcases here!

Thank you!

Thomas Baker, thank you.

Thank you.

I really don't think
we should be here.

What if someone sees us, huh?

What if somebody's home?

It looks empty.


Please wait for us.

So this is what he left me for?

You have to admit,
it's very beautiful.

I guess, if you like gluttony.

It's so different.

Wow, look at the color
of the water!

It's so strange.



Yes, I know.
Yes, I know.

Okay well, we'll meet
at the restaurant

and go over everything then.


Yes, we'll see you
in a couple of hours.


Thank you for having us here.

You're a good man.

Okay, bye.


Please go now, hurry!

Momma? Momma!

What's going on now, Caleb?

I thought I heard Momma,
is she here?


No, she's not here.
We've been over this.

You probably just
heard the neighbors.

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

Son, your momma - she's chosen
a life that we don't belong in.

That's not true,
she loves us.

If she loves us,
why isn't she here?

Why is she not with us?

Maybe she's out there,
lost and looking for us.

Listen, listen...

Son, your momma...

She isn't coming.

She's never coming here,
you need to know that.

You need to understand that.

Why are you still wearing
these ridiculous clothes, hmm?

Put on the things that we
bought at the store yesterday.

I don't want to.

If you go out wearing
those things,

people are going
to laugh at you.

Is that what you want?

I like these
clothes, Poppa.

No - no you don't!

You only think that you do.

Here, put this on.

Pick that up
and put it on, now!

You will respect your father
and do as I say.

Put it on!

I want my momma!

... , boy!

Sorry, Poppa.

I know you are...

I know.

Go... go watch some television.

Do something that
normal people do.

Hey... it's not as easy
as it looks.

I didn't say it looks easy.

You should try.

I don't think so.

C'mon, Annie, try it.

You're doing great!

I did it!

I think I'm getting
the hang of it!

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

There's paper in this cookie.

What does it say?

"If you never give up on love,

then love will never
give up on you."

You should try yours.

What's it say?

"Face your future without fear."

That's a very wise cookie.


Pretty fancy.

It's a music player!

♪ Looking for another

How do I...

I thought there
would be two beds.

I think it's less money
this way.

It's okay, yeah,
this will work fine.

What are you doing?

I'm going to sleep in here.

What? You can't do that.

Of course I can.

It'll be just fine.

Well then... here.

Take these extra blankets
and pillows.

I certainly don't
need four pillows.

Thank you, Annie.

You know, Thomas, maybe
you should take the bed.

I can sleep in there.

Don't be ridiculous.

You have a big day tomorrow.

You need your rest.


A really big day.


Yes, Annie?

I want you to sleep in here.

But it's not proper.

Don't be silly, you'll
be sleeping on the floor.

I don't think I'll get much
sleeping done tonight.

You're worried about tomorrow?

Yes, a little...

Well, if I'm being honest,
a lot.

You're going to be fine.

Try to get some sleep.

Good night, Annie.

Good night, Thomas.

Hope you like purple.


Caleb, it's me!

I know I look different,
but it's me.

Excuse me ma'am, back up.

You're scaring my son.

He's our son.

Caleb, you must remember
your momma.

I'm not going to tell you again,

No, Caleb, please.

You have to come home to me,
I miss you.

If you do not back up,
I'm calling the police.

Daddy, I'm scared!

No, don't be scared.
Momma's here.

Caleb - you need to come home.

I'm never coming home!

I just had a bad dream.

I'm sorry for startling you.

I'm just... I'm just nervous.

You'll see your boy tomorrow.

Yes, I will.

Well, this is it.

It's so big.

I'm sure it seems smaller
on the inside.

I don't know if I can do this.

Just remember what
we talked about.

Speak from the heart
and justice will be served.

It's God's will.

Excuse me.

Hello, My name is Annie,
and we are here for...

Ah, the Amish trial.

Well, I can tell you
where to go because

I'll be hearing your case.

Thank you for listening.


I'm your judge... follow me.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Nowadays, most cases don't even
make it into the courtroom.

Most of the time, you meet with
a retired judge or a mediator.

Why is that?

Too many cases.

Can't hear them all.

We'd be here day and night.

Oh, I see.

Anyway, we're in Room 101
when you're ready.

Face your future without fear.



I missed you so much.

Okay, let's get started.

Please, everyone
take your seats.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Caleb, sit here.


Just remember,
speak from the heart.

After hearing all the
testimony this afternoon,

and weighing all the factors,

I must say that my decision
is finally made.

Mrs. Baker...

While I find the Amish lifestyle
rather unusual to say the least,

and certainly not my cup of tea,

I know a good mother
when I see one.

Thank you, your honor.

You've proven to
be very dedicated

to the best interests
of your son,

and Caleb clearly has
great affection for you.

A mother's love is a very
special thing for a young boy.

Mr. Baker...

I know you think
what you're doing

with your son is
the right thing.

Absolutely, your Honor.

But taking him away
from his mother,

pulling him from school,

taking him from his home
the way that you did

with no consent from
Mrs. Baker was reckless,

and worse yet, in violation of
several Pennsylvania statutes.

I understand, your honor...

I'm not finished yet.

In addition, your disorderly
conduct citation

stemming from public
intoxication on July 27th...

Objection, your honor,

My client was never
formerly charged.

Was he not arrested?

Yes, but he was never charged.

I don't care, counselor.

Poor judgment and
reckless behavior

does not comport
with raising a child.

Your honor, that officer
had it out for me.

There was no interest
in the truth.

That may be, but the incident
on the 27th

is not what's on trial
here today.

Then why the hell are you
bringing it up right now, huh?

Excuse me, sir?

Counselor, you better get
your client under control,

or a custody hearing will be
the least of his concerns.

Jacob, you need to calm down.

In the custody hearing
of Caleb Baker,

I have decided that
Mrs. Annie Baker,

mother of the child,
is awarded sole custody.

Praise God!

And Caleb will return
with his mother

to her place of residence,

Your honor, you
cannot be serious.

Look at her... look at her!

She can't provide him
what I can provide him.

Mr. Jacob Baker is restricted to
supervised visitation rights,

but only at the Amish Village,

at mutually agreed upon times,

two weekends out of the month.

... , do something,

Relax Jacob, this isn't helping.

We'll file an appeal.

Get back here, Caleb!

Mr. Baker!

I don't care what that judge
says, you are my son!

Jacob, please.

You're gonna regret this, Annie.

Counselor! Settle down
your client.

I'm trying, your honor.

-Don't touch me!

Bailiff, please
restrain this man.

Come on Caleb, come on.

Caleb, my boy, I was
so worried about you.

I missed you so much.

I missed you more!

I couldn't have done
this without you.

It was my pleasure.


What do you want?
It's over.

Nothing's over, Annie.


Did you honestly think I
would go to all this trouble

just to let you steal
what is rightfully mine?

Are you trying to steal
my wife and my son?

Is that what this is?

You're way out of line here!

Do you think I am stupid,

I see the way you two
look at each other.

Come on Thomas, let's go.


I miss you.

I imagine you in
English clothes.

Stop it!

Can't a husband
speak to his wife?

I said, stop it.

That's enough, Jacob!

Who's gonna stop me, Thomas?


Somebody, help!


Stop it, please,
you're going to kill him!

Hey buddy! I've called
the police!

I'm coming back
for you, Annie!


Thank goodness.


I'm so sorry that
this happened to you.

It's... it's okay.

No, it's not okay.

I should never have gotten you
involved in this mess.

Can I get you anything?

Did you want to try to drink
something, or...

Did you need more ice?

You need to go.

What? I'm not just going
to leave you here...

Annie, trust me.

Jacob he, he won't stop.

But you...

Don't worry about me.

I'll be fine.


Let's go home.

Get better, uncle Thomas.

I will.

You listen to your Momma,
you hear me?

You do everything
she tells you to, okay?

Okay. Thanks for helping us.


Come on, hurry!
Quick, go... run!

Get in, quick.

Please go now! Hurry!


Momma, what's wrong?

Go get your father.


Poppa! Poppa!

Poppa! Poppa!



Poppa! Momma needs you.
It's the baby...





You're too late.

Our heavenly father is
taking good care of him now.

We lost him.

Come on, let's get you
out of the cold.


Get up, my boy.

Help your mother
in the kitchen.



Oh, thank God...

Momma? What's wrong?

Are you boys okay?

Yeah, Momma.

Yeah, we're just playing.

Caleb, Timmy, why don't
you come out of here now?

Do we have to, Mrs. Baker?


Come on, boys.

Wait up!

Can I go to Timmy's house?

You know...

I think it's best that
you stay with me today, okay?

-Bye, Caleb.

Let's just stick close together
today and catch up.

Are you okay, Momma?

Yes, Momma's fine.

I just missed you so much.



Oh, thank God you're okay.

We heard about everything
that happened.

Thomas is badly hurt.

Caleb told us.

He is a very good boy.

He did not want
to wake up his momma

this morning while
she was sleeping.

We got a call from the hospital.

Thomas is going to recover.


How are you?


What is everyone doing here?

We can't find Samuel.


He's been missing
since last night.

So we're spreading out
and searching the fields.

Actually, I think
I have an idea.

Caleb, I want you to go to
Grandma and Grandpa's, okay?

We won't be long.

If Samuel's missing,
then I want to help find him.

Caleb, I want you
to go to Grandma's.

Fast as you can, please.

Follow me.

Annie, where are we going?

Just a little further.




What are you doing?

Stop it!

Samuel, what's
gotten into you?

He's drunk, Poppa.

Yeah Poppa, I'm drunk.

Could you men please
help take Samuel home now?

I told Mr. Baker, he
should've never taken him.

I told him it was wrong to
take a boy from his mother.

I know you did.

And I told him again.

What do you mean you
told him again? When?

Last night.

Last night?

Yup, and you know what?

He gets it now.

Is that so?

Yes ma'am.

Mr. Baker said he's sorry

and he was gonna go
back to the city.

And he wanted me to
be sure to tell you,

that he was sorry
about what he'd done.

That's what he said?

Isn't that great?


That man is still your husband

despite everything
that's happened.

Despite everything
that's happened?

Annie! We will be reasonable.

You took your vows
under the eyes of the Lord,

and we will not break
those vows.


It would destroy
your mother and me

if you were shunned
from this community.

If my community
wants to shun me

for protecting my son
from an abusive man,

then I want nothing
to do with my community.

They can hear you!


It's about time they
started to listen

to the women in this town.

Do any of you have anything
to say to me

about the way I should honor
my husband?

Unless you have walked in
my shoes do not dare judge me.

Take him home.

Annie, Jacob...

Jacob is a threat.

No, he's just confused...

He is dangerous!

He is dangerous, Poppa!

And if you can't see that
through all of this

then I don't know
what to say to you.



I need you at my side.

Standing by me,
fighting for me.

The choice is yours.

Where are you going?

Home. To protect my child.

C'mon Caleb, time to go.

Did you find Samuel?

Yes, I found him alright.

Bye, Grandma!

So what are we doing?

Well, for starters,

you can help me with dinner,
my boy.

It's nice to be home.

Caleb, what is it?

Do you think Poppa will
stay with the English?

I'm not sure.

What do you think?

I think he likes it out there...

More than being with us.

I think your father
is not entirely sure

what he likes right now.

Something I realized
a long time ago

is that the things
that fill your heart

are never the things
you can buy.

It's being here in our home,
together, amongst our family...

That's the real joy in life.

Bet you're tired, huh?

A little bit.

We had a really long
couple of days.

Can you sleep in
my room tonight?


Are you scared, Caleb?


No, it's just that we
haven't done that in awhile.

Of course.

I'll go get ready
and brush my teeth

and then can you come in
when you're done?

Okay, let me
just finish up here.

Okay, I'm in bed!

Okay, I'm coming.

What hymn is that, Momma?

Good night, Caleb.

Good evening, Annie.

You shouldn't be here, Jacob.

This is my house.

And that's my boy.

Not anymore...

on either count.

You lost that privilege the day
you took your first drink.

And you lost your family
the day you kidnapped Caleb.

You got a little fire
in your belly now.

That's good, you've changed.

That's good.

Well, you didn't give me
much choice, Jacob.

Deserting us the way you did.

It doesn't have to
be this way, Annie.

I'm afraid it does.


I'm not going to let you
take what is rightfully mine.

We aren't your property.

Do not push me.

Go away, or I will
call the police.

You wouldn't dare.


I have Officer Peterson's
phone number

and I'm sure she would be very
interested in talking to you.

You brazen bitch...

Get out of my house!

This is my house, and you
are not welcome here.

I said, get out!

Or what, Annie?

Poppa, stop!

I asked you a question.

The answer is nothing.

You Amish are all the same.

All talk, no action!

Get away from us.

Come on Caleb,
you're coming with me.

Let go of him!

You're hurting me!

I want to stay here!

Let go of him!

Caleb, run!


Keep going, run!


Run to the barn,
I'll be right behind you.


Come on...


Caleb, it's father.

Come here, buddy.


Run Caleb, run!


You're coming with me, Caleb.

No, he's not!

Please, no!

Please, let her be.

Momma, no!

Let her go!

No Poppa, please!




Someone go for the phone.

We're going to need some help.

911, what is your emergency?

I need you to try this for me.

Oh... sure.

Not bad.


Not great either.

What do you think it
might be missing?

Uh, some love?

Salt, for starters.

Lord knows what you've
been feeding yourself

these past two years.

Well, no one ever
taught me how to cook.

You don't say...

Fine, I'll add some extra salt,

and maybe a dash of love.

A smart cookie once said,

"If you never give up on love..."

"Then love will never
give up on you."

I... I kept it.

All right, everyone.

Let's eat.