A Tear in the Sky (2022) - full transcript

This award-winning documentary A Tear in the Sky takes you on an unprecedented journey into the UFO / UAP phenomenon. A team of military personnel, scientists and special guest William Shatner will attempt to re-capture, in real t...

(Automatic cleaned English translation with DeepL from official man-made French)
In the sky, there were three white lines,

vertical, and one that stayed away.

I don't know what I saw.

A point in the sky,
a line of light.

A dark object hovering
above a bridge from which we were coming back,

it almost looked like a...

A strange, amorphous, opalescent thing.

An unidentified object.
It was coming very fast.

It stayed perfectly still

and stationary in the sky
for about 45 minutes,

then it started to move.

And it was really weird,

really strange,
and I still don't know what it was.

He made a sharp right turn,
and it went up 90 degrees.

They calculated
that he was going 1300 km/h.

Then they changed formation.

At first it was vertical.
Then it went sideways.

And then they switched
to a rectangular shape.

But this one stayed
away from the others.

I started very young,

I witnessed abnormal events...


...and this is what led me to become
to get interested in ufology.

I became a researcher
and a lecturer.

Over the years, I have met
people from all walks of life,

from all over the world,

who have had similar experiences
with UFOs.

So this phenomenon is not new.

It's very old and very widespread.

However, this whole subject
lacks credibility

and acceptance in the society,
but also among the elites.

And it was only in 2017,
when the New York Times

came out with an article
with three leaked videos...


...of the US Navy
that defy explanation,

that the debate has evolved.

I got it!

Against the wind,
which is 220 km/h to the west.

Look at that!

He's pivoting.

There's a whole fleet of them.
Look on the ASA.

My goodness.

On the USS Princeton...


...I was responsible
of the classified documents,

secret records.

In November 2004,
we were doing exercises

to prepare for our next deployment.

I was on the USS Princeton,
lead operations specialist,

and we were checking the radars.

We're leading the battle,
if there is a battle.

My main task was to identify
everything that was flying in the sky.

On November 10,
I started to notice

strange contacts
off Catalina.

During these exercises, we followed
unknown planes over several days.

For the context, we are at 8,500 m,
we are going south at 185 km/h,

and I say to myself that I have never seen anything
fly in this way.

I spent 15 and a half years at sea
behind that radar.

At one point,
it was raining UFOs.

I had never seen anything fight like that,

and all the other ships
were spotting it too.

Fast Eagle was in flight.

Commander Fravor,
the first to take off from this carrier.

These objects have fallen.

They went up to 8,500 m
in less than a second.

And at the very end,
there was one...

Right in front of him.

He has disappeared.

They have shown flying abilities

far beyond
than anything I had ever seen.


I know well
anything that flies fast,

and next to it, it looked like toys.

Since these videos were filmed
by the military,

the Navy and the Pentagon have finally confirmed
confirmed the veracity of these observations.

Senator Reid,
Senator Rubio and others

have urged Congress to investigate
to investigate these events

and to issue an official report
on its findings.

Although several credible cases have been
have been investigated,

UAP report,
unidentified aerial phenomena,

proved to be inconclusive,

which unfortunately did not surprise
a large part of the community.

When you don't know what it is,

nothing can be definitively ruled out.

Can they find an explanation?

This is a very small part of the evidence
the government has on UFOs.

What does the American government know
about UFOs?

If this bomb had not come out

in the New York Times,
Politico and CNN...


...we wouldn't be here today.

The Pentagon hasn't been opened at all.

They were awful
with this file.

Awful. What we need,

is real evidence,
real data,

no matter how long it takes,
that's what gives you complete proof.

The next morning,
I say to myself, "Okay,

"I'm going to write a report
very detailed report on what happened."

I went back up to the Combat Information Center
Center, the CIC,

and one of the chief technicians

looked at me and said, "Chief,
the data is no longer on the ship."

I said, "What do you mean?"

"Someone came on board
and took our data.

"They made us erase everything
in the computer room,

"even the blank tapes
were erased."

All our recording equipment
was confiscated.

And on top of that, we had to

erase everything that was left stored.

That was very unusual.

I raised my hand and said:
"We've got a safety issue here."

I tried to describe the events,
I got laughed at.

I was laughed at,
they were posting jokes,

comics about me...

I was very frustrated.

It ended my career.

Some of my shipmates
lost their careers, their wives,

the possibility of seeing their children.

These are the consequences
of these events that have occurred,

that we are told not to talk about.

It was scary,
and I was lonely.

At one point...
I didn't know what I was going to do.

I went through...
a lot of pain.

It is unimaginable to think
that an encounter with UFOs

could affect these men

to the point where they lose their
their careers,

their personal and social lives.

Now I'm even more determined
to help them find answers.

After all these years,
I think

that if the government
is not officially able to

to provide real answers
to these very frequent cases,

it is perhaps up to us
to look into it,

from a new scientific point of view,
because it's never been done.

I decided to take on this challenge.

I will assemble a team
of scientists and experts

and see if we can capture
these objects ourselves

and come up with answers.

But first, I want to invite
someone I really like...

William Shatner.
I've met him on several projects.

Because he is the icon
of the science fiction world,

and that he is involved
in the world of ufology

and the mysteries of the world
for a long time.

His insights will be valuable

to help us bridge the gap between science
between science fiction and real science,

and this will give us
an additional perspective

on this phenomenon
UFOs and UAPs.

On the origin of humanity,

there is an insatiable curiosity.

What's that?

No one knows. The phenomenon.

Here we are talking about UFOs.

The fact that the government
is broadcasting all these videos

that they say are real...

- They say it's real?
- Yes.

That it's really
an unidentified flying object?

Have you seen the UAP report?

- Not conclusive.
- Exactly.


So we are very frustrated.

But what are you looking for?


I think there were a lot of
very credible cases.

Pilots from the Air Force,
Navy, Army.

There are so many credible cases
that you would think

to be able to investigate
and publish data.

No, they do surveys.

You would expect them to give
a few things.

- Or else...
- Yes.

- That's it.
- So...

I had an idea...

A good one, I'm sure.

I told myself
I had to go all the way

and do it in a big way.

We need to do
a scientific investigation.

That's great.

Navy pilots
were off Catalina,

that's when they saw what's on
on the Tic Tacs videos,

and other ships have seen it,
all in the same area.

So I thought...

We put together a team of scientists,
experts, military,

since they have the experience,

to try to capture
something in real time.

Yes, if you could get closer,

electronically and visually,
to an unidentified flying object,

you would be in all the papers.

On the Tic Tacs video, for example,

there are no other angles
of the same object.

We have no
measurement of the radiations.

- No...
- No triangulation.

We have no triangulation.

But the radar picked it up,
as well as the cameras on the boats,

- if I'm not mistaken.
- Yes.

All it takes,
is a phenomenon.

Apparently you think
that this is a good idea.

- A wonderful idea.
- Great.

I can't tell you
how much I'm looking forward to it.

to hear and, hopefully, see what you have discovered,
to see what you've discovered.

Great, thank you.

What we need,
is the indisputable proof

that will settle the debate once and for all.
the debate once and for all.


No ifs, ands or buts.

And so, we will rewrite
the whole of human history.

I was delighted to learn

that the Navy personnel
on the USS Nimitz

had created the UAPx team
team with renowned scientists and experts

to study the UFO phenomenon
phenomenon in more depth,

with rigorous scientific methodologies.
scientific methodologies.

The UAPx team was therefore ideal for this
for this first expedition.


- There they are.
- Hi, Gary.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

- Kevin, nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

Great. This is Jeremy.

Nice to meet you.

- Hello, Jeremy.
- Hello, Mr. OSIRIS.


These are the people from the USS Princeton

that everyone is talking about.

Who better than the people
who have experienced the phenomenon?

- You're the one who started it all.
- Yes.

I'm very happy,

because if we want to
bring credibility

to this phenomenon,
you have to go all the way.

It has to count.
It has to be scientific.

We have precisely
created our company

because we didn't have
these answers.

- We agree.
- It was great to talk

and everybody knew
that it was real,

but we need to do more.

Video is one thing,
but we need more data.

Personally, I think
you have to go back to where you were...

Southern California.
What do you suggest?

What should we do?

We have a few locations

that would make a good cover

of the southern part of the island.

Ideally, Caroline...

If we could have a house
on the beach, that would be ideal.

And maybe a place
with a flat roof on Catalina.

And a third place,
for the truck.

So, if we have two fixed positions,

and Jeremy in one place,

we could do
some kind of triangulation,

- which is very important...
- That would be optimal.

...to collect data.

So who do we have on the team?

Myself, Gary Voorhis, Kevin Day.

We have Jason Turner.

And we were all together
on the Princeton.

We also have Dave Altman and Michael Hall,

two experienced ufologists.

Then our scientist, Kevin Knuth,

who is a university professor of physics
in physics and an expert on exoplanets.

And Matthew Szydagis,
university professor of physics.

Expert in dark matter
and radiation detection.

Next we have David Mason.

He invented several devices
capable of detecting

communications from the UAP.

We have optics, acoustics.
What else?


Anything we can use.

With all this equipment and all of us
over five days, 24 hours a day,

if we don't see anything,
I'll be very disappointed.

It would be disappointing if we didn't see anything.

But that's science.

Has this ever been done before?

- Never.
- Not that I know of.

Even from the government.

We're making history.

As the main team settles in
at the Laguna site, Gary, Kevin and I

decided to charter a plane
to find Catalina Island

the best place
for our potential observations.

After all the events,
Kevin Day said:

"Let's go away and study what it was."

I want this to be
the best view of the sea.

- In front of the sea.
- Exactly.

My goal will be to prove
that these things exist,

are findable and knowable.

We can find out what it is.
That's my goal.

I think we're going to have
some really good places.

Let's see if we can find them.

Let's look for the missing
the missing data ourselves.

I want to be the one
who makes the identification,

that was my job in the Navy.

The best viewpoint
we found on Catalina Island

is on the roof of a building,
facing the sea.

We have Dave, Michael,
and a friend of ours, Chrissy Newton,

at this location.

They will be in constant communication
with us on the mainland

and will be able to alert us
as soon as they have an observation.

We will be on the roof of a building.
Excellent line of sight.

All the equipment is already there.

We'll have thermal binoculars,
normal binoculars...

Everything you see,
you can document it

and cross-check it with the data
we'll have on the other side.

I have a feeling we'll find something.

There are observations here
since the early 40's.

You know what to do,
let's just go ahead and set it up.

- Great.
- We'll do quarters.

- Yes.
- Okay.

- Great.
- Come on.

Michael and Dave leave for Catalina.

We are looking forward to it,

but a little nervous because the logistics
for the installation in Catalina

and communication are quite difficult.

There are no trucks or
or vehicles on the island

to help us move the equipment.

And even if we have
a communication protocol,

we will have to rely on
on an unreliable mobile network.

But as a team,
we keep a positive attitude

hoping for the best.

Here we go, Mike.

Let's set up our big eyes,
and then we'll do

an inventory of what we have.

We're going to familiarize ourselves
with all of this,

we'll see if we can keep up

a UAP going thousands of
miles per hour.

- It will take...
- Whiplash.

It's going to be hard to catch them,
but we'll see.


When I hear that you have assembled
a team of great scientists

with state-of-the-art equipment
to answer these questions,

I say to myself:
"What took so long?"

The data is out there...


...so we have to jump on these objects,
wherever they go.

Wherever the data takes us,
that's where we have to go.

So I say it's about time.

Here we are, the first day is dedicated to
to the installation of the equipment.

We've already had power outages
and software malfunctions.

We only have five days
to complete our mission.

So the stakes are high.

We came prepared,

but the chances of spotting
real anomalous objects

during these five days are 50-50.

We don't know what to expect.

There's a friend of mine,
Chrissy Newton.

Another pair of eyes,
so three instead of two.

I've got something.

- I've got something, Michael.
- You do?

Yes, over here.

Come here, quickly.

Up there.

It's moving, damn it.

Hurry up.

Is it a good one?

Do you see a white ball
above the mountain?


Do you see it, Mike?

Not yet.

I see it moving.

- Is it moving?
- Yes, she is.

We've seen several things.

The first thing we saw
was a UFO...


...or so we think.

We saw a device
moving in the sky.

Good job.


The extra pair of eyes
was helpful.

We saw strange lights in the sky,

when we arrived,

and others about an hour later,
and it got a little cloudy.

We decided to leave it there
and come back the next day.

When a member of the team
spots an anomalous object,

the protocol is to contact
immediately contact the rest of the team

to see if they spot
the same object from different angles.

And they also have to record
what they're seeing

and send the recording
to our scientists.

The mobile communication
failed that day,

but the recordings were sent
to the scientists for analysis.

This is our first sighting.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

But it's the first day,
I guess that's a good sign.


- Good morning, gentlemen.
- Good morning, gentlemen.

We got it all out.
We've got half the equipment installed.

Is the radiation detector working?

Yes, I ran it.

And the UFO DAP?

There is a software update.

I'll install it today.

Got it. What about the sky watch?

Everything is in place.

- It's all set.
- Very good.

Is everything going well?

Jason, anything to report?

No, I think we're good.

All right, let's give it all away.

Let's get everything set up by noon.

We need to record
as much data as possible.

This is our chance.

Let's go.

- Great, let's go.
- All right, let's go.

Half of our equipment
is experimental.

The other half is...

One part is old, one part is not,
and some of it is high-tech.

We just hope it works.

Where do we put this?

I think the main place

will be here, in the corner,
where I'm standing.

We have a perfect view
of Catalina from here.

We have an open airspace
above us.


this is the little brother
of what I have in the OSIRIS.


We have the magnetometers.

The GPS.

Wireless connectivity.

Barometric pressure,
weather indicators, ADS-B...

We can follow
known aircraft with this.

And the best part is this.

I can control that from OSIRIS.

So if this thing is transmitting signals,
we'll get it.

A friend of mine, Travis Taylor,

who is an astrophysicist, is involved

in the study of anomalous events
and UAPs

from a scientific point of view
for a long time.

So I wanted to invite him
to see our equipment

to give his opinion
on our technology.

I'm optimistic.
That's great for the first day.

We're going to have to watch this
frame by frame.

- Look who's here.
- Hi!

Hi, Travis.

Travis, it's been a long time.
Two years ago at the conference.

You guys know each other?

- Yes.
- Right.

David Mason.

He is the brain
behind all the inventions

but there are two big brains here too.

Wait until you see what's up there.

This is crazy.

Are you presenting everything to him?

- I'll do that.
- With pleasure.

Very good. Very good.

I'm really looking forward
to see the instruments,

the preparation of their experiment.

It will change the culture
of the whole world.

Scientists are going to have to start
to take this more seriously

if we want to understand this phenomenon.

I hear chirping and clicking.

The chirps are gamma radiation,
higher energy particles.

And the click is beta radiation,

- of the lower energy.
- Yes.

What part of the spectrum
can you see?

From about 10 megahertz
to about 2 gigahertz.

We can see all radios,
the televisions,

everything that people use.

If there's something
that shouldn't be there,

- then you will see it.
- Absolutely.

What else do you have here?

Eight FLIR thermal imaging cameras.

You can see pretty much the whole sky

- in FLIR, if you want.
- Absolutely.

Normally, the UAP researchers
have a FLIR that looks like this or this.

Now you can see everywhere.

Many unknown objects
that I've recorded

had temperatures
of -30 degrees.

I've even had it down to -60,
which is extraordinarily cold.

Without any escapement,
and no explanation.

What is this?

A light wave transmitter.

Is it connected to a laser
or something?

Yes, it's connected
to a white wave transmitter.

Which is strange,

is that they have a beat,

and my theory is that it's
information or data.

If a PUG, in the distance,

modulates its brightness

to give us information,

and that we convert it into sound,
our brain and our ears,

and various computer algorithms,
could read something into it.

That's it.

We can also take this sound
that we get

and put it back on the transmitter...

- And send it back to them.
- Directly.

If they send data
that we don't understand,

we can say, "Here."

This is the first protocol
in any communication

than to say, "Hello, world."

If we hear "Hello, world."

we answer the same thing.

What is great,
is that you have the ability

to detect communications
and rebroadcast them

in electromagnetics,
in radio, in microwave,

in optical, ultraviolet,
visible and infrared,

as well as in temperature...
it gives a wide range

of potential communications.

We don't know how
they could communicate.

That's right.

That's impressive.

I can't wait to see it work,

I hope we see UAP
and talk to him.

- I'd like that.
- I'd like that too.

We use high-tech equipment
to collect techno-signatures.

We hope to be able to
to use this technology,

if we find them,

to shake their hand,
or maybe even talk to them.

I have to say, after seeing

all your equipment,
I'm impressed.

You cover the phenomenology
of the whole spectrum of physics.

I've never seen anything so concentrated

on one particular type of phenomena.

Here's something else.
This is not my idea,

it's designed by my friends
and colleagues at MIT.

This is a radiation detector
to look for anything abnormal,

higher than a normal prime rate.



- One more.
- Great.

Look, Mike.
That's... Oh, my God.

Okay, look at...

Right there.

I'm not leaving him anymore.

- Can you see it?
- It's huge.

Yes, it's not a plane.

- It is...
- No.

He came out of nowhere.

Okay, let's see if we can record this.


- I got it.
- Yes, you have it.

I want to see it
until it's gone.

- I want to see how it moves.
- How it goes.

Yes, that's what I want.

It's not a star,
it wasn't there before.

And that would be
a really bright star.

There's no way that's a star.

- And it's pretty low on the horizon.
- Yes.

Hi, Michael.

We just saw
something pretty abnormal.

Dave and I both have it
night vision footage of it...

different angles, same object.

I need the bearing angle.
Which way does it go?

300 degrees northwest,

that's when it appeared in front of us...

Up to about 29 degrees northeast,

and it disappeared in the clouds
towards the mainland,

where you are.

Very good, Michael,
I'm looking at ADS-B and MLAT.

We don't have any aircraft
in the vicinity of the island.

We have a few
towards the coast,

and one towards the south towards the island.

But there is nothing

that goes or was going
in the direction

of which we speak.

Okay, Jason,
look at 30 degrees towards the island.

Give me a description,
what did it look like?

It was a plain white spherical object.

Put your hands in front of these two cameras.


We'll mark it on these two cameras
two, three minutes ago,

to find it on the recording.

We filmed an object
with two different cameras.

I'm on my way.

Okay, this is it.

We just had a triple repeat
of gamma frequencies.

- Is that right?
- Yes.

Where is Matt?

I'm going to look with the night vision

because we have to watch the sky.

Yes, we have to watch.

Keep an eye out.
We have a lot of triple peaks

on our gamma.

I see a strong flashing light...

Jeremy, we need
a third point of view.

- We're going to go.
- Okay.

They are next to Avalon,
just to the left of Avalon.

There was a flash of light...

- Several flashes of light.
- A 737 Max is coming towards us.

No, I saw the plane,
at about 45 degrees altitude.

But it was at Avalon level.

- Oh, it's on the horizon.
- On the horizon.

Very bright.

We have one
coming right at them.

Yeah, he says it's on the horizon.

It would be on our horizon...

- You said in Avalon?
- ...here.

Yes. It was just to the left of Avalon.

There were three very bright flashes.

- Several times.
- Jeremy, let's go.

- Matthew.
- What's going on?

We're getting spikes.

That's an increase in radiation.

And it's gaining intensity,

and sometimes it stabilizes.

In the last five, ten minutes,

we've had three spikes.

To pick that up from miles away,

it must be an incredibly
incredibly powerful source.

Like a light bulb,
everything unfolds in three dimensions.

To get a reading
from a very distant object,

it has to be an intense source
of what is being produced.

It's more interesting
if we can correlate that to a peak,

at the same time
as the visual observations.

I am impatient.

Me too, but we have to be sure
that it's not a satellite or a plane,

but that's what's great
in our configuration

and that makes it unique,

because to my knowledge, there is no

of radioactive birds or planes,
so that helps

to exclude banal explanations
like that.

Dude, there's no one...
You see where this is going.


No one will come.

The tower is in place.

It's on its way.

Good, we're ready and running.

They are operational.

They are five miles away...

Can you see the laser?

But around...

Nothing goes this way.

It's coming this way.

We have triple peaks.

Here's another one.

- Another triple.
- Great.

We have a lot of triples,
keep your eyes open.

We've seen some anomalous objects
that are not satellites,

nor anomalies.

The fact that these things
were of a solid color,

round and ovoid,

were moving in an irregular way,

without sound... It was amazing.

You see it.

It didn't activate the camera...

It was just very bright.

Yes, it was brilliant.

It went right through the screen here.

Yeah, like that.

Did you see it on the...

No, it didn't show up,
that's what's weird.

It never showed up on the Fisheye.

So the Fisheye
never triggered the PTZ.

I only saw it on the PTZ camera.

I'm coming to the news,
see what you have.

We've got some weird stuff here.

What do you have?

We saw an object
only on the PTZ camera.

It did not appear on the Fisheye.

And I've never seen a case

where I have two cameras
within 50 cm of each other,

and one sees the object and the other one doesn't.

So it's literally abnormal

that a camera sees a cloud and the object

and the other one, only the cloud.

But I don't see the object
where it should be.

It's just not there.

This is the weirdest thing
I've ever seen.


It's gone!

- It's gone.
- Damn it.

- It's gone.
- It's just gone.

Yes, gone.

- Holy crap.
- Did you film the disappearance?


- David.
- Yes?

I was looking at the recordings
from the sky watch...


...and I found some events
high frequency events

and a high energy event,

between 18:07 and 18:13.

Do you have anything at the FLIR
at that time?

Yes, we have an anomalous object.

I don't know what to call it,

because it's not a plane,
or a bird, or an insect.

It does not correspond
to any known prosaic object.

And it moves
opposite to its trajectory,

as if it was moving sideways
against the wind,

if it is an airborne object.

It looks like the Tic Tac of the Nimitz.

Yes, it does.

I got it!

Against the wind,
which is 220 km/h to the west.

And there was an event at 32 MeV,

within the uncertainty range
in the time synchronization.

Matthew, I have something else.

An object that suddenly appears
suddenly appearing on the screen.

What was that?


The object appears and then leaves
the screen quite suddenly.

And then it seems to reappear.

Is it the same object that comes back?

That's possible.
It looks like it's in the same place.

See how it zigzags?
He's coming and going.

- This is exciting.
- It's abnormal, right?

We won't be able to explain it easily.

Not very easily.

No prosaic explanations
like bird interference there.

Look at this. We have an object

that will appear in the frame...

- What is it?
- Did you see that?

- Yes.
- Which is strange,

is that the thermal camera
sees cold

on several pixels.

And there's movement.
It looks like it's turning or tilting,

and appears and then dissipates.

Even weirder
than what you showed me.

- Yes.
- What time was that?

At 21:29.

This corresponds
to the night vision videos

from the island team.

Yeah, that's where they sent
their night vision videos.

They saw an anomalous object

and we saw, too,
an anomalous object on the FLIR.

- That would be a remarkable coincidence.
- Yes.

How could he appear
and then disappear

without leaving the frame
or leaving a trail?

It was there, then it wasn't there.

- He disappears.
- He disappeared.

- He is gone.
- He has disappeared.

Another interesting fact
is that this camera here

was at a 45 degree angle
towards Catalina Island.

It would be conceivable that this is...

- The same object, yes.
- The same object.

Because they triangulate

from their point of view,
then we triangulate

and it converges into two points.

This would mean that
we saw the same object

not just from different angles,

but also three different wavelengths
visible light

and two different types of infrared,

So this is unprecedented
in the history of UAP research.

Corresponding data
under different wavelengths,

including radiation,
it's just phenomenal.

In science, it's very important,

especially when you study
an unknown phenomenon,

to have several different modes,

different perspectives of observations,
so as to obtain

correlations between different
devices studying the same phenomenon.

This reduces the probability
of hardware malfunction,

bugs and such,

there is less chance
that something is accidental.

If it shows up on different devices,

especially since they are based on different
different technologies,

you can look at the same thing
in different ways.

Today, July 14, 2021,
is an eventful day.

At 17:26, a pink object appears,
turns around and leaves the frame.

This is very abnormal.

At 18:07,

a high energy radiation
is measured at 32.32 MeV.

At 18:09,

we capture another object
object moving sideways.

Could it be the same
Tic Tacs observed in 2004 by the Navy

on the USS Nimitz,

then by other ships
between 2014 and 2019?

That would be amazing.

Later in the evening, at 9:29 p.m,

Catalina's team captures
an anomalous object, solid in color,

on two night vision cameras
and a CCD camera,

which corresponds to a solid object
on our FLIR camera.

This object is cold,

which means that it does not have a propulsion system
propulsion system that we know.

The object disappears suddenly,

simultaneously from several angles.

What is even more intriguing,
is that at the same time,

the OSIRIS registers an abnormal object

on one camera, but not on the other.

These are very intriguing events
and very compelling,

and amazing correlations.

Today was a breakthrough
in our expedition and research.

I am confident that we are
finally on the right track

to find out what these Tic Tac objects
these Tic Tac objects,

or at least to get more convincing data about
data on UAPs and UFOs.

Only one credible and irrefutable proof is needed
and irrefutable

to change the whole history of the world.

All human literature

would be changed
by a single irrefutable event.

Science is also about
the analysis of data.

It's not just the hardware,
it's the software.

Not just computer software,

I'm talking about our human minds
and our intelligence,

and apply it to data analysis.

So this is the first one,
and it was a pretty clear night.

You have to be careful,

a lot of spots
are obviously stars.

We also see fast objects passing by,
probably shooting stars.

- But this?
- No, that's...

What is this slow object?

And it's changing speed,
it has slowed down and bent its course.

He changes his angle and doesn't blink.

It doesn't blink like an airplane would
an airplane with its lights.

Part of the scientific analysis
is to exclude

objects that could easily be mistaken
be mistaken for UFOs,

like a high-tech human object
or a mirage-like object

or an orb that can easily imitate a UFO
a UFO because of its reflectivity,

or any atmospheric event.

There is a phenomenon
that you didn't mention.


We know that whales
sing songs.

And that they can hear them
on the other side of the ocean, 1,500 km away.

The sound bounces off layers of water
of different temperatures

then can be heard
miles away.

The same phenomenon applies to light.
Do you know this?

Fata Morgana is a mirage.

People, and I've seen this myself,
see something on a rock

or at some distance in the desert,
sometimes a strange thing,

that disappears when you get closer.

Something's going on over there.

The light bounces off a layer of warm air
of warm air over there and appears here.

Those floating boats we saw,

mirages and many other objects,

the explanation is that many phenomena

are natural and explainable.

But it is also possible
that some are not explained,

and that's what you're working on.

- That's the idea of this research...
- Yes.

Explaining the explainable, what people would think
would think is an anomaly,

- but it's not.
- Yes.

Yes, exactly.

When a normal person
looks up at the night sky,

or even during the day,
and sees something strange,

in her head, she switches to UAP.

I can assure you
that we have technologies

that do crazy things
that look so unconventional

that the vast majority
of the citizens of this country

have no idea what is actually flying
actually flies in our skies.

For example,
the Northrop Grumman X-47B.

It can go over Mach 9.

It has the shape of an equilateral triangle.

It can climb to 12 000
or 15,000 meters.

At this altitude,
you can't hear any sound.

So the only thing we see,

is the reflection of the ambient light
on the surface of the plane,

which gives the impression
that a luminous triangle

is flying in the sky.

Another example of a drone
that few people know about,

is the Northrop Grumman Bat.
It is much smaller.

It would fit in the trunk of my car.

These devices can be launched
from a catapult on a ship,

without the need of a runway
or a cockpit.

They are propeller-driven, electric,

and have up to 18 hours of autonomy.

This is a drone that has a small battery,

but with very complete sensors

and almost 20 hours of flight,

which allows him to go to sea,

to turn around a ship
and return.

What the Tic Tac was doing,

from my understanding of this field,
we don't know how to do it.


- Thanks for coming, Ryan.
- No problem.

Let's sit down,
I'll cook you up a little bit.

That's fine with me.

- It's been a long time.
- It has.

Thank you for coming, shipmate.

Thank you for visiting us
during our research.

You were on board when Commander Fravor
made his interception

- and the Tic Tac video was captured.
- Yes.

Can you describe to me exactly
how you learned about it,

what you were doing on board?

I've never met you before
and it's a pretty small ship.

I was in the air detachment.

I was the first chief petty officer
of the HSL-43 detachment.

aboard the Princeton.

I had been fighting
with the shore command

because we needed

We were looking at the logistics for that.

It was during this time
that the interception took place.

There were radar screens,
so I was able to see it.

And, of course, all the commotion
and what was going on around me

- during that time...
- Yes.

...have been accentuated.

Were you there when the civilians
came on board?

I call them now
the men in khaki, because...

Yes, I was there when they arrived.

I was in the hangar
during the operations.

They came in,
came right out of the hangar,

and then they took off
shortly thereafter with bags.

I can tell you what they took.

Yes, I know.

All our data records.

Did you see the Tic Tacs video

and the "GIMBAL" videos,

and with all that we know
about what really happened,

the flight characteristics
and the capabilities of the craft,

you know the planes well
because you work on the bridge...

What did you think?

What I thought of it
is that there were absolutely no planes

can do what they were doing,
to my knowledge.

I know that nobody wants
to be the one to talk about UFOs,

and it's hard to talk about it,

What motivated you
to talk about it?

It was stigmatized,
on the bridge, to talk about it?

There is always a stigma
when you talk about UFOs.

It doesn't matter if people believe us or not
believe us or not,

there will be consequences.

I was planning to make a
a second career in the Defense

as a contract worker,
but I was ridiculed...


...and I had lost my reputation...

It almost destroyed me.

I saw this video on TV,
and I thought, "Holy shit, this is it."

I dropped my plate,
I went on the Internet

and I found out
what had just happened.

It shook me to my core, I knew
that my life was going to change again.

I had been through so much suffering,

and suddenly I felt understood.

I saw what I saw,
and I can't ignore what I saw.

And if I saw it and it happened,
I want to be able to prove it.

I was lucky
that I didn't keep a trauma

at the same level as others.

But instead of trying
to make it public, I internalized it.

Long after the event,
I was empty inside.

I really didn't care

to live or die.

Or if someone wanted
to have a relationship with me,

I was not capable
of an interpersonal relationship.

You have to tell the truth
about what we saw.

That's what bothers us,

not being able to tell the absolute truth
the whole truth about things.

Because no one would believe us,

because the government
didn't tell the truth either.

Of course.

Do you want to see what we have upstairs?

- I'd love to.
- Let's go.

Every step we take to find out
what these Tic Tacs are

is a step towards the recovery
of these men.

The acceptance of the event
that changed their lives.

I feel like with this assignment,
we are discovering more and more

pieces of the puzzle that will hopefully
hopefully one day provide some answers

to these very strange events.

We are on the fourth day of the
of the expedition.

I am very happy with the results
that we have so far.

Hopefully we will have more tomorrow.

Mason's inventions, converting
light into sound and sound into light

worked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

They capture light
from objects in the sky

and retransmit the same signal
in the space non-stop.

I decided to try and see
if we could capture

the sound of an abnormal object and broadcast
our own music and sound

to them in space.


- It's over there.
- Which star?

That's Altair. If you aim at it

- and stay centered on it...
- Yes.

You can hear it.

- Yes.
- You can hear its rumble.

There's a plane. I hear the plane.
It's different.

Do you see, over there?

- There's a different sound.
- It could be a satellite.

That's great.

Is that the middle one?
Is that the visible light?


We have two different types of music
that are transmitted

on two different spectra.

It's like radio stations
that have different frequencies.

It allows you to separate them
and have different data.

I'm blown away
by David Mason's inventions.

If we can capture the sound
of objects in the sky,

then we can potentially
identify the acoustic pattern of a UFO,

which can give us more information
about the properties of these objects.

And the music we play
can reach all points of space

and, potentially, a UFO would receive
our music as a means of communication

and hopefully try to communicate
with us here on Earth.

The only way to know
if this mode of communication works

is to run the devices continuously
the devices continuously

and see if there is a correlation

with an actual UFO sighting
in a measurable way.

That would be phenomenal.

Fourth day, I'm very tired,
I haven't slept at all.

Apart from that,
we still have abnormal data

with the radiation detectors
and the FLIRs are working continuously.

Until tomorrow,
I'm going to go get some sleep for a few hours.


I hope Gary will arrive soon.
I can sleep a little bit.

- He is already here.
- Too late.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- That was awkward.
- Yes, it was.

You still have to work.

It's finally starting
to look good.

This is great.

Except for the neighbors.

They think that our equipment
sees through walls.


When the police arrived last night,

they were worried,

but we showed them
what we were doing,

and they were intrigued.

It must have been interesting,
because they sent the other two here.

- They had a good time.
- They did.

- Come on, let's go.
- Let's get to work.

Why is it always radiation,
never coffee?


We have an abnormal event to check on.

Did it show up on the FLIR?

No, but I think
you can help us.

Look, he's going down
down the coast,

turns and goes up.
The black spot is us.

What's the orange line?

This is the flight path,

which descends and deviates

to pass just above us.

Is that a helicopter?

- Yes, it's not a UAP.
- It's a chopper.

- Wait a minute.
- That's a chopper.

- But that's...
- This is a joke, man.

Couldn't this be
industrial espionage?

- I called the company.
- We're not an industry yet.

This is the video where it goes
over us.

This is crazy.

Yes. Come on, let's get to work.

All right, let's get to work.

- Okay, Gary...
- Yes.

A Navy guy walks into a bar.

A three-foot salami under one arm
and a poodle under the other...

Sounds like fun.

It's been hard because
it's a lot of work,

a lot of data and equipment.

But I'm very happy,

because David Mason tells me
that he recorded a burst of objects

falling from the sky.

Kevin Day said that at one point,
it was raining Tic Tacs.

I don't know if these are
the same Tic Tacs that are raining

that Kevin Day was talking about,

but it's fascinating
and I can't wait to find out.

What do you have?

We have something
very interesting, Gary.

Look at the screen.

We have objects
that seem to be falling from the sky

- and you see that?
- Yes, I saw it.

It's there momentarily,
and it looks like it's falling into the ocean.

It's crazy.

Could this be a camera
be a camera artifact?

But there's a transition time,
so it's very strange.

It could be ice
that forms and falls into the water?

No, because we also see
its transition,

where he appears momentarily
in the field of vision and then disappears.

But it clearly has
a downward trajectory.

It appears, disappears, reappears,

- when it touches the water.
- It looks like it's touching the water.

It looks like it's lighting up in the water.

It's amazing.

- Does this remind you of anything?
- Of course it does.

It reminds me of the Tic Tacs of 2004.

They were coming down
from 8,500 m to the sea like that.

In free fall.

I saw the first group
of these things

November 10, and the interception

with Fast Eagle took place on the 14th.

And I continued to see them
until about November 19.

They were always in groups
of five to ten.

But if you added up all the groups,
there were about 100.

There were dozens
of streaks like this,

which correspond not only to
the high energies

but also to the high rates
of cosmic rays.

After reviewing the videos
that we have filmed,

we were able to calculate
the size of the objects

from the field of view of the camera
and the distance from the horizon.

They were at least 4 feet tall

and were falling at least 8,000 km/h.

And the distant objects
would be 20 m wide

and would fall at least 135 000 km/h.

So even assuming
margins of error of 50%,

we have extraordinary numbers
that can't explain this phenomenon

as being something
natural or known.

Guys, what are you doing?

They show me objects
falling from the sky into the ocean.

They found data correlated
with the detected radiation.

Honestly, it reminds me
what we were seeing in 2004.

Tic Tacs?
Navy Tic Tacs?

- Maybe.
- On our cameras?

- Yes.
- That's amazing.

With this gradual disappearance,

- it looks like it's falling from the sky.
- Yes.

The way it disappears.

That's great. We have a lot of
of things, actually.

Honestly, I was really surprised
at how much we have.

David, yesterday we were doing
all the night vision stuff.

We were streaming this
on the ultraviolet spectrum,

- the white and the infrared.
- Yes.

So let's say we provoked it.

We provoked it.

We recorded objects
falling from the sky at an incredible speed,

which seem to have
similar characteristics

to the Tic Tacs that Kevin Day
witnessed in 2004.

Our measurements of their size
and speed are comparable

to the findings of the
the Scientific Coalition of UAP studies,

and the scientific article
by Dr. Knuth in Entropy.

These in-depth scientific analyses
of the Navy's Tic Tacs

show similar size
and estimated speeds,

at tens of thousands
kilometers per hour,

as well as the objects we have
captured on our FLIR cameras.

We are getting confirmations
from credible organizations

as to the potential UAP properties,

which is exactly what we need
for this level of rigorous research.

So, what kind of category
would these things belong to?

Physical objects,
natural phenomena?

Or mental manifestations?

Is it in our heads?

I doubt it, because we measure them

- with scientific instruments.
- Yes.

We are not suffering a hoax.

For me, it comes from
from an intelligent creation

and an intelligent construction.

This is a technological device.
It could be organic,

or electromagnetic. Who knows?

On the one hand, it could be ours,
on the other hand, it's not.

And the answer is
somewhere in between.

So I have an open mind.

If it turns out that it's ours
or other countries, that's fine with me.

I'll have my answer.

If it turns out that it's not
from this planet, that's fine too.

I'll have my answer.

All that stuff,

knowledge, information,
engineering... to my knowledge,

nobody on this planet
knows how to do it.

- Yes.
- Right?

So it would come from somewhere else,

or from another time.

And I think that's an important point.

You mentioned the many cases.

This is from 1951.

We have objects
with very high accelerations

that take off at high speed.

The pilot estimated that they were going
at about 2,400 km/h,

and they were tracked by radar
from Newfoundland at 2,900 km/h.

This is two years before the record
of 1120 km/h was broken.

So this thing is moving
three or four times faster

than the speed record.

There are also declassified reports,
thanks to the FOIA,

mentioning flying white butane tanks.
of flying white butane tanks.

It looks a lot like
like a Tic Tac to me.

- That was the late 40s, early 50s.
- Yes.

I'll put that in perspective.

Einstein, Rosen and Podolsky
proposed these concepts

from 1905 until 1913.

So in about 100 years,
that's all humanity had,

as a basic concept, to say
that exceeding the speed of light,

wormholes or warp drives can exist.
engines can exist.

And it was only in 1994
that someone was smart enough,

Alcubierre, to imagine
the warp drive,

who says that the physics
that we have been learning since 1905

says that it is perhaps possible
to do like in Star Trek

and other movies
and science fiction books.

- But it's only been 100 to 120 years.
- Yes.

- Not thousands, not millions...
- The universe is 13.7 billion years old.

There is a civilization near us
that is thousands of years old.

Their Einstein was 10,000 years ago,
for example.

So where are they now?

What if there are several civilizations

with different technologies
that use different things?

- Sure.
- Another thing,

when space gets tight,
the distances get shorter.

- Space is not empty.
- Yes, it is.

We have about
one hydrogen atom per cubic meter.

When space is compressed
at high speeds,

we no longer fly in a vacuum
but in a cloud.

At a speed close to
to the speed of light,

your ship will explode
in no time.

Unless you have a technology
that allows you to travel through matter

without affecting it,
as we see here with...

This is an excellent point.

...machines moving
in the air without a supersonic bang

or in water without splashing.

This is observed.
This is data.

This is the other argument
that's always given.

We did it, guys.
We got a lot of interesting data.

And I just wanted to tell you

that I'm very proud of your work,

it exceeds all my expectations.

We got some great results,
let's start preparing for the next part.

The last five days
have been very hard and exciting.

We have managed to capture
several anomalies in several places

on several devices, in real time.

This is a first
in the field of ufology.

What were the chances of finding
the exact Navy Tic Tacs

that they saw over
their ship in 2004?

It is now up to the scientists
to continue to analyze the data

over the next few weeks,
to tell us about their properties

and what this phenomenon really is.





Hi, we're here.

Good to see you.

Sit down,
because this is amazing.

Come on, sit down.

Okay. We want some anomalies.
Is that so exceptional?

Yes, and it starts with the list
of anomalous events in the sky.

I made a list of all the events
that were either high energy,

or high frequency,
or both.

The highest energy of cosmic rays
we have recorded

was 43.37 mega-electron volts, MeV.

This is the highest for the entire week.

Eight is the maximum
for terrestrial radiation.

Two MeV is the average.

This high energy event
occurred at 4:01 AM.

- Right.
- At 3:59 am,

this is what the UFO DAP recorded.

There is a hole in the clouds,
which is not abnormal,

a hole in the clouds that closes,
but look at these strange dots.

And if you go frame by frame,
it closes in a fraction of a second.

It looks too fast
for natural cloud formations.

For clouds to close the hole,

they had to move
at 1,100 km/h.

How far was that?

I can show you a diagram.

- I've been studying this.
- Great.

This is basic trigonometry.

We use the known angles,
we know where the camera is aiming.

We know the field of view
of the camera...


...and this hole was at about
18 degrees above the horizon.

So with a cloud ceiling
at about 520 m,

we can say that this hole was
about 1.2 km from the coast.

So this is an elliptical hole.

- Okay.
- It's about a quarter mile long

and 100 m wide.

Looks like a hole in the clouds.

Or a virga hole.

It happens with clouds
at very high altitude

some of which freeze spontaneously,

and falls in the form of crystals
which leave a hole in the cloud.

This is not possible here
because the ceiling was only at 520 m,

and it was not cold enough
for this kind of cloud.

A hole like that could also be explained by
be explained by an airplane

flying through the cloud.

There was no plane at that time

and the UFO DAP cameras
cameras did not detect any aircraft.

The cameras started filming
because they detected something.

And when Jeremy slowed down the images,
there's also a new point

that appears
in the last two frames.

There are a few dots that appear.

There is a new one.

- A solitary dot appears.
- One at the end, yes.

Did you get the write-off data
from outside agencies?

Yes. We have the data from Fermi,
the NASA telescope...


...which examines the gamma rays
from a distant astrophysical phenomenon.

There is no correlation.


Solar activity was also studied.

This event is not correlated with
to solar activity.

What about the FLIR? Anything?

- Well...
- Unfortunately, the FLIR...

About seven minutes before this event,

all eight FLIR cameras shut down.
The power is gone.

We had two power sources.

I don't think it's a coincidence.

It really bothers me
because it reminds me

how the phenomenon is often
is often associated

- to electromagnetic anomalies...
- Yes.

...that cause breakdowns,
cars stopping...

It's really "convenient"
that there was this problem.

What to say to those who would say:

"The camera may have experienced
a malfunction."

What would you answer?

They were answered.

A few minutes before the video
we saw,

we have another video
where there are no spots,

but there is the hole,
a few minutes before.

But still,
we have a whole week

of UFO DAP video and imaging
that works perfectly.

It spots birds and planes.

And there's even a built-in
classification system,

which gives the percentage probability
that it's a plane or a bird.

In addition to that,
we have direct controls

of an almost identical part of the sky,
with the day and the time.

No holes, just clouds.
And the cameras work perfectly.

So there are too many strange coincidences,

with all the events
that have accumulated.

It's easy to take a video
and say it's this or that,

that it's not abnormal
because it could be anything,

but it can't be anything
because we did some calculations

and we have correlations.

So it's extremely unlikely that this is a malfunction
that this is a malfunction.

Any data consistent with
with a weather radar or something else?

Yes, we had weather data.

Just before 4 a.m,
a big area

has a lot of turbulence,

which is consistent with
with the presence of this hole.

The radar shows that there were
reflective objects in the area.

High energy particles
and gamma rays would have bombarded

the photographic sensor,

giving spots
uniformly distributed on the image.

This seems to be
physical objects appearing

or materializing
in the hole in the clouds.

The radar return suggests
that we see the objects

through the hole in the clouds
at a distance of about five kilometers.

Thus, the objects are most probably
between 10 and 15 meters,

which is the estimated size
of the Tic Tac objects

during the Nimitz encounter in 2004.

If we have something abnormal
on different devices at the same time,

it reduces the probability.

This is why I have never accepted
that I have never accepted the assertions that

"The encounter with the Nimitz
was just a radar malfunction."

So the pilot's eyes deceived him
at the exact moment

where the radar had a problem.

And the radar had a problem

at the same time
as the FLIR cameras.

It is absurd to say that
that several cameras

and several different types of imaging
different types of imaging have malfunctioned

at the same time
and gave the same thing.

This is completely nonsensical.

And so... What's that?

How it looks like a hole
that opens and then closes,

it was called a wormhole,
which made me,

- obviously jump for joy.
- I love it.

JULY 15, 2021 - 03:59

But we have to be careful
because it would be, obviously,

a major scientific discovery

that would require a lot more evidence
than we have.

At worst, if it's not related
to our main objective

to look for evidence of non-human
of non-human intelligence,

this is a new phenomenon
that no one has ever discovered.

This is a new phenomenon
unidentified and unclassified phenomenon.

We add to the UAP...

We extend the list of
of unidentified objects.

I forgot who said:

"Most scientific discoveries
are not 'eureka', but 'huh?'"


That's exactly what we have here.

This is a moment where you think:
"Huh, what's this?"

Interstellar travel is one of those things
of those things that are not impossible,

but very difficult.

And it's not impossible,

even with the laws of physics
that we know.

What is fascinating is that at six years old,
I thought that wormholes

existed and allowed
interstellar travel.

I called them portals,
back in the day.

That's what made me dream
of becoming a physicist.

And here we are today.

We are turning science fiction
into real science.

We could be headed for the big one
"I told you so" in history.

In 1935, Einstein wrote a paper
with his student Nathan Rosen,

creating the Einstein-Rosen Bridge.

A bridge that could in principle allow
to break the light barrier.

Take a black hole,
which is like a funnel,

and put two of them back to back.

Glue the two funnels together
and you get a passage

between two universes

which would allow, in principle,
to exceed the speed of light.

These are wormholes.

Is it possible?

Yes, but you would have to
be a very advanced civilization.

What we see,
for me, transcends reality.



I am coming, personally,
to multidimensional realities

which periodically intersect.

When they're here,

when the realities intersect,

they are physically there.

But when they separate again
this is no longer the case.

So when we ask:
"Where did he go?"

"Where" is not even the right question.

But it's very difficult
to understand things

that are rushing
into physical reality

and then dissipate into an apparent nothingness.

There must be
other life forms beyond.

I am of the opinion that there are
multiple interrelated phenomena.

At the end of the day,
we're trying to understand

the nature of our reality.

How these things can exist
defying the laws of physics

as we know them.

Our consciousness is entangled
in space itself,

with everything we witness.

We cannot deny an experience
once we have had it.

So maybe our fascination with the mystery of
for the mystery of UAPs

could come from an extraterrestrial life form
visiting us.

How do they get here?

Maybe this is an opportunity
to understand who we really are,

our place in the cosmic map
of the universe.

What are a few thousand years
for a galaxy that has billions of them?

These other civilizations could be
millions of years ahead of us,

or perhaps
millions of years behind.

This is the scale of the galaxy.

And that's why
I think they're out there somewhere,

and maybe even here.

Our problem is that we assume
that they are as primitive as we are.

They can digitize their consciousness,
put it on a laser beam

and shoot the laser beam
at the speed of light.

What is at stake is our understanding
of reality itself.

An irrefutable credible incident
would revolutionize our worldview.

The only explanation that makes sense

is that there is a higher intelligence

that is more advanced
than our technology.

I think it will change the world.

People will understand
that there's something else out there besides us.

It's not part of us
and we can learn from it.

It's a scientific revolution.

- Good morning, Bill.
- Good morning, Bill.

Nice to see you again.

I was looking forward to seeing your findings.

- Oh, my goodness.
- Is that right?

That's crazy.

- That much?
- Crazy.

Don't waste another moment.
I want to see what you have here.

I showed you some things
that we found

- that were very interesting.
- Yes.

It's not a bird, nor a plane,
or a blimp...

It's Superman!

I mean...

It's been identified with certainty.

I can't tell you
how much I'm looking forward to it.

I can't believe it.

- Take a good look at that side.
- Okay.

- Do you see that?
- That's darker, yes.

And then it gets lighter

and it disappears.

This is crazy!

This is crazy.

It's crazy!

This is crazy.

Has anyone else analyzed this?

Everyone. Don't forget,
our scientists took the data...

- Yes.
- ...for eight weeks non-stop

to look for what it might be.

It's a radiation emission,
and look at that...

- There's a...
- A huge jump.


Exactly 43.37.

Exactly at the same time
as the opening and closing.

Fits with the radar observation.

- Yes.
- They saw that cluster

which happens to be exactly
at the location of this anomaly.

- So...
- You with a peak

- of radiation.
- Exactly.

You have a number.

What you're saying,
is that it's amorphous.

It opens and closes,
it contracts, it...

We don't know anything like that.

This is nothing humanly known.

- Exactly.
- We observe something and say:

"How mysterious our world is."

- We think it might be...
- Okay.

...a wormhole.

Some kind of a portal, some kind of a...

And it expands and contracts?

- Yes.
- A wormhole separates time.

- Yes.
- Okay?

And going through that separation,

you change time.

That's what the scientists are studying.

This has never been explored
in this way,

and recorded and measured.

I think that's wonderful.

- Yes.
- It's beautiful...

- Yes.
- ...to have spent all that time

and expenses to observe

that we don't know anything about,
trying to measure them.

That's great. That's wonderful
that you're doing that.

I hope that with our efforts,

people will see

that one can study this kind of thing
without negative consequences

and that we can know what it is.

And I hope that in the future,
people will come together.

It took a lot of work
to get to this point.

Have proven what we've proven,

and succeeded...
Words fail me.

I feel rewarded.

And we changed the world.

They went beyond my expectations.

They supported each other.

They solved all the problems...

All I can say is,
they're amazing people.

I've never seen anything like it.

It was like something out of a movie.

And it wasn't the army,
nor the government,

just normal people
who were looking for answers.

And I like the fact that they're accessible,

because the government is still classifying
the data.

The government is still hiding
the data. But this is it.

From a rooftop in California.

Incredible scientists
doing incredible experiments

and research to see what is behind
what is behind this UAP phenomenon,

and it will change the culture
the whole world.

Scientists are going to have to
take this more seriously

if we want to understand this phenomenon.

And indeed, we found
evidence of strange events

that cannot be dismissed
with a wave of the hand.

I will not be fooled into believing that this is
a bird or a radioactive plane.

This is absurd.

This phenomenon is not a hoax
nor an optical illusion.

We have real anomalies.

The next step of our work
is to continue to analyze the nature

and properties of these objects
so that one day,

we can finally draw
definite conclusions

what this phenomenon really is.

Is it natural,
artificial or extraterrestrial?

We have launched something important
in the field of UAP research.

And whether it's a wormhole,
a portal,

a kind of stargate
to other realities,

we will call it for the moment
"A tear in the sky."

But there are things going on
that we don't know about.

I think that beings from other planets
from other planets have visited the Earth.

No, I don't think anybody told us
that they came because we would be afraid.

There are things
we're not supposed to know.

That's why they keep it secret.
That's why there's a conspiracy.

They are smarter than we are...

No one is ready.

...and they don't want to be associated
with a bunch of morons.

They are at a level of scientific
scientific advancement beyond our own,

- as a species.
- We've been inspired by them.

They may be ahead of us or behind us,
but we'll never know.

They probably have the iPhone 21.

They're just waiting for the right time
to give that information to Apple.

- If, let's imagine...
- Yes.

...a spaceship
was landing now...

- Yes.
- ...and an alien was saying:

- "Bill, you're coming aboard with me"?
- Yes.

With great pleasure.

I would accept and say:
"Come in peace. We live in peace.

"We want knowledge."

I would go into the spaceship
and let them give me a baby.

I love it.

The next time you are kidnapped
by an alien civilization,

for God's sake,
steal something.

A hammer, a pencil,
an alien paperweight.

There is no law against
theft from an alien civilization.

You won't go to jail without proof.

The irrefutable proof that you were
in that flying saucer.

It's extraordinary that you would spend
your time and money on this.

If we could explain something
that humans don't understand,

for which
we have a proven explanation

and which has long been a mystery,

that would only add to this book
of knowledge that humans

to fill every day.

And if we could add a sentence,
let alone a chapter,

that would be wonderful.

I'm very happy

that you are venturing
into what we see and don't see,

and try to find an explanation.

That's wonderful,
and I wish you luck.

Thank you.