A Night in Casablanca (1946) - full transcript

In post-war Casablanca, Ronald Kornblow is hired to run a hotel whose previous managers have all wound up being murdered. French soldier Pierre suspects the involvement of ex-Nazis, specifically Count Pfefferman, in reality the notorious Heinrich Stubel. But Pierre himself is accused of collaborating with the enemy, and attempts to clear his name with the help of his girlfriend Annette and cagey buddy Corbaccio. They enlist the aid of Pfefferman's beleaguered mute valet, Rusty, and discover a hoard of war booty the Nazis have cached in the hotel.

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He's dead.

Captain Brizzard,
prefect of police speaking.

- What? Rolazoides?
- What is it, captain?

What was it, doctor?
I see. Thank you, doctor.

The manager of the hotel died.
Dr. Fouchet thinks he was poisoned.

Poisoned? He was murdered.

This situation is intolerable.

Three managers of the Hotel Casablanca
in the last six months. Dead. Murdered.

Attention, attention.
Murder at the Hotel Casablanca.

The manager, Rolazoides, found dead.
Round up all likely suspects.

Say, what do you think you're doing?
Holding up the building?

Come on!

No further questions.
You may go now.

I've never come against a series
of murders with so few clues.

- Won't you listen to Lieutenant Delbar?
- Delbar? Who is he?

Oh, I'm sure you'll be interested.

Lieutenant Delbar,
Governor General Galoux.

I'm honored, sir.
A pleasure to see you again.

- You're on active duty, lieutenant?
- I'm on reserve, sir.

I wear the uniform.
I've no other clothes.

You have something to tell us
about the Rolazoides affair?

Doesn't this confirm the theory
I spoke to you about last time?

- What theory?
- Not a theory, an Arabian Nights fable.

- But it's true. Only I know.
- And nobody listened.

I am listening. What is it?

Well, sir, it was in Paris,
during the occupation.

The Nazis ordered me to fly
a plane to South America.

They forced me at gunpoint.
The cargo was worth millions.

It was Nazi loot: Jewels,
gold and priceless paintings.

I couldn't bear to fly it
out of France...

...so I cut off my fuel and crash-landed
here in Casablanca.

I was interned, investigated...

...and when I got back,
the treasure was gone.

- What has that to do with the murders?
- But don't you see?

Hotel Casablanca
was controlled by Nazis.

- Now it's run by the French government.
- That's just the point.

Some group is trying
to gain control of the hotel.

Not for profit,
it's government property.

- It may be connected with the treasure.
- What is your interest in all this?

Well, sir, if the treasure
is found in Casablanca...

...it'll prove that I acted as a patriot.
- I see. So that's it.

Lieutenant, we're not concerned
with clearing your name.

Our only interest
is solving these murders...

...and finding a new manager.
Good day.

- Who is it?
- Waiter.

Come in.

Good. Get Beatrice.

Valet. Valet!

Rusty, du Schweinehund, where are you?
Come in here.

Where in blazes is he hiding out now?

Why don't you obey my orders?

I have enough of you
and your tomfoolery here.

Two hours ago,
I told you to get the tailor...

...make everything ready
for the fitting.

Where is he? Oh, hello, Max.

See what you can make of this.
My decoding isn't what it used to be.

Beatrice, there's an
important cable to be decoded.

I'd have come sooner,
but Brizzard kept me.

He's questioning everyone
who works in the hotel.

You have nothing to worry about.
At dinner, I accept the managership.

- Oh, well, finally.
- I could have agreed this afternoon.

- But I didn't wish to seem overanxious.
- Good.

- It's from Schweigler in South America.
- I know. What does he say?

It's difficult to decode.
Give me time.


- Oh, here it is.
- Yeah?

- "Why delay?"
- You moron! What is this?

The vest is inside out.

- "Why delay?"
- Yeah.

"Speed imperative."

"Every lost moment increases danger."

- Yeah.
- "Treasury discovery...

- Yeah.
...would be disastrous."

Yes, very well. I wire him right away.

- Max, look at you.
- Look at what?

- Your hat.
- What is this?

You silent idiot! I'll teach you
how to play tricks on me.

Now, stay away from me from now on.
Get in there and clean up these rooms.


And now I am ready to dine
with the governor general.

Max, your toupee.

You can't go without it. It's
dangerous. You'll be recognized.

That scar on your head.

Rusty. Rusty, where's my toupee?

- Count Pfferman is one hour late.
- He has no intention of accepting.

You cannot blame him. Let us go.

Wait. I have an idea.

I will send a wire to the manager
of the Desert View Hotel.

Desert View Hotel.
Perfect. He's way out in the desert.

He could not have heard
about these murders. Who is he?

Oh, his name escapes me.

Miss Bernard, you can put this
with the lost and found articles.

Of all things, a toupee.

One of the maids emptied
a vacuum cleaner and found it inside.

That's it.

Hey, Rusty, you come back
to see your friend, Corbaccio!

How do you was? How do you was?

We have no time to waste. The new
manager's train arrives in five minutes.

Hey, Rusty, you hear that? They got
a new manager for the hotel.

Any man who'd take this job
must be a big sucker.

- Anybody here for the Hotel Casablanca?
- I'm here for the Hotel Casablanca.

- Oh, are you the new manager?
- New manager?

Anybody here
for the Hotel Casablanca?

- Anybody here for the Hotel Casablanca?
- Here, boy. I'm going to the hotel.

They'll never let you in.

- Wait. Do they let you in?
- Sure.

I'll stop that.
I'm the new manager.

- You're the new manager? That's fine.
- Just come here with that bag.

- The hotel sent me to welcome you.
- Just give me my valuables.

- Don't worry, you can trust me.
- I don't even trust me.

You're gonna like this job.

- You buy? Nice, cheap.
- Scram. Get out of here.

Careful. Those guys,
they take you to the cleaners.

- What about you?
- I take you to the hotel.

- Just what is your racket?
- I got no racket.

- I make my living with camels.
- What do you do with them?

They're taxicabs. I'm president
of the Yellow Camel Company.

Aren't all camels
in Casablanca yellow?

You crazy. We got a Checker
Camel Company too. Hey, look.

Must be expensive to operate.

- Here you are.
- This is your wife, eh?

No, it's my camel.

- You haven't got another stick of gum?
- Come on, I'll get you to the hotel.

Do you understand everything
that is expected of you?

- Very good...
- Break it up. This is a hotel lobby.

Isn't there a poolroom
where you can go?

Monsieur, I am Galoux,
governor general of this province.

- I am Brizzard, chief of police.
- I'm Ronald Kornblow, the new manager.

- The new manager.
- The new manager.

Monsieur Kornblow, it is a pleasure.

You've traveled quite a distance and I'm
sure your journey was quite tedious...

I've seen five-o'clock shadow,
but this is ridiculous.

We have assembled the staff so you
can tell them what you expect of them.

Assemble the guests.
I'll tell them what I expect of them.

The guests?
What do you expect of them?

Courtesy towards the employees.
A kind word will get them further...

...with a bellboy or chambermaid
than a couple of drinks.

A kind word and drinks
will get them still further.

Any further than that, it'll get
them kicked out of the hotel.

What I'm concerned about
is the future of this place.

- What have you to suggest?
- We gotta speed things up.

Chef, if a guest orders a three-minute
egg, give it to him in two minutes.

A two-minute egg in one minute.

If he orders a one-minute egg, give him a
chicken and let him work it out himself.

There must be some mistake.
This man is impossible.

I know, I know,
but beggars cannot be choosers.

I hope he does not
have any more ideas.

And now, gentlemen,
I've got another idea.

Yes, monsieur, another idea?

The next thing we're gonna do is change
the numbers on the rooms.

But guests, they'd go into the
wrong rooms. Think of the confusion.

- Yes, but think of the fun.
- Please, captain...

...we must not annoy Monsieur Kornblow
with more questions.

Monsieur, I presume you are tired
after your long journey.

Perhaps you would like to lie down.

Your office, monsieur. Your desk.

Please be seated, monsieur.

Now, I'm a different man behind a desk,
as any stenographer can tell you.

But what I want to know is,
why are they burying the last manager?

Don't tell me it's because he's dead.

You are alarming yourself over nothing.
Monsieur Rolazoides died a natural death.

And what happened to the manager
that preceded him?

He... We caught him stealing money.
We were forced to discharge him.

I see. You want a manager
that doesn't steal.

- Good day, gentlemen.
- Please do not take offense.

- You make a mountain out of a molehill.
- That's quite a trick. Try it sometime.

You notice we did not
mention your salary?

- Darn right I've noticed. What about it?
- You get 500 francs a week.

Fair enough. What about my laundry?

- Laundry?
- Yes. The stuff that doesn't come back.

Oh, we pick up your laundry
once a month.

If you wait that long,
you won't be able to pick it up.

- Pierre.
- What are you doing here?

Darling, I had to come. I found this
in the hotel. It may mean something.

"Kruss and Company, Berlin."
This was made for Heinrich Stubel.

- Is there a hotel guest named Stubel?
- Not that I know of.

He's probably changed his name.

Stubel was a bigshot Nazi
stationed in Paris.

Maybe this is the lead
you've waited for.

Maybe. Run back to the hotel as fast as
you can and put it in the lost and found.

I doubt he'll ask for it,
but I don't wanna miss any bets.

All right. Bye.

Imprisoned. Helpless.
Unable to show my face.

Trapped in this room all the time.
This is an animal existence.

- Oh, Max, please control yourself.
- "Control yourself," she says.

Me, Heinrich Stubel,
defeated by a stupid toupee.

A wig, a few strands of hair.

Why do I have to have this scar on
my head to brand me, to mark me?

Max, I have an idea.

What is it?

- I shall see you later.
- Be careful, don't arouse suspicion.

Don't worry.

See who it is. Quick.

Oh, Rusty, you've got my toupee.
Give it to me, quick.

Oh, thank you.

- Du Schweinehund, you inferior ape.
- Let me, Max. Just once.

Go ahead.

Kurt, he wants to have a duel.


And it's been so long
since Heidelberg.

Cut him up a little, Kurt.
I shall enjoy watching.

It will soothe me
to see someone in pain.

Oh, no, you don't. Very well.

Without my toupee,
I have nowhere to go.

We shall wait.

Come out, you dog!

He thinks that will
protect him against me...

...the finest swordsman in Bavaria.

We shall duel according to tradition.
Give me your sword.

Gentlemen, choose your weapons.

That fool.

Only one.

- For that, he will get another cut.
- I shall enjoy watching.

Now, gentlemen, back to back.

When I count three, you walk five paces,
then you turn and defend yourselves.

One, two, three, go.

One, two, three, four, five.
En garde!

Over there. Over there!

Kurt, it seems as if he's
making a fool of you.

- Just wait.
- Very well. Remember Heidelberg.

Get him. Get him!

- Very good, Kurt.
- Pick up your sword.

- What's the matter with you, Kurt?
- Stand still and fight.

Kurt, come on.
Show your swordsmanship.

For that, I'm going to kill you.

Down on your knees,
you swine. Down.

- You're wasting your time. Cut him up.
- Get up and fight!

I would like to see a little blood.



- Cigarette?
- No, thanks. Cigar?

- No, thanks.
- You want a light?

How are things down the other end?

This is like living in Pittsburgh.
If you can call that living.

- I'm Beatrice Rheiner. I stop at the hotel.
- I'm Ronald Kornblow. I stop at nothing.

- I am looking for something.
- Aren't we all?

Mr. Kornblow,
I lost my diamond clip.

It might have turned up
in the lost and found department.

Oh, the lost and found department.
Just slink yourself over this way.

Here we are in the lost and found.
I'm lost and you're found.

- My clip, please.
- I'll take a look. If I can't find the clip...

...perhaps I can interest
you in something else.

Say, you think you lost something?
Get a load of this, a toupee.

- Oh, now, who could have lost that?
- Some guy must have blown his top.

Oh, but I just love your hair.
It's so soft and silky.

Silky now, but next year
I'm getting nylon.

I think you're the most beautiful
woman in the world.

- Really?
- No, but I don't mind lying...

...if it'll get me somewheres.

- I'll be in the supper club tonight.
- Supper club?

- Yes. Will you join me?
- Why? Are you coming apart?

Oh, come on, now.
You wouldn't say no to a lady.

I don't know why not,
they always say no to me.

If you come to the supper club,
I shall sing some opera for you.

Bye-bye, now.

And remember,
I shall be singing only for you.

You don't have to sing for me.
Just whistle.

That reminds me,
I must get my watch fixed.

Come on, now.
Everyone sings with me, all right?

Bravo. That was wonderful.

Bravo! Bravo!

- Oh, Beatrice, you were magnificent.
- Well, thank you, count.

No more chances with Kornblow.
We get rid of him tonight.

- Tonight?
- Yes. Make a rendezvous with him later.

Some quiet corner away
from the hotel. Say, 11:00.

- Exactly what corner?
- Rue Lafayette.

- Rue Lafayette. Very well.
- Waiter.

You will find an excuse
to leave here in time.

You will drive the car and you will see
to it that it looks like a traffic accident.

And make it fatal. That's all, waiter.

- All right, what do you want?
- Not so quick, my friend. It costs money.

What are you talking about?
I'm broke.

I know that you're looking
for a man who wears a toupee.

Do you know who he is?

This means everything.
If you know, tell me.

The wheel has been unkind to me
tonight. I should like to try again.

- It'll only take a few hundred francs.
- I'll pay you, I promise.

- The croupier doesn't accept promises.
- Tell me his name.

If you happen to find a few hundred
francs, I'll be at the Brass Monkey.

What's the matter?
You need money?

Don't worry, Corbaccio. I'll get what
I want from that rat without money.

He'll get nothing from
that rat without money.

That rat's just like me.

Hey, what I say? I'm crazy.

You know, I'm worried about Pierre.
We gotta get him some money.

You get him some money?

Hey, not that way. Come on.

There is no room in the club.

But of course, monsieur.
There is always room for one more.

Set up a table for two. Follow me.

Hey, Rusty, you see that guy?
He's got a good idea.

Now I get money for Pierre.

What is this?

- Hey, boss, you want a table?
- Yes, of course.

All right.

Get him a table, Rusty.

A table, I said.

Everybody's gonna get a table.
No checks.

There's always room for one more.

Pardon me. Did you drop this?

I beg your pardon.

- Take me to Miss Rheiner's table.
- Oui, monsieur, she is here. This way.

Miss Rheiner.

I usually put my foot into it.

You fool. See what you've
done to my shirt!

You can hardly notice,
unless you're looking for soup.

Count Pfferman, how terrible. If you
come to the kitchen with me, I will fix it.

I hope I'm not driving you away.

Speaks excellent German.

Not sporting of him to eat and run.
You'll probably get stuck with the check.

That's it. Come on, folks.
Who else? Come on.

- I'm terribly thirsty.
- Thirsty? Waiter. What would you like?

- Champagne.
- Champagne, huh?

Bring this lady a cheese sandwich.
Charge it to her.

- Do you rumba?
- Well, yes!

I don't, but I'll walk while you rumba.

Oh, come on.

Hold this till I get back.

I'm back.

All right. Come on.
Everybody's gonna be taken care of.

All right, two people. Come on.
That's it. You two.

What a great place
to squeeze an orange.

I remember when this
was all dance floor.

I wonder if it gets crowded
on New Year's Eve.

All right, come on. Two more.
That's it. Come on.

Come on, people. Follow me.

This place has a wonderful floorshow.
It's too bad they haven't got a floor.

Why can't we go to some quiet place
where we could be alone?

If I didn't know your voice,
I'd have sworn I said that.

Meet me at the corner
of Rue Lafayette at 11.

- At 11?
- 11.

Now we got enough money
for Pierre to take care of that rat.

Will you take over for me again?
I gotta make a phone call.

Sure. Go ahead. Here, Rusty. You
find Pierre. You give him this money.

Here. Take the coat.
I'm all finished. Here. Go on.

We're gonna play
a classical number.

We're gonna play the second movement
from the Beer Barrel Polka.

Bravo! Bravo!

Hello, darling. You're on time.

I'm afraid we're not going
to enjoy the evening very much.

- Why?
- The toupee's gone.

- Good. Who took it?
- That's the trouble. I don't know.

I'm trying to find Mr. Kornblow,
but he isn't around.

- Oh, Abdul.
- Yes, Miss Bernard?

- Abdul, have you seen Mr. Kornblow?
- He went out about an hour ago.

He asked me to direct him
to the corner of Rue Lafayette.

Thank you so much.


Wait a minute.

Can that be Mr. Kornblow?

- Good heavens. What happened?
- What happened?

I was stood up by a woman,
knocked down by a car.

These Casablanca drivers are terrible.
He missed me three times.

I finally had to climb a palm tree.
He hit that instead.

- Palm tree?
- Till I saw you two...

...I thought every date was broken.

Mr. Kornblow, I'd like you
to meet my fiancé, Lt. Delbar.

- Oh, fian... Excuse my ashes.
- How do you do?

Fiancé, eh? Why don't
you two lovebirds get married?

- Oh, marriage is impossible.
- Only after you're married.

- He means it's impossible for us.
- It's a long story, Mr. Kornblow.

- Well, I'm all ears. Pretty near, anyway.
- Tell him, Pierre.

Well, sir, it's a story
about a treasure of Nazi loot...

...hidden somewhere in Casablanca.

I was in Paris during the...

You fool, I ought to kill you.

Millions in our reach.
We can't get our hands on it.

Max, please.

- Beatrice, I have an idea.
- What is it?

If I were to find Kornblow
with you in your room...

...I could be the outraged fiancé.

I could, as the Americans say,
"bump him off."

In self-defense, of course.
It would be as simple as that.

Yes, I could bump off Kornblow
in your room, Beatrice.

I think that's a wonderful idea.

He's most anxious
to be alone with me.

Hey, Rusty! What's the matter?

You looking for somebody?

Who? Buffalo Bill?

Guy eating a watermelon?

My corn. Blow. Kornblow.

You looking for Kornblow.

You got something for Kornblow?
What do you got? Soup?

Soup. Chinese boy.

Eat chop suey.

Eat chow mein.

Eat rice.

Soup and rice. Soup and rice.
Soup, rice. Soup, rice.

Surprise. You got surprise
for Kornblow. Oh, surprise.

What's the surprise you got?

He's going hunting?
Someone's gonna hang him?

Gonna make the bump.
Off. Bump off.

Somebody gonna bump off Kornblow.
Somebody gonna bump off...

Who's gonna bump off Kornblow?

Guy with a cigar? A scar?
Count with a scar.

The count with the scar
is gonna bump off Kornblow.

Where's he gonna do this?
On the roof?


You knock on the door.

You open the door. You step inside.

You close the door.
You're in the room.

In the room.


In the room.

Wait. Wait.

Whose room?

Room with a snake?

A garter snake?

Big snake.

Big, big snake. Big...

That's no snake, no.

That's a lady. A lady! A lady's room.

The lady's room.

Was you in the room?
What's the matter?

There's a dog in the room?
What kind of dog in the room?

A look?

Look at the leg. A look? A look?

Oh, peek. Peek.
Peek at the knees. Pekingese dog.

She got a peek-at-the-knees dog. Wait,
who's got a peek-at-the-knees dog?

What's the lady's name?


Lady's name is Rose. No Rose.

She's slaphappy?


Ants? What kind of name is this?

That's airplane.


A bomber plane. A bomber plane.

Black widow. A mosquito.

A B-29. A B-29.

B-29. B... B... B...

B... B... B-29.


B. B.

Twist. B. Twist. B. Twist.
B. Twist. B. Twist.

Beatrice! Beatrice!

We gotta tell Kornblow.

Monsieur Kornblow?
You will be good enough to arrange...

...a place for me on the plane
for Tunis.

Tunis, eh? There are
some beautiful women in Tunis.

I'm not interested in beautiful women.

In that case, look up the women
I've taken out.

Just see to it
that I get my reservation.

Pfferman is flying to Tunis.
Get him a seat by a window.

Oui, monsieur.

Hey, boss,
Rusty's got something to tell you.

Okay, I'll take one of those.

He's dumb.
He no understand plain English.

Boss, you're in danger.
Your life is hanging by a thread.

- So are my pants.
- But they're gonna kill you.

- How do you know?
- It's all over the hotel.

Everybody knows but you.

I don't mind being killed...

...but I resent hearing it from a character
whose head comes to a point.

Look, boss,
maybe they wanna surprise you.

- I'd like to know how to dress.
- You look fine.

You're dressed to kill.
But what you need is a good bodyguard.

What I need is a good body.
The one I've got isn't worth guarding.

Since when are you a bodyguard?
You were in the camel business.

In the day, I'm in the camel business.
At night, I'm a bodyguard.

- Suppose I get killed in the daytime.
- I'll give you a free ride on my camel.

Look, boss, I could keep you alive
for 50 francs a week.

- Not worth it.
- You can't take it with you.

I won't leave it laying around here.

But if I'm your bodyguard, I'll watch you
like a mother watches her baby.

- Is she pretty?
- What's the difference?

If the mother's pretty, I'll watch her,
you can watch the baby.

- What do you got there?
- The manager's lunch.

Okay. Go in.

What's the matter? You hungry?

Look out.

You crazy. But you hungry, eh?
Come on, I fix.

Boss, wait. Don't touch it.
Don't! Don't! Boss!

Oh, you had me scared.

Three managers before you died
from eating poisoned food.

It doesn't look any more poisoned
than any other hotel food. Give me that.

You gotta have somebody
to test the food.

- You need a guinea pig.
- You eat the guinea pig. I'll stick to this.

I don't mean a real guinea pig.
I mean a human guinea pig.

I don't want to eat any kind
of guinea pig. I want my meal.

There's a human guinea pig.

He looks like a pig,
but he doesn't look human.

That food doesn't seem poisoned.

You can't tell.
It hasn't reached his stomach yet.

That's the seal of good housekeeping.

Hey, what is this, a steak race?

Now, see here, you guys.
Give me back my lunch.

- You make mistake.
- That's my steak and I want it.

- Come on, give me that.
- You wanna give him a little something?

No, thanks. They give me heartburn.

I just wanna take a little shot,
that's all.

- You cheap crook. That bottle's empty.
- That's dry champagne.

- No, you don't. You wanna get poisoned?
- I'm not sure that I'd mind anymore.

- Who's he talking to?
- Salt Lake City.

You couldn't spare
just a little sip of that, huh?

If the coffee doesn't keep him awake,
the cup and saucer will.

Wouldn't it be great
if they ate each other?

But monsieur...

But... But... But... But...

You sound like a motorboat.
Give me that.

Hello? What's that, sir?

You've been in your room three hours
and your trunks haven't arrived?

Put your pants on.
Nobody will know the difference.

Out of the way, please.


Mr. Kornblow to you.

- Have you a suite for me and my wife?
- Your wife, eh?

- Yes. We'd like something very elegant.
- I see. Have you got any baggage?

Of course.
It's on its way over from the airfield.

In all my years in the hotel business,
that's the phoniest story I've heard.

- I suppose your name is Smith.
- No, it's Smythe, spelled with a Y.

Oh, that's the English version.
Mr. And Mrs. Smythe and no baggage.

- Let me see your marriage license.
- What?

- How dare you, sir?
- How do like that? Puts a Y in Smith...

...and expects me to let him in the hotel
with a strange dame.

- Strange dame?
- She is to me.

I've never seen her before.

Sir, you may not be aware of it...

...but I am president
of the Morocco Laundry Company.

You are? Take this shirt
and have it back Friday.

Mr. Smythe, or Smith...

...this is a family hotel and I suggest
you take your business elsewhere.

Sir, this lady is my wife.
You should be ashamed.

If this lady is your wife,
you should be ashamed.

- You'll hear from me.
- Do that, even if it's only a post card.

My attorneys will be here
in the morning.

They won't get a room either,
unless they got a marriage license.


Hello. Reception desk.

Monsieur Kornblow?
This is Beatrice Rheiner speaking.

Oh, Miss Rheiner.

Are you very busy this afternoon?

After that disappearing act you did,
we have nothing in common.

Perhaps I shouldn't say nothing,
but we have very little in common.

Anyway, I'm not talking to you.

Oh, please, won 't you come up?

All right, I'll come up,
but don't expect me to do any talking.

Sixth floor, and make it snappy.

The sixth floor. It's up this way.

You don't have to lift it.
Just pull the lever. It'll go up by itself.

Is it stuck?
Between the fifth and sixth floor.

This could only happen to me.
Why doesn't she live in the basement?

Climb up to the roof, pull yourself out
of the sixth floor and get help.

If you can't get help,
get me some insurance. Come on, now.

Where you been?

You went through that hole five hours
ago and so did my love life.

I don't wanna go up.
I wanna get down, and in a hurry.

Do you know how to get me down?

Oh, the ax.

You know how to fix it, huh?

The count left town.

We used to go to my rooms
after I sang...

...and split a bottle of champagne.

Well, I could pinch-hit for the count.
At least, I could pinch for him.

Hey, boss, I heard that.

- Come here.
- This never happened to Casanova.

Come here.
Look, am I your bodyguard?

We have an agreement.
I can't wait until it expires.

Expire. I don't want
you should expire first.

- You're playing around with dynamite.
- I know what I'm doing. She does too.

But, boss, I'm supposed
to keep you alive.

If I go, that's the way I wanna go.

- Well? Shall we say in half an hour?
- In half an hour.

And this time, I'll walk up.


Max, where are you?

I'm in the steam room
at the Turkish bath.

But Kornblow will be here any minute.

Suppose you get here in 15 minutes.
Can you make it?

I'll be there in time.
Kornblow's got to be finished tonight.

Come in.

Oh, that's so sweet of you.

Thank you so much.
Oh, they're lovely. Just beautiful.

Oh, these roses,
I shall keep them forever.

That's what you think.
I rented them for an hour.

- Oh, Monsieur Kornblow.
- Call me Montgomery.

- Is that your name?
- No, I'm just breaking it in for a friend.

- How about getting rid of that mutt?
- Froufrou's a watchdog.

Let him watch somebody else.

Froufrou won't bother us.
He has such good manners.

Then he'd get off your lap
and give me a seat.

He can stand better than me.
He's got twice as many legs.

I was afraid of that.
Hold everything.

- Who is it?
- Hey, boss, you got a woman in there?

- She lives here.
- But you don't.

She'll have to get you out.

- Remember, I'm your bodyguard.
- I'm too old to have a bodyguard.

Then you're too old to be in there.

Well, that's pretty logical, at that.

We go to my room.
I'll meet you in five minutes.

Oh, no. What about Froufrou?

You wouldn't want me to leave
my little poochie-goochie.

I'll meet you halfway.
Bring the poochie. Leave the goochie.

All right.

I wanted to get loaded tonight,
but not this way.

- Wait a minute. What about Strauss?
- Let Strauss get his own girl.

- Oh, no. But I must have music.
- Music she's gotta have.

Maybe we better call
the whole thing off.

- Are you sure you have everything?
- I got enough to begin with.

Du Schweinehund, I teach you...

Come in.

It's not very discreet of me
to come to your room.

- Do you think it's wise?
- Smartest thing you ever did.

- You seem to be very sure of yourself.
- I've gotta be sure of one of us.

After all, I'm a man
and you're a woman.

I can't think of a better arrangement.

- You men are all alike.
- Don't let anybody tell you any different.

Let's pick up where we left off
in your room. Let's live for the moment.

Well, that takes care of the moment.

- Hey, boss, you got a woman in there?
- My sister.

She is? I'm her brother. Get her out.

I'll never leave her. I'm mad about her.
I've completely lost my head.

Well, put your hat on your neck
and get out.

- These interruptions are driving me mad.
- They're cramping my style too.

I'm going back to my room.

Well, here we go again.
The long journey westward.

If we go steady,
we'll have to get a small truck.

Hurry, will you?

Du Schweinehund, I teach you to...

- Who's there?
- It's me, the hunchback of Notre Dame.

- Hey, boss, you got a woman out there?
- No.

Well, go away. I got one in here.

Save me the cork. I'm going fishing.

- Kornblow!
- Count Pfferman. Back unexpectedly?

I missed my connections.

It's not easy to make connections
in Casablanca.

I missed a few myself tonight.

Number five.

Encore! Number five repeats again.

My assistant will carry
to the cashier, monsieur.

You want to bet them all again
on number five?

Oh, no, Rusty. No!

Hey, you crazy.
You lose that money.

We gotta save something
for a rainy day.

That's impossible, monsieur.

- Gambling?
- Monsieur Kornblow...

...this gentleman won twice on five
and he wants to bet them again.

- That's his hard luck.
- But, monsieur, it is far over the limit.

- If he wins, he will break the bank.
- Who cares? I'm running a hotel.

- You idiot, the bank is the hotel.
- Keep your medals on, fat boy.

You know what the odds are
against a number repeating three times?

I've seen it happen
and if it does, it will break the bank.

Not if I roll the wheel.

Sure you wanna go through with this?
Remember what happened in 1929?


- Stop that wheel.
- Sorry. The play has started.

Three times in a row.
What a sucker.

Number five!

The richest sucker in Casablanca.
Goodbye, Mr. Chips.

Five. Five. Five. Five.

Hey, no kiss me.

It is very obvious
that this was a conspiracy.

Your manager and those two hoodlums
are always together.

They've been waiting for this
opportunity. Don't you see that?

I have found out he was never
the manager of the Desert View Hotel.

He ran a small motel in the desert.
He's an impostor.

You saw how he broke the rule
and spun the wheel himself.

You saw how the silent one gave
that secretary a share of the winnings.

- Right.
- We've been tricked.

- That crook.
- Worse.

He may be one of the gang
that's been murdering your managers.

I never thought of that.

If it is not too late, I humbly offer you
the position of manager.

I accept, but under one condition:

Give orders for the arrest
of this gang of thieves...

...and the recovery of the money
they've stolen.

Arrest them at once for conspiracy
to defraud, to rob us, to cheat us.

Annette, don't cry. Don't be sad.
We gonna get you out.

- How?
- "How?" You ask me how?

It's all your fault.
You let Rusty break the bank.

I warned him he was a sucker
to play five again.

That's right. It's your fault.

- Hey, Pierre.
- Pierre!

- Hello, fellas.
- Where are you going?

Come on.


- Darling...
- Come on, you.

- Let me talk to her.
- Where are they taking you?

To Paris, by plane,
to be tried by the military authorities.

Don't worry.
We'll get out of this somehow.

Maybe a miracle will happen.

- Darling, I believe in miracles.
- Come on, you.

That's tough.
That's what you call tough luck.

Why do you do that?
Those are his pinup girls.

I've met a lot of pinup girls, but
I've never been able to pin one down.

Say, that's not a bad-looking dish.
Who is it?

I don't know. Her name's Rembrandt.

Rembrandt? If that signature is
Rembrandt, it's part of the treasure.

The treasure!
Rusty, where you get that?

You know where the treasure is?
You do?

He knows where the treasure is.
Now we gotta get out of here.

- How?
- "How?" Again he ask me how.

Help! Help!
Oh, guard, hurry up, please!

- Prison guard, hurry up!
- Mad frog... Mad dog!

- Mad dog! Get a dog doctor.
- What is the matter with him?

- He's dreaming of a white Christmas.
- White Christmas?

Quit that shouting. Keep quiet.

We'll never escape
if you keep screaming.

You learn to keep quiet, that's all.

Most unreasonable jailer
I've ever seen. Come on.

- Get her out of there.
- Here we go, now.

- The jewels are all accounted for.
- Let's start packing.

- Have you told Beatrice?
- I don't have to.

- She'll find out when we leave her.
- She'll talk.

Let her talk. Won't do any good.
We'll be in South America by then.

Very well.

Hello? Hello? Operator. Hello. Hello?

Please give me
the prefect of police, quickly.

I want to speak
to Captain Brizzard. Yes.

I don't wanna hear
a word out of you.

- That might be for Captain Brizzard.
- He should be taking care of business.

No wonder this place is half-empty.
It's a crime the way this jail is run.

Go ahead. Answer it
before somebody else does.


May I speak to Captain Brizzard?
This is Beatrice Rheiner talking.

But of course,
Mademoiselle Rheiner.

For you, your eyes,
your cheeks, your hair...

...my whole chair is at your disposal.
You belong here.

What? The count? The treasure?
I'll be right over.

Count's trying to get away.

- We gotta stop him.
- That's easy talk. How?

Say, that's an idea.
Attention. Attention.

All prison guards and personnel,
assemble in the courtyard.

Emergency. Come on.

You go to the airport and get Pierre.
We'll go to the hotel.

I hope you can stop the count
till I get Pierre.

We try. We try.

Hey, they're packing.

That's what they think.
We're unpacking.

Kurt, Emile, is that you?


Come in.


Emile, come in. What...?

What is this?

- What's the matter, Max?
- That lid of the trunk fell on my hand.

Come on, have a drink.

Emile. Emile, come here.

- Did I or did I not pack this trunk?
- I don't know.

You must have put it on top
and it fell down.

Oh, I see. Well, pick it up.

Put it down. We pack that later.
I have some more stuff in there.

Hurry up. Go down
and continue loading the truck.

Okay, Max.

Max, the boxes are all in the truck.

Kurt, come here. Look at me.

- Am I crazy?
- Why, no.

Max, what is the matter with you?

Kurt, two minutes ago, I put some shirts
there by the mirror. Disappeared.

All my clothes are gone!

I just went through the closet.
There is not one suit left.

Not one suit!



Let's get out of here. Quick!

Kurt, here are some
important documents.

Be careful how you pack them.

- Give me back my pen.
- What pen?

- The pen I gave you.
- You didn't...

- Are you mad?
- But, Max, l...

Don't contradict me!

- Your Excellency, I apologize.
- Accepted.

- Take this and pack it.
- Yes, sir.

What's keeping Pierre?
We can't keep this up much longer.

Take it easy. This isn't the first time
I've hid in a closet.

Upside down.

Kurt, get this crate on the truck.
I have some more things to pack.

I'm sorry. We're all filled up.

Kurt, be careful with that crate.

there are some jewels in there.

What is holding us up?
The trucks are ready.

I don't know! Somehow this trunk
got upside down. Look at this mess!

If you want to get out of here, help me.
Quick. Come on!

- What are you doing in here?
- The count certainly knows how to pack.

We've gotta get out of here.

Well, that presents
a very interesting problem.

Don't you fellas know better
than to open a trunk without knocking?

Pierre! Pierre, the treasure.
They're getting away with it.

- It is forbidden to talk to him.
- You must let him go!

It's an opportunity to do something
for your country.

Come on!

Hey, that's Pierre and Annette.
Hey, Pierre!

- Hey, Annette!
- Stop!

- Hey, Pierre, you pass some trucks?
- Yeah.

- They're on their way to the airport.
- The airport?

- Yeah.
- That must be the secret field...

...I saw on the map
in Pfferman's rooms. Get in!

Pierre, there it is. Step on it.

Get Brizzard.
We gotta stop that plane.

- You haven't got a P-38, have you?
- Come on, let's go.

Hey, fellas, look.
Let's get to that truck.

- Why don't you take off?
- I can't.

- I have to head into the wind.
- Well, then, hurry up.

Hey, Pierre, get closer.

I can't, Corbaccio.

Hey, fellas, look. A ladder.


Help! Help!

Help! Help! Help!

Are you crazy?
What are we gonna do?

- Cut... Cut the switches.
- Yeah! Cut the switches.

Cut the switches.

Hey, Rusty! Rusty! Stop it! Stop it!
Rusty, stop it! What are we gonna do?

We'll have to keep going
till we run out of gas.

- We've only got 2000 gallons left.
- Hey, stop it. We'll all be killed.

Put your foot on something
down there, will you?

- Hurry!
- Help! Help! Help!

- What's the matter?
- We've got to revive him.

He's the only one who
can handle this plane.

Oh, gosh. Well, sure.

Look out.

Come on, you sleeping beauty.

Hey, get up there. We'll all be killed.

Hop into that seat there, brother.

- Hey, you!
- Get up front!

The master race.

Look out! Look out for that car!

Here it is, Thursday, and we're
running into a Sunday driver.

- Hey, back on firma terra.
- Back on North Africa.

- I knew you could do it.
- Hey!

Look out for this car.


Follow them.

Well, here we are, up in the air.

What a stupid remark that is.

Hey, Doolittle, you just
went through a red light.

Look, no hands.

No hands, huh?

- Hey, we're back in jail.
- Home again.

There goes the pilot.

Come on. Come on in.
We got your room all ready.

You! I'll get you!

You traitor.

Heinrich Stubel...

...I arrest you for the murders of the
three managers of the Hotel Casablanca.

There's a man with both feet
on the ground, till they hang him.


If a thing like that
could only happen to me.

Subtitles by
SDI Media Group