Ame no Amsterdam (1975) - full transcript - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Toho Co., Ltd.

A Toho Films and Watanabe Kikaku

75, 76,

77, 78,

79, 80,

81, 82,

83, 84,

85, 86,

87, 88...

Hey, Mei!

Good morning.
How are you?

Hi, Marie.
So-so. How about you?

Oh, I made a pile last night.

I see.
Sorry, bad smell?

- Yeah.
- I see.

Just a moment.

Smells better now, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

At least let me have a good wash
once in a while.

There's an 8 hour time difference
between Amsterdam and Japan.

When it's 5 p.m. in Japan, I get a fixed
time call from the head office in Osaka.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Transfer, please.

Hello? Hello!

Boss, is that you?

It's me.
Yes, yes, I'm doing well.

Listen up, the ultra-thin condom
is really popular, yeah.

The toys aren't selling well.
Yes, yes.

And also, about the pants.

The ones with replaceable condoms.

Prepare 4 cases with those.

Send them as soon as possible.

Yes, yes.
And about the other thing.

Yes, well,
I'll be flying back there soon.

So when I arrive,

I'll see Nakatsugi.

And also, you shouldn't
wander around in Africa.

Oh, right...

Boss, you played around when
you came here last time, didn't you?

That one's a disease carrier after all.

Yes. I'm not lying.

Oh, right.
About my salary...




I guess I went a little too far.

Production: Tomohiro Kaiyama
Koreyoshi Kurahara

Screenplay: Nobuo Yamada

Shooting: Kozo Okazaki
Lighting: Shoshichi Kojima

Art: Yukio Higuchi
Recording: Nobuyuki Tanaka

Music: Takayuki Inoue

Kenichi Hagiwara

Keiko Kishi

Noboru Matsuhashi
Hiromi Oka

Hana de Ruwe, Ten Bowman
Arnold Gelderman, Jan Anne Drenth

Onno Molenkamp, Eric Beekes
Wim Kabenbohen, Serge Henri Valk

Rentaro Mikuni

Directed by Koreyoshi Kurahara

Translation by bLoodZ

Excuse me.

Oh, I'm sorry.

- What is it?
- Nothing.

Let's go.

She said "I'm sorry".

Make sure to keep your promise.
If you fail...

I know.
I don't want to be killed, yet.

This man's a guerrilla leader.

He might be the only regular customer
I have as a fourth-rate businessman,

but he's really going to kill me
if I don't keep my promise.

That's scary.

He's Oil Minister Ali?

Have a smoke?

They're Peace cigarettes.



Katayama, give me that document.

This is Prime Minister Nakada's
message to His Majesty.

And this message is from His Majesty
to your Prime Minister.


Meet Mr. Pierre Duras.

He's world's most famous cameraman.

I gave him priority
to collect news materials.

But Minister, I don't think our meeting
should be made public.

Our policy has changed.

Mr. Masaoka.

It's well known that
the Masaoka Organization

you established is not
only for investigation.

A journalist friend of mine said
you're Japan's CIA director.

This is first class,
please return to your seat.

Now this is a surprise.

Oil Minister Ali and
Dainippon Trading, huh?

I wonder what are they after?


I know that woman!


Oh, sorry.
I'm talking to myself.

You're beautiful.

Thank you.

It's me who consulted with
the guerrillas, don't forget that.

It is you who will be in a spot
if the guns don't go through Sicily.

That way you take a 4% commission.

- No-no-no... 7%.
- Too much.


Then, forget it.

No-no-no... Please, please.
Sit down, sit down. Please, please.

This guy's an Italian
from the Sicily island.

I sometimes think
he's a member of the Mafia.

Maybe I watched
too many movies.

- OK?
- OK.

Who's that man?

Which man?

The American with the girl.

What is it worth to you?


He is Stanley of the Pentagon.
He showed up in Amsterdam this week.

He's a bright boy in the Pentagon.

He is good at picking up girls.

I'll be back soon.

Watch out.

Let's go. Let's go.

- Have Katayama bring the car outside.
- Yes, sir.


Your hometown is Nakasato
in Tsugaru, right?

You're that head fisherman's
only daughter.

It's me. It's me.

I knew it was you.

I saw you swim naked
while I was doing this.

You were so dazzling that I thought
I'd go blind for looking straight.

I may have been 16 at that time,

but you were glowing.

I couldn't forget about you
these 12 years.

Oh! Your fly is open.


You're the son of the fisherman
from Kodomari.

The boy who proposed and
sent me love letters every day.

When did you recognize me?

When we first met at the airport.

Darn it.


Can you go out with me for a day?

- Why not?
- I can't.

Then, um...

How about to my room?
I'll feed you some Tsugaru hot pot.

- Really?
- Really.

Then, will you come
to my place's opening?

Let me see.

"Restaurant Japan"
This is your place?

- That's right.
- Wow.

I just came back from Congo.

- Hi-hi you two.
- That doesn't look cheap.

Oh, thank you very much.


- Did I make you wait?
- Not at all.

Stop by the Schiphol Airport first.

- Around 50s is also fine.
- No. I said no.

Mr. Masaoka.

Excuse me, you're Mr. Masaoka
from Dainippon Trading, right?

Oh I'm sorry...

Or should I say Mr. Masaoka
from the Masaoka Organization?

Is there something that you want?

Well, um...

I have some information
that you might like to hear.

And you are?

I'm Mei Sakuta from
the Konishi Corporation.

I don't think you've heard of it though.

We're trading commodities to Africa.

Very well, I'll give you one minute.

In the front?

Use the interphone in front of you.

Aa... Can you hear me?

You've heard about
polypropylene, right?

It's a material you get
from petroleum products.


It's the thing that everyone's in
a craze for since the world oil crisis.


8,000 tons of that polypropylene are about
to be shipped from a certain harbor.

Right now it's first come, first served.

- What's the unit price?
- 200,000 dollars.

That's too cheap.

It's because the owner
is selling in a haste.

- What do you say?
- Where's the owner?

Where's the shipping harbor?

Mr. Masaoka.

I believe the deal comes first.
Will you buy or not?

It must be this…

Andre, stop.


Mr. Masaoka, what do you say?

Your minute is over, get off.

You better believe what I just said.

Mr. Masaoka, what do you say?

Dear Mei, how have you been?

We're all doing fine over here.

I didn't want to start
the letter with this,

but we really counted on
the money you sent last month.

However, that wasn't even half
of the amount you've promised.

You need to keep your promise
if you're a man.

You've always been kind,

so don't act tough.

It's not good to pretend
if things become difficult.

You're always quick to make a pass
at a cute girl when you see one.

And that's even worse.

You won't embarrass only yourself
if you do that in a foreign country,

but Japan as well.

I'm the one who gave birth to you,

so I'd also have to atone for
your wrongdoings with my life.

Wait a minute.

Shut up.

I'm cuming.

- Hey, wait a minute.
- I'm cuming.

What a minute, I said.
What's wrong with you?


We're here to search your place.

You're under suspicion
of smuggling narcotics.

Don't you speak English.

Say that again?
Under suspicion of what?

Smuggling narcotics.

Hey, what's happening Mei?

It's the Police.

Pay the woman
and send her home.

She's my girlfriend.

Shall I let them in?

Sure, we can't refuse the Police.

Get dressed and wait out there.

Who's the informer?

A Japanese?

You stink!
Go wash and put some clothes on.

You're such an idiot.

That's right.
It was Shimizu.

- What a dirty move.
- What?

Hey, Marie, are you going
to work this evening?

What are you doing in there?

Come on, hurry.

Don't worry,
I'll get Shimizu here for you.

Hey, a new Japanese restaurant again.

You're sorry you can't afford it,
can you?

Shut up.

It looks like the Japanese are invading.

Dainippon and Wittinstein.

The world's biggest
merchants of death together.

Why can't you understand there's
nothing there, except what you see.

Can't you have this done before
they get shipped this afternoon?

Yes. Unless we find
some narcotics, of course.


I hear these Japanese rifles are excellent.

Yeah, very.

I wish I could kill my wife with this gun.

Just use whatever you can, fool.

Here comes the lady-killer.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Two weeks ago I saw
the same gun in Africa.


The dead guerrillas had guns like this.

But my guns are going to Sicily.


It's not my rifle.

It's a machine gun.

I know.

But you can remodel your guns
into submachine guns very easily.

That's why you're sending them to Sicily.

What do you want to say?


You son of a bitch.

You bastard, I'll teach you not
to look down on Japanese people?

Here I go.

Don't be a fool.

Your guns are killing many people today.

So what?
I'm only promoting legal trade.

Leave me alone.

One more flash...
and you get yours.

Hey, Mei!

- Have you seen Shimizu?
- He's in bed with Marie.

Wait, give me a cigarette.

Thank you.
I think they are in bed now.

Marie, it's impossible, I can't get it up.
Four times...

Can't let you go yet.

Hey, you're late.



How dare you snitch,
you son of a bitch?

You're the only one who knew that
the M1s will be shipped this morning.

So what?

- Africa isn't for everybody.
- It's a misunderstanding.

Hey, hey...

Marie, give me a razor.

- I don't want any murder in my house.
- I won't kill him.


- Marie, help me.
- OK, OK.

I might chop it off if you keep moving.

So you two were accomplices?

Sniff this.

Sniff it.

It stinks.

- Now, if you'll excuse me.
- Go ahead.

Wow, this is splendid.

Hey, this means you're done now.

Serves you right.

Such flashy moves are dangerous.

Oyane, the Minister of International
Trade and Industry is also here.

Oyane, Masaoka…

And also Bunzo Shikauchi,
the ambassador in the Netherlands.

The stage is set now.

You must be Sakuta from
the Konishi Corporation, right?

Yes. How can I help you?

The Japanese Association sent you a notice
this morning, did you receive it?

If it's about the membership fee...
I'll pay it very soon.

No-no, there's no need anymore.

You have been excluded.

Why is that?

This right here.

Oh, this?

What about it?

This isn't a place for someone like you.

Mama, come here for a moment.

This is unpleasant,
could you send him away?

Otherwise, we would have to leave.

Then, the Japanese Association
will never step foot in here.

Allow me to escort you
to the front door.

- Please.
- Hey, you.

Ah, please excuse me.

- Just come quietly.
- No.

I also have a minimum of freedom.

I don't want to go today.
Today, I refuse.

Who's that man?

No comment again?

What's the Minister of International
Trade and Industry here for?

What do you want to know that for?

To blackmail Masaoka.

Don't be a fool.

With all of them gathered there...

There must be something going on.

You don't know the power
of Dainippon Trading.

- So that means you do?
- I do.

What do you know?

I know that you have
no chance of winning.

You're surprisingly untidy.

I can only afford cheap stuff.

Then, I'll buy you one
as a present sometime.

Hey, prepare me some Tsugaru hot pot
someday, all right?

Look here.

I made this in Africa.
It's gold-plated.

It's my apartment key.

It's gold-plated.

Pierre Duras founded this
photo agency, Veritas, in 1972.

Faithful to the name of his agency,
he does not cease his efforts

to reveal the truth
all over the world.

To Mr. Duras, the camera
is a lethal weapon.

Oh? That's Counselor Suzuki
from the Japanese Embassy.

Give me a moment, please.

Here you are.

I had a call from the museum.

They spotted a man.

They think he's a member
of the Red Army.

- I have some questions to ask you.
- Wait a minute.

I'm talking with my friend.

But come in, it won't take long.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Sit down, we won't be long.

Do you find me naive, huh?

- That's actually my weapon.
- Definitely, I agree.

But thinking about it,

while you're playing the lamb

the wolves are lurking behind you

and one day they will eliminate you.

So be careful, little lamb.

Even of him.

And for a good reason,
I'll also be keeping an eye on him.

I'm just killing time with him.

Because I like him.

And we're also from
the same generation.

He's also trying his best.

But it's all in vain.

It's because he doesn't get it.

I'm going to accuse him.

I understand that
it's necessary to hate the wolf.

But I'm going to corner the wolf.

No matter how risky it is.

All right, very well.

Be careful.

Ah... Um... Sayonara.




Was it you who turned me
to the police?

Answer me.

Yeah. Me.

That was dirty!

Why did you expose me
to the public?

Why did you put my photo
in an exhibition?

That's for myself...

And also for my generation.

Why did you attack me
in the newspapers?

You had to be sacrificed
as a sheep to catch the wolf.

Damn it, what do you think I am?

I feel sorry for you.

But somebody will make a move.

When he'll read the paper.


Can't tell you now.

Just a big shot.

Very big.

Don't try to meddle
in my business again.

I understand your anger.

But I've seen many young men
killed on battlefields.

They were whites, blacks, Asians...

All of my generation.

We, the survivors,
have many things to do.

Oh, such sentimentalism
is not my idea of the world.

Calm down.

And you'll find who
your real enemy is.

She's Masaoka's woman.

You know that?

Yeah, so what?


She didn't come to Amsterdam
to run the Japan Restaurant.

What for, then?

Ask her.

Ah, that scared me.

What's wrong?

Why did you come to Amsterdam?

Could you hurry up?

I don't want to be late
for my appointment.

She's Masaoka's woman.

You know that?



I'm leaving, you hear me?

I'm leaving!

Damn it...

- I'm leaving you behind.
- Uh-huh.

Get on. It's cold.

You're going to get raped,
you hear me?!

- Raped, he said...
- I won't ask you anything.

Get on already.


It's so windy.

But I had fun today.

Will you take me there again?

Ouch... Hot!

- And 7.
- I want to go home, but I can not.

Oh, I want to go home...


All right.

Phone. The phone.
Osaka. It's Osaka.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Hello. Oh, it's you boss?
Why call so early?

Oh right, what about the disease?
So you caught it after all.

Why are you angry?

Order to suspend business?

Did the company shut down?

But we've been trading
rifles for a year now.

Don't ask me.



Your Excellency.

Why did you make your agreement
for oil support with Japan only?

Because our country is looking forward
to Japan's economical operation

and induction of industrial engineering.

Yeah, but surely Japan is not the only
country that can fulfill your needs.

You have a wife, don't you?

There are many women in the world.
Why did you choose her?

I have a question for Mr. Oyane.

I understand the Japanese economic
cooperation policies

include the exportation of
military weapon supplies.

Is that correct?

As everyone knows,

Japan has three principles
against exportation of weapons.

We never export weapons,
never did, never will.

Your Excellency,

have you forgotten the case where
a Japanese trading company

exported weapons to Africa
via Amsterdam?

And I can tell you exactly the dates.

- June the 4th this year.
- They are not weapons.

Not weapons?
What then?

Sporting rifles.

You idiot.

According to the idea
of the Japanese government,

rifles are weapons when used by military
man but not when used by guerrillas?

Don't you think that is
a silly question?

Would you please
answer my question sir?

In my country there's a proverb that
only fools answer willful questions.

Thank you very much, sir.

Hey, Mei!

Good morning.
How are you?

I got fired.


My company went kaput.


- Bad smell?
- Yeah, as usual.

The police sent me
a commercial visa cancellation notice.

Without it, I won't be able to get
even a dish-washer part-time job.

I have to get it back
if I want to survive in Amsterdam.

Mei, did you really get fired?

What'chu gonna do now?

Ah, come on,
don't let them get you down.

Hey, that food isn't good for you.

Have some of this
and you'll feel better.

Don't worry, I'll feed you
if you don't get work.

No matter what you say our regulations will
not allow us to give you commercial visa

since you don't have a job any longer.

I know you have regulations,
but please do me a favor.

I'm begging you, please.

Come on, I'll gift you a wig
when you come to Japan.

Oh, like him?

Yes, he's a good example.

The Konishi Corporation wasn't
the only one that shut down.

But also Shimizu's, Koyanagi's
and Yoshimura's company.

The rats bellow the 5990th
totally got us.

Everything will be over if they take away
our trading companies' licenses.

Masaoka's the one trying
to drive me out of Amsterdam.

But why?

I could turn that into money
if I were to find out why.

Some big money.

You idiot!

You corn!

Wanna come over today?

I wanna make you
a Tsugaru hot pot. Yeah.

I'll buy a fresh cod for it.

See you then.

All right.


Coming, coming.

What... What do you want?


I'm waiting for someone.

What's going on?

What's going on?

Well, have a seat.

You guys think it's my fault
that you got fired?

- Who else's fault could it be?
- Well, isn't it obvious?

Or are you too scared
to confront Masaoka?

Just give up.

You son of a bitch,
our lives are on the line here.

Hot pot... The hot pot...

Razor, where's the razor?

Bastard, this is payback
for the other day.

His pants, get his pants down.

What are you people doing?

Stop it!
What are you doing?

This isn't over,
you son of a bitch!

Just you wait!

What should I do?

- Turn off the stove.
- Uh?

- The hot pot...
- Oh.

And get me a towel.

A towel.

Are you all right?


Does it hurt?

I'm sorry that I can't serve you
my Tsugaru hot pot.

I heard that your companies
got shut down.

And I warned you.


Are you all right?

This is yours.

It's a necktie for you.

I wonder what time is it now?

3 o'clock.

There are still things left
to be washed...

But I'm going to have to go without
trying out your Tsugaru hot pot.

I wish you well,
even when you return to Japan.

Careful not to catch a cold.

What is it?

I'm not going back to Japan,
just so you know.

I see.

Open the door, please.

Just because we were
a hindrance to Masaoka...

Masaoka has...

He met with Oil Minister Ali.

Oyane, the Minister of International
Trade and Industry was at the party.

Why is that?
Tell me.

You should return to Japan.

Go back to Tsugaru.

All right? All right?

Please tell me.

What in the world is Masaoka planning?

Please tell me.

I beg you.


What is he after?

You know, I...

I'm not Masaoka's woman.

I'm not the owner of
"Restaurant Japan" either.

That's all just a camouflage.

You know, I...

I was brought to Amsterdam
to sell my body.

I'm just a prostitute
well past her prime.

When my husband passed away...

Masaoka told me that he had embezzled
500 million from the Dainippon Bank.

And my husband invested all of them
into stocks for 4 years.

And when it was all gone...

...he selfishly took his own life.

So they called the police on you?

Why not?

Dainippon can't even let go
a mere 500 million Yen.

So they brought me here
instead of taking me to the police.

They're going to
have me work until I die.

Do you understand now?

I'm borrowing your phone.

Call Mr. Katayama, please.

I apologize for being late.

I'm heading towards
the hotel right now.

Could you please tell me
Mr. Stanley's room number?

I will go there without fail.

I'm borrowing your bathroom.

[Harumi Miyako's "The One I Fell In
Love With" playing in the background]

Why didn't you die together
with the man you love?


Just hang yourself and die!


Can you lend me an umbrella?

I'm not lending you any umbrellas.

I see.

Wait a minute.

You forgot something.

Just throw it away
if you don't want it.

Excuse me.

What are you doing?


I've always wanted
to make love to you.

- You sure are hungry.
- I haven't ate since yesterday night.

Oh, that's right...

Do you know this one?

Ah… that's right.

It's almost Christmas.


What if Masaoka comes here
to pick you up?

I won't fall in love
with anyone anymore.

That includes you too.

It'll sound better if you place it here.

All right, all right.

Fine, fine.

It'll sound even better on your ass.

- Ass. Your ass...
- No. No.

It'll sound even better here.

Wow! I saw it!

"I'm going to do the groceries", huh?

Hey, Mei!

Good morning.
How are you?

I'm doing good.

Marie, I'm sorry.

It looks like I'm in love with
a Japanese woman. I'm sorry.


Did you make a lot last night?

No, I haven't been feeling so good,
so I didn't make much.

I see.

Next time, after you get better,
let's do that all night.

- What?
- That!

Oh, sex... right?

Wow, dutch woman are so blunt.


Thank you.

Two soups.

They had Chinese cabbage.

- I want to pickle it.
- We have no rice-bran paste.

I'll pickle it in salt.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Oh, it's delicious.

Uh-huh, it's good.



Hey, they're dropping.

Just forget about them, it's hard
to get them back with all the cars.

Thank you.

I'm lending this.

Just wait a minute!

I'll never forget you.


Open up!

Hey Mei, that car you use is a mess.

Dumb bitch,

I'll let you have it
for 3,000 Guilder, deal?

A drowned body in the canal?

It's a Japanese apparently.

Hi, it's been a long time.
You know this man, don't you?


You turned pale just now,
tell me who's this man.

I'm busy.

Come with me to the station.

Come on, hurry up.

Why don't you cooperate with us?

He's Japanese.
One of your countrymen.

Hey Sakuta, come on.

You know what happens
if you refuse to witness.

What should I say?
I don't know anything!

There's nothing we can do.
Let him go and have him followed.

Okay, that's enough,
you may go.

You again?

I wanna talk to you.

Freck off!

It's about Masaoka.

Ali and Oyane flew to West Germany.

The one following
on the heels of the first.

Oyane disclosed in a previous
interview at Bruxelles

that he will give an economical aid
of 2,000 billion Yen

to the barter of crude oil.

However this could not simply be
for the construction of a kombinat.

So what?

It's a barter for the trade of oil.

For military weapons.

And it's not just any weapon.

I think it's nuclear.


Officially it's to construct
an atomic furnace.

For peace-time industries.

But once an atomic furnace is built

it's easy to produce
plutonium bombs with it.

But Japan is unable to supply
nuclear weapons.

It can.

- With the help of West Germany.
- West Germany? What do you mean?

That's all I know.

Now it's your turn to pick.

What do the police think?


I don't know.

The drowned man
had something to do with him.

His name is Kazuo Takimura.

Age unknown.

He was under special contract
with Masaoka.

I think I know this man.

A British high official.
And this one?

He's the president
of the Geoffrin Konzern.

There are big men in the
political and economical world.

They have had business transactions
with Dainippon Trading.

Masaoka is good at finding the weak
points of the man he deals with.

Then he attacks them
deadly and persistently.

Especially when sex is concerned.

If a customer wants a woman

he sends Ryo Nakatsu.

If a man, Kazuo Takimura.

But now Takimura is dead.

If he was murdered...
Who will be the next victim?

If you want to save a life,
tell me everything.

I have the press behind me.

I can do things you can't.

I am tired of being
everybody's scapegoat.

Get over here.

Hey, where did Ryo Nakatsu go?

Get your hands off.

Where is she?

Director Masaoka wants to meet with you.

Come tomorrow at 7 p.m.
to "Restaurant Japan".

I'm not waiting till tomorrow.
Take me there now.

Director Masaoka is not
in Amsterdam right now.

Where is he?

- Leave that vase here.
- Yes, Ma'am.

- And also, put that there.
- Yes, Ma'am.


Excuse me, is Mama here?

- Right here.
- Welcome.

Let me take your coat.

Excuse me, are you Mr. Sakuta?


We were waiting for you.
This way, please.

Excuse me...

Since when you've been
the Mama here?

Excuse me.

I brought Mr. Sakuta.

Come in.

So you have two demands, am I right?

The first one is to set
Ryo Nakatsu free.

And the other one is to reissue
your business visa.

And if I don't accept
these two conditions,

you will make public
Dainippon Trading's scandal.


You only have two trump cards
to threaten me with.

One is the 500 million Yen
embezzlement case.

And the other one is

what I've been using
Ryo Nakatsu for.

I have one more ace up my sleeve.

Kazuo Takimura, the drowned body
found yesterday.

Mr. Masaoka,

I know your method very well.

Kazuo Takimura for the homosexuals
and Ryo Nakatsu for the others, right?

I see you've become friends
with Pierre Duras, haven't you?

Actually, 2 days from tomorrow,

we're having a garden party
in a certain place, you see.

You can take what I'm about to ask
as a personal request from me.

How about it?

In exchange for granting
your two requests,

could you play Kazuo Takimura's
role at the party tomorrow?


You will be very well rewarded
for your sacrifice, of course.

I want to ask you two things.

Where is Ryo Nakatsu now?

In London.


There's nothing to worry about.

My company might do anything
to make money,

but a morgue is not in our plans, yet.

And what's your other question?

Who's my partner at the party?

I admire your disposition.

But it's unfortunate
that you're lacking in power.

And what is power?

Well, just spend the night here
and think about it well.

- Who owns this castle?
- Please, right on, please.

What do you think about
these Japanese?

What do they want?

Let's head to the riding ground.



- How long have you been here?
- Huh?

How long have you been here?

All my life.
I was born here.

Who owns this castle?

Mr. Friedrich.


More exactly, Wittinstein the Fifth.

Wittinstein the Fifth?

The Steel King of West Germany?

Steel King of the world.

Of the world?
Of the world...


Come by me.

That old gentleman is Mr. Friedrich.

And the young man?

His secretary, Mr. Fritz Rosen.

We have the pleasure
of presenting you Miss Ryo Nakatsu.


Allow me the honor of serving you
the traditional Japanese tea.

Koto... Prepare the koto.

Your Excellencies.

This way please.

This is Japanese sake.

What's your name?

He's asking what is your name.

I'm Mei Sakuta.

You are like Rimbaud's poems.

Come to my room afterwards.

"Drop by my room afterwards"
he said.

- Fritz, is it all prepared?
- Yes, it is.

Follow me.

Why is your Excellence in such a rush?

Hm... That's a difficult question.

Excuse me, but why is that?

Why do world's powerful people
prefer war over peace?

The explanation for that
is very simple.

Your body is the trump card.

We can't just give up on
the polypropylene contract.

And I'm the one who informed you
about that polypropylene.

I'll pay you the fee for that.

But it all depends on you.

If you satisfy the Fifth...

Fuck you!

You think that if the Fifth keeps quiet

you'd pocket it all yourself,
didn't you?

If you go into the Fifth's bedroom...

I can guarantee her freedom.

What proof do I have
that you'll keep your promise?

You're gonna throw me
in the canal too?

You can have my life.

Shoot me with this
if I fail to keep my promise.

How much is your company
making with this deal?

10 billion?

Excuse me,

but I would never stake my life
over such a petty amount.

As you might know,

Dainippon Trading has 120 branches
in 72 countries around the world.

Wherever in the world you might be

I could get in touch with you
through a single telex.

So I don't have more than
5 minutes to decide?

Tomorrow, when you leave
this castle...

...bring Ryo Nakatsu.

Because we're going on a trip.

That's fine by me.

If we want money, we'll look for
a Dainippon Trading branch

and send you a telex from there.

- I'll set the price.
- I agree.

In 5 minutes,
the branch manager there...

...will pay you the amount that you
requested, as per my instruction.

We're going to ask you
for money all our life, you know.

Well, it all depends
on how long you will live.

Dainippon Trading
will not go bankrupt so easy.

Are those all your conditions?

- No, I got one more.
- No, that will be enough.

I want to slap your face!

You'll never understand how I feel...

...about giving my ass to that geezer!

Very well.

But, even if you were to refuse,

no matter how many insects
like you assemble,

you will never take
Dainippon Trading down.

The Fifth is waiting for you.

Go quickly.

You are punctual.

I desire you.

There's a Verlaine poem
that reminds of you.

I came, a calm orphan

Rich only by my tranquil eyes

Towards the men of great cities

They found much to despise

I hope you don't find me despicable.


My heart was rushing.

As I was patiently waiting for you.

I'm afraid of a kiss

As of a bee.

I suffer and stay awake
Without resting:

I'm afraid of a kiss!

Do you understand how I feel?

I want to hold you in my arms.

What did you mix
with the champagne?

I'm someone tormented by solitude.

Listen to me.

I need your beauty.

And I need your savage
Asiatic blood.

Hit me!

Hit me.

Hit me!

Hit me!

Hit me.

Hit me.
Hit me!

Fritz! Bring Caesar!

Fritz! Bring Caesar here!

I'll teach you what pain is!

Fritz! Fritz!

Do it if you dare.

Do it!

Just kill me!


Hey, make sure Ali doesn't find out.

Stand up.

Stand up.

Don't look at me like that!



I'm an idiot.

Where did you get this from?

Mr. Katayama…

He wants us to commit suicide?

You can shoot me.

Cover your ears.

Tell Masaoka that...

...we're not killing ourselves.

If he wants us dead,
he should do it himself.

Just stain Dainippon Trading's
hands with our blood!

- So the Fifth is alive?
- Of course the Fifth is alive.

Nothing happened here.


Isn't that right?

The Fifth just went to the airport

and took a private plane
back to Germany.

So the one wearing sunglasses
was his double?

To the Wittinstein house

their reputation is more important
than the Fifth's death, I see.

I feel pity for the Fifth.

Well then.

I no longer have a reason to keep you
imprisoned in this castle.

And that's because…

...the Fifth is still alive.

You're free to leave this place
when day breaks.

This is my letter of credit.

When in need, if you show this
at a branch office somewhere

it will help fulfill our arrangement.

Bring me the money.

Here's some pocket money for now.

Oh, tomorrow I'm thinking
of gifting you an automobile.

So that you two can continue
your fun journey together.

Why aren't you killing us
right here and right now?

The Fifth is alive, I said.

Hey, Sakuta.

A certain cameraman is waiting
for you two to go to him.

But I believe it's clear as day.

Whether to live a happy life
with my letter of credit

or throw away you lives.

It's all up to you.

What about you?


Then let us drink in celebration
of your journey together.

The break and oil look fine as well.

No bomb planted either.

What about the luggage?

Shall we?

I know Wittinstein is dead.


Tell me what happened in the castle.

If you testify, we can stop
the nuclear weapons.

...1200th anniversary of the German
aristocratic house of Wittinstein,

Friedrich Wittinstein the Fifth
spoke to the several thousand workers

of his main factory in Essen,
West Germany today.

He thank them for their fidelity
and their unceasing efforts

to develop ever higher
quality products

at an ever increasing
rate of production.

He's a fake!

A few weeks from now it will be announced
that he died of a fatal disease.

You know their secret
and they're going to kill you.

Don't you understand?

You must know too.

Tell me!

Tell me!

I'll be waiting for your death.

I'll write about you.

I'll write the truth.


Why do you want to die so quickly?

Thank you.

I can hear it.
The sound of the sea.

It's the sea in Tsugaru.


Let's play the warship game.










Un-Undress me.

I'm hungry.

Want me to make you an omelette?

Fried eggs would be better.

All right.

Oh my darling,
oh my darling,

oh my darling Clementine

You are lost and
gone forever,

dreadful sorry, Clementine

Oh my darling,
oh my darling,

Oh my darling...

Translation by bLoodZ