The Wild Fields (2018) - full transcript

Herman Korolyov, 33, is getting by, working a meaningless executive job in a big city. One day he gets a strange call and learns that his older brother has mysteriously disappeared. Herman must go back to his hometown to defend the family business - a small gas station (and with it, old friends and a girlfriend from the past) - against the 'kukuruzniks', mafia-type gangs that are grabbing up businesses and land in the Donbas region and turning them into corn fields and railways that lead nowhere. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Hera, you're not sleeping?

Hera, buddy! Hello! This is Kocha.


Son of a bitch, what time is it?

Yeah, I know, it's 5 a.m.

So the deal is, your brother left

for Berlin or Amsterdam. Same shit.

It's not the same.

Yeah, but… You don't get it.
He left for good.

What, "for good"?

He said you should
come and clear things up.


He didn't call me for half a year.

What's going on over there?

Well, what's going on…
The old story, Hera. The crop dusters…

Who? What?

All kinds of shit.
I'm waiting for you, Hera.

Phones exist… to announce trouble.

I'm 30 years old. I live alone happily.

I rarely see my parents,
but I like my brother.

I have a diploma which is useless.

I do a useless job.

I make enough money to support myself.

It's too late for me to make new habits.

I like the things as they are.

And if I don't like them,
I just don't pay attention.


- Hey, man!
- What's is?

Where are you heading?


Going home is good.

And who's waiting for you?

No one is.

So why are you going
where no one is waiting?

It's a short visit.

Going back tomorrow.

You are scared to return home.

What makes you think so?

You're not there yet,
but already going back.

You're scared.

The road back home…

is a one way trip.

My brother was smart
back in the early nineties.

The old gas station was dying,
so he went into this business.

It was all about the location.

That's why my brother chose this place.


The thing is, the next gas station

was 70 km up north.

And the highway went through
some shady places.

The drivers knew,
so they wanted to fill their tanks.

All in all, it was a goldmine.

We grew up in the white panel buildings

with large pine trees growing around them.

In the evenings we sneaked
out to the airfield.

Hid ourselves and watched
the flying machines.

We wanted to become pilots…

Most of us became losers.

Why can't you just stay at home, huh?

You keep driving around…

Gas isn't cheap after all.

You could have some rest at home.
But no…

Why are you arguing, old man?

Did anyone allow you to speak?

Is this gas station even yours?
Where is the owner?

Why are you arguing?
Look at him yapping…

Maybe you need your jaw fixed?

You're so talkative all of a sudden.



What the fuck is this?

Who are you?

And who are you?

This is Herman. Yurets' brother.

He's the owner of this gas station.

What owner?

An ordinary owner.

What the fuck is this?

What fucking owner? Then where is Yurka?

I told you. He left! Don't you understand?

Where did he go?

To study.

Advanced training.

When is he coming back?

Once he has finished his studies.


So what's the deal?

What's the deal? You cheat.
Your gas is diluted!

Let's go.

Hera, buddy! Welcome back!

Who were those guys, Kocha?

Ah, some lowlifes.
They think they're corn kings.

So what did they want?

Hey… They didn't want a thing.

Hello, Herman.

Hi. What is happening here?

You see for yourself. Your brother left.

I will be leaving soon, too.

I'll just finish the carburetor
for a fucker from Kramatorsk.

For sure.

So what, Hera?

Will you stay for a few days?

We'll go fishing tomorrow.

I'm going back tomorrow. I've got a job.

Our nature here is the best.

I told myself,
"Kocha, to hell with everything.

Don't be a moron, go fishing!"

Live is so short. And this is amazing.

Oh, do you hear? Do you?

Nightingales are singing.

Son of a bitch, what a beauty!

The fuck someone sings
where you live, right?

We've got elections there.


I said elections.


Elections? And whom do they elect?


I see…

And what should we do now?

Damn, Kocha, what should we do?

The fuck knows what, Hera.
Do what you want.

You're the owner of this treasure now.

I remember Kocha from my childhood.

He was the first soul outside
my family I was aware of.

Later I grew up, and Kocha grew older…

As kids we were captivated by Kocha.

He was a bad example for us.

The progressive youth
of our district had been to his place.

Boys were getting masculinity,
girls were getting experience.

Who's keeping books around here?


Who kept the books?
How is the money situation?

Herych, we've got a shitload of money.


Olha does the bookkeeping.

Who is she? Brother's babe?

She is… an accountant.

Got her number?




I'm Herman from the gas station.

Yura's brother?

You know Yura?

Everybody knows each other around here.

I have to make a call,
but our phone is disconnected…

Kocha says it's because
of the unpaid bills.

If Kocha says it's unpaid bills,
it's unpaid bills.

So, may I?

Well, why not…


Why aren't you at school?


Are you going back soon?

Do you want me to stay?

Why would I want that?

Isn't it scary around here?

Get lost, or I'll set my dog on you.

Did you make that call?

I'll go tomorrow…

I want to meet the bookkeeper,
but today is her day off.

Shura "Trauma" was a living legend.

The best striker
in our history of physical culture.

In the late nineties we even
played for the same team…

Who is that girl living at the tower?

Katya. Keep away from her.

Nice girl… So modest.

Does she work there?

Her father does. She brings him lunch.

When he got retired from sports,
it traumatized him, psychologically.

Shura became angry and fat.

In his new life he became
the best mechanic in town.

But he didn't want to work for a boss.

Only my brother managed
to cooperate with him.


What's your job?

I'm a… an independent expert.

What do you do?


Got it.

You know, Herman…

I don't believe you.

You will betray us.

You don't need this shit.

And Kocha…

He doesn't fucking need it as well.

You don't even know what your job is!

Your brother, Yurka, he was different.

So why did he leave?

- What's the difference?
- A big difference, Shura.

Who were those guys in a jeep?

Are you afraid?

Why would I be?

You are afraid… It's clear.

Kocha is afraid of them.
Everyone is afraid of them.

Fine, I understand.


What is it?

I'm not afraid.

But you have your life, and I have mine.

Fine, I understand.


Take this.

You know what…


There are no planes flying over you.

Planes… yeah.

They don't fly.

We have satellites instead.

No way!

I can't sleep,
so at night I watch them all the time.

You just can't see them now.

I bought some sleeping pills.

But they are useless.

During daytime they work.
But at night… no fucking effect.

It's weird.

Maybe it's for cockroaches?

They said it's straight from France.

It has hieroglyphs written all over.


You know…

Maybe it's from their colonies?

Well, let me try.


Take five at once.

Just one pill never works.

Looks like it's time for me
to say goodbye to the East Coast

And go to California to my homies

I'll be in Silicon Valley writing in C++

And smoking marijuana on the terrace

Every day the sun shines brighter

Over native New York skyscrapers

Soup with some hair

Hey, Kocha!


Looks like they don't work.

Here, take a couple more.

- Nah…
- What?

Should we take them with alcohol?

No. It's no use.

I've tried taking them with wine.



Your piss turns red afterwards.

There is no such money
that cannot be spent


Do you see that?


Do you see that?




What are you looking at?

The mannequin.

Olha, do you have a few minutes?

Well, I have an hour, more or less.

Want to ask about your brother?


I see.

Let's go.


Have a nice day!

How long haven't you seen your brother?

- Half a year.
- Oh!

Do you know where he is?

No. I don't. Do you?

I don't know either.

Was there something between you?

Well, of course.

I'm his accountant.

Ever rode a scooter?


Do you know where to put your hands?

Do you have gin and tonic?

- No.
- So what do you have?

Do you have port?

- We do.
- Port?

Well, let's go crazy.

So, what have you decided?


What are you going to do next?

I don't know.

Do you know that the place
is registered to me?

I do.

So what should I do now?

No idea.

If I don't do anything,
will I get into trouble?

You will.

Have you tried to reach your brother?

I did. He won't pick up the phone.

Kocha says he's in Amsterdam.

Not Kocha again…

Is the gas station profitable at all?

Not too much, to be honest.

It makes some profit, enough to live
and pay the bills,

but not enough
to open another gas station.

Did my brother want to sell it?

- He didn't.
- Did he get offers though?

- Yes, he did.
- Who?

There is a gang around here… This guy…



Marlen Vladlenovich.

He's in the corn business.

But he also owns
a chain of gas stations here.

He's buying everything up.

He offered Yura fifty grand.

Fifty grand,

for what?

For the place.

But Yura didn't sell it?

He didn't.

Would you sell it?

I don't know.

Well, I do.

You would.

- What makes you think so?
- Well, I can see.

You're a pussy.

Why do you keep staring at my boobs?

Well, hide them.

By the way, they asked…

to set up a meeting with you.

They might give you sixty grand.

Check, please!

Hey, cut the corniness.

Hello! Nikolay Nikolayevich…
Yes, good afternoon.

Where shall we meet?

Herman Serhiyovych?

Good afternoon.

Well, hello there.

Nikolay Nikolayevich.

Excuse me, I'm late.

It's okay. No worries.

I'm not worried.

I'm just looking whether it is really you?

It's me.

I can see that.


Herman Serhiyovych…

Let's go for a ride.

As they say, welcome to the fatherland.

Let's go?

Let's go.

Shut the door.

Shut the door.

Is someone on our heels?

Nah. Kolya takes a shortcut.

He saves gas.

Now… we'll find
a beautiful spot to stop and talk.

How do you like our town?

I missed my homeland.

Yeah. I don't remember who said that…

"The Land of Plenty."

How long are you going to stay with us?

I don't know, I'll see.

My brother has left, you know that.

Yeah, yeah. I know.

We used to have an excellent partnership.

I hope we'll also find a way to cooperate.

I'm not a troublemaker.
Everything's possible.


We had an unfinished business.

Olha Mykhaylivna…

She's probably told you, right?

Your brother wanted
to sell me his business.

She mentioned that briefly.

Right. We didn't have time
to settle some details.

Well, once he's back, you'll settle it.

But when will he be back?

I don't know. Soon.

What if he won't?

What do you mean, he won't?

You understand me perfectly well.

If he happens not to come back.

Nikolay Nikolaevich…

I beg your pardon,

but I won't sell anything
without my brother.


I understand,

you can't just jump right into it.

But I'll wait.

Give it a thought.

- I did.
- No.

You didn't understand me,
give it a better thought.

You will share the money
with your brother.

Think about it.

I certainly will.


I swear.

That's great, eh?


Herman Serhiyovych, let's go.



- What's up?
- I'm ready!

Oh boy!

Come on.

Oh, fuck!

Herman Serhiyovych…

I'm happy we found common ground,
as they say.

Have a good day.


Did they beat you?

We just talked. They gave me a lift.

Your new pals?

That's right.
They want to buy the gas station.

We know that, Herman.

Do you?


So why didn't you tell me?

You never asked.

Come on, Herman, get between the goalpost.

I'm too old for this shit.

Well, did you forget how to kick?

So what did you decide?

Fifty grand for this junkyard
is a fair price.

A fair price?

A fair price?!

I think it is.


It's easier to just sell
the fuck out of it, right?



Or perhaps not.

So what did you decide?

Evening train to Kharkiv. A couchette car.

I could have given up

and ran away to Amsterdam too.

Worst of all, my brother said nothing.

A few days ago,
I was an independent expert

who fought against the enemies
of democracy.

And here I am,
sitting on a piece of real estate,

and I have to do something,

since my brother isn't here

and there is no one to forge my signature.


What are you doing here?

What about you?

I was looking for you.

Sure, nice try.


So what are you doing here?

I'm looking for Pakhmutova.


Pakhmutova, a German shepherd.

She likes to wander around.

Dogs are smart, she will find her way.

She's old and sclerotic.

Well, keep her on a leash.

What if I put you on a leash?




Come here.

Hide me, my shirt is bright.

- They can notice me.
- Who?

Crop dusters.

Is this their aviation?

Yes. If they see us,
we will be in trouble.

This was nice.

Get down!

You're so sweaty.

It's too hot.

Your dungarees are so inconvenient.



That's it. Enough. Enough!

Wait, where are you going?


We're leaving.

Why are you so scared of them?

I'm not scared. I know them.

What are you doing in the evening?

I'm doing my homework.

In the morning too!


Take a rest.

- Hi Lorik.
- Hi.

Are you drinking?

I am.

What are you drinking?


How do you like it?

It's shitty.


Then I'll have some, too.

Lora, give me a glass!

You know what I think about all of this?

Blessed are the people
who don't divide their neighbors

into saints and sinners.

Dividing neighbors into saints and sinners

is the right that belongs
only to the son of God.

And we have nothing to do with it.

I want to say…

that we have…

absolutely no…

fucking business being here.

Do you agree?

I agree.

Dividing neighbors
into saints and sinners…

means to doubt…

the work of God.

Do you doubt the work of God?


Neither do I. What is doubt anyway?

It's weakness…

it's despair…

it's something that
eats you from the inside.

This is exactly what they're after.

This is exactly…

what they want.

In terms of theology…

every sinful soul…
profits from controlling your balls.

I mean, it's a fucking nasty scam.

That's why you should never…

You hear me? Never…

give in to the temptation…

of judging thy neighbor!

You have to hold on to him,
you have to trust him.

You can't leave your people behind.

It isn't kosher.

So who are you?

Just call me Father.

Who is this?

Herman Sergeevich.

They came for me. Friends.

You have to ditch friends like these.

This is exactly what I will do.

Nikolay Nikolaich.

Do you…

have doubts about the work of God?



The work of God.


I don't.

I don't either.

Well… Shall we?

The door.

Fuck you.




Herman, you know…

I'm a businessman.

I'm used to deal with lots of partners.

But I hate to deal with such…


- Nickolaich.
- Kolya, fuck off.

So I really hate to deal with such…

Ignorant ones.

One moment…

Sit still.

But I'm going to vomit.


Sorry for interrupting.

I'll continue…

You know, Herman…

One moment…

Herman, I'm a businessman…

And I've dealt with…

Herman, you will fucking sign this…

The sky at night looks like dark fields.

The air is like black soil,
filled with movement…

If you pick the right place,
it is possible to experience it all

at once: roots interweaving,
rivers flowing,

ocean filling up,
planets flying over the sky,

the living moving on the earth…

and the dead moving on the other side.


Hera, wake up!

Wake up!


Do you have a lot of work today?

A lot, actually.

But right now I'm having a break.

Let's go swimming.

Are you ready to process some information?

I don't think so.

The thing is…
they don't want to buy your business.

Looks like I was convincing last night.

They just want… to take it.

To grab it.

But there should be a law…

It's not that simple, Hera.

Turn around, I forgot my swimming suit.

Be so kind.

You may look now!


We need a copy of the protocol

of the gasoline storage labor meeting.

The gas station used to belong to them.

Yura didn't take care about the paperwork.

I see, so what should I do now?

I am… your accountant.

I know what to do.

You're not just an accountant, Olya…


You're a family accountant.

Please don't.

Hnat Yuriyovych… is the former director
of the gasoline storage.

If he changes the date of the protocol…

Would he agree to that?

Most certainly not.

But we should try.


We should get going right away.

Really, right now?

You're pissing me off.


I'm not going to change anything,

my dear friends.

Hnat Yuriyovych, but this is for me.

No way!

But I need it.

He needs that.

We both need it,

as well as the other people of good will.

Hey, grandson…

Just tell me…

Why should I help you?

Who am I to you? A relative?
A father in law? A brother?

I am a retired man,
under the republic's jurisdiction!

I'm a member of the party…

Keep listening! Listen! Since 1952!

Look at you…

Change the protocol?
Who the fuck do you think I am?!

Can I have some?

You see, Hnat Yuriyovych…

Indeed, I'm new in this business.

Just three days in.

Basically, I can't even
say whether I like it.

If this was only about me,

I'd drop everything to return to my job.

And I've got a fantastic, creative job!

Who are you?

I'm an expert.

An independent expert.

I know, you probably don't like me,

I'm a bad businessman and a no-name.

And I don't deserve
such a good accountant.

But this is important…

I don't fully comprehend what it means,

but I feel that I can't just
drop it and leave.

All right, all right. Well said.

Well said. Well done.

All right, grandson…



help you.

Hnat Yuriyovych…

But on one condition.


will play skrakli with me.



A favorite game of Dr. Pavlov

and Count Leo Tolstoy.

No, no, no!

Like this!

- All right, all right.
- Voila!

We play three figures.

First out - you're a champ.

You lose - the tax office comes after you.

Would you give me some leeway?

No leeway today.


Figure number two.

A well.

Tolstoy! Hurry up!

The second figure is ready!

Stay focused, give it some thought.

This is not a chess game.



The third figure is ready!

Stay calm. I repeat.


You will just leave?

Did I lose? I did…

What do you have there?


- You just wear them?
- No, they work.

Give them to me.

What's wrong with you, grandson?

Why do you give away
your property so easily?

But you asked.

What if I ask you for a blow job?

- Would you?
- Of course I wouldn't.

You sound

rather hesitant.

Grandson, the things that belong to you,

you have to fight for them.

You have to protect your things.

Not just give them away.

Otherwise you won't have

any business,

or headphones,

or a woman.

You get it?



Where are your…


Right here.

Who drew that?

The kids.

Looks like cave art.

When I was teaching here…

they only cared about smoking

and did nothing else.

Do you want me to describe
one of these pictures in German?

Are you a pervert?


While we touch each other…

We're not crossing the line.

What line?

The red one.

Let everything stay in place.

But if we start French kissing…

everything will disappear.

Get it?


Go to sleep.

And you?

Me too.

Did you call the police?

We did.

But what's the use of the police?

Everyone knows who did this.

Just try to fucking prove it.

What should we do now?

What should we do now…

Close the gas station down and leave.

Why the fuck should we do that?

Why the fuck, you say?

Hera, they will fucking burn us alive!

Along with the fucking gas station…

They almost killed Pertovych

who's been working
around here for 20 years.

So what does that mean?

Don't you get it?

What if we don't close it down?

We can do that.

You think we're afraid?

We don't give a fuck.

But you're going to leave anyway…

While Kocha and I are fried at night.

What makes you think I'm leaving?

Your biography.

What do you know about my biography?

Herman, what are you trying to sell us?

You'll always have a place to go,
but what about Kocha and me?

Shura, well, let's try this…

I'm not leaving, and we're staying open.

- Not leaving?
- I'm not.

I don't know about that…

So what do we do with the gas station?

What do we do…

We keep watch.

And what about the gas truck?

We have no gas.

We have no dough.

The fuck they'll compensate
for this piece of shit.

Let's trust the work of God.

Trauma valued two things in life the most:

social justice and chicks.

There was no justice…

But chicks loved him
for some mysterious reason.

Maybe for his kind heart
or his seriousness,

or maybe for his lack of fear.

Oh wow!

Look who the fuck showed up!


didn't you save
that suit for your funeral?

Did you fall in love or what?

A real cowboy ranger!

Where are you heading, Shura?

Not your damn business, Kocha.

Just don't fall asleep.

I'm not sleeping at night, you know that!

Besides, I don't wanna be fried alive.


Don't overload the vehicle!

I think we'll see a small Trauma soon.

Where is Kocha?

How should I know?

Did you have a good shift?

Why are you here so early?

I didn't sleep all night.

Did you worry?

It's not that.

I was with a woman.

Early in the morning
I decided to take a look,

so that these assholes
didn't burn the whole place.

I told the woman to go away

and swore until she left.

Because of you, Herman.

Try to ask me, why the fuck?

I won't tell you.

All right, time to wake up.

Wake up, wake up.


Take it! Come on, come on.

Is that you?



Yes, I understand.

Get up and get ready. Kocha's mother died.

We have to bring him the suit.

Hurry up. Where is his suit?

Poor Mom…

For how many years did I say:
Mother, consider your age…

She never listened to me.

Just think about it:
she never left her bar before midnight.

Was she working in a bar?

Working in a bar?

Buddy, we don't do things
like that around here.

We usually take care of our parents.

They don't work, get real.

…solemnly gathered,

…everyone's gathered,
like at a polling station…

and we will praise Jesus…



I'm sorry for your mother.

God bless you.

That's auntie Masha.

My mother-in-law.


- Tolyashka…
- Oh, Kocha…


I'm so sorry.

The Lord holds you in His hands,
so listen to the vibrations…

- What is this?
- …of his burning heart.

A sermon.

He downloads it from the Internet.

Are they Catholics?


Smugglers also need God.

And don't 't lead us to the wrong place

on the way to our Heavenly Father.

When you stand before
our Lord in a new suit…

Which canon does he follow?

None. He makes up his own.

Warm feet and peace in the soul.
That sums it up.

…and you will fall into his sweet arms
with golden rings…

Who's that guy with the eye?


Love justifies all the mistakes
and all the efforts.

The economy is built not on force,

but on justice.

The economy is built not on force,

but on justice.

Very true.

So, Nikolayich,
why do you contradict the word of God?

Neither shalt thou desire his wife,

nor his horse, nor his ass.

Nor his donkey, Nikolayich.
You understand?

Arson is a great sin.

And I see you're a real believer.

It's all in Marlen Vladlenovich's hands.

I'm just a little man.

He's everywhere.

Open up your heart for him,

hear his speech and fulfill his will.



You may start.

Prokhor, Arkasha, come on.


Hera! Buddy, come over!

Come here!

We'll see now.

I'm telling you, Tolya, he's a great guy.

Hera, do we need gas?

Of course.

Hush, hush, hush.



If you need it, we can make
a deal at the border tonight.

- Do you need it?
- We do.

You do. That's cool.

Kocha's friend is our friend.

That's right.
You're coming with me, right?

We'll join the wake later.

See ya.

Can you handle manual transmission?

- Sure.
- Get in.

We'll continue by foot.

What is this?

The border.

State border.

Hey bro, our guys are here.


I'll go alone. You stay here.

I'll go and do the talking.

Maybe I should go with you?

No, no, bro.

Strangers are not allowed in here.

I will arrange the deal,

and come back smelling of booze.

Hide somewhere here.

Hey, friend!

Who are you?

Well, I'm…

How did you get in here?

From another carriage.

I picked the wrong train.

What fucking wrong train?

This is a special train, pal.

What are you doing here?

I got on a train.

Then the train started moving.

It was late to jump down, and…

And I wanted to ask…

What is the final destination.

What did he say?

He said he took a wrong train.

Wants to know the final destination.

Are you drunk?


I'm just looking for fun and adventures.

It's fine.

You can go.

Take a seat.

What's your name?


Last name?



Do you need anything from me?

And who are you?


Everybody needs something from me.

I need nothing.

Are you a local?


You probably sleep well, don't you?

Yes, it's good to sleep at home.

It's okay.


And I don't sleep well.

I don't like this region.

Do you want a drink?

Why not.

I have no time to refill the minibar.

I drink whatever there is.

I have a lot of work to do.

Do many people take this train?

Speak Russian.

Who else takes this train?

Why are you asking?

For no reason.

No reason…

Only me. And my bodyguards.

This is my train.

I'm traveling to check on the objects.

A private train,
like Trotsky used to have.

You know our history?


Let's take a ride?

Actually, I have to get out.

No stops till morning.

I have to go home.

I have a business there.

A business?

Sure, you don't need anything from me?

I'm sure, I'm sure.

I can help.


You locals are weird people.

Hard to reach an agreement
with you, or to settle things.

You ask for help, you want a meeting.

Yet when I come and offer help,
you refuse…

You say, "There's no need,

we'll sort things out on our own."


you hold on to this land.

You're convinced that it is
important to stay here.

No compromises.

You cling to this emptiness.

But you came here for something, too.

What for?

When it's so bad around here….

You underestimate the power of capital.

You think
that growing up here automatically

grants you the right to stay?

Doesn't it?

You need to know how to compromise

and get something in return.

What if you don't offer any choice?

Oh I do, I do.

Do you think
I like to leave corpses behind?

But what should I do with you?

You hold on to your past like dead people.

What is it?


It's lamb.

And what do we do with it?

Couldn't you get some normal meat?


The only animal around here.

Fine. Then cook it yourself.

Marlen Vladlenovich, I don't know how.


Are you an idiot?

Get out.

Give it to me.

Finish it off.

You don't dare?

I don't.

So how are you going to have breakfast?

I'm not going to have breakfast with you.


You will lose everything

because you are pussies.

Stop the train.

Wipe the blood. It doesn't look nice.

Tolyan got killed.

Here is only native land

and some agricultural building.

We had to turn right somewhere,

to the east.

There's someone there.

Dogs, perhaps?


What's up guys? I'm a priest.

Tell this to the agronomist.

How's Hryhoriy Ivanovych?

Fucking bad.

Hryhoriy Ivanovych,

we found them in the field.

They say they're from a church,
the Shtundists.

But we don't trust them.

Hryhoriy Ivanovych!

We have to finish off these Shtundists.

No fucking way.

Take them to the barn,
maybe they'll tell us something.

What can they tell?

Hryhoriy Ivanovych, we have to decide.

We have to finish them off or else.

It's better to finish them, for sure.

Someone will start looking for them,
and they'll find us.

What's wrong with him?

He feels shitty.

Your Shtundists got him
at the border yesterday.

They knocked him in the jaw with a rifle.

What's up with you?

I want to help the man.

Humans do not fully comprehend

the abilities of their bodies.

That's why we misunderstand our body

and any trouble turns into
a terrible catastrophe.

And most important…

we lose…

the peace of mind.

Whereas, our body…


the essence and the instrument…

in the hands of God!

And by using us

like a huge accordion,

God makes us sound amazingly…

by pressing…



You okay?

You go guys, I'll catch up.


What I wanted to tell you…

So all of you deal with agriculture…

I wonder where is that pastor…

He's been with us for a while.

Even though he's a stranger.

If these cannibals didn't eat him by now,

they're not going to.

Who is he anyway?

A former addict.

He was in a madhouse.

Came to us for help. So we helped him.

He stayed with us, out of gratitude.

So how did you help him?

You need help yourself.


This is how we helped him.

They're coming.

Now drive straight, then turn right.

Then head west without turning.

Where have you been?

They killed her.


Over there…

I will definitely leave.

- What are you looking for?
- Cigarettes.

And where will you go?

To Odesa. To the sea.

And what will you do there?

I'll get into a university.

What do you want to be?

A prostitute.

Why do you ask dumb questions?

And when are you going to leave?


But what are you going to do here?

I'll open a barbecue joint.

A normal business, in my opinion.

Stay if you want, we'll get married.

You're so stupid.

Hi, where's Hera? Is he in there?

I brought you some food.

They hung her dog.

That's horrible.

It doesn't matter…
that you forgot Hnat's papers.

We don't need them anymore.

They found a better document.

The gas station
will be dismantled tomorrow at 11 a.m.

Give me back my glasses.

Don't get up.

The dog bit you, eh?

You amaze me!

Olya, wait.

Get out! What are you waiting for?

They don't have a legal document.

They're bluffing.

You think so?

I like to think so.

What are strangers doing on the property?


Turn it off.

What are strangers doing on the property?

I have no idea.

Notify them about the court's ruling.

The stamp is blurry.

The signature isn't clear.

And it doesn't say anything

about giving the station away

or the necessity to drive

your tractors on our property.

I don't understand shit.

Look the at demands of the public works.

We don't give a shit
about the public works.


- Really.
- Sasha, for fuck's sake…

What's the point in talking shit now?

Shut your mouth.


You're a serious man
and have to understand.

If you don't let us in, we'll bring
the tractor and start dismantling.

You've got the papers.

You're a serious man, too.

You know perfectly well
what kind of papers these are.

- This is raiding.
- Sasha, for fuck's sake…

What fucking raiding
are you talking about?

So you refuse to leave the property?

I ain't shitting you.

Well, fine.

I'll have to call Marlen Vladlenovich.

Call him, Kolya.

I'm not calling him.

What do you mean?

We have a one-way connection.

I can't just make a call.

In 40 minutes he will call me.

- You suggest waiting for 40 minutes?
- Yes, and you?

Who is he?

Their lawyer, from Donetsk.

What a crooked lawyer.

The lawyer is fine.

I'm more worried about this faggot.

Yes, he's here… Here he is.

Yes, Marlen Vladlenovich.

Yes, I'm here.

They don't want to.

They put on a show, Marlen Vladlenovich.

They say they have the rights.

Of course, Marlen Vladlenovich,
we will do everything.

Fuck it all up.

Got it.

Excuse me.

What is it?

Here's the thing.

We warned you.

We'll start now. Start the engine.

Here is the real trouble.

Start the engine!

Why are you standing there?

Come over with the shovels!

Move, move, move!

Unload the truck!

Drive it over here!

- Prokhor?
- Huh?

Can you believe this shit?
Look what they gave us.

The stamp is blurry.

The signature isn't clear.

They thought we're idiots.

Start the dismantling.

Start the engine!

Kolya! Start the engine!

Kolya, start the engine!

Can't you see? They won't do it.


What do you mean, they won't do it?

- They would.
- This is what I mean.

Get out of here.

We'll deal here on our own.

We don't need any lawyers.

Do something, motherfucker.

Why are you standing there, huh?!

Did you piss your pants?

Come closer!

- Come closer!
- To be honest, the stamp was fine.

The signature was a fraud.

- But the stamp was fine.
- No way!

The stamp was shit.

But the signature was fine.
Really good-looking.

The fuck it's good-looking?!

- A good-looking signature!
- You pussies.

That signature is fucked up!

Damn, the stamp's fucked up,
do you understand?

The signature is false!

Hey you, moron!

Can't you get it?

You are an idiot!

Go fuck yourself!

- Don't you understand?
- Come on!

Come on!

That's it.

Now you're all fucked.

I wanted to do it peacefully,

but now you're fucked.

Go hang yourself, bitch.

Let's go! Get in the cars!

Do you think they'll come back?

Who the fuck cares? Let them come back.

What can they do?

They can try to buy you.

But only if you're on the market.

Am I right?


Kolya, who are you working for?

Shura, come on, you know it.
Guys, come on.

This bitch brought us here!

I didn't know this is your property.

You knew it! Just mind your company.

Come on guys, relax.

- Fine, don't weep.
- Sorry. Let's go…

Would you have some water?

Get out of the tractor.

- Don't make a fool of yourself.
- Don't come here!

Don't come closer.

Put away your gun,
I just want to help you.

Don't come closer.

Hey, you faggot!

Drop your fucking gun!


What happened?

It's nothing,

I fell off the scooter.

I will be okay before the wedding day.

When is the funeral?


Well, that's it. You may go.

I'll wait until you fall asleep.

All of you work in agriculture.

So you're men of faith, right?

Are you baptized?

That's it. Then you must remember

the legend of the prophet Daniel.

Don't you remember?

I'll remind you.

It happened so that the prophet Daniel

ended up in a pit full of lions,

huge and angry.

And very bloodthirsty.

There was nothing left to do,

but to fall to his knees…

and seek the Lord:

"Oh Lord," said Daniel…

"These lions that growl at me

in malice and anger,

are they so bloodthirsty

and furious because
of their own free will?

Didn't Thou put this grief

and anger into their hearts?

So whom may I ask for my salvation?

Whom shall I address the words

of gratitude and responsibility?"

And do you know what happened?

Fuck, guys, they heard him.

Do you understand what I'm talking about?

The most important thing, my friends…

You have to pray in time.

Do you know why the lions
didn't touch him?

Because he was breathing fire,

and they thought it was a sign of God

and were afraid to touch him.