A Taste of Hell (1973) - full transcript

THEY FOUGHT SAVAGELY - for love of their country "A TASTE OF HELL" An explosive war epic depicting the heroic stand for patriotism from the hills down to the devastated countryside.

[mysterious music]


Don't you ever miss?

[music fades out]

That's 250,000 pesos you owe me.

I'll tell you what I'll do,
I'll settle for a buco.

Run up and get me one, will ya?

Peping, pack up the thermite

and get the men ready
to move out.

[tense music]

Kill him.


Lieutenant Mann!

[Mann] Take cover.

Lieutenant Mann!

This is the end
of many lone hard chases.

You are completely surrounded
and have no hope.

Surrender peacefully.

There is no need
for further bloodshed.

I want you alive, Lieutenant.

No chance, Kuramoto.

How many of your men
is your life worth, Lieutenant?

One more, Lieutenant.


Hold it, Kuramoto.

If I surrender,

will you let my men go free?

You know I cannot do that.

But you have my word
as a Japanese officer,

they will receive
the proper treatment.

Like at Bataan?

That was not my command.

Have your men
step forward in the open

and discard their weapons.

Lieutenant, please remove
yourself from your men

to assure me
there will be no tricks.

I have your word?

[Kuramoto] You have.

Spread out!



[gunfire continues]


-[dramatic music]
-At long last.

The elusive
Lieutenant Mann is dead.

[Mann making noise]

[music fades out]

Okay everybody, let's go.

[dramatic music]

[tense music]

[nostalgic music]

She is very loyal
to her memory of Mister Barry.

It is sad.
It has been a long time.

[music fades out]

But now with the Japanese
less than a mile from here,

I think it's a good time
to get out of here

and make a sweep
through this area.

Here and here.

We'll be gone a couple of weeks.

Maybe with us gone, the Japanese
will change their mind

about their reinforcements.

What do you say, Mario?

Fine. But we must find some way
of lowering their guard,

for it will soon get to be
too difficult to supply food

for you and the men.

Don't worry about us, father.

We can always steal food
from the enemy

and the rice will have
the sweetness all its own.

Is it not time for you to go?

Yeah, I think it is.

[Mario] You must say
goodbye to Maria first

and Tomas must see his mother.


[nostalgic music]

[Mario] I hope you didn't mind
the little trouble

we brought you.

[native language] Salamat.

I can remember
when children still played

in the streets at this hour.

Now, everyone is afraid
to come out of their houses.

[mother] Tomas!

[gasps] It's good
to see you, Tomas.

I'm sorry, Maria.

It's only me.

It's only me.

Since when have you been
so modest, my big one?

You looked like you were
expecting someone else.

Well, I was thinking
a young woman's silly thoughts.

Sit down and I'll warm you
some coffee.

Have you been here long?

We've been here about an hour.

We're meeting with your father
and other men from the baryo.

I still remember you like
your coffee strong.

Is Tomas with you?

You think I could keep
him away from here?

No. He's a very loyal
and good man.

You know, we didn't expect you
for another week.

We ran into a Japanese patrol.

Looks like they're going
to reinforce the outpost.

We're going to
have to move our camp

about a half a days
march from here.

We will all miss you.

[native language] Salamat.

I hope you won't be
in too much danger

here in the village.

I guess it really
depends on what

the new commandant's like, huh.

If he is like Captain Seiko,
we will all be safe.

I hope so.

Ah, Filipino custom, no touch.

It's a custom you seem
to be able to turn your back on

every now and then.

At times.

Will the reinforcements
cause you much trouble?

Naw, we'll just have
to be more careful.

I've got a couple of men posted
about five kilometers

up the river.

Any trouble in the village,
you get in touch with them.

We'll be back as soon as we can.

I think I've stayed
a little too long.

But you haven't finished
your coffee yet.

I don't really want it, thanks.


this is one
of those convenient times.

[music fades out]

I'd better go see my brother.

[Maria] Were you going
to leave without a goodbye?

And give you a chance to say bad
things about me in your prayer?

Oh, you know I wouldn't do that!

You're not too big
to be spanked yet, you know.

[tense music]


[panting, drinking water]

[music fades out]



[hens clucking]


[man 1] Waiting for our enemy
to come to us

sometimes takes too long.

[man 2] It will not
always be so.

Some day
when General McArthur returns,

we will go to them and rid
the Philippines of them forever.

[tense note]

[Seiko] Maybe, but not today.

[tense music]

[music fades out]

It is with great pleasure
that I pour this toast for you,

Captain Seiko.

You've done your job well.

Thank you very much.

I must be honest
and tell you that at first,

I was not at all impressed
with your tactics of war.

Too soft. Much too lenient.

[Seiko] I'm sorry
that you felt that way, sir.

[tense music]

[speaking Japanese]

I am going to help you,
but I must ask you first.

Where is the enemy camp?


[speaking Japanese]


[music fades out]


It has always been my policy

to be firm, rigid even,

in the ancient traditions
of the Samurai.

If I may speak
personally for a moment.


You see there on the wall...

my proudest possession.

It has been
handed down from father

to son for generations.

[tense music]

Who are you?

Are you from the baryo?

But my friend...

[music fades out]

We have always been Samurai,

for as long
as anyone can remember.

And that blade
has never been used.

My family has lived
and died in honor

for over 500 years.

An enviable record, sir.

[tense music]

Would you care for another?

Thank you, sir.

[speaking Japanese]


[music fades out]


[Ditas] Pedro, where are you?

-[dramatic music]

Oh, Pedro you come out.

Oh, oh!

[soothing music]


Mister, mister, please wait.

I'm sorry, mister. Please!

I'm not afraid anymore.
Please, mister!

I didn't understand.

Mister, look, look at me.

[sobbing] God made me ugly, too.

[tense music]

Yesterday, or rather last night,

one or more foolish villagers
broke into our garrison,

killing three soldiers and freed
the guerrilla prisoner.

I'm sorry sir, but I don't think
any of our people

are capable
of doing such a thing.

It's possible that it was not
one of the villagers.

Probably they were guerrilla.

Most likely, sir,
but we are not so brave.

We are only simple peasants.

It is not the policy
of my country

to administer justice unfairly
to the peoples is has conquered.

We are most grateful, sir.


let us not be too hasty
with your...


Since I must have control
of all these bandits

who call themselves guerrillas,

I must unfortunately ask you
and your people to supply me

with a volunteer to replace
the escaped prisoner.

You cannot do this.

We've done nothing,
we know nothing of guerrillas!

Mario, what would
your son Tomas feel

if he heard his father deny him?

My son Tomas
died fighting the invasion.

Mario, enough of these lies!

[music fades out]

Let the volunteer step forward.

[soldier] Stop!

[woman] Mario!

There, take that old man.

[woman speaking native language]

Take someone else if you must.
Why do you want such an old man?

If I pick a young strong man,

probably he will live
for a week, maybe two,

and I need to know
where the guerrillas are hiding,

very soon.

I have no intention
of spending the remainder

of my career here.

Take him along.


That damn Major Kuramoto
is going to find out

that we may be conquered,

but that does not stop us
from being a free people

in our hearts.

Give me your bole.

What are you going to do?

David, dig a hole there.

Andre, we will need
some wire and rope.

[Andre] All right, Mario.

Do you like the new addition
to our baryo,Pacing?

You will end up
standing alone in this.

Our flag pole is magnificent,

but without the flag
it was meant to hold,

it remains as a man
without the woman he loves.

I'll make one right away.



[nostalgic music]


-[tense music]

[Ditas screaming] Witch, witch!

-Witch! Witch!
-[music stops]

Witch! Witch!

Mario, I saw
a witch in the stream.

Calm down, calm down, Ditas.

It's probably a Japanese trick.

We will see about their witch.

Come on. Come on, men.

[Pedro] Wait, wait,
it is not a witch!

It is my new friend.
Don't hurt him!

[soothing music]

Can I come in?

This was my hiding place first.

Ditas told everybody
you are a witch.

Mario and some men
are looking for you.

I thought you might come here.

I found this place
when I was trying to hide

from the other children.

They were making fun of me.

What's your name?

My name is Pedro.

Can't you talk?

Were you born like this?

I was.

How come you never look at me?

I'm not afraid of you.

I've seen a lot of things
uglier than you before.

You can use my cave if you want,
I won't tell anyone.

The next time I come
I will bring something to eat.

-[Peping] Pedro!
-[music fades out]

I've got to go.
That's my father.

Don't worry,
I won't tell anyone about you.

[Peping] Pedro!

[birds chipping]

[man] Tomas, Jack, Juan is here.


[nostalgic music]

Beautiful, isn't she?

I've thought for a long time
that you are in love with her.

Even before your friend
Barry was killed.

I think Maria
is aware of it, too.

You do love her, don't you?

Yeah, I sure do.

Why don't you tell her?

I understand, but unfortunately
Barry's dead.


I don't know, maybe
if he's alive I'd do something

I never did before.

As long as she's still
mourning him though,

I'm just gonna have
to live with it, aren't I?

Hey, let's forget about it, huh.

We've got ourselves
a war to fight.

I am sorry, my friend.


[native song]

Come on.

No one can deny that Filipinos
truly know how to roast a pig.

Next year when I am big enough,

maybe then
you will dance with me.

Of course.

[speaking Japanese]

In the morning your son
will choke your throats.

Come, it is time
for you to go to sleep.

But you said I could
stay up late on this day.

I'm a grown man now.

Not quite, little Pedro.

I don't know why
you're complaining.

I'm about to go home too
and I'm a lot older than you.

Than father and I
will walk you to your door.

All right, Pedro. Let's go.

Goodnight Peping.
Goodnight, Pedro and thank you.

Goodnight, Maria.

Don't forget, next year
we will dance together.

I won't forget.
Be sure you don't.

-Goodnight, Maria.

[native music stops]

[natives start singing]

I believe you have work
at your desk.

That's a nice song, father.

Does it make you think
of my mother?

Yes. I miss her very much.

We will be together again
in heaven, won't we, father?

Yes. Go to sleep now,
I am going back to the fiesta.

Goodnight father.

Goodnight, Pedro.

[natives continue singing]



Barry! [gasps]

[imitates Tarzan]

[Maria laughs]

[Peping] Hey!


What are you doing up there?



[dramatic music]

[screams] Barry!




Maria, what happened?

What happened?

-[Peping screams]
-[Mann panting]

[native singing stops]


[gasps] Mario!

[tense note]

See if Maria's all right.

[Kuramoto] Captain Seiko!

How did this happen?

He was an old man, sir,
and not very strong.

Dispose of him.

[children crying]

Deploy your men.


[Sargent speaking Japanese]

[pig grunting]

Surely you won't leave me
just because

I'm about to hang a flag.

It's only a little thing I do.

If I were ten years younger,
I'd be out there in the hills.

Pacing, this is our home.

[Pacing] Mario...

When will this end, Mario?

When any stranger who stands
on our soil is an invited guest.

[dramatic music]

This is an illegal assembly.

Punishable by death.

This is an illegal assembly.

Punishable by death.

Punishable by death.



[screams] Mario! Mario!

[sobs, gasps]

[Pacing sobs]

Mario, Mario...

[Kuramoto] Remove the flag.

[sad music]


What have you done,
you're insane, insane!

[gasps, sobs]

[music fades out]

Burn it.

[Maria sobs]

I want everyone in the baryo
assembled here.



[Kuramoto] Take her with them.

[soldiers speaking Japanese]

Come here, Captain...

I need your advice.

Yes, sir.

The problem, Captain,

is how to prevent any future
illegal assembly such as this.

Yes, sir.

What would you advise, Captain?

I am waiting, Captain.

Hostages, sir.


Very good.

And who should be the hostages?

-No, sir.

The children then, Captain?

No, sir, not the children.

What? Not the children?

Are you becoming a weakling,

[Seiko] I suggest
the young women.

-[dramatic tone]
-The Filipino male

holds his women
in extremely high esteem.

I commend you, Captain.

And give you the honor
of selecting

the ten most beautiful.

Proceed, Captain.

[tense music]

I have selected ten, sir.

Yes, very good.

You won't mind
if I choose one, Captain?

You are too beautiful
to be left behind.

[music stops]

[speaks in Japanese]

It would be a great waste
to allow such lovely creatures,

primitive as they are,

to shrivel away
in this [Indistinct].

Pick ten of your best men who
have done exceptionally well,

and we will reward them
with female companionship.

Lock her up and give me the key.

[soldier] Ha!

Lock her!



We got this guy running around
knocking off the Major's men.

Sooner or later, the Japanese
down in the village

are gonna start taking hostages.

We're still alive because
we've been able to hit and run.

And they never knew
where we were.

I figure we move out of here
and show ourselves,

we're gonna give up the one
advantage we've had.

I say we stay.

But then, it's not my baryo.

I don't have a family
down there.

So, if you people
want to go, let's go.

What are you standing
there for? Get your gear.

Okay, tell everybody to pack up.

Okay everybody, pack up!

Pedro, Jose, take the point.

All right, let's go!

[thrilling music]

Are you telling me
the truth, Pedro?


Look, you know there's no
such thing as a hiute, boy.

There is.

He was my friend,
but he killed my father.

And I must kill him!


Why don't you let me take you
back to the baryo?

No, I must kill him!

Do you know where he is?

On that mountain.

Let's go find him, boy. Come on.

You wait here, boy.

Stay down.



[nostalgic music]


You were supposed
to be my friend.

You killed my father.


-[dramatic music]
-[sobbing] Murderer!

You were supposed
to be my friend!

You killed my father
and now Jack will kill you!

[Pedro sobs]

Get up.

[tense note]

Jesus Christ!

[sad music]

Barry, why didn't you
let us help you?

Did you kill the kid's father?


Maria still loves you, Barry.

I can't do that!

Barry, come with...

come with me
and let me help you.


[tense music]

The whole baryois the same.

What happened?

The Japanese killed your father.

I can do nothing, I have no gun.

[man] Major Kuramoto
has killed Mario.

He took Maria
and the other girls as hostages.

[music fades out]

They must be destroyed!

We don't have enough men.

You plan the battle.

We'll have the added strength
of the baryomen

and their bolos.

I don't think they wanna, fight.

They'll fight,

or they'll be [indistinct].

[crickets chirping]

The guerrillas will know by now

that we've taken
the baryowomen as hostages.

They retaliate.

It will be at night.

Have you alerted the guards?

Yes, sir.

The Japanese will expect us
to attack at night,

as we usually do.

Tomorrow, we will wait
till sunrise

and hope to surprise them
during their morning exercises.

I'll signal the attack
by shooting the three lookouts

on the inside.

And Jack's group will attack
at the same time from the south.

And you Max, you bring
the group in from the west,

after we've made contact.


Captain Seiko.

Captain Seiko!

Yes, sir!

Have you chosen you ten men?

The girls are waiting.

And the one in the hot box?

I will deal with her later.

-[tense music]
-They are coming!

[whispering] What do they want?

How can you ask?

[gasps, screams] No!

[all screaming] No!

[women sobbing, screaming]

[women continue screaming]

[women sobbing]

[screaming ceases]

[crickets chirping]

[footsteps approaching]

[rooster crowing]

Bring her here.

I shall quench my thirst
this morning.


-Bring the girl here.
-Yes sir.

[box door slams]

[soldiers speaking in Japanese]

They're taking Maria
to the headquarters.

-[tense tone]


[footsteps approaching]

I believe you have other
business to attend to, Captain.


-[captain laughs]
- [tense music]

[Maria struggles]




[man screams]

-[machine fire continues]
- [speaking in Japanese] Go!

All right, move it out!

[machine fire continues]


[machine fire]

[speaking in Japanese]

[gunshots, screams]





[woman yells]

[women yelling]


[gunshots, explosions continue]

[gunshot, explosions continue]

-[Maria gasps]

[battle noise finishes]

[sad music]

[Pedro whimpering]

[music fades out]