A Girl in Black (1956) - full transcript

Marina's sister drowned herself, her brother is both headstrong and weak, and her widowed mother has a reputation for sleeping around. Plus, Marina, who's family was rich before the war, is aloof: so she's the object of the jealousy and scorn of Hydra's young men, especially Christos, whom she rejected. She fears harassment whenever she leaves her house. When two Athenians on vacation board at Marina's family home, things come to a head: she falls in love with Pavlos, one of the visitors, and he with her. The young men in town stalk and jeer her; then play a cruel trick on Pavlos that goes awry with tragic results. Can any good come from the catharsis of tragedy?




in a film by
Michael Cacoyannis


I love these barren
island rocks...

This land!

It's as if everything
is exposed to the light.

- Nothing remains hidden.
- "Not even men's sins..."

Who said that?

You'll be better off
in a house.

- What do you think?
- A hotel's more comfortable.

But the dreary
people one meets...

A few sour looks and
they'll keep away.

We could split up,
if you like...

- I'll get you fixed up nicely.
- Please, Pavlo...


They have one of the big,
old houses. How about it?

- Fine with me.
- Just a minute.

Shall we toss for it?


These gentlemen are
here for a few days.

They'd like to stay
at your place.

Well, I don't know if...

Your mother asked me to try...
for the upstairs rooms.

Did you explain the house
is old and rather dilapidated?

Who cares?
They're young.

- Lf the young lady doesn't...
- May we see it?


Excuse me.

She's telling her brother,

- Not very talkative is she?
- A bit stand-offish...

You see her Dad was a merchant,
one of the island's rich.

Then came the war and
goodbye glory, as they say.

- When did he die?
- During the occupation.

The mother's different.
More down-to-earth.


Come on up.

- At least the view's nice.
- Didn't I tell you?

Which room
will you take?

I don't care.
This one...

Unless you'd
rather have it.

- It's a beautiful house.
- It used to be.

I like these old houses.
They've got atmosphere.

- Is that your mother?
- My sister.

- You have a sister?
- She's dead.

- Where shall I put these?
- Over here.

If you need anything,
mother won't be long.

She's out on an errand.

- Here you go.
- I'll drink to your health.

And always
at your service.

Great! We left Athens
to relax, have fun...

and we wind up in
this house of gloom!

You've become so picky...

but then success
does that!

I just didn't come here
to be depressed.

Is that why you
chose my company?

You still find me amusing
after all these years?

Very. Except when you
get all worked up...

and make stupid cracks about
success etcetera...

Good to know I'm of some use!
An amusing nonentity!

- Not bad!
- I'm not in the mood!

At least I've
no illusions about myself.

That's something,
isn't it?

What are you asking me for?
You know what I think.

That you're
making up excuses.

You can afford not to work
so why bother?

It's not as if you've
no talent, damn it!

So I wrote two novels
by age 20! Big deal!

You can't be a child
prodigy for ever.

Some child!
With gray hair.

If I had it in me,
I'd have made it.

You bore me.

Seriously... If you prefer
to go to a hotel...

Know what I think?

You're trying to get rid
of me because of the girl.

- Light.
- You smoke too much.

And drink too much. I left my
mother to have you boss me?

How about a swim?

The cold water
will do you good.


Come out!
You'll catch cold!

Wait till we go back to Athens!
No movies, no ice-cream!

Go away, you bums!


Up in the castle!

Phroso again...
in the ruins.


Come here at once!

It's her son Mitso I'm afraid of.
Remember the last time?

Serve her right. She was
asking for it. The slut!

We weren't
widowed at 32!

If she needed a man
she should have remarried.

With three kids
and all those debts?

What are you staring at?

If you want a kiss or more
go knock on a widow's door.

Speak up or
I'll pull it off!

Ask your mother...

What? Ask what?

They caught
her with a man.

At the castle...
in the ruins...

I'll kill her!

laughing at us!

I'll kill her!

Hello, Popi.

Let go of me I said!

I'll kill her!
I swear I will!

No, Mitso, no!

Not your own mother!

I'll kill you!

Let go of me!

What are you ironing?

Why don't
you talk to me?

Talk to me,
Marina, please!

Call me names...

Say I'm cheap, rotten...

Only please talk to me.

Oh God, what am I to do?

I don't mean to...
I swear.

How can I make
you understand?

At your age
I was married...

I had three children...

At times
I get so lonely...

I can't help myself...

When your father died...
I was still young...

I needed a little
kindness... affection...

I've shamed
my own children!

If only I could go away.

Excuse me.

I want some water...

I'll get it.

This gentleman and his friend
have rented the upstairs rooms.

My mother.

- It's a pleasure.
- Likewise.

Thank you.


The name's Pavlo.

If you want to move elsewhere,
we'll understand.

Whatever for?

After what...

You mean those
fools out there?

They should mind
their own business.

I don't know about you but
I've so many weaknesses...

I've given
up judging others.

Don't let me start
counting them...

your hair
will stand on end.

Truly! I don't approve
of me at all!

- Don't you believe me?
- You're very kind.

Got to go. Antoni's waiting
for the water.

He's an old fusspot.

I hope we'll be friends.

- Hello, Panagis.
- Hello, friend.

Mitso's got wind of something.
Some kid recognized you.

You're scaring me!
Someone hide me, quick!

What's the joke, men!

We were talking
about Phroso.

Old hens are the juiciest,

What does her stuck-up
daughter have to say now?

What can she say?

Her turn will come...
you wait...

Lay off, Christo.

Teach her
to treat us like dirt.

Get used to the idea.
You're not her type.

He's always hanging
around her house.

No wisecracks from you.

She's at Mrs. Betsou's...
helping her with some curtains.

Mr. Know-all!

How about a little fun?

- Where's the gang?
- At the coffee house.

We're going serenading tonight,
by moonlight.

- Shall we ask the Athenians?
- It's not their style...


Does she treat
them like dirt too?

Or will the city-boys
get her?

He's really pissed.

Thank you, Marina.

What are we waiting for?

We're not good
enough for her.

What a doll!

Talk to us even
if you don't love us!

Why isn't she
talking to us?

She's scared
of her mother.

What's your hurry, baby?

Let the Athenians wait.

How's Phroso?

Leave us alone!

What have
we done to you?

- What's going on?
- A fight. Panagis and Mitso.

He sprang a knife at me.

He's lying!

Is this your knife,


Lock him up...
The bastard!

You both come with me.

Shame on you, guys!

- You go home.
- I'll go with you.

Home, I said.

- Good evening, Marina.
- Good evening.

Hurry up. I'm going...

What is it?

What happened?

I hate them!
I hate them!

- Who?
- All of them!

Someone hurt you?

Please... Don't...

I want to go away.

Come on now...
A brave girl like you...

What's wrong?

Want to join us for a stroll?
You'll feel better.

Wait for me at the taverna.
She'll be all right.

Don't be long.


I'll make you laugh
if it kills me.

I beseech you,
I implore you.


On my knees I beg you.

A teeny-weeny smile.

At last.

You should
laugh more often.

You're more beautiful
when you laugh.

Don't you want
to be beautiful?

- No.
- Why not?

Are you angry?

You're trembling. Why?

I want
to kiss you again.


What is it?
What's wrong?

- Nothing. It's nothing.
- What is it?

I'm fine now.

You scared me.

I must go.

Don't tell anyone,

What's the matter?


You're telling me!
I can read you like a book.

- Be careful, that's all.
- Of what?

Don't make her fall for you.
It's not fair.

Who says
I won't fall for her?

Try and be serious.

She's unhappy enough already.
Why hurt her?

- I hate being preached at!
- You know I'm right.

If I always did
what was right,

I'd have killed myself
a long time ago.

The boys invite you
to come serenading with us.

Thanks. We don't have
the voices for it.

- We may go sailing later.
- Some other time. Thanks.

The boys won't like this.
And for good reason.


Poking a little
fun at a girl...

is no reason for you
to take offence.

If you're out for a fight,
say so.

What's bitten him?

We said thank you,
no singing.

Must we apologize
on top of everything?

Now who's
itching for a fight?

Don't mind him. He gets
a little edgy sometimes.

Anyway, thank you.
And good-night.


Sweet dreams.

- You're mad! Who needs trouble?
- Scared you, huh?

You knew I'd play it down
so you had to show off!

All of a sudden
I feel great.

- Waiter! A cognac!
- You've drunk enough!

So what?

We can't all be perfect.

Let yourself go!
Live a little!

Break a few rules
before it's too late!

- You're drunk or in love!
- What if I am?

I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
Ten, fifteen days...

And to hell with the rest.
Right, Manolaki?

You see?

Her health!

Want a laugh?

What is it?

What are you doing?

Come away, you idiot!

- See you at lunchtime.
- 'Bye.

What are they doing?
They'll drown him!

Leave him alone!
You'll drown him!

Who is it?
Help! Mimis!

I'm right here, Mom!
Stop yelling!

They say he was dead drunk.
Rowdy lot!

Teach us not
to take strangers in.


Don't mind me, please.

- Don't go.
- I must.

You know I've barely
heard your voice.

You let me do
all the talking.

- What's there to say?
- Anything.

About your life,
your dreams.

You must have dreams.

I've learnt not to.

You're too young
to be so bitter.

Why don't you tell me about it?
We're friends aren't we?

- Don't you trust me?
- Yes.

Look me in the eyes
and say it.


- Dear God!
- What is it, Marina?

- You mustn't love me.
- Why not?

- You don't want me to...
- No!

But it's all
so difficult.

I'm scared they'll find out
and something bad will happen.

Nothing bad will happen.
Believe me.

- Love is joy.
- Not in this house.

We're hounded by shame...
hate... death...

Do you have a sister?


- Is she pretty?
- Quite.

Mine wasn't...
poor darling.

"You are", I'd tell her.
"You've a pretty smile."

And she'd say...

"Fortunately, you're pretty
enough for the two of us."

And she'd kiss me.

It's terrible to die
because you're plain.

How did she die?

She drowned.


Ayear ago.

She'd left her clothes
folded on the beach...

as though she'd
gone swimming.

People said
it was an accident.

But I know.

- She was in love.
- With whom?

One of them... Christo.

- What about him?
- He didn't love her...

He just led
her on so that...


So that he could keep
seeing us both.

One day he asked
to see me.

Niki was
in the next room.

We were glad because
we thought he'd come...

When he said he loved
me and I threw him out...

he shouted...

"Did you think
I could ever love that..."

- Don't...
- No, I'll say it.

"That freak."

"She's..." He said more.
Loudly. In a loud voice.

When I went back
to Niki's room...

she didn't say a word.

A week later...

she was dead.

Three months
after she died...

he asked
me to marry him.

Since then they won't
leave me alone.

Marina, my love.

If only we could
live without fear...

for a day...

just time enough
for a walk.

- It's not too much to ask.
- We'll have our walk.

- How are you?
- Fine thanks.

- We're going on a picnic.
- Have fun.

- You're sketching?
- Just killing time.

- You're an artist?
- No, an architect.

- And your friend?
- He's a writer.

He's not quiet like you.

People say
he's a playboy.


- Will you be staying long?
- A week. Why?

be needing the rooms.


Today if possible...

I'll tell my friend but I
don't know how he'll take it.

I don't care. My sister's name
means more than her life.

We'll move to the hotel.

He told
me quite bluntly.

Just don't get
my back up or else!

You didn't have
to agree, did you?

You should have
listened to me.

- Why couldn't he tell me?
- Stop yelling.

Be careful.

- You're leaving.
- But I'll see you...


- D'you have any razor-blades?
- No.

- You tell me.
- It's impossible.

- We must send for Aristides.
- Yes.

At night, when...

- Can I be of help?
- No, thank you.

- I'm sorry you're leaving.
- Can't be helped.

- What are you doing?
- Shaving.

I'll never
see you again.

- You must...
- Where?

- The pine-trees over the bay.
- They'll see us.

- The beach...
- They'll see us.

The castle...
the ruins...

If you love me.

I wish I were dead.

Now you've
had your way...

I hope you're satisfied.

I love her.

What now?

I suggest we catch
the next boat home.

Scrubbing floors,
that's what I've come to.

I'm fed up.

The house
is falling apart...

and there's no money
for repairs.

What's wrong with
your brother?

Just as we started
making some money...

he goes and spoils it.

Where will we find
another tenant?

He's getting
worse every day.

Picking fights
with everybody...

Why can't he get a job?

I've been after him
to sell that plot of land...

to that Athenian
who wanted it.

He told Katina yesterday
he'll be going to Athens...

to close the deal.
But will he?

If we could hang on
to this house at least...

You'll have a dowry... you
could find a decent husband.

My bones ache.

I'll get ready
for church.

You too.

I hear Mitso's off
to Athens tomorrow.

The Athenians are leaving too.
Aristides told me.

I must see you.
I'm leaving tomorrow.

Not tomorrow!

Got a light?

Is it true you're
leaving us?

No, it's not.
I'm staying.

Staying to do what?
Tell me!

- I don't know, but...
- But what?

I can't leave.

I refuse to stay and watch you
fall flat on your face.

There's a limit to everything,
even friendship.

That's right.

Can't you see no good
can come of it?

And can't you see
I love her?

- Like Dora, Liana and the rest?
- This time it's different!

You mean more difficult.

Your back's up and
she'll be the one to pay.

Stop tearing
my feelings to shreds!

I may have been stupid...

and irresponsible
at times...

But I'm not a bastard.

If you were, I wouldn't
talk to you this way.

But staying on isn't being
brave... it's madness.

If you were in love with her,
what would you do?

That's a pointless question.
You beat me to it, as usual.

Yes, but if...

I'd probably marry her.

I've thought of that.

And you rejected it,
of course.

I know that...

it's difficult,
at first sight.

At first, second and last...
it's impossible.

At the risk of ruining
our friendship...

shall I tell you why?

First, because you live
in totally different worlds.

Secondly, you're
financially dependent.

- You mean kept by my mother.
- That's right.

A socially ambitious,
domineering lady!

She adores you and you her
and she'll never say yes.

- What if I get a job?
- A monthly salary...

A two-room apartment and
romantic walks in the park...

If you really mean it,
I can guarantee you a job.

So call your mother
and tell her.

Simple, isn't it?


Is that you, mother?
Yes, fine.

Antoni's leaving today.
I'm staying a little longer.

I've got
to stay on because...


What did you say?
I can hardly hear you.

I called
to tell you that...


I'll tell you
when I see you.

No, nothing important.

Don't worry.

I'll be back soon.

Love to everyone.




Let's go.

I'll take
tomorrow's boat.

Don't worry.
I won't do anything rash.

I just remembered

a promise about a walk.

I'd like to keep it.

You're sure?


Very well then.

Take care.

I thought you'd gone.

Not till tomorrow.
So we can take that walk.

We'll meet
at the chapel.

I'll row to the cove
and climb up.

I'll set out early.

- No one will suspect.
- I'm afraid.

Tell her to go away!


What are you
doing there?

Go away! Go!

Come, we're going
down to the beach.

Come on, sweetheart.

- I must go.
- What time will we meet?

Five o'clock.

Where d'you want to go?

- To Kaminia.
- I'll get you a boat.

I'll pop over to the hotel
and be right back.

The Athenian wants
a boat to go to Kaminia.

Mine's taken.
Take Christo's.

I was going to submerge it.
It's warped.

- He's a good swimmer, right?
- Sure.

Get ready for a laugh,

- You'll pull out the cork?
- That's right.

He's caused
enough trouble.

Why didn't he go
with his friend?

Nothing will happen to him.
By the time he reaches Kanoni...

the boat will be full of water
and he'll jump. Big deal.

When you see him coming
you remove the cork.

We'll be at Kanoni
watching out for him.

Let's go!

I want no part of this.
I'm busy.

Suit yourself,
you old sissy!

Mr. Pavlo!

Take us to Kaminia
with you!

OK. We'll go for
a little ride round the bay.

Be careful.

Sit down all of you.

That's right.

We shan't be long.
Just a short ride and back.

No sign of him.

I don't understand.

Where can he've gone?

The boat must
be full of water by now.

Come on!

All together, children.

Don't be scared!





Soula! Jump! Jump!

Run! Our
children are drowning!


The children...

Where's my sister?


The children...

Save the children...

The children!



My niece was in the boat...

Where are you?

I told you
to stay close!

Where were you?
I was worried.

The police are with him.

They say he'll
be tried for negligence.

- Whose boat was it?
- Christo's.

Where are you going?

I want
to speak to Christo.

One of the
others will do.

I thought I was
dealing with men.

What happened?

- I don't know.
- Boats don't sink like that.

- What happened?
- Nothing.

A man may go to prison.
What happened?

When you rented him
the boat did you know...

- he'd take the children?
- No! Soula was with them.

You didn't know...
so you pulled out the cork.

- No!
- Yes!

- No!
- Swear it! On Soula's soul!

You did do it...

so you could laugh...

as you've been laughing
for years...

at my mother, at Mitso,
at me... at Niki...

Now it's backfired on you
and you're running scared.

But if you don't speak up,
I will.

I'll go down to the port. I'll
shout so everyone will hear.

You destroyed lives
for a laugh...

but I won't let you
destroy his.

You love him or you
wouldn't do this.

Yes, I love him!
And I don't care who knows!

I love him and I want him
to leave with an easy mind.

And you?

I'll stay.

And I'll walk
the streets...

without fear...
without shame...

There's no shame in love. Shame
is lying and being afraid.

The police are
at the hotel.

We'll go together...

and you'll tell them.

Because if you don't,
I will.

Where are you going?

- Upstairs.
- No, Marina.

What will people say?

Good evening.

I had to see you.

They've taken him
for questioning.

I know how you feel
but it's not your fault.

I want to help you
but I don't know how.

Pavlo! Look at me!
I swear it's not your fault.

You mustn't suffer
like this. Please!

The children...
I keep seeing them.

Listen to me.

There's a yacht
leaving for Poros...

- Take it and go on from there.
- No.

- Why not?
- I can't leave now.

- You must.
- What does it matter?

Staying will only make
it worse for us both...

I can't bear
to see you suffer.

Why did I take
them with me?

Oh God. You didn't know.
If one of us is to blame...

- it's me.
- No!

I got you involved with these
people without meaning to...

- because I was afraid of them.
- You're very sweet.

- Promise me you'll go.
- No, not tonight.

Tomorrow then.
For my sake... please.

If you love me...

And you?
How can I leave you?

I told you.
I don't mind now.

I'm strong.
You made me.

I'll be back.
I'll write and I'll be back.

Once you're in Athens...

if you still want to...

I'll be back.
I need you.

Tell me you
still love me!

I love you.

Is that you, Antoni?

About that job...

can you arrange it?