After Armageddon (2010) - full transcript

A docudrama about a family in LA that is trying to survive the breakdown of society, law, and order after a flu pandemic kills half the people on Earth.

This program

is a theoretical account of the worst
case scenario for global disaster.

This is not

a real emergency.

Ever central tendency.

In government to
plan for the normal

and disasters aren't normal.

They're going to be overwhelmed.

They're not going
to be ready for.

People are going to die

and years isn't a whole lot we're
going to be able to do about it.

Meals away from at matter.

Will start to see a
true disintegration.

People will for them together and
gangs to go obtain the resources.

Looking for food they're
going to be looking for drugs.

They're going to be some
great a predators out there.

Turn it up large urban
centers will be uninhabitable.

Dangerous places.

Some small camera
is would put up or.

You're going to find things
along the route that are

going to be useful to you
and you're going to take.

You're going to have to forage
which is a nice word for looting.

Hardest thing in the world for
anybody would be to take another life.


Nothing could have prepared
us for what happened.

Millions dead in
a matter of weeks.

Billions across the world.

America was devastated.

Nowhere risperdal.

The food water or power cities
like ours became wastelands.

We were just an ordinary family.

But pretty soon we realized
we wanted to stay alive

we had to get
out of the city the

we thought we were
leaving the worst behind us.

But we were all.

Were law lorna order
is broken down and the

the systems have broken down.

That's really nightmare stuff.

Very few of us
have the skill sets

to survive in as
radically change or.

At some point in
a long-term crisis

the cities of uninhabitable

and you need to move and you
have no choice you have to move.

How do you stay secure.

People trying to escape from
city is they're going to encounter

looters game Steve's.

What you want to be
as invisible as possible.

Turn that off.

If people see you you want
their eyes just to roll over you.

Keep him down.

Most frightening to have family
members with me that had to protect.

It'd be hard to not feel

tremendous sense
of guilt about that.

Once we hit the freeway

we should be out of
the city and like an hour.

As if enough people tried to evacuate
the road simply become so jammed.

That you get traffic
jams stretch for

tens of miles what
a check the freeway.

Lock the doors.

Roads become simply impassable.

Peace will

begin even to die in their vehicles
in those vehicles block the roads and


further egress.

Grid lock would be.

A major secondary event.

With that then the
desperation go even higher.

Freeways block

we're going to try to get
out of the next town real.

People would masquerade as police pretending
to be police or other authorities.



And it can be difficult
for people to tell.

Who is official who isn't.

Who might be their
song it and who isn't

and many people
would make mistakes.

I think it's the national guard.

Think maybe they
can help the finally or.

National guard wine then you.

Get them down.

This at.

Concern is today mounting over a deadly
new strain of influenza which is reportedly

sweeping through
parts of southeast Asia.

The outbreak is believed to have already
claimed the lives of over twenty five

thousand people despite a raft of emergency
measures to try and control it spread.

We average a pandemic
every thirty to forty years

that it's a cycle
that we can predict.

It's almost one hundred years
and he's already severe one.

So we become think we're immune


let me tell the mother
nature is still lurking there

and if we had one of
these rapid moving viruses

like this wine to

combine it with the
fatality rate of avian flu we

would see unspeakable
indescribable catastrophe.

Where the world now facing
an official global pandemic alert.

Us government agency has
confirmed that were as yet

no suspected cases
in north america.


Apply to.

UK s open up early
yeah seriously.

To everything.

Yeah Chris yeah.

Yeah what times.

Seven yeah.

Hosting an open house.

I forgot about seven
thirty so can pick them up.

Do have to you.

My pal you know the drill.

You sign up for it.

She signed me up.

Prompting panic
selling that's disgusting.


With wall street.

Discuss what are.

My case we gotta go.

Hey could kill know for every.


Have a good one.

It takes dense populations
to have a pandemic

so of course cities will
be the most vulnerable.

In two thousand and seven more than half of
the world's population for the first time

in human history
lived in cities.

Transmissibility depends on the
person to person contact grow very close


And we've got that.

Of he had seven okay


Given the amount
of global networking

you can spread of disease these
days in a matter of hours and days.

It would be here and be among as

a for we'd have
a chance to react.


Yeah this guy

straw and fifteen minutes late.

Sorry about that it's not good
if people have been warned.

A few times before.

Then the level of sensible
reaction goes down

did you see that

stuff on the news last night you
know this virus over and Asia.

Gimme a break swine flu mad cow disease
avian flu smartish nada you know what mean.

Let's go.


Made me take a lot of shaking people by
the collective lapels to say look all those

previous mr he has been really
come to anything that this is the big one.

I take very good
care of you here

are in the early stages we haven't
got a clue what it is of course.


Wanted we do that person who's suffering
from an unknown rest of the disease

we're going to get them
specialists you get it right away

we'd better put this
person in the more

specialist hospital in
the other side of the city

now to hospital now in fact that so
in no time at all it's going to set up.

Today alarm is growing at the global
corporations may be out of control.

Reports of hundreds of
thousands of cases of the

major cities across Europe
south america Russia.

As far afield the
southern Africa.


certainly is the potential to
develop a vaccine problem is will it be

prepared to quickly and out in an
environment you need to probably not.

Those of us who

are exposed to viruses that we
haven't had a previous experience with

have no immunity that far.

Where you have a virus that humans have
never been exposed to before the human body

recognizes this as a completely new protein
and then just calls in all the troops.

So these victims.


Drown in hemorrhage
fluid in the lungs.

Initially many people
might try to leave the city



what's going on

this might actually be one of the ways
that the disease spread to the countryside

we heading to Washington state.

So we still guys little ip say.

We don't have very many examples
of mass migration that has gone.


It's going to be hard for
people to evacuate a small


In a very short amount
of time without there being

complete chaos.

In the early stages you'll still try and
maintain critical services with only a small

fraction of people will show
up for work you will have

a shortfall exactly when
you mean an increase.

Are you doing.

Going to work.

Going to work.

Why are you going to work.

Cause that's what do.

Shouldn't you be staying
home here we can see me.


You in case you
are going to be fine.


I'll start by the store
and pick up some things.

I'm absolutely convinced that

our medical care providers

will do the best they can but
they're going to be overwhelmed

there's no way around that.

Know he was going to a hospital.

They are going to
barricade the doors and say

go away from the keel.

Anime case but

we do with them we don't have
drugs and we don't have vaccine.

Fred what's going on.



Just go to the hospital.

They did what

in los Angeles county we
have close to ten million people.

And the average bed counts
sits around twenty five thousand


maybe four thousand
available on any given day.

In some instances of bed
counts as low as several hundred.

The systems close to
capacity on a daily basis.

Based on the magnitude
of this type of them

the numbers aren't good.

If you take just point one percent of the
entire population you're looking at close

to nine or ten thousand
people that could die.

That's just in a
general scenario

you get into a scenario where seventy
or eighty percent of the entire area

experiencing severe or
virulent pandemic strain.

You're looking at
numbers that are.

Off the charts.


Will healthcare providers
abandon their patients

you almost never see it

but we did see it in
sporadic cases in Katrina.

Medical supplies

will be a very short supply.

You have Ivy's are you have.

Medicines antibiotics
in particular.

Those things will be
worth their weight in gold.

If was that person

would hide my special skill set.

Are you adopting.

I would be in such great demand.

They might almost be
a bounty on me sorry.

Sooner or later.

Every care give has
to say have a family

my family is at risk.


You get to the point where
he said let's close the borders

the damage is
done people are sick

the dead are piling up

as government officials
were forced to admit global

efforts to control the
pandemic were failing.

Hospitals in los Angeles
county have reported.


Can't watch this anymore.

Is now.

I wouldn't get out of here.

I think about going to Idaho.

Sit tight for a while okay.

They will recognize that their survival
and well being as in their own hand.

And that they might not
be well prepared for it.

Little more than two weeks
or world have been torn apart.

We were clinging to
what remained of our lives.

But soon the world around
us would be changed forever.

UK s government today admitted the global
flu pandemic is no longer containable

official advice remains that
to prevent infection people

should stay at home and
avoid all unnecessary travel.

As a pandemic progresses
everybody's thinking it's going to pass

and everything will
revert back to normal

but then somewhere outside of
three days four days five days.

The situation gets real.


How are things in Idaho.


No got sick in the
earthquake that hit the San

Francisco bay area in
the nineteen eighty nine.

The whole mass
communication system.

Just broke down.

Since it mainly from overuse.

Then again.

It would just add

to the general chaos.


This is going to be
affecting the police.

The fire the ambulance the people look
after the power supplies the people who

look after the Internet service.

It's not fun.

It just keeps.

Global Internet.

Which was designed to
withstand nuclear attack.

Cannot withstand

the failure of one of it's most important
components and that is the human army of

labor that keeps
that network going.

When the Internet fails many
things that are not even obviously

Internet things stop working.


Think about how much information
has held on the computers

and I'm not just talking about information
I'm talking about the ability to run the

train system flights and all that
depends on the computerized control.

And logistics firms years
that in controlling the

delivery of all kinds of
other goods and services.

When the wheels
stopped turning in america.

Production lines come to an end
in a production lines come to a stop

jobs come to a stop.

The mother of all dominoes
would be liquid fuels.

Delivery of petroleum
and particular

once this slows down or stops then
all of the other dominoes thoughtful.

Eighty percent of all
airports are fueled by trucks.

The largest percentage
of railyard your.

Received their fuel by trucks.

The gas station that you feel from
they may receive replenishment

two and three times a day.

The average supermarket
replenishes of every one

to one of the half days

so it becomes.

Very problematic if the
wheels on trucks don't move

to expect there to be
groceries when you go to buy.

Most people have about
three days of food in their house

so if you really
wanted to go to ground.

You need a lot more than three
days you need three months.

When you no longer have the
delivery of goods and services you have.

Chaos you have pandemonium.

A saying that were nine
meals away from anarchy.

Wherever you
stand on gun control.

There are a lot of guns out there the
most recent number on firearms in america

something to the tune of of one
gun for every citizen in the country

would not be
surprised to find violent.

In new Orleans it took four days for a
major American city to descend into anarchy.

Think that the veneer of civilization
was a little bit more thick than four days.

For many people the situation
would be without restraint.

Going to take over as much as they can in
the question is who's going to stop them.


Well we have our.

Official pandemic supplies.

We have a bunch of
this crunchy rice stuff.


While the pandemic
relatives course.

Which could be
ninety days more for it

very few people think are
prepared to shelter in place

not have to go outside for
any purpose for ninety days

that would take some exceptional

forethought a preparation.


So many great apes

have green beans.

It looks like.

We will be here.

For more than three days.

Near one hundred and
two nuclear plants and he

but only five thousand

workers that can
run in and that's.

That's a kind of frightening.


If the skilled staff took a major hit
would basically be the equivalent

of partially severing of
or and someone's neck.

I still think we
should go to Idaho.


Can be excused.

Hurt me.

You've seen the news.


The freeways

are a disaster the system
starts getting thrown

out of balance there's
going to be a series

of shut off.

Yeah the TV's not working.

I think that that would not go down
well in terms of people's nerves.

Check all the channels yeah

they're dependent on information in the
information caused by electronic means.

See that.


There's going to be a
domino effect and that

the powers going
to cease to fly.


When the lights go out.

I don't come back on.

Here we are.

Really at the limits
of our knowledge.

The most immediate problem
within cities in the aftermath

of a pandemic would
simply beyond buried bodies.

We would have many many

many times more dead than
anything or system is designed

to take care of.

There would be thousands
upon thousands of

them with no organized
service to remove them.

All diseases eventually decline.

A number of people will survive and
they will be immune to it police for that

that cycle.

Once we decided to try
and set the pandemic out.

There was nothing
to do but wait.

After awhile the days just
blurred wanting to another.

You'd have to say the people.

Come to realize
that they live or world

which the lights are never
going to cut back on it.

What have to be
gripped by despair

it's terrible to think about it.

Gradually it with dawn on
people that the world has changed

in it isn't going to go back
to the way it was before.

Some people.

Emotionally could never
make the transition to accepting

this change.

They would continue to
hope that their previous lives

would be restored good of
course they never would be.

As we rely on the freezer.

Before we had a cold
store nobody has any more


Refrigerator gone off.

Very few modern people.

Even conceive.

I can't turn on my lights
my cell phone doesn't work.

My DVD player my computer.

Slow down.

It's all right.

Eu one of the things that we
saw a new York city in the blackout

is how quickly it's like
well the sewage is gone

because the electricity is off.

Toilet stopped working.

If there's a grid down situation
to sue each com started working.

How are you going to
deal with sanitary issues.

Clearly there would
be disease coming from

the lack of sanitation and this would be
on top of the pandemic that already exists

we ever officially.

The toilet.

Then she has to go.



Oh also.

Ran out of toilet paper so.

As a new update.

Fairly soon people
will turn on the top and

find that nothing would
be coming out of it

or perhaps a trickle that would

that would dwindle
down to nothing at all all

the water is not running.

I dunno what's wrong with it.



I'll hit up.

I go down to the store.

I'll try to find whatever can.

Somebody's gotta have something.



I think people are going
to say look were hungry

one way or another
I've got to feed the family.

The kids are starving there's
no milk where am going to.


What happens in new York city when the
garbage collectors go on strike for a week.

Is it the city.

Very nearly shut down.

Pump garbage
piles in the streets

rats are everywhere.

The would also be
corpses of cats and dogs

and other animals of
the people keep us pets.

And the disease can simply the
stench from this would be overpowering.

What we see dead
bodies around we we made.

People may have to Bury
them in the back garden.

Dead bodies.

Deceased remains.

Have all the packages
that you'd expect.

I think it's safe to say
that you'd want to get

those remains in the
ground is quickly as possible.

We all know that we have.

Individuals and
our society who are

sociopathic are predatory.

Who prey on other people.

And attempt to secure
supplies for themselves.

And you are a sight for sore.



First of all.




You know where my kids everyone.

That might.



Of prisons will be affected to

they will not be able to keep the
criminal element inside those prisoners.

That work security for a hurricane and it
was very interesting to go into a Walmart.

Two days after the hurricane.

And see that the the store had
been completely cleaned out of


Talking toys pet food.

Clothes furniture.


By the third night when people.

Were out of food.

Things got incredibly.

Crazy in a we were hearing
automatic gunfire from.

All over the said.

People will for together and gangs
to go obtain the resources they need.

If they they don't have
the resources they are

going to go find them
they're going to go look

and there are going to take.

Think it'd be looking for food they're going
to be looking for drugs are going to be

looking for gold
or silver something.

That'll have some value after.

Security becomes first
foremost in everything.

One approach is

to be invisible you could
do that by making the

house of look as though
it's already been looted.

Throw a bunch of stuff
out on the front lawn.

To make this place to look
like it's been ransacked.

That gives the the the looters a
message that it's already been looted.

That stop Ellen.


Me job it.



Two blocks away from here

okay they're going
from house to house

and they are looting everything.

You hear me the arm

but getting the house can.

Just leave at.

As much better to not be
seen that it is to try and fight.

Damn stubborn.



We're almost out
of water and am.

A massive attack.


I know this is not
an ideal situation.

An ideal situation.

I see we give it another week.


I say we stay here

say we go.

What are you doing on.

Those people in the
house next door taking stuff.

At some point in
a long-term crisis

the cities of uninhabitable

you're going to have to leave.

Train have helped us understand

the veneer of society is
very thin and it doesn't take

much to disrupted and peel
that veneer back and what

you see underneath it.

Is is is quite ugly.



Where are we going.

Going on little road trip to.

Were to.

Well your mom's
kind of partial to Idaho.

After you sheltered in place
for so long and and you've

exhausted years food supplies.

You're going to have to get out of
the city and get to some other locations.

There's a lot to think
about allowed to plant if

you're going to make
that kind of a trip Casey.


let me a favor get all this stuff sell
the wash and put in that box right there.

When people are.

Feeling that their
life is in jeopardy.

There is a state that many people
go into which we call dissociation.

It's a trance like state which
is a lot like being hypnotized

do you think you
can do me a favor.

They may sit there and stare

and not move and not
do what they need to do to


because you packing a
suitcase full of clothes.

Casey come on come on
need all that stuff in that box.

The bug out bag is

simply something that you
use when you have to leave.

They also call it a good
bag which stands for.


Do you get outta
dodge filing such a rush

when you talk about a bug
out bag you talk about what

you need to carrying with
you if you've got to leave

you've got gotta have water

water is heavy.

More water than you think.

So the bulk of what you're
going to be carrying his water.

You need some sort of portable food that
can be prepared quickly and provide you with

a high level of calories much like
a mountaineer or an expedition to.


I dunno.

Simple foods you know.

Crackers and peanut butter

simple stuff that is.

Hi and

carbohydrate and complex
carbohydrates and protein.

Was going to have some way of.

Of sheltering.

It'll be something simple
like a poncho or a tarp.

You also need some kind
of security whether it's a

kitchen knife or battle
rifle you need something.

Because you have
to face the fact

that there are people out there who
will kill you for what it is that you have.

You always want to hope in the long
term things are going to come back

so you need things like your bank
account number and you need your passport.

We tried to pretend to each
other one day we'd return.

Will be back

but deep down think we knew
we'd probably never see home again.

Already figured getting
to Idaho would be tough.

We hadn't realized was how difficult
it would be just making it out of I a.

To check the freeway.

Lock the doors.

Freeways blah ok.

We're going to try to
find the next time around.



I think it's the national guard.

The national
guard line then you.

Get them down.

I get everybody out.

Front foot from year

to get out of I a you're
going to want to avoid


are going to be
choked with dead cars.

Going to have to hike
good fifty sixty miles.

And leave the ref.

You need to strip that bag down

to the most important things.

You have to carry minimal amount of
food and be concerned with traveling light.

Travelling fast.

That is going to
be the challenge.

Main roads are a dangerous
place to be because that's where.

The ambushes are
expecting you to walk.

You're going to have
to go other routes.

Storm drain system
in I a's extensive


Let's start of the
bags out first sorry

they've basically taken all the rivers and
paved them and turn them into big channels

Casey slide down all right

don't want anybody twist in
their ankles we got a long walk.


Take you from sector to
sector more than anything else.

It'll get you through
the difficult points.

Once you get to
the Hollywood hills.

There are fire roads
from west Hollywood.

All the way across to the ocean.

People will abandon Baltimore and
Washington and Pittsburgh and they'll.

Come out to where
they think they can.

Can do better.

You'd be among the hordes
of people all trying to get out

of the city's many of them
going in the same direction

and essentially stripping
the countryside us that go.

Refugees will literally swamp

the land around los Angeles.

Over there.

Really safe way
to travel as on foot


may not be the efficient way.

It may take so long.

That you just aren't
going to survive

you have to get
into a vehicle dr



If somebody in there.

You guys hold up here.

Alrighty then.

You're going to be a
little call an opportunity for.

Which means that you're going to find
things along the route that are going to be

useful to you and you're
going to take advantage of them.

Around the company
I'll be right back.

What are you doing.

Looking for Keith
people tend to fear.

The bodies will
pass contagion on

but what does he have
the virus is not thought

that it would be
true in a flu epidemic

you can't get infected
from a dead body.

Besides the pandemics
probably burned out by now.

Anybody who survived this long

has probably pretty savvy.

Looks like this guy that
he was a bit of a cowboy

this is like going from junior high
school the high school from high school to

college every level
you have briars.

The competition gets differ.

Want to try to get.


I never done this before.

I have.

By this time the people
who are still around are

people who figured out
some stuff about survival.

Those two wives.


twist them.

And you know how to do that.

I don't want to know.

Three days after leaving I a
we were finally on an open road.

Heading north.

About fifty miles
up the road here.

There's little town.

Will be able to get some fuel.

Can get some water.

Brief moment we forgot
about what still a ahead of us.

Hey look.

There's that town.

Be about five minutes from here.

Or optimism didn't last.

Jesus what is this.


In smaller communities might
actually arm themselves to to

to keep strangers out.

I could foresee that some small
communities would not want

outsiders coming in

for the germs bring along for the extra
demand on resources that they bring along.

At a what can do for you
we were wondering if we could.

Write better that's good

that's good right where yet.

We are looking to get some.

Food and some water
and maybe some some fuel.

Sorry pal can't
do it can't login

nobody nobody out.

Yeah got my wife
and my kid in there

is the scenario of a lifeboat.

After a boats gone down
in the the lifeboats filled

to capacity and there's
other people in the water.

What do you do do you pick them
up and kill everybody in the lifeboat to.

Or you roll away.

Decision you won't even
know that were mad said no.

Know what if hours you.

Will get in your
vehicle turn it around

and go back the way you came.

Pretty quickly.

Stay here for the night.

In a form close.

When parents have to worry
about taking care of their children.

On top of taking
care of themselves.

That's hard

that's really difficult
that adds to their stress

and so to some extent people are
very vulnerable who have children.

So many sleep.

I don't think we
know what to predict.

About how people would respond

to a realization.

That no matter where go.

It's dangerous.

When my children my die.

By the time we were a
few hundred miles out of I a.

For all we could tell we might have
been the only people left on the planet.

We still had no idea how he
never make it as far as Idaho.

Fact is we were already
running low on food and water.

The average temperature in
the greater los Angeles area and

a daily basis is probably
between seventy five to eighty.

But when you start moving people in out
of the the base of the coastal area of los

Angeles and start getting into the
inland desert and temperatures are and the

extremes of between ninety and
one hundred and fifteen degrees.

What are you doing.

That's drinking water.

Brush your teeth with this.


Start using your head.

She told me don't care what your
mother said hey you don't need to yell.

Helen we only have a
few bottles of water left.

If you don't get water
pumping through your

system you're going to
get dehydrated quickly.

When you become
dehydrated you get loud

thinking confusion.

We got to take the
quickest route north.

Through the desert.

Yeah the desert.

I you need to be invisible.

And that means you
can't take it easy path

can you find yourself.

I want to see if
you're getting a signal.

It's not going to be I'm
going to follow the high ten.

To the four o five and then
follow that right out of town.

You got.

Right now.

Mean either you have it
or you don't don't okay


in around trying to
see if can get like okay


Most of the time to
maintain safety and security.

You're going to want to avoid.


Even if they're clear.

It's a dangerous place to be.

What he didn't.

Get to see these okay.

People are capable of barbarism.

Selfishness but.

There are also capable of.

Great generosity.

Or sir.


You know what happened to you.

Think my context
ripped off my eyes

need to try.

He just stay here I'll
be right back all right.

We see this time and
time and time again.

Disaster after
disaster that people

bind together in the face of a
common enemy and help each other


have some water.

We're just going to
be a little shot okay.


A new Orleans we saw
instances of amazing altruism.

At least initially just sit back

but there was a limit
to the generous feeling.

Good luck

said dual human nature of thing
we want to take care of each other.

But our generosity
is not infinite.

Obviously the seven
eleven at the corner

is not going to be available
to you you see that.

Industrial complex.

The obvious places
will have been destroyed

or emptied out very
early on in the pandemic.

So you're going to be
looking for the nooks

and crannies that other
people have overlooked.

That's where they keep all the
supplies or the food all the water

we need to head over there.

Paramedics going to be able
to look at the bigger picture

they're not going
into situations blindly

but rather with a
great deal of suspicion

Allen look.

Is that person a threat

does this street
that I'm approaching

present possibly a threat my
family is there an escape route.

Around the back.

Will be right back.

Things that most immediate value
after a pandemic would be fuel and feed

those are the
to critical things.

Those who did control large amounts
of people become very powerful

a valid.

Silly to think that an
organized criminal gang.

Is not going to make
immediate moves.

Toward the resource
that would make them

essentially rich make
them kings in a new country

that you guys
spare any of that the.

Water or food.

I really.


Food will the power seriously.

Someone could get control of that they have
an invaluable resource I've got some cash.

As a good around here.

Initially paper money
would lose value.

About that ring.

Value would reside once
again in precious metals.

Electricity goes away and
bank account money isn't there

and you can even check
your back and counts then you'll

presumably find
other forms of barter

other watch.

Let's take the what.

Peaceful thing to do is
to make your peace with

the new king of the
food distribution center.

And the heroic thing
to do maybe to start a

revolution to defy him
and grabbed the food away.

Geneva take this.

In a post collapse situation you have
not only your own life that hangs in the

balance you have your family's
life that hangs in the balance as well.

If got gotta get
the hell out of here.

That that slowdown.

It's okay.

Sorry baby.

The hardest thing in the world for
anybody would be to take another life.

Slow down.

Their first response is going to
be nausea they're going to be sick

know that for a fact from
law enforcement officers

who've been forced
to kill the line of duty.

They told me.

That it was a
life altering event.

Every one of the carry those people
with through the rest of their lives.

That is a car coming.

Get over in the ditch.

You gotta go.

More than anything else

if you're on the road you have
to have a heightened awareness.

Get out.

My back.

One of the keys again is being invisible
staying very low key staying out of sight.

People will for them together and gangs
to go obtain the resources they need.

If they don't have
the resources they are

going to go find that
they're going to go look

and they're going to take.

Every car has
fifteen to twenty years

a gas of it.

You have a couple of five gallon
cans on the roof of your su the.

And every time you
pass a vehicle that looks

like it might have
some gas at it you stop.

Drain the tank.

Don't even need a
siphon has because

just got a
screwdriver and a half

the punch a hole in the
bottom of the gas tank

a stick my bucket
under it and gather that

fuel and.

The excellent don't care about.

Destroying the tank.

Took all the back.


Took everything.

At a to on the gas tank.

If it's hot in this summer and you have
to go through the desert you'd better hope

you can get across
it in a couple of days

because there's not a
lot of water out there.


Current breadbasket of
the united states the great

plains the mid west and the
central valley of California

with no longer be as
productive as they are now.

Since they depend to a

large extent on fossil fuels
and mechanized agriculture.

Big farms won't work.


Need the mechanization in a
the energy you need a petroleum

to make the fertilizers.

All that stuff isn't
there anymore.


I can't say for certain
how long we walked.

We follow the road north but

truth is we were lost.

Pretty soon the only thing that
mattered was finding a way to stay alive.

Most of what is around I a as a.


key thing you're going to be looking
for the road is water you can drink.

Three months into a scenario like
this other low lying for it's been packed.

You're going to have to be very creative to
come up with food you're going to have to

know where to look and what
kind of resources are there.

Was a barrel.

Come up with scholar.

You're going to have to forage
which is a nice word for looting.

Survivors would be very
desperate situation and probably

most of them would starve
to death within a few weeks.


You're going to have to do things would
imagine that would be very unpleasant.

You're going to have to go into
houses where people have died.

And you going to have to see
what's left what's available to you

brought up.

That you guys because
of that shape right now.

Longer the scenario
stretches out.

The more food becomes.

Unavailable to it
spoils it goes bad.

Is that that in there
but these crack.




Don't want to even less water.

It takes water to
digest your food.

Sell if you don't have water
available then it should not be eating.

You can go about thirty days without
food only about three without water.

Let's see what's in
that fire maybe there's.

Water so.

About six to eight
course of water a day

for a personal lab

but the willpower
is more necessary.

If someone doesn't have a will to survive
the will to like at they're not going to.

You'll be gathering water as
well as scavenging for work.

You're going to take
advantage of every opportunity.

High water tanks from
a hotel swimming pools

any place that stores water.


The guys go give bar.

There's more shade in there.

You're going to have to
look at water deck normally

you would look at and make
an awful face of run from.

You've gotta be
able to disinfected.


Can't drink this though.

We have three choices you
can treated with chemicals

such as iodine or bleach which
will render a biologically safe.

You can filter it with

water filtration system plus
generally renders is biologically safe

and you can

boil it which will render
a biologically safe.

So you can to need to make fire.

Batteries are still
wall will disconnect the

in the back and it sounds an electric
current through that keeps it upsets red hot.

Potential light it up.





Assuming that person can stay hydrated the
process of starvation may take as long as

fifty to sixty days
before one expires.

After about three days you
will not affect help hunger.

New basically the bodies
now be getting into break

down fat and muscle tissue
and about the same ratio.

You become more
lethargic do we become more


You have highs of euphoria

and then you simply
do not want to eat.

One of the first things to
suffer or is your eyesight.

That's an indication that you're
actually in a really bad starvation mode.

People not aware of the small world around
them which couldn't back the largest food.

There's plenty of
insects ants Beatles

which have seven times the protein
content pound for pound of ground beef

just don't realize that.


One of the cross
culturally constant

things we see him
as historical literature.

Is that.

Early on.

In a famine.

There's a great deal
of outpouring of energy.

Into religious ritual activity.

Term unusual wanderings has been
repeated a number of times and accounts

of what goes on and
famished populations.

What you get is
basically last human.

Movement over the landscape

and search of
some kind of relief.

Spread that.


Lay on delayed like that.

Why don't we just
sleep on the ground.

For sleeping out there you don't
want to lay right on the ground

by and it's about
fifty five degrees.

I want to be ninety
eight point six.

Cases watch out for
this could be snake.

But how are we
going to sleep on.

Brink the pieces out.

Going to Atlanta.

I'm going to be like insulate.

Insulate yourself on the
ground and create a warm

pocket of air around you
to keep you warm at night.

It's not clothing that
keeps you warm or cold

it's the dead air space.

Battery is almost dead.

Process of starvation
goes slow at first

ever increase the and
speed until if it's our control the

an evening but by repeating
you will not fact survive.

There's a house.

Over there.

It can.

You can make.


Cognitive functions of a person being
able to think clearly become impaired.

One it may make poor judgments
and it may adversely affect one survival.

I'm gonna have a look around.

And under extreme duress

sometimes people
will look towards.


As a potential source of food.

One didn't say

dogs and cats and many parts
of Europe after world war two.

They probably serve
the family well for a meal.

For the most part people
will not eat their own pets

but would have no a compulsion
about in the pets of other people.

He knows from accounts from
Africa you'll have masses of children.

Often quite as birth day

and according to
many us or art is.


Children of the most
dangerous people am a family.

Most liable to be violent most
aggressive in their activity to.

To get food.


are walking a lot a be
as high as twenty eight

hundred and thirty five
hundred calories a day

and be able to maintain
that is going to be difficult.

Well since the middle
nineteen seventies.

That about seventy
five percent of all plants

are toxic and one way
or another to humans.

Very likely to encounter quite a few
snacks so if they know how to catch a snake

which isn't that
difficult the as a stick.

The head down.

Cut off the head.

It's real easy to pull skin off real easy
to take the guts out if they're smaller

ones who can eat the bones right along
with everything else just your real good.


Commonly hear the phrase that
human beings will eat everything.

There simply isn't the case.

Many people in fact choose

not to eat and they will
affect star a presented with

a truck load trauma
to truck will offer.

Somebody like they'd
just a bag will not eat it.

Casey why aren't you eating.

I can eat a snake.

That's the only food.

That we have.

If you don't eat that.

You're going to die.

I'd rather die.

What did you just say.

What did you just say.

He really

to see that.

Aren't going to keep their.


We're going to.

Understand me that.

Open your mouth.

Open your mouth.


Period about eating shape into
the third or even in the fourth week.

Other bad things happened to the body the
liver functions begin to fail the test of

anxious begin to fail even though
cardiac heart rate because to fail.

What are you doing.

Stay away from the road.

Essentially we made
it into a small town.

We were just happy to
be able to rest of for awhile.

But it soon became clear.

We were living in a dangerous
and unpredictable new world.

Managed to get to bed
linens Washington drive so.

Warm tonight

people coming into an
area would want to take

advantage of those homes
or apartments or whatever.

That are left behind.

And why not.

These people had a.

Interesting taste and the.

I think order would be reestablished
fairly quickly within towns.

Around town you'd have

security barriers and
the limits on who comes in

the more attention to
that just like we do now

with nations we will do
more with smaller regions.

Life for awhile might become.

What it is like in frontier
situations such as the

American west in parts
of the nineteenth century

where authority
is local authority.

Can be guaranteed if there is a a local
sheriff who was particularly effective.

One hundred and
twenty bags of white flour.

Sheriff is someone
with authority.

Has a badge.

Now what's that authority come from that
authority comes from some sort of idea even

the wild west that there's a guy who's there
to enforce the law wouldn't it be easier

if just wrote this app
it'd be easier if you had a

brave Terry come out we're
doing this is official work.

Were talking about a world in which the
governmental authority itself breaks down

it's not authority
he has so much as

the power to enforce
loyalty to a question and


guys let's get over
to the storage locker.



Those who did control a large amounts
of food and become very powerful

they would become leaders
by virtue of the resources that

they control the resources to
people need most immediately.

Security is as a huge
concern in the style

a limited supply

the not let anybody get
in here we really rely on

remarkably low level
of security in our society

and we rely on these long-term
connections to punish people.

And when those long term
incentives are gone you'll

have to pay a lot more
attention to security.

I have quite a bit of faith and
people being able to establish

some kind of community or.


It may not always be the kind of
community order that we are ideologically.

Attuned to are
getting at the church.

Both in the

destructive phase and the rebuilding
phase religion will be a major current.

And wouldn't see any reason
why that religious impulse

would not reassert
itself on a massive basis.

Under conditions
of mass disaster.

I can confidently predict that
many people would interpret.

Such a set of the vets
and religious terms.

And that there would
be a resurgence of.

Apocalyptic from.

Might be good reason to
come to that conclusion.

Thanks for being here.

Historically we have seen some very
interesting patterned after disasters

dear friends.

At times like these it's only
natural that we ask ourselves.


After the nineteen o six
San Francisco earthquake

there were a lot of
fundamentalists revivals.

Why is the world
changed so much we as.

San Francisco was regarded as
having been just justly punished.

For being a city of sin

listen to what the lord
says in the book of job

this is a kind of
religious response.

That sin.

Is receiving.

His is do.

They are as stubble
before the when.

And weep.

That the storm carry a call

religious fanatics might
blame the troubles.


Mar iron knowledge

as happens among the
fundamentalists and many religions today

what's happened is
no whimsy of naked.

It would be you need to find
someone or something to blame.

He is putting out the
candles of the with

the appropriate to
lay what other men

and those are defended them.

Hair being widowed out.

Those so recently.

Removed from their
native desert in the jungles.

They are being.

Old out.

Perhaps they would feel chosen.

They would feel some elation.

Rolling away but for having
survived with a lot of people haven't.



Say ab...


An initial period.

The would need to irrational.

Food is perhaps kept in a
community wide storehouse.

With someone who makes decisions about how
much of it is allocated and at what times.

Terrible were tria
she comes to mind

and that is making decisions
as to who get the food.

Under what circumstances

and whether or not there be an
obligation for act activities for that food

food reward
programs for example.


Does anybody around here know
what's going on around the country

secretary of.

Will there be room or in this
last connected world yes or

just wondering if you had
any news about what's going on

around the rest of the country.

However do think that you're going to
see global communication of a sword think

shortwave communication and
ham radio communication will

survive get am radio station.

Are able to get news
all over the country.

Listen to do a lot of news
down south back east.

Sounds like pretty
bad stuff Shepherd

they're talking about
another civil war breaking out.

Amateur radio facial
that it does not need.

Any infrastructure so.

Anybody can be on
the air he could scan for.

Other conversations

or just broadcast
down the blind.

Let's give it a shot.

This is deputy Terry.

Huntsville the a
police department.




Things like up there.

Are not to get.

That sounds like it is here.

We will be living by our wits

and buried trying
conditions are trying to keep

ourselves together
when they're I'm writing.


trying to take whatever a little bit
we've managed him to get area.

It could be.

Pretty great in.

All right.


Was just stay here.

I can imagine if you're
caught stealing or looting.

You get shot on the spot.

You have the wrong town.

Way you would call the.

Instantaneous application of.

Of deadly justice.

We figured there had to be
somewhere better to build a new life.

First opportunity
we got we decided.

We like to think that moral
progress has made us nice people.

We've heard that our distant
ancestors were mean and cruel and.

Ruthless and.

We can't imagine
that we would be such.

Were nice mainly because
we're rich and comfortable oh.

And where we're no
longer rich and comfortable

we won't be as nice.

In the end we made it to Idaho.

As spring slowly
turned to summer.

Life started to
feel normal again.

But it was a world away
from the life we note in I a.

If towns are abandoned
because of a pandemic there'll

be repopulated according
to various criteria.

Irrigation in the past has been a
basis for organized some communities.

Would become so again.

Water would drive
people to the northwest.

Or maybe even.

Out to the eastern seaboard.

It would be kind of like.

Eighteen hundreds america rural
america going back to that period.


You might have very limited

healthcare services.

They might go back to a system that
we had in say the early twentieth century

like a family doctor practice
taking patients within their.

Household setting it well.

Trained as a paramedic
not really a doctor.

But I'm pretty
confident just got a cold

it's going to go back to the very
basics dislike it wasn't a civil war.

They think in the

seventeen hundreds
eighteen hundreds.

People were more Hardy
because they had to be

do you have any aspect
of painkillers yeah we kind

of went through that stuff
a couple of months ago.

Today in modern society we've
we've become accustomed to instant.

Pain relief we can
take these Bentley's.

That should clear
up your congestion

we'd have to go back to the home
remedies that we had many years ago

all right let me know
how they work okay.

Alright thanks a lot.


You're going to
have to learn skills.

That their grandparents
would have taken for granted.

And that's going to be
a very hard way to live

you making.

The to.

Case it.

And in the garden.

One does not walk into
a patch of dirt interest

some scenes and six
weeks later harvest meal of.

What do you think
not too bad huh.

I'm into our carrots

learning how to grow food is a process that
takes people entire lifetimes to learn.

We can use a
little help with that.

More like a lot.

Hey Chris.

You have to grow an awful lot of food
that becomes ripe at the same time.

That means you have to have patient
food preservation techniques that maybe the

community may
not know it at first.

Dehydrating and
pickling are both.

Ways to preserve food
that require very little energy

and store food
for very long time.

Do we have to work all day.

All day.

Creativity is certainly
high in the list.

Retrofitting some
things for instance a car.

Car makes a really good.

Solar dehydrator.

Alan can you give me a cup.

What happened.



Not certain.

You can perhaps compared to.

Some of the early English settlers on
the east coast of the united states who had

years of famine when they first got here
because they had to learn how to farm.

Under new conditions.

In order to grow food when
would probably jumped back to

the eighteen fifty is eighteen sixties
and term terms of technology where.

We would be news and more
human power more animal power.

To grow food

but it'll be a radical change.

Key economic insight is that.

When chain things change
a lot what we all need

to do as a doubt with
the only to find a new job.

People who actually
know how to go guard.

Be far more valuable
than someone who knows

how to trade on
the stock market.

A man who is working
really hard all day everyday

requires about three
thousand calories a day.

You were going to have to
grow things that are starchy you're

going to need the root
vegetables potatoes come to mind

turnips beets carrots.

Year on.

Food supplies that had been
in storage would be gone.

They'd have to learn
how to cooperate.

They'd have to
learn how to share.

Only things that you
could transport knowing

distances overland would
be very high value goods.

These might perhaps be
weapons other things people

consider to be of high
value in these circumstances.

We got some the finest
every ever going to find.

Of the big careers
will be and salvage

people who go out
and a visit communities

that it had been decimated
and they bring back

the stuff.

After a while local
communities would probably

establish their own
currencies based in paper.

We might see something
like a los Angeles dollar

in the San Fernando
valley dollar there would

be all of these local
currency is emerging.



You guys have any
and antibiotics and.

I'm sorry.

Guy used up.

Word out in the south it's
using up all the medical supplies.

When you'll be.

Back up backup.

That three her for a few

weeks we gotta go down the.

Yard or something.

I'll be fine.


Without the medicines
that we live on today

we would go back to the mortality rates
that we saw in the seventeen hundreds

eighteen hundreds
early nineteen hundreds.

Even a scratch could be
contacted and cause problems.

Bed certainly could happen if we
didn't have access to antibiotics.

At it barely been ten
years since we left I a.

But it felt like a lifetime ago.

Finally we built in
his life for ourselves.

And although the days required.

For awhile can honestly
say we were content.

But that happiness
was to be short lived.


gotten the text minutes cut.

I could picture a feast
for everyone comes

together you'll see a
lot of things on the table

that were gathered from
the wild mushrooms and

and queens.

There may be bright but it might not be we
read it might be cornbread and it might be

heavier in denser
than you're used to.

There might be meet

but it might well be.

Poultry and you might
not get much of it.

Have you guys
spend through really.

Been through I a.

As what about a month ago.

Have to shoot away and
shoot around it's not worth it anymore.

The Walmart sometimes.

Go in there to clean right.

The opponent more
time go figure that.

Going to do with it can either.


The a home remodel.


Folks not throw a party yeah.

I am certain that one of the
first things that will evolve.

Is a way to make alcohol or.

Historically we've come
together around sharing

a drink and think
will continue to do that.

We raise our glasses
these find people that have.

Shown their.


Or life expectancies have
increased dramatically

in the last.

Couple of hundred years.

We've benefited
from the diet and


Without modern
medicine we go back to

the scenarios.

When people got a small cut.

It became inflamed
developed a minor infection.

It spread to the body

and the body became
toxic as a result.

Little that there's good
people left in this world.

Reason something
worth fighting for.

God bless y'all.


Doing can you hear me.

People will die
they will die earlier.

They will die from things that they didn't
die from twenty years ago or ten years ago.

And we will have to
come to terms with that.

There's nothing more terrifying
than the complete finality of death.

After dad passed away.

I found myself
questioning my own life.

Endlessly replaying events.




I wondered if somehow

could have made
things turn out differently.

Been times in the period
of mankind were we

we've gotten down to
really scarily few numbers

and we still managed to survive.

Was a time.


The earth.

Had only ten percent.

Of the population
that it now has.

And it was.

There were setbacks but generally
thrived are we will be here today.

In many ways

it would not be an
undesirable way of life.

Many people today aspire to a simpler
way of life and this is what it would be.


You imagine that some of
these old technologies that

are immediate forebears.


Would come back.

That but surely there would be.

More ingenious then
somebody in the eighteen twenty.

Twenty five years on
we would have a new

generation for him the
new way of life as normal.

Education would simplify

knowledge will become practical.

There will remain an
institutionalized form of memory.

The books didn't get sick.

There's a stock of knowledge
and are survivors could go back to.

United states still exist
in twenty five years.

It's interesting to remember that after the
collapse of the Roman empire for awhile

people in western Europe still
thought they were in the Roman empire.

It continued to exist as a myth.

An ideal as a story

and think that's what
would happen with us that

we will develop a myth
of the last golden age.

But it would be a myth.

I don't imagine that the
big cities ever work again.

As the infrastructure decays.

It's not clear how it could
be repaired or replaced.

Once the train stop.

Once the refinery stop.

How to get them to again.

Remember the universities have
been decimated all around the world.

Who is going to make
new nuclear engineers.

It's a very bleak prospects.

Something positive
emerge out of a collapse

the positive things don't always
emerge from collapses it but they can.

So we would expect
that ecosystems would

restore themselves we would have
healthier landscapes and less pollution.

Loss of so many millions loss of so much
culture so much community that's not good.

But if you try to put
yourself in the position of the.


You have to say.

It's a new beginning.

Maybe it's a moment.


Star getting over.

Not developed
the petty jealousies.

The plague us.

That would be hopeful that that.

That would be the future.

Rather than.

The one of.

The mad Max and
great barbarism and.

Myths selfishness.

That's possible

but it's not the
future want to play.

Will be.

A coward people who
have survivor scouse.

I can we can leaders.

In that new age.

What happened left
its Mark on his on.

That in the past.

The important thing now
is to look to the future.

That will be look
like today's society.

Absolutely not.

Will it be better.


Will be worse.

Let's hope we never
have to find that.

